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Cheat sheet:

  • If you're looking for a word with one missing letter, use a period. Two missing letters, use two periods or {2}. Increase the number in the curly brackets to increase the number of characters, or insert a range with a comma in between, ex. {0,5}.
  • If you don't know how many characters are missing, use .*.
  • If you know which characters you want, use square brackets to find multiple spellings, ex. [יו] for yud or vav.


335 תוצאות
  1. 101מכתבCUL Add.3345

    Letter addressed to Yosef ha-Kohen b. Simha, asking for help. In Hebrew. The writer was hit by a crisis that forced him into poverty and …

    1. אברכה את ייי בכל עת תמיד
    2. תהלתו בפי
    3. בייי תהלל נפשי ישמעו ענוים וישמחו
    4. פודה ייי נפש עבדיו ולא יאשמו כל החוסים בו
    5. חונה מלאך ד' סביב ליריאיו ויחלצם
    6. חזק‮…


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  2. 102מסמך שלטוניT-S Misc.22.252

    State document(s). In Arabic script. One column is probably a petition and the other the rescript (identical format to T-S NS 96.66, which was edited …


    אין רשומות קשורות

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  3. 103מסמך שלטוניT-S Ar.42.158

    State document. Petition to the caliph al-Mustanṣir regarding a murder on a boat. The son of the petitioner was traveling with a young fellow-merchant from …


    1. بِسْم الله الرحمن الرحيم

    2. صلوات الله وبركاته ونوامى زكواته وافضل تحياته على مولانا وسيدنا الامام المستنصر بالله

    3. أمير المومنين صلوات الله ‮…

    1. In the name of God, the merciful and compassionate.
    2. The benedictions of God and his blessings, his increasing benefactions and most excellent greet‮…


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  4. 104מסמך שלטוניT-S NS 207.57

    Letter or report. In Arabic script. Mentions a man from Tiberias by the name of Baysān, wicked people (fa-kathura fasāduhum), people who mentioned that they …

    1. ………………………………………..ام………….

    2. ىعـ[]...الله تعالى واستناد الله……….

    3. الـ]ـدعا الصالح و[الـ]ـصلوة والطلبه قبل….بما ارجو من الله

    4. غير خاف عن حضرته كيف ‮…


    תעתוק אחד

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  5. 105מכתבT-S 13J33.7

    Poetic epistle addressed to the poet and man of letters Yehuda ha-Levi, who was also a well-to-do physician and devoted time to public welfare and …

    1. עבדה וכאדמה
    2. יהודה אלבדגושי
    3. בשמ רח יקבל ידה אלכ{רימה}
    4. אור מאיר י/ו/פיע . לו זוהר רקיע . החכם היקר בנדבות .
    5. ההולך צנוע . המאושר בנכוחות //ובנדבות// .‮…


    תעתוק אחד דיון אחד

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  6. 106מסמך שלטוניCUL Or.1081 1.2

    Petition from Abū l-Ḥasan b. Dāwūd to a Fatimid dignitary. The petitioner is a poor young man, whose father died destitute and left him only …


    1.                      عبدها ومملوكها
    2.                       ابو الحسن بن داوود
    3. بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم
    4. مملوك الحضرة السامية الاجلية النفسية الر‮…
    1. His servant and slave,

    2. Abū al-Ḥasan ibn Dāʾūd

    3. In the name of God, the merciful and compassionate.

    4. The slave of the lofty, mighty, much-sough‮…


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  7. 107מכתבT-S 8J18.28

    Letter from Yahya b. ‘Ammar (basis for identification unclear), who had reached Jerusalem with the help of a benefactor in Fustat, petitioning for assistance so …


    1. קצדתך וקצדת פצלך אן תעינני באיש מא סהל אללה עלי אלמקאם פי
    2. הדא אלמוצע אלשריף פאסל אללה תע יכתר כירך ויזידך מן דלך מזיד
    3. כל כיר ויכתר פי אלאמה ‮…

