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- Judaeo-Arabic
Petition, draft, addressed to al-Malik al-ʿĀdil (aka the vizier Ibn al-Salār), in the handwriting of Natan b. Shelomo ha-Kohen, asking that he release the estate …
ינהון אן ואלדהם סק[ט באלופאה ]
צגאר ואן מתולי אלמע[ונה ]
ואלדהם וואלדתהם ולמ יבקי אלמאל [ ]
בה וכלף להם דוירה יסתקרון פיהא [ ]
מן אלמ…
They report that their father has died [ leaving three] .
small [children] and that the head of the police [ ]
their father and their mo…
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1 Translation
1 Discussion