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  1. 551

    LetterT-S Misc.24.137.4

    Letter on vellum to Ali Abi Sulayman (? this description and transcription belong to a different fragment).

    1. ואנת תדכור לים נכתב כלוף אבן אלאשקר
    2. תלאתין עדל ר גולם אלרמלי
    3. יגי אלא אלמגרב
    4. וענדי שהוד ישהדו
    5. והם באלקירואן ובאלמהדי'ה
    6. סידי אבי אסחאק
    7. אנה עלי מטאלבה …

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  2. 552

    List or tableENA NS 55.1

    Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic.

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  3. 553

    Unknown typeENA NS 76.301

    Arabic script (VMR)

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    • recto
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  4. 554

    Legal documentT-S NS 224.42

    Fragment of a legal document in the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe ha-Levi (1100–38 CE). Involves a supervisor of construction (al-mutawallī lil-ʿimāra); something valued at …

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  5. 555

    LetterCUL Or.1080 J169

    Letter from Natan b. Nahray b. Natan to Nahray b. Nissim.


    1. כתאבי אטאל אללה בקא מולאי אלרייס אלגליל ואדאם תאידה וסלאמתה וסעאדתה

    2. ונעמאה וכבת אעדאה יום ראש חדש ניסאן ואקבאל מועד אלמימון אעאדה

    3. אללה על…

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  6. 556

    Unknown typeT-S AS 152.160

    Recto: late document from Fustat involving the conditions of a purchase, between Ya[...] Provencal and al-Amir Muhammad [... ...]. Also mentions Shemuel b. Moshe Arditi …

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  7. 557

    Legal documentYevr.-Arab. II 1414

    Karaite bill of debt. Dated 5498 Era of creation (1737)

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  8. 558

    Legal documentT-S NS 323.18

    Bill of divorce (get), from Mahalla al-Kabirah. The husband's name is Mu'amar b. Tuviah. The wife [Ma]l[ih]a? d. Ma'ali. Signed by Nissim b. Shiloh (signed …

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  9. 559

    LetterT-S AS 117.229

    Unidentified text in Arabic, probably a letter. Recto: piyyuṭ. (Information from CUDL)

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  10. 560

    Unknown typeENA NS 76.398

    Newly treated and encapsulated, must be examined

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    • recto
    • verso
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  11. 561

    LetterT-S 10J32.4

    Fragment of a copy of a letter by Sherira Gaʾon. (Information from CUDL)

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  12. 562

    LetterT-S AS 202.375

    Extremely faded letter mentioning the Nagid. On verso there is a note about an oath.

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  13. 563

    State documentT-S AS 177.223

    Receipt for the capitation tax of Musāfir b. Yūsuf in Fustat for the year 509. Dated: 2 (or 6?) Dhū l-Ḥijja 509 AH = April …

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  14. 564

    Unknown typeENA NS 85.1167

    Newly treated and encapsulated, must be examined

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    • recto
    • verso
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  15. 565

    Legal documentT-S Ar.39.16

    Power of attorney. In Arabic script. Dating: 11th or 12th century. A woman appoints the Jewish dyer Abū Saʿd b. Nājī b. Bū Naṣr as …


    1. ابو سعد اليهودي بن ناجي بن بو نصر اليهودي الصباغ و حليته

    2. دون الاعتدال رقيق السمــــ[ــــــر]ة واضح الجبــــ[ــــهـــــ]ــــة بها اسارير خفي…


    1. 'Abū Saʿd, the Jew, son of Nājī ibn Bū Naṣr, the Jewish dyer, who has the  following physical features:  
    2. less than average stature, pure brow…

    1 Transcription 1 Translation 1 Discussion

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  16. 566

    Legal documentT-S 12.682

    Deed of release. Dating: ca. 1232 CE, as the same Elʿazar b. Karmī appears in T-S NS 321.79 + T-S 13J4.5 and T-S Misc.25.2. The …

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  17. 567

    List or tableENA 3794.14

    Document in Arabic, perhaps accounts. Medieval era. Requires further examination. Both the recto and verso were reused for a literary text in Hebrew.

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    • verso
    • recto
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  18. 568

    List or tableT-S AS 202.412

    Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic and Greek/Coptic numerals. Dating: probably no earlier than 13th century. Mentions names such as ʿAbd al-Wahhāb and ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz.

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  19. 569

    Legal documentMoss. VII,120.2

    Small fragment of a legal document.