    [...] I turn to you and ask you that you kindly assist me with anything that God provides so that I might remain in Har-El, the noble place. I ask G‮…


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  8. 108מכתבT-S 8J9.20

    Beginning of a petition from Yosef b. Moshe asking the addressee, his lord and master (mawla and sayyid) for a favour, describing himself as modest, …

    1. בש]מך סלאמה בן חננאל חזאם
    2. ]האדי אלרקעה לסידי ומולאי לשיך אטל
    3. אללה בק]אה ואדם נעמה ואנא מחתשם פי מא
    4. א]עלם אני אדקל עליה ואנת אהל אלמקצד
    5. ] למולאי סלמ‮…


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  9. 109מסמך שלטוניT-S NS 297.18

    Petition addressed to a dignitary. In Arabic script. The petitioner may be named Abū ʿAlī b Abū Bakr al-Bazzāz (the clothier). None of the standard …


    אין רשומות קשורות

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  10. 110מסמך שלטוניT-S Ar.51.107

    State document, Fatimid period. Petition to a vizier of Al-ʿĀḍid li-Dīn Allāh from a baker in Fusṭāṭ concerning a debt that he had incurred with …


    1. المملوك 
    2. أبو عبد الله بن يحيى الفران بمصر
    3. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 
    4. صلوات الله وبركاته ونوامي زكواته وأفضل تحياته وسلامه على مولانا وسيدنا 
    5. الإ‮…


    1. The slave

    2. Abū ʿAbdallāh, the baker from Fusṭāṭ.

    3. In the name of God, the merciful and compassionate.

    4. The benedictions of God and his bl‮…


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  11. 111מכתבT-S 16.186

    In the form of a legal document (see lines 3-4), a fragment of a petition to a Nagid from a small town, signed by twenty-six …

    1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ] . . . נא [ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ]פה טאע[ . . . . . . ] דא [ . . . . . . . ‮…


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  12. 112מכתבT-S Ar.14.12

    Petition in Judaeo-Arabic. Very wide spaces between the lines. Very thoroughly blotted out, but might be legible with multispectral imaging. Some of the phrases include: …


    אין רשומות קשורות

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  13. 113מסמך שלטוניT-S Ar.42.194

    Petition to addressed to a noble woman, probably the Fatimid empress Sitt al-Mulk given the honorifics. In Arabic script. Written in two columns. The petitioner …


    1. مملوك مولاتنا خلد الله ملكها

    2. الخلف(؟)

    3. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

    4. عبد مولاتنا السيدة الشـ[ـريفة]

    5. الملكة حرس الله ملكها وحرس عزها

    6. وادام ‮…

    1. The slave of our mistress, may God make her reign eternal

    2. (al-Khalaf?)

    3. In the name of God, the compassionate, the merciful.

    4. The slave of our‮…


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  14. 114מסמך שלטוניENA NS 71.12

    Fatimid petition, fragment of the top left-hand margin, tarjama is preserved. Dates to the period of al-Ḥākim based on the reuse on verso which makes …


    1. روائح(؟) بن جوشن (جريس؟) واصحابه

    2. العبقلين(؟) 

    3. بسم الله الرحمن الـ]ـرحيم

    4. مماليك الحضرة السامـ]ـية العلية ال . . . ية والسعيدة السيدية ا‮…

    1. Rawāʾiḥ b. Jawshan and his colleagues
    2. al-ʿAbqalayn(?)
    3. In the name of God, the merciful and [compassionate]
    4. The slaves of the lofty presence, …. the‮…


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  15. 115מסמך שלטוניT-S AS 102.90

    Petition to a Fatimid caliph, end only, with long lower margin enabling it to be reused as a biofolio transverse to the original text.


