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  1. 351

    Unknown typeT-S AS 179.73

    Unidentified document in Arabic script. Probably Ottoman-era. Needs examination.

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  2. 352

    State documentT-S AS 176.216

    Fragment of an official report, or perhaps a legal document with particularly wide line spacing. Sparse on details but is describing some situation involving a …

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  3. 353

    LetterT-S AS 148.201

    Probably a letter. Small fragment. Contains praises for somebody called "the Nasi of the generation" (nasi ha-dor). The same phrase is used for David b. …

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  4. 354

    Legal documentT-S 6J1.21

    Legal query regarding whether a man who has an emission of semen is permitted to come near his wife and in the morning recite the …


    1. מא תקול הדרת אדוננו ירום הודו פי אנסאן שכבת
    2. זרע וחדהא אמא שכבת זרע וקרי
    3. הל יגוז ללאנסאן ידנו מן זוגתה ויצבח יצלי או יגוז
    4. . . .] . . אן ידנו מן…

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  5. 355

    Literary textENA 2692.30

    Medical treatise in Judaeo-Arabic.

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  6. 356

    LetterT-S 13J35.12

    Letter from Sahlān b. Avraham to a Ḥaver. Dating: ca. 1035. Mentions Abū l-Ḥasan ʿAllūn. (Information from Gil, Palestine, vol. 2 p. 622-623, #339). Goitein …

    1. אלכמסה פקא [
    2. ואפיה בלא נקץ [
    3. שהאדאתנא וקד ע[לם?
    4. אלה צחה קולי פאן אמרני מו[לאי
    5. פעלת וקד כתבת אלי חצרה גאון [
    6. אעלמת מולאי אלחבר שצ דלך ל[א
    7. מוכלא לאבו …

    2 Transcriptions 1 Discussion


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  7. 357

    List or tableT-S Ar.34.264

    Business accounts in Arabic script and eastern Arabic numerals. Probably late.

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  8. 358

    Legal documentMoss. VII,37.1

    Legal document concerning the appointment by the court of an agent for orphans, who will collect what is due them from their mother when they …

    1. אן . . . . א וראינא תאכיר דלך וראו איצא עמומתהם דלך ורציו בה ורגענא
    2. . . . ] . וכם אלא מא קאלת אלאבא ועלמתנא והו קולהם פי אלפקה מאן דמיחייבי
    3. שב]ועה ל…

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  9. 359

    Legal documentENA 3975.6

    Deed of lease. Lessee: Tamīm b. Yaʿqūb b. Yūsuf al-Yahūdī who lives in Sūq al-ʿAṭṭārīn. Lessor: the former agent/administrator of the properties of the Qodesh …

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  10. 360

    LetterT-S AS 129.66

    Piyyuṭ in Hebrew; an opening formula of letters in Aramaic; exercises in Arabic. (Information from CUDL)

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  11. 361

    List or tableT-S AS 179.269

    Account in Arabic script. Written on unusually white paper.

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  12. 362

    Legal documentT-S Ar.35.395

    Fragment from a Babylonian ketubah. No further information is available. AA

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  13. 363

    LetterT-S AS 209.324

    Fragment of a letter in Judaeo-Arabic, with one line of the address on verso. Very fragmentary: "...and may he open his eyes... from the blindness... …

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  14. 364

    Unknown typeENA NS 76.446

    Newly treated and encapsulated, must be examined

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  15. 365

    List or tableJRL Gaster ar. 670

    Accounts, probably. In Arabic script.

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    • 1 / 1 leaf, recto
    • 1 / 1 leaf, verso
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  16. 366

    Legal documentT-S 12.649

    Ketubba fragment. In the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe. This portion contains only part of the trousseau list.

