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  1. 1501

    List or tableENA 3943.13

    Mercantile memorandum or bill of lading (tadhkira) in Arabic script. Listing items that were shipped with a certain captain (al-rayyis... al-Ḥayfī) for Abū Ṭāhir b. …

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  2. 1502

    LetterENA 3961.9

    Beginning of a petition -tarjama, basmala, formulae, on the right side 4 lines diagonally- from a Jewish woman (al-mamlūka [...] Abū l-Majd Ibn al-Ḥaver). In …

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  3. 1503

    State documentENA 3953.1

    Receipt for the capitation tax of Mubārak b. Ibrāhīm Ibn Sabrā, in Fustat. After the basmala, the trigger phrase is "tadhkira bism" (memorandum/receipt in the …

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  4. 1504

    State documentNLI 577.1/59

    Upper left fragment: Official correspondence in Arabic script. The document is probably written for a recent convert to Islam from Samṭā (on the Nile delta). …

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  5. 1505

    Legal documentAIU XI.258

    A draft version of the same legal query to a jurist (istiftāʾ) as in T-S Ar.41.105 (edited by Geoffrey Khan, Arabic Legal and Administrative Documents, …

    1. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

    2. ما يقول الشيخ الامام العالم العامل الزاهد الورع الامين عماد الدين

    3. اقضا قضاة المسلمين مفتي دولة امير المؤمنين وفقه الله ل…

    1 Transcription 1 Discussion


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  6. 1506

    State documentT-S H5.115

    State document in Arabic script. Three lines and the last word of a fourth are preserved. Mentions titles of the judge Abū Isḥaq (al-qāḍī al-rashīd …

    ... new, and trustworthy regarding people and property, a name is required

    that gathers together all these epithets so that he may be distinguished w…

    1 Transcription 1 Translation


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  7. 1507

    State documentMoss. IXa,2.68

    Tax receipt for the capitation of Ibrāhīm b. Ṣadaqa in Fustat for the year 526 AH. Amount: ½ dīnār (the lowest rate). Jahbadh: Hibat Allāh. …

    Recto, top right

    1. المبلغ نصف
    2. الحمد لله حمد الشاكرين

    Recto, top left

    1. الحمد لله حمد الشاكرين

    Recto, main text

    1. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
    2. ادى ابراهيم بن…

    1 Transcription


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  8. 1508

    State documentENA 3951.7

    Tax receipt, Ayyubid. Dated: 7 Muḥarram 607 AH = 1 July 1210 CE. The payment is made (min jihat) by a government employee (al-mustakhdam); the …

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  9. 1509

    State documentT-S Misc.8.67 + Halper 465

    Two fragments from the middle and bottom of a petition to a vizier. Dating: likely 1051–62 CE, as Daniel b. ʿAzarya seems to be Gaʾon …


    1. . . . ها فيها في كف القوم الذين قد ذكر رجالهم عما يعتمدون وقصرهم [
    2. عنه والامر بالشد من الـداوودي وتقوية يده ومنته وتنفيذ كلمته
    3. لـيستثمر بذلك ح…

    1 Transcription


    • p. 2
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  10. 1510

    State documentBL OR 5566B.19

    Petition from al-Ḥasan b. Abū Saʿd probably to a vizier (several of the titles are similar to those of Ṭalāʾiʿ Ibn Ruzzīk). He complains of …

    1. المملوك

    2. الحسن بن ابو سعد

    3. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

    4. خلد الله تعالى ايام المجلس السامي السيدي الاجلي الناصري

    5. الـعادلي ناصر الائمة كاشف الغ…

    1. The slave
    2. al-Ḥasan b. Abū Saʿd  
    3. In the name of God, the merciful, the compassionate
    4. May God, may he be exalted, prolong the days of the lofty, lord…

    2 Transcriptions 1 Translation 1 Discussion


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  11. 1511

    Legal documentENA 3982.55

    A 13th/19th-century Ottoman era debt acknowledgment document with a seal. Muḥammad Ḥusain acknowledges (aqarra wa ashada) in his sound mind that he owes 900 Kuruş …

    1. لما كان في يوم الخميس المبارك في ٢٦ محرم سنه ٦٠[١٢]

    2. اقر واشهد على نفسه وهو في حال 

    3. خيرته المعلم محمد حسين الى المعلم

    4.  حييم النصري انه يكون مل…

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  12. 1512

    Legal documentT-S Misc.6.113

    Iqrār, though in some ways resembles a state document with fiscal content. In Arabic script. 16 full and 4 half lines on paper. Fiscal hand, …

