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  1. 601

    Legal documentL-G Glass 40

    Recto: part of a large letter to the courtier Avraham b. Yashar (Abraham b. Sahl Tustari). The writer wishes him recovery from his illness, and …

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  2. 602

    List or tableT-S AS 147.214

    Accounts, mentioning the name Abū Saʿīd and currency. (Information from CUDL)

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  3. 603

    LetterT-S AS 146.153

    Fragment of a letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Mentions 80 dirhams or dinars. In the margin: ‘to/on the house of Khalaf b. Mawhūb’. (Information in part from …

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  4. 604

    LetterT-S NS 98.31

    Recto: calendrical work in Judaeo-Arabic explaining the rules of calendar reckoning. Verso: letter in Judaeo-Arabic with introductory rhymed praises in Hebrew. (Information from CUDL)

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  5. 605

    LetterBL OR 5566B.18

    Letter from Ḥananel (حاننال), it seems in Tyre (recto, l. 3), to an unidentified addressee, in Fustat. In Arabic script. A vertical strip from the …

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  6. 606

    List or tableAIU XII.11

    Arabic writing exercises.

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  7. 607

    List or tableBL OR 10578A.58

    Accounts in Ladino and western Arabic numerals. Dated: 14 Tishrei 556[.], which is the first decade of the 19th century. Small fragment. Mentions a consul.

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  8. 608

    LetterT-S Misc.20.149

    Fragment of a letter, possibly, in the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe ha-Levi (1100–38 CE). Six lines are preserved, with wide line spacing. Explaining that …

    1. שהוד אלמ . . לין חתי אן כתירא מן אלאמלאך ענד[נא
    2. במצר לא יכתב בהא חגג בדיני ישראל בל יכתפא
    3. במא יכתב פי דלך בנימוסי אומות העולם לאן בדלך
    4. תתבת ומעשים ב…

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  9. 609

    Literary textAIU VIII.B.63

    Page from a Judaeo-Arabic medical treatise giving prescriptions.

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  10. 610

    LetterENA 3959.12

    Letter(s) or official document(s) in Arabic script. Narrow space between the lines on one side (this part mentions a fortress/qalʿa), wide space between the lines …

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  11. 611

    LetterENA 2747.13

    Letter from Shemuel Jaryānī to a certain Maʿtūq. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: Late, perhaps 16th or 17th century. Dealing with business. "Nothing sold except for the …

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  12. 612

    LetterT-S AS 210.155

    Fragment of a late Hebrew document, possibly a letter mentioning Salonika (שלנוקי) in the first line. Needs examination.

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  13. 613

    Legal documentJRL Gaster ar. 240

    Legal document in Arabic script. Dated: possibly 659 AH, which would be 1260/61 CE. Needs examination.

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    • 1 / 1 leaf, recto
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  14. 614

    Literary textT-S Ar.30.24

    Hebrew poetry.

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  15. 615

    Literary textT-S 13J36.12

    Recto and verso (secondary use): polemical story in Judaeo-Arabic featuring a discussion between a Jew, Muslim and Christian, possibly set in Baghdad, mentioning viziers. In …

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  16. 616

    Unknown typeENA NS 85.1356.1

    Newly treated and encapsulated, must be examined

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    • recto
    • verso
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  17. 617

    Legal documentYevr. II K 50

    Decorated Karaite ketubah from Cairo. The groom name is Ya'aqov and the bride is Esther known as Mas'uda. Damaged and faded.

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  18. 618

    Credit instrument or private receiptMoss. II,158.3

    Verso: order of payment by Abū Zikrī Kohen for one half raṭl of soap and the same of perfume. Information from CUDL.

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  19. 619

    LetterT-S AS 160.414

    Blessings in Hebrew, with a note on verso in Judaeo-Arabic, mentioning ‘eight days’. (Information from CUDL)

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  20. 620

    Legal documentENA NS 53.20

    Legal document. Deed on mint partnership from 1563, in Cairo, between Yitsḥak d’Molina and Shlomo al-Faranji. Wednesday, Elul 1 5323 AM. Published אברהם דוד, 'יהודים …

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  21. 621

    Paraliterary textT-S NS 312.1

    Recto: Narrative in a mixture of Arabic script and Hebrew script. Unclear how literary it is. FGP says that it is a Karaite work that …

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  22. 622

    Literary textCUL Or.1081 2.75.30

    "The text of the Makherzonutho or Proclamation that a deacon chants prior to the reading of the Gospel. . . [from] the Book of Anaphora, …

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  23. 623

    Credit instrument or private receiptT-S AS 146.393

    Recto: order of payment or receipt for a payment of 32 dinars to Abū l-Makārim. Verso: list of sums of money owed. (Information from CUDL)

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  24. 624

    Legal documentBodl. MS heb. f 56/54

    (b) Record of marriage conditions. Dated: Sivan of 1186 CE. Groom: Abū l-Barakāt b. Musallam al-Ṭabīb. Bride: Sitt al-ʿAlam bt. Netanel the Fifth. Delayed marriage …

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    • 54 recto
    • 54 verso
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  25. 625

    Legal documentT-S NS 224.54–55

    Small piece of a legal document in the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe (active 1100–38). Involves Manṣūr/Elʿazar and Ṣedaqa. Apparently Manṣūr agreed to pay Ṣedaqa …