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  17. 367

    Unknown typeENA NS 85.1111.2

    Newly treated and encapsulated, must be examined

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  18. 368

    Legal documentT-S Ar.54.49

    Declaration about five generations of males and females related by ramified family connections. Dated to the 13th century. (Information from Mediterranean Society, III, p. 286)

    1. א]בו אלסרור לה תלת אולאד אוהלם(!) אבו נצר ואלתאני אבו סעד
    2. אלעזר סע . .
    3. ואלתאלת ברכאת ואולאד אבו סעד סתה אולהם מעאני
    4. ואלתאני אבו אלעלא אלתלמיד ואלתאל…

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  19. 369

    Legal documentENA 972.10

    Bill of divorce from a betrothal (erusin). Very faded. No signatures. Dated: Looks like [4]903 AM, which would be 1142/43 CE.

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  20. 370

    LetterT-S Misc.20.202

    Fragment of a letter in Judaeo-Arabic, torn vertically down the middle. It is difficult to extract any information from what remains. Ends אن شا الله …

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  21. 371

    LetterT-S K25.240.21

    Recto: Letter probably addressed to Avraham Maimonides. In Judaeo-Arabic. Wide space between the lines. Concerning an orphan, when he reaches puberty, a will, and a …

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  22. 372

    Legal documentENA NS 72.18

    Bill of sale for a slave. Abū al-[Man]ṣūr al-Kohen purchases a female slave named Ṭ[...] for the price of 25 dinars.

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    • 2
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  23. 373

    List or tableT-S NS 298.33

    Book list written by Yosef Rosh Haseder. See Alloni, The Jewish Library, no. 100 (the shelf mark given there is TS NS 298.3, and should …

    1 Transcription 1 Translation 1 Discussion


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  24. 374

    List or tableBodl. MS heb. c 56/4 + Bodl. MS heb. c 56/5

    Arabic accounts.

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    • 4 recto
    • 4 verso
    • 5 recto
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  25. 375

    Legal documentT-S 8.117

    Part of a ketubba for Shelomo (groom), in the hand of Yefet b. David b. Shekhanya (1014-57 CE). (Information from CUDL)

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  26. 376

    Legal documentT-S NS J48

    Bill of divorce (geṭ). Location: Fustat. Dated: Sunday, 7 Ḥeshvan 1445 Seleucid, which is 1133 CE. Written and signed by Ḥalfon b. Menashshe. Also signed …

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  27. 377

    LetterT-S 6J10.3

    Fragment from a letter with a lengthy Hebrew introduction. Little of the original substance of the message is preserved. Mentions a 'khidma' (service) and מלאכת …

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  28. 378

    Unknown typeENA NS 85.248.1

    Newly treated and encapsulated, must be examined

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  29. 379

    Legal documentT-S 12.486

    Recto: Very faded document, appears to be a fragment of a late ketubba. Verso: Calligraphic biblical text in two columns.

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  30. 380

    Legal documentJRL SERIES B 5573

    Legal fragment. In Judaeo-Arabic. Involves Sitt al-Kull.

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    • 1 / 1 leaf, recto
    • 1 / 1 leaf, verso
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  31. 381

    List or tableJRL Series L 59

    Late accounts.

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    • 1 / 1 leaf, recto
    • 1 / 1 leaf, verso
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  32. 382

    Unknown typeJRL SERIES B 5345

    Unidentified text in Judaeo-Arabic. Could be literary (e.g. tafsīr), could be a letter.

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    • 1 / 1 leaf, recto
    • 1 / 1 leaf, verso
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  33. 383

    State documentT-S AS 152.10

    Verso (original use): Fragment of an official-looking letter, potentially a report. The ends of two lines and a couple words from a third line are …

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  34. 384

    LetterT-S 12.190

    Recto: Letter from Yosef al-ʿAdanī al-Mamsawī (i.e., originally from Aden and now a resident of Mamsa, Morocco) to Ḥalfon b. Netanel. In Judaeo-Arabic, with some …