    1. عليـ]ـهم ما شمل كله المعظم (؟) في هذه الايام

    2. الزاهرة القاهرة عدلا واحسانا ورهبة ور حمة

    3. ولمولانا صلوات الله عليه رايها العالي في ذلك

    4. ان‮…


    תעתוק אחד 2 דיונים

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  16. 116מכתבT-S Ar.41.124

    Letter/petition to Najīb(?) al-Dawla. In Arabic script. The sender reports that he came to the addressee's house but was not able to do something. He …


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  17. 117מסמך שלטוניENA NS 24.11

    Petition, probably. In Arabic script. Only one line and a couple words from the line below are preserved. "irtifāʿ mā. . . lā yadillu ʿalayhi. …


    1. ارتفاع ما يتولاه ولايدل عليه حسابه ولا[
    2.                                                  ]عبده


    תעתוק אחד

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  18. 118מסמך שלטוניT-S 8J34.1

    Verso (original use): Fragment from the lower left corner of a petition in Arabic script. Refers to the amīr Rifʿat? al-Dawla; a dīwān; and includes …

    1. وعبده يسل انعامه[

    2. ثبوته على يد الامير رفعة الدولة ادام الله عزه

    3. ا]ستخراج رافعها في سورة الديوان

    4. ]بيده الراي //الاعلى// في الانعام علي فيما س‮…

    1. His slave asks for his benefactions [
    2. Registering it at the hands of the amīr Rifʿat al-Dawla, may God perpetuate his glory.
    3. ]extraction of its con‮…


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  19. 119מכתבT-S 12.258

    Letter addressed to Sar Shalom, written by a man whose wife and son had been in captivity by Edom (Christians) and who had lost all …

    1. שפא [ . . . . . ] . . . . . [ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    2. ראש לו . לי לתפא[רת . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    3. ורבנא‮…


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  20. 120מכתבT-S 12.591 + Moss. IV,81

    Letter sent from Alexandria to Fustat regarding an inheritance of a widow and her orphans. Dating: ca. 1080 CE. The local Jewish judge (Heb. dayyan) …

    T-S 12.591 + Moss. IV,81, recto:

    1. אנא אקול אן אלחואיג תנקצי במעולה [
    2. סידנא לנא אן מצאת אלאלמנה ולם . . . [
    3. אל . . . . ואל אלמנה יחזקאל . . . . אלקאצ‮…


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  21. 121מסמך שלטוניT-S 8J5.21

    Verso: Draft of a petition in Arabic script, addressed to a lower official. The petitioners raise a dispute regarding a synagogue (kanīsa). They are barred …

      1. المماليك يقبلو الارض {وهو} ينهوا ان لهم بالمحلة كنيسة خرابة وهي تجمع شملهم

      2. بالصلاة فيها والمماليك [[يمنعون]] //خائفين// من الدخول اليها لكونها‮…

    1. The slaves kiss the ground and report that they have a dilapidated synagogue in al-Maḥalla which unites them
    2. in prayer. However, the slaves are [‮…


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  22. 122מכתבENA 3907.9

    Letter from Abū Manṣūr to [al-Shaykh] al-Makīn al-Ṣayrafī, in Qūṣ (here called "thaghr Qūṣ"). In Arabic script, elegantly written. The sender opens with respectful greetings …


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  23. 123מסמך שלטוניT-S Ar.7.38

    Fatimid petition. Dating: 422–23/1031–32. Second half of a petition to the caliph al-Ẓāhir requesting the return of a church that had been confiscated by decree …


    1. [جميـ]ـع ما فيها من فضة ونحاس والات خشب

    2. ورخام يساوى ذلك جملة كبيرة فنقضها

    3. وبنا بقبضها دارا فبعضها معصرة وحوانيت 

    4. يستغلها جميع ذلك ويحص‮…


    1. All the silver, copper, wooden vessels

    2. and marble that are in it. All of this amounts to a large quantity. He broke them down

    3. and with ‮…


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  24. 124מסמך שלטוניT-S Ar.29.186

    Petition to a Fatimid vizier regarding the repayment of a debt. The petitioner asks for help in dealing with the head of the arsenal, Abū …


