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  1. 34401

    LetterENA NS 46.19

    Letter fragment in Judaeo-Arabic. Little of the content remains. Dating: 12th or 13th century.

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  2. 34402

    LetterT-S 12.395

    Document(s) in Hebrew. Possibly a letter of appeal for charity. Prefaced with biblical verses and ornate praises. On the side that also has Arabic script, …

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  3. 34403

    State documentT-S NS 273.95

    Fatimid state document. Needs examination. Reused by the same Hebrew scribe who reused many Arabic documents from the time of al-Afḍal.

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  4. 34404

    State documentT-S Ar.39.70

    Official correspondence in Arabic script. Petition? Fragment (lower part). The sender's name is likely Bū Bakr b. ʿAntar (right margin). The main request seems to …

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  5. 34405

    LetterT-S AS 171.182

    Small fragment of a letter in Judaeo-Arabic.

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  6. 34406

    LetterENA 2742.5

    Letter from Shemuel Gaon b. Hofni to an unknown Aluf (אלוף). October 1008. Information about copies of two of the Gaon’s books. The person who …


    1. ותהיו לאלפי רבבה ויסתירכם אלהינו בסתר אהלו אלד[
    2. וקד כאן יקירנו נטרח         דכר אן [ 
    3. אן ישיר עליה באן ינפד מא ישתרא [מן אל]ורק וידפע אלבאקי א…

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    • 1
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  7. 34407

    Unknown typeENA NS 85.324

    Newly treated and encapsulated, must be examined

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  8. 34408

    List or tableT-S AS 85.122

    Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic written in the margins of recto and on verso of a page of Rashi’s Talmud commentary (Ḥullin 118a–b). The commentary looks like …

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  9. 34409

    State documentT-S 13J7.14

    Petition, fragment, in Arabic script. The sender says that he (or less likely someone else) is unable to provide for himself (a trope of petitions) …

    1. الـ
    2. ثبت الله
    3. يقوت بها في كـ[ـل
    4. القوت وله حيلة
    5. في الدين الذي كان
    6. الامر العالي فيما [
    7. انجز الله لمولانا وعده و[
    8. وقد كتب العبد صفـ[

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  10. 34410

    Legal documentT-S Ar.39.171

    Verso: Hebrew legal document, probably from a draft or formulary. AA

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  11. 34411

    LetterJRL SERIES A 1771

    Small fragment from the top of a late letter to Yosef Ya'betz יוסף יעבץ dated 17 of Nissan (no year preserved). In Judaeo-Arabic and Hebrew. …

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    • 1 / 1 leaf, recto
    • 1 / 1 leaf, verso
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  12. 34412

    LetterT-S AS 69.108

    Recto: fragments of letters in Arabic and Judaeo-Arabic. The latter mentions Fuḍayl al-Naṣrānī and Ibn al-Jamal. Verso: piyyuṭ in Hebrew on the death of Moses, …

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  13. 34413

    LetterT-S 12.212

    Letter mentioning a certain Sibyan and Shemarya b. al-Hanan.

    1. ....................... דכר ....................
    2. ........................שבע ובשביל ...............
    3. ...........................כיון שבא וישבתי .....…

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  14. 34414

    Unknown typeENA NS 76.306

    Newly treated and encapsulated, must be examined

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  15. 34415

    LetterT-S AS 179.61

    Mercantile letter sent from Alexandria to ʿArūs b. Yūsuf. In Arabic script. The lines of Judaeo-Arabic on verso may be jotted accounts in the hand …

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  16. 34416

    List or tableT-S AS 209.166 + T-S AS 209.168

    Modern accounts with a wide variety of names mentioned. Dating: 19th-century based on the paleography and lined paper that was used.

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  17. 34417

    State documentT-S AS 182.51

    Bottom of a formal letter or petition in Arabic script. On verso, torn and reused for a miniature receipt. Needs examination.