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  13. 1513

    LetterJRL Gaster ar. 120

    Mercantile letter, in Arabic script, late. The sender, Muḥammad al-Firqī(?) expresses his affection for the addressees Shimʿon Francis and Ishāq Suwāris, probably European names, and …

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    • 1 / 1 leaf, recto
    • 1 / 1 leaf, verso
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  14. 1514

    Credit instrument or private receiptJRL Gaster ar. 53

    Ottoman-era rental receipt, in Arabic script written on a bifolio. The object of rent might be a mill (Ṭāḥūn) in the Ḥārat al-Yahūd, the payer …

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  15. 1515

    Credit instrument or private receiptENA NS 71.5

    Financial receipt (waqf related) with a seal. Dated [1]256 AH which is . Issued to Hārūn al-Yahūdī and another name appears with the title Hoca.

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  16. 1516

    List or tableHalper 472

    List of Ibn Yiju's deposits and expenditures after arriving in the Egyptian capital.

    III, 42 List A, in the margins:

    1. ולי ענדה //ודיעה// אלפצה ואללולו ואלדהב אל מסאג ואל נחאס אלדי פלצתהא מן אלצנאעה
    2. וג מכאחל בלואר ופישתין דהב אל וזן כ …

    1 Transcription 1 Discussion


    • p. 1
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  17. 1517

    State documentENA 1177.76

    State document, fragment of a longer text, dismembered at the collesis. What has remained is wa-mā tawfīqī illā bi-l-lāh. Possibly Ayyubid (tawfīqī billāh was an …

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  18. 1518

    State documentENA 3700.1

    Petition or report to the Fatimid chief qāḍī and chief dāʿī (القاضي الاجل المكين سيد الوزرا وتاج الاصفيـ[ـا قاضي القضـ]ـاة وداعي الدعاة علم المجد عمدة …

    1. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم توكلت على الله

    2. كتب مملوك سيدنا القاضي الاجل المكين سيد الوزرا وتاج الاصفياء

    3. قاضي القضـ]ـاة وداعي الدعاة علم المجد عمدة ا…

    1 Transcription


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  19. 1519

    State documentENA 3935.5

    Capitation tax receipt, Fatimid. For Abū Naṣr b. Yūsuf (someone with this name also appears in T-S 10J30.15). One registration mark: al-ḥamdu lil-lāh ḥamd al-shākirīn. …

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  20. 1520

    State documentBodl. MS heb. b 18/23

    Petition to the Fatimid ruler Sitt al-Mulk. Dating (Rustow): 411–14/1021–24. In which an official of a congregational mosque, perhaps the chief khaṭīb, complains about delayed …


    1. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
    2. لمولاتنا السيدة الكريمة خلد الله ملـ[ـكها وحرس عـ]ـزها وادام عـ[ـلاها]
    3. وكبت اعداها في اصطناع المعروف وفعل الخير 
    4. عواىد …

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    • 23 verso
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  21. 1521

    State documentENA 3945.5

    Receipt for the capitation tax (jizya) in Fustat for Mawhūb b. Ghālib, a Christian. Dated: 537 AH = 1142/43 CE (previous PGP descriptions gave the …

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  22. 1522

    LetterT-S 12.470

    Letter in Arabic to a certain Amīr [...] al-Dawla wa-[...]hā, perhaps reporting on business setbacks and the imposition of a new tax. The sender begins …


    1. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 

    2. عدل مولاي الامير الجليل رشيد(؟) الدولة وموصيها (؟) اطال الله بقاه وادام 

    3. تاييده وتمهيده  وقدرته ورفعته وسلطانه وس…

    1 Transcription


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  23. 1523

    State documentT-S NS 321.47

    Fatimid-era petition. From Muʿammar [...] al-Tūnisī. In Arabic script. He is in trouble on account of the capitation tax and says he does not have …

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  24. 1524

    State documentT-S Ar.35.48

    Tax receipt from the archive of Abū l-Ḥasan b. Wahb, in the hand of Mikhāʾīl b. ʿAbd al-Masīḥ

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  25. 1525

    State documentBodl. MS heb. f 56/4–5

    Chancery or fiscal document, presumably Mamluk period. There are two lines preserved, consisting of a date (22nd Rajab is visible) and the ḥamdala. The text …