    1. يعرف با[ـبـ]ـي [ا]لاعسر ريس الصناعة و[   ]

    2. بين المملوك وبينه معاملة ولا عليه حسـ[ـا]ـب ولا جبة ضمان ولا كفالة 

    3. وأن الريس المذكور ضيق على‮…


    1. ... known as 'Abū al-'A'sār, the head of the arsenal and [ there have been no] dealings
    2. between him and the slave, he is not in debt, nor doe‮…


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  25. 125מסמך שלטוניT-S 10J9.4

    State document. Response to an endorsement on a petition. A multi-handed internal memorandum. Contains endorsements or minutes (or clerks' notes) that haven't yet been deciphered; …


    1. والحمد لله وحده وصلواته على [سيدنا محمد نبيه وسلم تسليما]
    2.          العبد المملوك
    3.               …… بن فتح
    4. امتثل المرسوم فى التوقيع العالى زاده‮…
    1. Praise be to God alone and his blessings be upon [our lord Muḥammad, his prophet, and save him]

    2. The servant and slave

    3. . . . ibn Fatḥ

    4. The ins‮…


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  26. 126מכתבT-S AS 151.218 + T-S AS 151.23

    Original use: Petition for charity from a woman, with reference to her poverty and hunger, her brother, the Levant (al-diyār al-Shām[iyya]), and 11 dinars. Also …


    אין רשומות קשורות

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  27. 127מסמך שלטוניT-S 16.102

    Petition from an Alexandrian coppersmith. Dating: Fatimid-era based on structure and paleography but could be Ayyubid. The titles of the addressee match that of an …


    דיון אחד

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  28. 128מסמך שלטוניT-S Ar.35.126

    Verso (original use): Fragment of a petition or other formal state correspondence. The beginnings of 8 lines are preserved, mostly consisting of honorifics for the …

    1. شعبان بن عبد الله        ابو بكر الكرمي 

    2. محمد بن محمد التركماني

    3. بسم الله الـ[ـرحمن الرحيم]

    4. صلوات الله وبركاته ونو[امي زكواته وافضل سلامته وت‮…


    תעתוק אחד

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  29. 129מסמך שלטוניT-S NS 228.41

    Petition from Ṭāhir b. Isḥāq, a poor man from Alexandria, to the amir Qarāqūsh Bahāʾ ai-Dīn b. ʿAbdallāh al-Asadī (his nisba derives from his having …


    1.              المملوك
    2.              طاهر بن اسحق
    3.       بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 
    4.  عبد الحضرة السامية الاجلية العلية الاكرم الاسفهسلار الاشرف
    5. المق‮…
    1. The slave

    2. Tāhir ibn Isḥāq

    3. In the name of God, the merciful and compassionate.

    4. The slave of the lofty, mighty and sublime presence, the most ‮…


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  30. 130מכתבT-S 16.252

    Letter/petition from Moshe b. ʿAmram b. Ḥalfon he-Ḥaver to a highly placed courtier in Fustat titled Zaʿīm al-Mulk, in Fustat. The addressee may in fact …

    1. . . . . . . .]. . .ברים והשרים בכל שרי ה. . .
    2. . . . .]. ונשפלים ונבזים . .יש עפר פני הדר בא. .
    3. כב. .צי הנודע איש .גזרות וברבותו . .קרא תראב. . . . ‮…


    תעתוק אחד דיון אחד

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  31. 131מסמך שלטוניT-S AS 158.30

    Verso (original use): Petition. In Arabic script. Dating: Probably Mamluk-era. Concerning the synagogue at Dammūh and asking for orders/guidance (waṣāh). Perhaps having to do with …


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  32. 132מכתבT-S 10J20.2 + T-S 13J25.17

    Two eloquent drafts of complaint addressed to the Nagid Avraham and two of the chief justices in Fustat, against against Zikrī b. Musallam Ibn al-Naʿja …

    1. באן נכשל לפ[. .] ונכבש [[מ]] לאן [. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    2. קד צחח אללה בור כרה ויחפריהו ויפול בש[חת יפעל
    3. חמסו בפניו ורעתו תשוב ברושו [[ואלמא‮…


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  33. 133מסמך שלטוניENA 2959.1

    Fragment of a petition, two wide lines. The first line reads 'wa-ʿabd mawlānā,' then '[...] al-shāmil.'