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  26. 626

    LetterT-S NS 321.60

    Letter from Binyām to Abū Saʿīd b. Abū Naṣr. In Judaeo-Arabic, with the address in both Judaeo-Arabic and Arabic script. (Same sender and addressee as …

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  27. 627

    Unknown typePUL Islamic Manuscripts, Third Series no. 584e.27 (Michaelides 28)

    Official document mentioning the name of al-Sayyid Naṣīr al-Dīn Muḥammad al-Mawṣūl. [Described on the paper wrapper as : "prières (?) du [...] (?) Arabe min …

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  28. 628

    Unknown typeENA NS 85.393

    Newly treated and encapsulated, must be examined

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    • recto
    • verso
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  29. 629

    LetterENA 4010.11

    Recto: Draft of a letter from Efrayim b. Shemarya to 'the mountain of beauty' Shelomo b. Yehuda.

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  30. 630

    Literary textJRL SERIES B 7682

    Literary, Hebrew.

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    • 1 / 1 leaf, recto
    • 1 / 1 leaf, verso
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  31. 631

    Unknown typeJRL Series L 150

    Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic in at least two distinct scribal hands. Dated toward the middle of the verso as 1253 AH which is 1837/38 CE.

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    • 1 / 1 leaf, recto
    • 1 / 1 leaf, verso
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  32. 632

    Paraliterary textL-G Misc. 54

    Recto: calendar for the year 5008 of the Era of Creation (= 1247-1248 CE), year 11 of the 19-year cycle 264. The calendar is dated …

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  33. 633

    LetterT-S AS 149.130 + T-S AS 149.134

    Letter to the Nagid (or at least to a dignitary titled [...] ha-Yeshiva, probably the same Yaḥyā ha-Sar named in line 7). The sender asks …

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  34. 634

    LetterMoss. VII,191.2

    Letter from Yefet b. Menashshe to his brother Abu l-Surūr Peraḥya b. Menashshe. In Judaeo-Arabic. Fragment (left side of recto). Mentions: something that was in …

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  35. 635

    LetterT-S 10J32.3

    Letter fragment from the Nagid Shemuel b. Ḥananya to Sasson the judge, mentioning Mūsā b. ʿIwāḍ. In the hand of Mevorakh b. Natan b. Shemuel. …

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  36. 636

    Legal documentT-S AS 152.378

    Legal document mentioning a certain Mevorakh. (Information from CUDL)

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  37. 637

    LetterENA 2556.9

    Letter from a physician named Menahem b. Ṣadoq ha-Kohen from Aleppo including greetings from many men including his nephew Yahya b. Mevorakh ha-Kohen, the physician …

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  38. 638

    Legal documentENA 3021.4

    See PGP 11432

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    • recto
    • verso
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  39. 639

    Paraliterary textT-S Ar.7.36

    Esoteric text in Judaeo-Arabic. May be magical ( "indeed you will be able to do whatever you wish to Khalaf b. Moshe") and/or for treasure-hunting …

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  40. 640

    LetterENA 3696.2

    Letter in Judaeo-Arabic (FGP). Probably no earlier than 15th century. ASE.

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  41. 641

    Literary textT-S Ar.30.155

    A short pious poem (attributed to ʿAlī b. Abī Ṭālib in the literature) in large Arabic script: بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم رَضيتُ بِما قَسَّمَ اللَهُ …

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  42. 642

    Literary textJRL Gaster heb. ms 1760/19a

    Ismāʿīlī material in Judaeo-Arabic. Appears to be the introduction to a copy of the 'waṣiyya' written by al-Manṣūr Billāh Amīr al-Mu'minīn (=the 3rd Fatimid caliph, …

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  43. 643

    Legal documentT-S 13J3.13

    Recto: Legal document. Dated: Adar 1448 Seleucid, which is 1137 CE. In the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe, and signed by himself and Natan b. …

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  44. 644

    LetterMoss. VII,202

    Fragment of a letter in Judaeo-Arabic, very faded. The writer sends regards to his father and paternal uncle.

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  45. 645

    Paraliterary textHalper 452

    Prescriptions or recipes in Judaeo-Arabic and Aramaic. "Instructions, mostly in Judeo-Arabic for preparations of different remedies. In the margin of the recto are instructions for …

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  46. 646

    LetterENA NS 40.9

    Fragment of a Judaeo-Arabic family letter. In the hand of Shelomo b. Eliyyahu? The writer mentions his mother and a sick woman; the money that …

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  47. 647

    LetterT-S 12.308

    Mercantile letter. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: Likely 11th century. Large, well-preserved, and essentially unstudied. Sender and addressee are unidentified; the sender is probably writing from Ifrīqiyya. …

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  48. 648

    LetterMoss. Va,10

    Letter to Ṣedaqa b. Ṣemaḥ, Cairo, from his father. (The information about this fragment in FGP refers to Moss. Va,11, not this fragment.)

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  49. 649

    LetterENA 4010.15

    Letter from Ṣadoq b. Av ha-Kohen, either in Ramla or Jerusalem, to [...] ha-Reviʿi. Mainly in Hebrew. About the oppressive measures of the local government …

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  50. 650

    Credit instrument or private receiptT-S AS 182.159

    Small receipt in Arabic script, unclear what for.

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