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  20. 570

    LetterT-S NS J301

    Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Probably in the hand of Yefet b. Menashshe. Fragment (lower piece of a long vertical letter). Mentions a qāḍī twice; the government; …

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  21. 571

    LetterT-S AS 183.324

    Recto: Letter fragment in Arabic script. Legible phrases: وقت بالنهار ووقت بالليل . . . ايش كان يعمل لان اليهود . . . ويخرج . …

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  22. 572

    Legal documentYevr.-Arab. II 1400

    Karaite bill of release from 1692

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  23. 573

    List or tableT-S Ar.30.8

    Trousseau list and wedding outfit for a poor woman, perhaps an orphan. The man is also very poor. The list is to be understood thus: …

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  24. 574

    Legal documentYevr. III B 636

    Verso (original use): Ketubba fragment. In the hand of Natan b. Shemuel. Dating: Prior to 1144 CE. Groom: Tamīm b. Yefet ha-Kohen. Witnesses: Ṣemaḥ b. …

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  25. 575

    LetterT-S 8J15.31

    The end of a late letter, signed with elaborate sigla (c. 16th century). (Information from CUDL)

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  26. 576

    State documentMoss. X,98.1-2

    State document, probably a petition or official correspondence. First line - "al-Ṣāliḥī al-khidma li l-majlis". The second line has the word "al-Mamlūk kataba" written in …

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  27. 577

    LetterT-S 12.362

    Letter from Yisrael b. Natan, from Alexandria, to Nahray b. Nissim, Qayrawan. Around 1045. The writer is still in Egypt (before he moved to Byzantium) …


    1. כתאבי יאסידי וריסי אלעזיז עלי אטאל אללה בקאך ואדאם נעמאך מן מצר

    2. לסתה כלון מן שבט ערפך אללה ברכתה ומא יליה מן אלאשהר ען סלאמה

    3. ונעמה ושוק א…

    2 Transcriptions 1 Discussion

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  28. 578

    LetterMoss. IV,25.3

    Part of a letter, addressing Shelomo, the wise and discerning. Verso contains just the name Abū l-Faraj al-Tinnīsī in a different hand and ink. (Information …

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  29. 579

    Paraliterary textT-S 10J7.9 + T-S 10J31.15

    Two folios of a magical text in Judaeo-Arabic. The first page contains three recipes, including one for stopping the flow of tears and one for …

    T-S 10J7.9 - recto

    1. בשמך רח
    2. האדא אלגליאן יערף בגליאן סויד יה/ו/דין ואעלם
    3. רחמך אללה אן סויד הדא שיך אצפר נחיף אלגסם
    4. יאתי אלרגל פי מנאמה עלי הדה אלצפה …

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  30. 580

    LetterT-S 10G5.8 + T-S 20.100

    Copy of a letter from Hayya Gaon to Qayrawan, probably to Ya’aqov b. Nissim. (Part of the same letter is T-S 20.100r). The original letter …


    1. [                          ]ה אכן כן הדבר באמונה ומי כמוהו עיקר שמוצ[אים] 
    2. [               הל]א תכן לבות הוא יבין הלא אלהים יחקר זאת והזכרת 
    3. […

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  31. 581

    LetterENA NS 59.2 + ENA 3764.2

    Letter fragment. In Hebrew. Last two lines only, blessing the addressee's children and the enitre congregation with prosperity. Signed by Yiṣḥaq b. Shemuel ha-Sefaradi.

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  32. 582

    Unknown typeENA NS 78.10

    Newly treated and encapsulated, must be examined

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  33. 583

    Unknown typeJRL Gaster ar. 72

    Pen trials.

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    • 1 / 1 leaf, recto
    • 1 / 1 leaf, verso
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  34. 584

    LetterDK 36.11 + DK 371

    Letter in Hebrew. Needs examination. See folio 26 for the probable dating.