    אין רשומות קשורות

    • recto
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  34. 134סמי ספרותיT-S 8J7.9

    Document containing a list of blessings for a benefactor, to be publicly recited during service at the synagogue. The noble patron, a representative of merchants …

    1. ]ושים בישראל כגק מרינו
    2. ]דול בישראל זצל וחמודו כגק
    3. ] הרב הגדול המבהק ראש הס[ד]ר
    4. ] וכגק מרינו ורבינו סעדיה הכהן החבר בסנהדרין
    5. ג[דול]ה וחמודו כגק מ ור‮…


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  35. 135מכתבT-S 10J15.29 + T-S 10J15.32

    Letter in the hand of Shabbetay b. Avraham addressed to the Nagid Shemuel b. Hananya. Asking him to obtain a caliphal rescript stopping the local …

    1. בשמ רחמ
    2. עבד אלחצרה אלסאמיה אלאגליה אלעאליה אלרייסה אלשיכיה תבת
    3. אללה קואעד מגדהא וצאעף סעדהא וכבת באלדל אלמהין
    4. ואלצגאר כאפה חסאדהא ועדאהא ותוג כאפה ‮…


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  36. 136מכתבMoss. V,355

    Letter from the wife of Khalaf b. Harūn to Maṣliaḥ Gaʾon, seeking help against her cruel husband, written in the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe. …

    1. אלממלוכה אבנה אברהם אלחזן נע
    2. זוגה כלף בן הרון אלמערוף בתאג אל
    3. מעאלי
    4. בשמ רחמ
    5. אש[רי] משכיל [א]ל דל ביום רעה ימלטהו ייי
    6. אל[לה...]..לת..ה יסתגיב הדרת א‮…


    1. The servant, the daughter of Abraham the cantor, m(ay he rest in) E(den),

    2. the wife of Khalaf b. Hārūn known as

    3. tāj al-maʿālī (the Crown ‮…


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  37. 137מכתבT-S NS J70

    Letter conveying instructions from the Nagid on behalf of a female orphan, evidently the response to a petition. She has lost most of her father's …


    דיון אחד

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  38. 138מסמך שלטוניT-S Ar.42.143

    Verso (original use): Petition in Arabic script. Somewhat rudimentary hand. Possibly to the caliph himself (al-ḥaḍra al-ṭāhira). The sender desires to be sent to Syria …


    1. [.....مولانا] صلوات الله عليه [..............]
    2. [.............]الطاهر ديانة وقد رغب الجهاد[
    3. [.....الد]ولة محقهم الله وابادهم وهو يقيم من صدقات‮…


    תעתוק אחד

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  39. 139מכתבJRL Series B 4168

    Letter of recommendation from Bū l-Barakāt to a dignitary. In Judaeo-Arabic. Asking for assistance for the bearer. The writer mentions an earlier conversation that took …


    1. ממלוך אלמולי אלאגל אלשי[ך
    2. ואקאם גאהה ורזקה א.[
    3. אנה אהדי ללמולא הדיה ל[
    4. בנכות אלמולא והו חאמלה [
    5. מנקטע פקיר פי אשד מא [
    6. אלשיך אלמכין אן יכלם ‮…


    תעתוק אחד

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    הצגת פרטי מסמך
  40. 140מסמך שלטוניT-S Ar.39.260

    Verso: Document in Arabic script, possibly a petition or report. Refers to government property (amwāl al-sultān) and contains a request to investigate something (bi-an yakshif …


