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268 total results

  1. 101

    LetterENA NS 36.4

    Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic mentioning Ḥafıẓ Aḥmad Pasha, Khiḍr Pasha, and māl al-sulṭān. There was probably once another page of the letter with its beginning. …

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  2. 102

    LetterHalper 426

    Letter in Hebrew and Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: Late 17th or early 18th century. Mention is made (ll. 17, 21, 25) of The Nazir Joseph ha-Levi (d. …

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  3. 103

    List or tableJRL SERIES C 65

    Accounts in an orderly hand and Hebrew alphanumerical characters that delineate columns with days and months in the Hijri calendar (i.e. Ṣafar on recto and …

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    • 1 / 1 leaf, recto
    • 1 / 1 leaf, verso
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  4. 104

    LetterMoss. II,101.1

    Late family letter in Judaeo-Arabic sent to Shemuel Ḥalafta in Fusṭāṭ, perhaps from his brother, rebuking him for the lack of letters ("your poor mother's …

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  5. 105

    LetterMoss. IV,38

    Letter from a scribe to a certain Yosef. (The names Yosef and Avraham appear in the address on verso, but the surrounding text is very …

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  6. 106

    LetterJRL SERIES B 2541

    Late business letter in Judaeo-Arabic addressed to Yaʿaqov b. Ḥabīb.

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    • 1 / 1 leaf, recto
    • 1 / 1 leaf, verso
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  7. 107

    LetterJRL SERIES B 2542

    Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic, mentioning Marseilles (? מרסליה).

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    • 1 / 1 leaf, recto
    • 1 / 1 leaf, verso
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  8. 108

    List or tableJRL SERIES B 2979

    Late Judaeo-Arabic dowry list, probably, since it is headed "be-siman tov ve-ʿosher ve-banim be-mazal ẓomeaḥ ve-ʿoleh." There follows a list of numerous items, mostly garments, …

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    • 1 / 1 leaf, recto
    • 1 / 1 leaf, verso
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  9. 109

    LetterJRL SERIES B 3608

    Recto: Brief note in Judaeo-Arabic, reassuring the recipient that everyone is well and that conditions in the region are the same as they have been. …

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    • 1 / 1 leaf, recto
    • 1 / 1 leaf, verso
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  10. 110

    List or tableJRL SERIES B 3813

    Late accounts in Judaeo-Arabic and Hebrew. Somebody (with a Greek name?) bought "the rest of Plato's Laws (nāmūsiyya)." A cane seller (bayyāʿ al-qaṣab) is mentioned. …

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    • 1+2 / 2 leaves conjoined, recto
    • 1+2 / 2 leaves conjoined, verso
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  11. 111

    LetterJRL SERIES A 803

    Letter in Judaeo-Arabic dated 28 Sivan '85, probably 5585, corresponding to 14 June 1825 CE. The writer is Nissim Sabbāḥ and the addressee is Yaʿaqov …

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    • 1 / 1 leaf, recto
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  12. 112

    LetterAIU VIII.B.32

    Letter (fragment) of which only the bottom section of the body and marginal portion of the text remains. In l. 15r one S[eñor] Curiel is …

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  13. 113

    List or tableENA NS 54.3

    Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic in a late hand from the 16th-19th centuries. The names of many Muslim economic actors are listed and accompanied with alphanumerical figures, …

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  14. 114

    Legal documentJRL SERIES A 47 + JRL SERIES A 49

    Legal documents in Judaeo-Arabic related to real estate transactions that are dated 1784/85CE according to FGP (although it is unclear where exactly this year corresponds …

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    • 1 / 1 leaf, recto
    • 1 / 1 leaf, verso
    • 1 / 1 leaf, recto
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  15. 115

    LetterENA 3504.4

    Letter addressed to Yūsuf al-Surrī. The name Saʿīd Maḍmūn the Blind appears at the bottom of verso; unclear if this is the name of the …

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  16. 116

    LetterAIU VII.E.84

    Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic to Yiṣḥaq Bialobos.

