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Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. The hand may be known. Dating: 11th or 12th century.
אין רשומות קשורות
Minute fragment from a list of items, might be from a dowry list, written by Halfon b. Menashshe Halevi (Date: 1100-1138)
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. Rudimentary hand. Recording how much money the 'segan' (=deputy; this seems more likely than sajjān) and the rayyis took on each day.
Private account written by Nahray b. Nissim. Around 1060. Detailed lists about buying flax in several villages, shipping them to the Nile, preserving them, and …
תעתוק אחד תרגום אחד
Table in Arabic script, mainly names together with some numbers. Possibly a list of people being assessed for the capitation tax, as several of them …
Legal or communal document, listing substantial sums of money, it seems both income and expenses. The Palestinian synagogue and the year 1031/32 CE (1343 Seleucid) …
List of names with numbers.
Account in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals listing various people's names together with numbers. Reused on recto for piyyuṭ.
List of commodities
Small fragment with grid in red and black ink and unidentified text in Arabic script.
Calendar in the hand of Yedutun ha-Levi. Cf. Nadia Vidro, "Muslim and Christian calendars in Jewish calendar booklets: T-S K2.33" (Fragment of the Month, March …
Documentary text: There are three text blocks in Arabic script, probably remnants of accounts. "With Ismāʿīl. . . ." Literary (and main) text: A kabbalistic …
List of parshiyot and dates in a calligraphic hand with artistic markings.
Mercantile accounts. Mentioning people such as the nākhūdha, ʿImrān, Barakāt, and Yūsuf.
Mercantile account. Dating: Likely ca. 12th century. Detailing the proceeds from a number of 'bales,' both "that which is in my hand, and that which …
On recto there is a list of medical books in Judaeo-Arabic. Respectively on the non-naturals, colic, and diet (אלאשיא אלכארגה ען אלטביעיה, רסאלה פי אלקולנג, …
Accounts in Spanish. 5 folios. Dating: the year 1426 CE is mentioned. Likely related to the payment of taxes, because it uses the official account …
Commercial accounts in Ladino dated July 1734 CE (15 Tammuz 5494 AM). The heading names Shabbetay Alpalas in connection with "telas ke mande/mando Alessandri[a?]..." (cloth …
Calendrical jottings and calculations in Judaeo-Arabic and Arabic script.
List in Hebrew with at least one Ladino word (פיקוס), mentioning a diwan and sums of money. The exact meaning of the term "fico/pico" is …
Late business account.
Recto (secondary use): Accounts on building repairs in a boy's script. Superscribed Abū Saʿd. (Information from Goitein's index card.)
דיון אחד
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic.
Recto with a couple lines on verso (secondary use): List of names (memorial list) in Hebrew. Dating: probably early 11th century. The list is headed …
Probably a list of recipients of communal funds, on a recycled Arabic document (of which hardly anything remains). The list includes the supervisors of the …
Verso: Accounts in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals. Headed [...] al-Ṣayrafī. Needs examination.
Writing exercises
Neatly written accounts in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals. Mentions the term 'maṭbakh' several times and possibly honey at the top of verso. Dating: likely …
Small fragment of accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. Mentions the name ʿAyyāsh. Written on a reused piece of an earlier Arabic-script document.
Business accounts in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals. Mentions names such as the wife of Ibn al-Malīḥ(?) (in connection to a gold needle); Abū Isḥāq; …
Accounts, mentioning Faḍāʾīl and Bayān.
Prices and accounts, in dinars and quarter dinars. (Information from CUDL)
Table in Arabic script and Coptic numerals. Accounts?
Private account written by Nahray b. Nissim. 1065. Details about trading pearls. Mentions partnership with Nahray’s circle of friends. (Information from Gil, Kingdom, Vol. 2, …
2 תעתוקים דיון אחד
Account in Arabic script containing dinars and numbers.
[... upon our master and lord the imām al-Mus]tanṣir bi-Allāh, commander of the faithful [and upon]
his pure ancestors. The slave of our master,…
תרגום אחד
Accounts list a shop (דוכאן) in one of the headings, with columns for weights of goods (אוקה // וקייה), names, and prices. Dating is 18th- …
List of names from different families, probably a memorial list.
Accounts, mentions days of the week and some sums in silver (wariq).
Cover page for accounts of the Iraqi synagogue for the year 501 AH (1107/08 CE) submitted to Mevorakh b. Saʿāda al-Isrā'īlī al-Mutaṭabbib Rayyis al-Yahūd (=Mevorakh …
List of personal and family names. Probably an alms list. In the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe ha-Levi (1100–38 CE). Names include: the cantor Yosef …
Accounts, mentioning numerals and currency such as dinars. (Information from CUDL)
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic, Hebrew, and eastern Arabic numerals. Late. Mentions ground saffron.
List of approvals
Detailed accounts in Arabic script. At least partially for a construction project. Possibly communal.
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. Extensive and well-preserved. Likely pertaining to rents for the qodesh. Dated: '430, probably 1430 Seleucid, which is 1118/19 CE. Needs examination and …
Damaged list in Arabic, perhaps an inventory or brief accounts. Medieval-era.
List of names (male and female) with numbers; alms distribution list. At the top of verso it says "recipients of charity in Jerusalem." Names on …
Medieval accounts, mentioning silk and mercury among other things.
Accounts in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals. Mentions: brokerage (samsara); Bū l-Faḍl; Bū l-ʿIzz al-Jabbān(?); Bū l-Faḍl Bayyāʿ; Ibn Masmūṭ(?); Barakāt; al-Naḥḥās (or al-nuḥās). On …