    אין רשומות קשורות

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  41. 141מסמך שלטוניBL OR 5566B.12

    Petition from ʿAbd al-Raḥmān b. ʿAlī to Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn (Saladin). In Arabic script. Has a tarjama at the upper left; 4 lines of introductory blessings; …


    דיון אחד

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  42. 142מכתבT-S 16.267

    Letter to a hazzan, Ben Sadoq, who is asked to intervene on behalf of the writer, Menashshe nin Shemaiah, before Sar Salom, head of the …

    1. . . . . . . . . . . . ] . . . . . והחזן זקן תורה אלוף [י]רא[ה]. . . .
    2. . . . ] . . . הנטועה והיתד הקבועה הנקוב בשם טוב והמעוט[ר] . . . לקח
    3. ] . . . ו‮…


    תעתוק אחד דיון אחד

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  43. 143מכתבT-S 8J9.12

    Letter from Damietta to the Fustat community (קהלת מצר) to collect money for alimony and travel expenses, it seems, to Palestine, for two individuals. David …

    1. מן וזנו ענה אלק . . . . [
    2. ופעלו מעהם מא וצלת אליה אלקדרה וקד תוגהו
    3. אלי מואליי קהלות מצר ברוכים יהיו ליעודו
    4. מן ענדהם אלי דמיאט . . . . . אלי דיארהם
    5. ‮…


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  44. 144מכתבT-S 8J15.14

    Letter asking for charity in which the writer describes how “exacting” the upcoming holiday of Passover is in terms of expenses, noting that his "prayer …

    1. ויהי דויד בכל דרכיו משכיל
    2. אלממלוך ישרח בעץ מא הו פיה אלצאיקה
    3. מן קלה אלמכסב וכתרת אלעילה וגלא אלסער
    4. ומזאחמת מתל הדה אלעיד אלמבארך פאללה
    5. יעיד עלי אלמ‮…


    תעתוק אחד דיון אחד

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  45. 145מסמך שלטוניT-S AS 177.116

    Fragment of an official-looking letter in Arabic script. The ends of 4 lines are preserved. Likely a petition for help (كل سنة من احوالهم... حتى …


    אין רשומות קשורות

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  46. 146מסמך שלטוניPUL Islamic Manuscripts, Third Series no. 584e.20 (Michaelides 20b)

    Petition, possibly Mamluk.


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  47. 147מסמך שלטוניT-S Ar.39.470

    Petition to the caliph al-Mustanṣir from a man who has been detained in the arsenal (khizāna, according to Khan khizānat al-bunūd, which was also used …


    1. [علـ]ـى [مولانا وسيدنا الامام المسـ]ـتنصر بالله امير [المـ]و[ـمنيـ]ـن  [وعلى ابائه]

    2. الطاهرين عبد مولانا صلوات الله عليه ينهى الي

    3. الحضرة ‮…


    תעתוק אחד תרגום אחד

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  48. 148מסמך שלטוניENA 3939.4

    Petition or legal document from a Jew on behalf of the Jewish community to the government. The petitioner's name appears in the lower right margin. …

    1. يقبلون الارض

    2. الايام متع لله بوجوده (الايام؟)

    3. ويهود وبينهم وبين جماعة دعاوي شرعية و

    4.  لهم خلاص الا باللباب (=بالباب) العالي وسمو الهم من الصـ[‮…


    תעתוק אחד

    • verso
    הצגת פרטי מסמך
  49. 149מסמך שלטוניT-S AS 178.230

    Petition to a Fatimid caliph, in Arabic script. The ends of ~8 lines are preserved from the upper left corner, including much of the preamble …


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  50. 150מסמך שלטוניT-S K25.211

    Recto: Petition or report to a Fatimid vizier, ending only, including raʾy, ḥamdala and ḥasbala. 5th century AH/11th century CE. Possible join with T-S Ar.22.140 …


    תעתוק אחד תרגום אחד

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