    1. גִדוִ[ל החכמה ו]צִניף הבינה מקור השכל והמזמה החכם המופלא המשנה המעולה [...]
    2. מלוה [יי חונן] ̇ד̇ל וג̇ו חמודות מצרים פאר משפחתו וה[דר] קהלתו בכתם טהור …

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  35. 385

    LetterT-S AS 148.4

    Verso (original use): Letter/petition in Arabic script. Asking the addressee to bring this letter to Tāj al-Dīn and obtain employment for the sender, so that …

    1. ]ـه لقد اود
    2. الموت ولا اثقل على احد فسالتك
    3. بالله اما قريتني(؟) الكتاب واقفني
    4. عليه المولى تاج الدين فلعله اذا قرا
    5. يرحمني ويساعدنا بخدمة اخرى
    6. نستعين به…

    1 Transcription 1 Discussion

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  36. 386

    Legal documentT-S AS 225.64

    Small and damaged fragment from a legal deed. The name Muhasin is preserved.

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  37. 387

    Legal documentT-S 16.45

    Bifolio from a court notebook. Right page: a summons written by Yefet b. David the cantor, summoning Neḥemya b. Avraham to court due to complaints …

    1. חצר פי בית דין הקבוע מפי בית דין הגדול בכניסה
    2. אלשאמיין במצר פי יום אלכמיס לעשרה כלון מן
    3. תמוז מן סנה אלף ותלת מאיה ותלתה וארבעין
    4. למנין שטרות מ אברהם …

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  38. 388

    LetterMoss. IV,72.3

    Verso (original use): Letter from Yefet b. Menashshe to his brother Ḥalfon b. Menashshe. Fragment (lower left corner). Mentions Armenian bole, Abū ʿImrān, Marāzībī tutty, …

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  39. 389

    LetterT-S AS 165.225

    Recto: accounts in Arabic script. Verso: letter fragment in Hebrew, wide space between the lines, elevated register. Addressed to a group of people.

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  40. 390

    LetterT-S AS 130.76 + T-S AS 130.77 + T-S AS 130.78

    Letter referring to finances. (Information from CUDL)

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  41. 391

    Literary textBodl. MS heb. e 76/50

    Poem by Yosef Abitur, sent to the community of Andalusia from the place of his exile.


    1. בשם אל רס[אלה] רבי יוסף בן שטנאש רוח יי' תניחנו לאהל אנדלוס
    2. [א]ם בעת צרה ידי קצרה ולאלהים אקרא ושם היה ייי/י/
    3. עלי . . . אלהים ילוני חיים הנה י…

    1 Transcription


    • 50 recto
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  42. 392

    Unknown typeENA NS 85.1275

    Newly treated and encapsulated, must be examined

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  43. 393

    Literary textMIAC 12

    Religious commentary and exegesis – undated – Bassatine Cemetery – Museum of Islamic Art – (number 12) – in Hebrew. (information from Ḥassanein Muḥammad Rabīʿa, …

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  44. 394

    List or tableT-S AS 219.101

    Recto: Jottings in Arabic script, apparently drafts of phrases from a letter. Verso: A few numbers in Hebrew script (calculations of some kind? calendrical?); a …

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  45. 395

    Legal documentT-S NS 321.58

    Probably a draft of a deed of sale. In the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe? The document contains a very long description of a house. …

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  46. 396

    Unknown typeENA NS 76.414

    Newly treated and encapsulated, must be examined

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  47. 397

    State documentT-S AS 168.236

    Small fragment of a fiscal account, probably.

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  48. 398

    LetterT-S AS 24.371

    Unidentified; possibly a letter. (Information from CUDL)

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  49. 399

    Unknown typeT-S AS 179.127

    Unidentified document in Arabic script. The letters are very elongated.

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  50. 400

    Paraliterary textENA 3982.28

    Islamic prayers/formulae in Arabic script. Not all of the text blocks are easy to read, but at least three begin with "Allāhuma ṣalli ʿalā Muḥammad" …

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