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    • 4 recto
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    • 5 recto
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  26. 1526

    LetterT-S NS 288.179

    Recto: A private petition/letter in Arabic script from ʿAbdallāh b. Ṣāʿid to the son of al-Shaykh al-Thiqa, in Minyat Ziftā Jawād. Most of the addressee's …

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  27. 1527

    State documentENA 3944.10

    Verso: Tax receipt from the archive of Abū l-Ḥasan b. Wahb, with holes at the margin. Registration mark - al-ḥamdu lil-lāh ʿalā niʿamih, praise be …

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  28. 1528

    Legal documentENA 3905.2

    Legal document(s) in Arabic script. Dating: Probably late Mamluk or Ottoman. Narration of commercial trade accounts. The word 'qabaḍ' appears in prolific numbers associated usually …

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  29. 1529

    Paraliterary textENA 3982.36

    Template fragment of a divination/magical charm starting with a few words of prayers followed by a spell: "fulān b. fulān". Then: 'blind his heart and …

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  30. 1530

    State documentENA 3945.4

    Tax receipt for jizya in the name of Bū Naṣr al-Yahūdī for the year 514. Trigger: addā. Contains a registration mark.

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  31. 1531

    State documentT-S 10J17.3

    Petition. Report fragment, probably early Ayyubid period (taqbīl clause + paleography + reused by Moshe b. Levi ha-Levi, whose documents cluster ca. 1190–1210; see description …

    1 Transcription 1 Translation


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  32. 1532

    State documentT-S AS 184.156

    State document, Fatimid period. Petition or report to a vizier (beginning only), possibly under al-ʿAḍid (see line 4, where the blessing uses the verb ʿaḍada; …

    1. مولانا وسيد[نا
    2. وابنائه الاكرمين [
    3. المجلس السامي السـيد[ي
    4. الكاملي الهادي عضد [الله به الدين وامتع بطول بقاءه امير المؤمنين]

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  33. 1533

    State documentT-S Ar.42.134 + T-S Ar.49.151 + T-S Ar.42.156

    State document, Fatimid period. Letter of a Fatimid dāʿī addressed to a chief qāḍī to congratulate him on a new honor the caliph had bestowed …


    1. وكبت عداه عند اتّصال الخبر الينا أعلمنا سائر الأولياء بما جدّده الله تعالى عنده من جميل

    2. رأى مولانا الإمام [الظاهر لإعزاز دين الله (؟) أمير]…

    1 Transcription 1 Translation 1 Discussion


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  34. 1534

    State documentENA 3971.23

    Very tiny note in Arabic script, in the same type of hand as many of the early 5th/11th century tax receipts. Some contain the mystery …

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  35. 1535

    State documentF 1908.44S + Mainz MS 2

    Report to an Ayyubid official mentioning the current ruler al-Malik al-ʿĀdil (the First, d. 1218) and his recently deceased son Shams al-Dīn Mamdūd (aka Mawdūd). …

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  36. 1536

    State documentENA 3974.3

    Petition to the Fatimid ruler Sitt al-Mulk. Dating (Rustow): 411–14/1021–24. In which the otherwise unknown Yaḥyā b. al-Ḥasan complains that a local amīr has confiscated …


    1. عبدها يحيى بن الحسن من ناحية< >
    2. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
    3. اعلم مولاتنا السيدة خلد الله ملكَها وثبت عزها ببقا مولانا وسيدنا 
    4. الامام الظاهر لاعزاز…


    1. Her slave Yaḥyā b. al-Ḥasan from the district of :
    2. In the name of God, the merciful, the compassionate.
    3. I inform our mistress, the lady—may Go…

    1 Transcription 1 Translation 1 Discussion


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  37. 1537

    State documentT-S 10J10.2

    State document, report, Fatimid. The report is written on the 3rd of Dhū l-Ḥijja, of an unspecified year, and mentions a previous report that arrived …

    1. اخر ما القدرة(؟) بعده عمل بتاريح يوم الاربعا الثالث

    2. من ذي الحجة….ذكر اخر الوارد من الديوان السعيد

    3. والذي تجدد بعد ذلك خلو الاسواق من الاخباز 

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  38. 1538

    State documentT-S 10J19.13

    State document: Official report (fragment) concerning armed insurrection and civil unrest. For the letter on recto, see separate entry.