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  18. 34418

    LetterT-S 10J11.12

    Letter from Saʿadya b. Avraham, in Ḥevron, to Yeshuʿa b. Yakhin (aka Yeshuʿa b. Thābit), in Fustat. Dating: ca. 1080 CE (Gil) or 1075 CE …


    1. עטרה [ ]
    2. האדיר האציל המהודר המוכתר בכתרי מהללים שלושה הוא
    3. כבוד גדולת קדושת מרנא ורבנא ישועה הירא את יי מרבים
    4. אשר יראתו ידועה וענותו מיודעה ובימ…

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  19. 34419

    Legal documentT-S AS 149.70

    Legal document mentioning a teacher, a sum of dinars and ‘the price of the garden’. The partial names [...] ha-Levi and [... b.] שאטי[..] ) …

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  20. 34420

    State documentT-S 12.491

    State document, decree, in Arabic script. Mentions the year '44, probably [4]44 AH, which would be 1052. The decree seems to be issued in response …


    1. المحل بظاهر الرس(؟) يوم الاثنين لعشر بقين في رجب

    2. سنة اربع واربعين وقد استتب هذين في سلوك

    3. نهج الطاعة والولاء واستبصروا شدي في انخراط

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  21. 34421

    List or tableBodl. MS heb. f 22/19–52

    Bodl. MS heb. f 22/19–52 is a notebook of a notary and bookseller, containing drafts of legal deeds, some of them dated (1155, 1159, 1160, …

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    • 20 recto
    • 20 verso
    • 21 recto
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  22. 34422

    LetterF 1908.44XX

    Letter (or rather three letters) from Mustaʿrib sages, in Safed, to the Nagid Yiṣḥaq Sholal, in Fustat. Dating: 1510 CE, based on the assessment of …

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  23. 34423

    LetterENA 3927.1

    Recto: Letter from Barakāt b. Abū l-Faraj al-Dayyān (=Shelomo b. Eliyyahu) to Abū l-Ḥasan. In Arabic script. Pleading for a loan of 20 dirhams against …

    1. مملوكه بن مملوكه صنيعته بركات بن الديان ابو الفرج

    2. يقبل يدي المولى السيد الاجل المنعم المحسن المتفضل الكريم الشيخ

    3. الجليل الفاضل الاصيل الكبير ال…

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    • recto
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  24. 34424

    List or tableENA 2230.8

    Accounts on verso, with the heading titled "ḥisāb al-awrāq min ....[?]"– perhaps referring to paper production based on the number of times "awrāq" is repeated …

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  25. 34425

    LetterT-S AS 152.10

    Recto with the address on verso (secondary use): Letter from Salmān b. Ibrāhīm to [...] [Yo]sef. In Judaeo-Arabic. Brief letter of recommendation for charity on …

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  26. 34426

    Paraliterary textT-S 16.31

    Verso: Medical list in Arabic script. One of the columns is headed, "[For] ear pains." The material is cloth. (Information from CUDL and Goitein's index …

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  27. 34427

    LetterMoss. IV,1

    Memorandum by Khalfa b. Ishaq b. Menahem from Alexandria, to Nahray b. Nissim, Fustat. Around 1045. Regarding a large deal of beads. The writer addresses …


    1. תדכרה מחבך וואדך כלפה בן יצחק בן מנחם ננ

    2. יאכי וסידי יאבא יחיי נהראי סלמך אללה ואבקאך בעת

    3. אליך עלי ידי סידי אלשיך [א]בי סחק ברהון בן אסחק …

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  28. 34428

    Literary textENA 3982.30

    Medical treatise in Arabic script.

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  29. 34429

    Literary textMoss. III,126.1

    Halakhic text, late.

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  30. 34430

    LetterT-S AS 176.152

    Verso: Unidentified document in Arabic script. Official-looking. Dating: Probably Ayyubid or Mamluk-era. Reused in the margins and on recto for writing exercises.

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  31. 34431

    LetterT-S Ar.39.29

    Recto: Fragment of a letter in Arabic script. Verso: Accounts in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals. Mentions many names. Needs further examination.

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  32. 34432

    Unknown typeENA NS 85.274

    Newly treated and encapsulated, must be examined

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  33. 34433

    Legal documentT-S 16.153 + T-S 8.192

    Ketubba. Bride: Malīka bt. Mukhtār. Groom: Ṣedaqa b. Yeshuʿa. Location: Fustat. Dated: Wednesday, 13 Av 1365 Seleucid = 20 July 1054 CE. Early marriage payment: …

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  34. 34434

    Legal documentT-S NS 225.45

    Minute fragment from a legal deed written by Halfon b. Menashshe Halevi

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  35. 34435

    Legal documentT-S AS 185.363

    Fragment from the top of a ketubba in the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe. Preserving part of the header with blessings for the Nagid

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  36. 34436

    List or tableT-S AS 176.119

    Accounts. Mentioning many names. Dating: Probably 12th or 13th century. Detailed, clearly written, and large—merits further examination.