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  35. 585

    LetterT-S 8J40.1

    Letter from Makhlūf b. Mūsā to Abū ʿAlī Yeḥezqel b. Netanʾel Dimyāṭī. Accusing him and Abū Naṣr b. Elishaʿ of conspiring to cheat him out …

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  36. 586

    Unknown typeENA NS 79.19

    Newly treated and encapsulated, must be examined

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  37. 587

    List or tableT-S NS 338.80

    Private account written by Nahray b. Nissim. Around 1065. This account was written as a draft. (Information from Gil, Kingdom, Vol. 2, #298) VMR

    recto, left column

    1. בראה אכיה דינ' וי''ד קיר' ו>' 
    2. פדלך עין ק''ק וס' דינ' וסדס 
    3. אלורק קקי''ו ונצ' ותמן תכון ג' דנא' [ 
    4. פדלך אלעין ואל[ורק 
    5. אלבאקי לך …

    recto, left column

    1. הזיכוי של אחיו, דינר וי"ד קיראטים וחצי; 
    2. סך הכול בזהב, קק"ס דינר ושישית; 
    3. וַרֵק' קקי"ו וחצי ושמינית; סך הכול ג' דינרים…; 
    4. סך הכול…

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  38. 588

    Legal documentT-S AS 151.236

    Fragment of a draft of a legal document in the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe. Refers to a will. Everything is crossed out. (Information in …

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  39. 589

    Literary textT-S Ar. 40.58

    Fragment of an Arabic translation of a Greek ethical treatise of unknown authorship published by A.R. Badawi as “Maqāla fī al-madkhal ilā ʿilm al-akhlāq” in …

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  40. 590

    List or tableT-S NS 297.70

    Accounts in Arabic script. Crossed out with three vertical lines. Mentions Mentions the shop of Abū l-Ḥasan and a sale and money received. There are …

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  41. 591

    Legal documentYevr. II A 1253

    Karaite betrothal deed between Avraham b. Yosef b. Ya'aqov and Esther known as Ohalo d. Yish'aya b. Nahum. Dated 17th Adar I, 5512 Era of …

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  42. 592

    LetterT-S NS J72

    Letter fragment. In Hebrew and Judaeo-Arabic. Opens with grandiose blessings for the addressee. In the margin mentions the arrival of בן חניך.

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  43. 593

    List or tableT-S 12.573

    List of names with sums in two columns written on the reverse side of a deed connected with the sale of a house written in …

    1. סיידנא אל..ן אלמעלם הבה אללה בן אלכאתב
    2. ה ק ל
    3. אלח` הבה אללה אלח' שלמה אלש' אברהים
    4. ה ה ה
    5. אלש' עבדון אלש' סעיד אלמתסוק אלח' מפצל
    6. ל ה ה
    7. אלכ' נצר אללה אל…

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  44. 594

    List or tableT-S NS J246

    List of names from different families, probably a memorial list.

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  45. 595

    Legal documentBodl. MS heb. b 12/8

    Legal document. Abū al-Bahā' al-Kohen Ibn al-Naḥḥāl (“the beekeeper”) undertakes to pay back his nephew Moshe ha-Kohen 66(9)0 silver dirhams, 200 dinars, and 100 irdabb …

    1 Discussion


    • 8 recto
    • 8 verso
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  46. 596

    Legal documentHalper 339 + T-S 20.124

    Lower part of a marriage contract (ketubba). Written and signed by Avraham b. Shabbetay. Groom: Yefet b. Nissim. Bride: Sitt al-Dār bt. Yiṣḥaq. Location: Fustat. …

    1. כניסתה לחופה וא[ש]תיר עלוהי עשרה דינרין דדהבא מאוחרין ואלין מה
    2. דהנעילת עלוהי נדוניא שויא [עש]רין דינרין טאבי מ[ע]ליא(!) והוי כלל כתובתא
    3. דא מהרא ותוס…

    1 Transcription 2 Discussions


    • p. 1
    • p. 2
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  47. 597

    LetterT-S 13J24.23

    Sentimental letter sent by a man to his maternal uncle reporting that he and his wife are well and healthy, but perishing from longing for …

    1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .] ואזכאת חיאתה עלי
    2. . . .] ואלדי מן סלימאן אבן אכתך מסלם עליך
    3. כתיר אלסלאם וסאיל ען חאלך כתיר וגאני
    4. כתאבך וכאן ענדי מתל…

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  48. 598

    Literary textT-S Misc.35.37

    A commentary on poetry, and piyyuṭim, including one by Hayye Gaʾon on the topic of circumcision. F. 1r begins, after a בשמ׳ רחמ׳, ‘A synopsis …

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  49. 599

    Literary textT-S Ar.30.131

    Drafts of piyyutim.

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  50. 600

    List or tableT-S NS J483

    Business accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: 11th or 12th century. The hand may be known.

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