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Bill of divorce. Written by Shemuel b. Seʿadya (1165–1203). Husband: Avraham b. M[aymūn?]. Wife: Miryam bt. Ḥabīb ha-Maʿaravi.
لا توجد ثبت المراجع والمصادر
Leaf from an Arabic treatise, calligraphic and vocalized. It appears to be a literary anthology, with quotations and verses cited from various Abbasid-era caliphs and …
List of debts and commodoties owed by persons
Recto: Legal document (warranty). in which al-Shaykh al-ʿAmīd declares that he guarantees something for his brother Avraham and his son Yosef and other people. The …
Newly treated and encapsulated, must be examined
Unidentified document in Arabic script. Upper right corner. Moderately wide spacing between the lines. Might be legal or a letter (may begin with the word …
Business accounts in Hebrew, might be late.
Deathbed will by Yefet ha-Levi. Location: Probably Damascus. Dating: Unknown, but see verso. In which he dedicates one-third of an orchard and a house located …
1 نسخ
Letter from Yaʿqūb b. Ismaʿīl, in Tyre, to Nahray b. Nissim, in Fusṭāṭ. Dating: ca. 1060 CE. Awaiting further description - see Goitein's transcription linked …
2 نسخين
List of goods and prices. Likely a household inventory, but could also be business accounts or a dowry list. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: Ottoman-era. Curencies: gurush …
Beginning of a letter containing a request for a book to be made for the forthcoming holiday. Note on Goitein index card: Shelomo b. Eliyya. …
1 نسخ 1 مناقشة
Beginning of a legal document. Location: Fusṭāṭ. Dated: Sunday, 21 Iyyar 1531 Seleucid = 26 April 1220 CE, under the authority of Avraham Maimonides. Probably …
List of incoming payments with the heading "[sic?]עלם אלחאסאל". Dating is 16th-century or later based on the paleography. The currency mentioned throughout is mashṭ (משט)– …
Non-Geniza. List of manuscripts in the library of Shelomo Halberstam.
Ottoman-era accounts.
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Too fragmentary to understand content. The writer mentions the 'mezonot' and complains about not receiving anything for weeks. ASE
Very faded bill of release from Bū Isḥāq b. Bū l-Karam Ibn al-Dayyān, for Bū l-Maʿānī (or Bū l-Maʿālī) and Bū Naṣr the sons of …
Letter from a certain ʿEli, unknown location, to the cantor Isḥāq, in Damietta. Addressed specifically to the shop of Abū l-Surūr al-Ṣayrafī. In Judaeo-Arabic with …
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Fragment: vertical strip containing the right side of recto. Probably addressed to Moshe b. Yehuda. Dating: Last quarter of the 15th century. …
Recto: Letter from Natan b. Avraham, in which he urges his supporters to be in Jerusalem for the Feast of Tabernacles, lest their party be …
Accounts of a druggist. The right column gives the commodity, the middle column gives the weight, and the left column gives the price in Greek/Coptic …
Epistle of R. Sherira Gaon
Fragment of a letter in Arabic script. On parchment. Mentions Abū Manṣūr on verso.
Fiscal account, probably Fatimid. Dates include 507H and 510H.
Leaves, on vellum, from a medical notebook with notes of names of simples, apparently in no particular order. P3 recto mentions a certain Abū l-Ḵayr …
Karaite betrothal deed between Esther bt. Moshe Fūlādī and Avraham b. David Feyrūz aka Revaḥ. Dated on Purim 24 Adar 5509 AM (1749 CE). The …
End of a literary text. Late.
Maybe Alexandria; End of 1139 - middle of 1140 Ḥalfon writes to Yūsuf Ibn al-Khāzin, one of the dignitaries of Almeria, Spain, and asks for …
Late list of foodstuffs and amounts in Judaeo-Arabic, it seems with some Hebrew too. Items named include oil, honey, taḥina (? spelled with a tav), …
Small fragment of a state document with a large ʿalāma at upper left. Mentions the name ʿAbd al-Karīm b. al-Ḥājj Muḥammad b. al-Ḥājj [...]. Dating: …
Letter from Abū Saʿd Ibn Ṭībān, unknown location, to his son Abū l-Ḥasan Ibn Ṭībān, in Fustat. Mainly in Arabic script, with one phrase in …
Accounts in Arabic script, Judaeo-Arabic Hebrew, and Greek/Coptic numerals. Mentions people such as: Yehuda; Yefet Ḥalabī; the Jewish youth (al-ṣabiyy al-yahūdī); Ibn Sammūna; Avraham; Nissim; …
Engagement agreements. Two sides of what appears to be a page from the court notebook from the 1330s. On recto, there are two engagement agreements, …
2 نسخين 1 مناقشة
Letter from Manṣūr to either his son or his father Abū ʿImrān. (Both are referred to as ואלד, but this is sometimes the spelling for …
Scrap containing several names. Written in Judaeo-Arabic. Including: al-Ḥakīm Aharon; Elazar b. Shela ha-Levi; and Sitt al-Yumn bt. Yefet(?).
Responsum (FGP)
Draft of a begging letter regarding some commercial and apparently personal relationship. A certain Abū l-Maʿānī is mentioned (the sender wants his payments for his …
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic, with the address in Arabic script. Dating: likely 11th century. The name of the addressee may be Abū l-Faḍl Sahl b. Saʿd …
Accounts in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals. Needs examination.
Recto: letter in Arabic. Verso: Hebrew text, probably piyyuṭ. (Information from CUDL)
List of Mishna tractates and chapters, together with pen exercises. (Information from CUDL)
Recto: Marriage document (ketubba) in Palestinian style. Dated: [47]40 AM = 979/80 CE. Groom: Efrayim b. [...]. Bride: Khuzayr bt. Ḥusayn. (Information from Friedman, Jewish …
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic.
Legal document written and signed by Yehuda b. Ṭoviyyahu ha-Kohen (the muqaddam of Bilbays 1170s–1220). Dated: Monday, 26 Tishrei 1526 Seleucid, which is 1215 CE. …
Letter from Shelomo Cesana & Company to Karo y Frances & Company, in Fustat/Cairo. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dated: 4 Tishrei 5569 AM, which is 25 September …