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  37. 34437

    LetterT-S 8J24.12

    Letter from Asad b. Hilāl to a maker of scales (al-Mawāzīnī) to whom the writer had given a scale on which to affix a hanger, …

    1. על שמך
    2. אלדי אעלמך בה יאכי ואלעזיז עלי וענדי
    3. אטאל אללה בקאך ואדאם עזך
    4. ואלדי תריד עלמה אנני כנת קד דפעת
    5. לך מיזאן לתעמל לה עלאקה
    6. . . . . .] עלי קדרה וד…

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  38. 34438

    LetterT-S NS 225.87

    Letter from a man, in an unknown location, to his son Abū l-[Rabīʿ?] Sulaymān, in Fustat. To be delivered to the shop of Abū Naṣr …

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  39. 34439

    List or tableT-S K11.21

    Accounts in Arabic and Judaeo-Arabic, very well-preserved. Medieval-era.

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  40. 34440

    LetterT-S AS 149.95

    Recto: Document in Arabic script. Verso: Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Only the upper right corner is preserved, containing a few words from the opening and a …

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  41. 34441

    LetterT-S AS 148.7

    Shelomo b. Eliyyahu asks Abu l-Ḥasan to give the (medicinal) syrup that he kindly cooked to the young boy for delivery. (Information from Goitein's index …


    1. אלמולי אלשיך אבו אלחסן שצ ידפע ללצגיר
    2. אלשראב אלדי תפצל אלמולי בטביכה פאן
    3. אלממלוך שאכר לה אבתדא ואנתהא שלמה
    4. עבדו


    1. ...בה אללה שצ

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  42. 34442

    State documentENA 3982.56

    Tax receipt, Fatimid. Dated: 501 (?). Capitation tax in Fustat. Two registration requests, two ʿalāmas. Trigger: ṣaḥḥa. Glyph at the top.

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    • recto
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  43. 34443

    LetterT-S Ar.34.114

    Letter fragment. In Arabic script. Mentions a waraqa that is to be sent.

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  44. 34444

    LetterENA 2744.4

    Lower fragment: Letter fragment from a certain Ṣadoq to an unknown addressee.

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  45. 34445

    LetterT-S AS 152.348

    Small fragment of a letter written mainly in Arabic script with Hebrew interspersed. Probably a letter of appeal for charity (وينعم كجاري عادته بثمن(؟) يحضر(؟) …

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  46. 34446

    Unknown typeENA NS 85.1112

    Newly treated and encapsulated, must be examined

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  47. 34447

    List or tableL-G Ar. I.49

    Four pages of a report of expenditures, written in large Arabic characters and Greek/Coptic numerals, made by the cantor Abū Sahl (likely Abū Sahl Levi, …

    Left column of Image 2, starting six lines down:

    1. غدا 2 طين 4 ما 1 1
    2. بنايين 10 رقاصين 6
    3. وكيل 2 اجره خشبا
    4. اساقيل 16 يوم 8 وجره (!)
    5. سلم 16 يوم 8 الجمله…

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  48. 34448

    Legal documentT-S 8J8.7 + T-S AS 150.120

    Legal document concerning money owed by Avraham ha-Levi to Meshullam (EMS). Likely also a join with T-S 8J4.10. Joins by Oded Zinger.

    1. ] בי דין בתקנתא דדב[
    2. ]נן ולעלם ובביטול כל מודעין ותנאיין [
    3. לשאני דאמור רבנן דמבטלין בהון מודעין ותנאיין וקנינא
    4. מן אברהם ליואה דנן למר משלם דנן על כל…

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  49. 34449

    LetterBodl. MS heb. b 11/19

    Letter from Khalaf b. Yiṣḥaq to Abū ʿImrān Mūsā b. Ṣedaqa Ibn Nufayʿ. In Judaeo-Arabic. The sender sent previous letters with Sālim b. Efrayim, including …

    2 Transcriptions


    • 19 recto
    • 19 verso
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  50. 34450

    Legal documentT-S 8.174

    Fragment of a legal document concerning the ketubba of Karīma and her husband Nadiv. Also mentions a certain Shelomo. In the hand of Natan b. …

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