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  17. 117

    LetterMoss. II,140

    Letter in Judaeo-Arabic the recipient of which is unknown, but this individual is referred to with an honorific form of address (l.2-3). The letter is …

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  18. 118

    LetterYevr.-Arab. II 1064

    Letter in Judaeo-Arabic, late. From Moshe Ḥayyim Ḥayyūn (?) to Mordekhai Hannān (?) and another person whose name is effaced. Dating: Probably 18th or 19th …

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  19. 119

    LetterT-S Misc.28.166

    Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Late. Addressed to Natan b. Avraham ha-Kohen Sholal (?). The writer expresses his longing for the addressee (r1–4). He gives news of …

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  20. 120

    LetterT-S Misc.22.191

    Letter from Yeshuʿa al-Ḥāmī to Namir ויריוטי (?). In Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: Late, perhaps 15th or 16th century. Deals with business matters. Mentions the currency "corona …

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  21. 121

    LetterYevr.-Arab. I 4907

    Letter from an unknown writer in Egypt to Moshe Kohen in an unknown location. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: Late, probably 16th century at the earliest. Mentions …

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  22. 122

    List or tableT-S NS 83.21

    Late account

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  23. 123

    LetterT-S NS 304.45

    A letter to Ya'aqov Fransin in Rashid Also mentioned Nissim Faranji. 15th century?

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  24. 124

    List or tableT-S Ar.30.100

    Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic using the currency corona, late.

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  25. 125

    List or tableT-S Ar.30.152

    Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. Late. For each day of the week, lists the boats (qārib) belonging to different people (Muḥammad, Shihāb al-Dīn, Naṣr al-Dīn. . .) …

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  26. 126

    LetterMoss. VII,167

    Letter fragment from Seʿadya Abū Saʿd to Shelomo (Sulaymān) אבוסטרה(?). In Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: Late, probably no earlier than 15th century. Most of the content of …

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  27. 127

    List or tableT-S 10J12.31

    Accounts with Arabic numerals. (Information from CUDL)

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    • 1r
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  28. 128

    List or tableJRL SERIES B 2913

    Late account in Judaeo-Arabic, listing many materia medica and chemicals: tamarind (tamr hindī), arsenic (zarnīkh), chicory seeds (bizr hindibāʾ), barberries, cloves, chebulic myrobalan, mercury (zaybaq), …

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    • 1 / 1 leaf, recto
    • 1 / 1 leaf, verso
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  29. 129

    LetterAIU VII.E.28

    Letter to Moshe Bunān in Cairo. Exact dating is not possible because the letter's heading is torn and missing from the recto but the name …

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  30. 130

    List or tableENA NS 14.24

    Account in Judaeo-Arabic with alphanumerical figures and itemized labels such as "milk/ ḥalīb" that may date from the 16th-18th centuries (based on the paleography). On …

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  31. 131

    LetterCUL Or.1080 4.48

    Letter, late, in Judaeo-Arabic from Yosef Yaʿveṣ to Ya'aqov Yaʿveṣ (or Yuʿbaṣ?). Information from Wagner, Linguistic Variety of Judaeo-Arabic, 24. For a nineteenth-century letter that …

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  32. 132

    List or tableENA NS 45.8

    Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic in a unique hand. The heading includes a date with the months Shaʿbān and Tūt, but its exact meaning is unclear (it …

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  33. 133

    List or tableT-S NS 83.25

    Modern note containing monetary account in Ottoman gurush coinage. Location: Cairo. Dating: August (אגסטס) __69 CE. Based on the usage of pre-lined paper and scribal …

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  34. 134

    List or tableENA 2373.3

    Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic (and eastern Arabic numerals). Dated: 5582 AM, which is 1821/22 CE. Mentioning R. Petro and Se. Shemuel, and the holidays of Sukkot, …

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    • recto
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  35. 135

    LetterENA 2560.7

    Letter from Shelomo Kohen and Yaʿaqov Portos to Efrayim [...]. Dated: 12 Elul 5566 AM (1806 CE). (Someone wrote the date 1706 CE on the …