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  39. 1539

    State documentENA NS 18.26

    Response to a letter of complaint concerning taxation of the Jews of Tiberias. The letter refers to a sijill mukarram (noble decree) of the caliph …



    1. واصلنا الشكوى فيما نفعنا معه [
    2. وورد السجل المكرم من الحضرة المجيدة يذكر فيه ما
    3. انهاه سباع بن فرج اليهودي من حال اليهود الذمة
    4. بطبرية وان في…

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  40. 1540

    LetterENA 2558.21

    Letter from a woman, in New Cairo, to her brother Abū l-Ḥasan b. Wahb the brother-in-law of [...], in Malīj. In Arabic script. The sender …

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  41. 1541

    Legal documentENA 3965.11

    Deed of lease for an apartment (ṭabaqa). In Arabic script. Dated: 25 Ṣafar 919 AH = 2 May 1513 CE. Lessee: Manṣūr b. Najīb (b.) …

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  42. 1542

    State documentENA 2917.1

    Petition or report, Fatimid, fragment from near the beginning containing end of blessings, the taqbīl clause, and part of the qiṣṣa. Dating: 1100–71. Related to …

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  43. 1543

    State documentENA 2697.8 + ENA 2697.9 + T-S Ar.31.58 + T-S Ar.30.245

    State document: internal memorandum. Mentions the proceeds to dīwān al-Farjī and the state official Jalīl al-Dawla. Join: Marina Rustow. T-S Ar.31.58 is dated 507. Possibly …

    1. To our lord, the blessings of God be upon him, belongs the lofty resolution concerning that, if God wills.

    2. Praise be to God alone, God bless our …

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  44. 1544

    State documentT-S Ar.30.273

    Fatimid petition to al-Āmir bi-Aḥkām Allāh from a Jewish merchant, Mūsā b. Ṣadaqa, who was detained unlawfully after his return from India and Yemen with …


    1. العبد المملوك

    2. موسى بن صدقة التاجر اليهودي

    3. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

    4. صلوات الله وبركاته ونوامى زكواته وافضل سلامه وتحياته على مولانا

    5. وسيد…


    1. The servant and slave
    2. Mūsā ibn Ṣadaqa, the Jewish merchant.

    3. In the name of God, the merciful and compassionate.

    4. The benedictions of God a…

    4 Transcriptions 2 Translations


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  45. 1545

    State documentT-S Ar.39.391

    Petition to the Fatimid vizier Al-ʿAbbās requesting an allowance in grain to be paid to the petitioner in yearly installments. Dating: 548–49/1153–54. (Information from CUDL.) …


    1. الافضلى السيفى الناصرى ا[لــ]ـكافل لقضاة المسلميـ[ـن الهادى]

    2. لدعاة المومنين عضد الله به الدين وامتع بطول بـ[ـقائه امير المومنين] 

    3. وادام ق…


    1. al-Afḍal, sword of Islam, the defender, the protector of the judges of the Muslims [and the guide]

    2. of the  dāʿīs of the believers, may God…

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  46. 1546

    Credit instrument or private receiptMoss. VIII,479.8

    Order of payment, in late Arabic script with a seal. ʿĀzar (=Ezra) al-Yahūdī al-Ṣayrafī is to pay the bearer (Nāṣif) 20 and half silvers. Contains …

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  47. 1547

    Legal documentT-S 13J19.10

    Legal/official document in Arabic script. Drawn up in the majlis al-khidma of an amir with grand titles (...majd al-khilāfa ʿizz al-dīn jamāl al-umarāʾ fakhr al-mulk …


    1. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

    2. حضر مجلس خدمة الامير المقدم الامير الامين مجد الخلافة عز الدين جمال الامرا فخر الملك

    3. سيف الدولة…. العميم صنيعة امي…

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  48. 1548

    Legal documentJRL Gaster ar. 54

    State document in Arabic, an order of payment from the bureau of silk looms (dīwān anwāl al-ḥarīr), a branch of the state silk monopoly. Dated …

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    • 1 / 1 leaf, recto
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  49. 1549

    State documentT-S Ar.41.43

    Request for a fatwā (or possibly a petition or official report, or simply a letter). In Arabic script. Dating: Likely Mamluk-era. Begins with a taqbīl …

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  50. 1550

    State documentAIU XII.15

    Official account mentioning the transfer of sums to the fisc (bayt al-māl) from the bureau of the capitation tax (bayt al-jawālī): "mablagh al-maḥmūl ilā bayt …

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