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  36. 136

    LetterAIU VII.E.121

    A ledger containing copies of about ten business letters in Judaeo-Arabic from 1814–16 CE (5575–76). On verso, most are to Yosef Shammāʿ (or Shamānī?) & …

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  37. 137

    LetterAIU VII.E.110

    Letter in Judaeo-Arabic to David Ben-Naʿim from his brother Moshe Ben-Naʿīm, who signs with the initials MBN rather than his full signature. Dated 30 Kislev …

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  38. 138

    LetterAIU IX.B.17

    Letter from Mordekhai b. Yiṣḥaq to Ḥayyim Avraham Levi. Written in Judaeo-Arabic. Dated: 22 Iyyar 5565 AM, which is 1805 CE.

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  39. 139

    List or tableJRL SERIES C 40

    List of sales "מוביע" and purchases "מושתרא" in Judeo-Arabic that is dated solely as 68/٦٨ or 67/٦٧ with Hijri months (frequently Muḥarram). The document may …

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    • 1 / 1 leaf, recto
    • 1 / 1 leaf, verso
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  40. 140

    LetterJRL Series L 3

    Letter in Judaeo-Arabic, perhaps dated 1818/1819 CE ([5]579 AM). The letter recipients are Menaḥem Barakha and Barakha Goren, sender: Shelomo Sonino. Requires further examination for …

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    • 1 / 1 leaf, recto
    • 1 / 1 leaf, verso
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  41. 141

    List or tableJRL SERIES C 56

    Lists in Judaeo-Arabic and Hebrew related to communal contributions that are organized in a format similar to JRL SERIES C 63. In the second line …

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    • 1 / 1 leaf, recto
    • 1 / 1 leaf, verso
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  42. 142

    LetterAIU VII.E.128

    Letter in Judaeo-Arabic from Eliyyahu Turki to Yūsuf Yaʿīsh Ḥadād. Dated 1 Iyyar 5601 AM which is

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  43. 143

    LetterAIU VII.D.33

    Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic dated 1802 CE (the 17th of matmonim i.e. the omer, 5562) from Yiṣḥaq ben Naʿim to his brother Me'ir ben Naʿim. …

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  44. 144

    LetterAIU VII.E.79

    Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic to Karo y Frances & Company.

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  45. 145

    LetterAIU VII.E.135

    Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic from the son of Me'ir ben Naʿim (Moshe?), Fustat/Cairo, to his father Me'ir ben Naʿim, Damietta. The date is given but …

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  46. 146

    LetterAIU VII.E.136

    Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic to Yaʿīsh Ḥarrār in Alexandria from Yaʿaqov ha-Levi.

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  47. 147

    LetterBL OR 12369.7 + BL OR 12369.8

    12369.7 and 8 are drafts of several Judaeo-Arabic letters and documents by Yisrael al-Gevili (אלגוילי) writing in Cairo it seems circa 1755/6 CE (the lower …

    Recto, upper segment:

    1. . . .
    2. אקר ואשהד עלא נפסהי אלמחתרם אלמוכרם אלאגל אלאכמל
    3. אלאמתל מולאנה אלשיך אלאסלאם אלשיך נצר אלדין אבו
    4. זין אלדין אלאסכנדארני א…

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  48. 148

    LetterBL OR 12369.8 + BL OR 12369.7

    12369.7 and 8 are drafts of several Judaeo-Arabic letters and documents by Yisrael al-Gevili (אלגוילי) writing in Cairo it seems circa 1755/6 CE (the lower …


    1. . . . יום שני
    2. אחד . . בעד מזיד אלסלאם עליכם וכתרת אלאשואק
    3. אליכם ליס יכפא ען שריף עלמכם באננא טייבין בכיר
    4. ועאפיא כדאלך נסמע ענכם אמין וגיר דאל…

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  49. 149

    LetterAIU VII.E.230

    Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic from Nissim M[...] to Karo y Frances & Company.

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  50. 150

    LetterAIU VII.E.234

    Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic from Moshe ben Naʿim, Alexandria, to his brother David ben Naʿim, Cairo/Fustat. The copious blank space was reused for a literary …

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