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34706 نتائج
رسالةT-S 6J4.31
Letter from Moshe Binyamin to Isaac Luria (CUDL). "A certain Moshe Binyamin sent two letters from Rashid to Luria in Egypt, probably either in 1555 …
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عرض تفاصيل المستندرسالةCUL Or.1080 15.16
Letter from Mose de Toledo and perhaps one other person, in Gaza. In Spanish. Dating: Probably 15th–16th century, on paleographic grounds (assessment kindly provided by …
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عرض تفاصيل المستندثيقة شرعيّةT-S AS 95.135
Probably from a book of legal formulas, citing a legal deed
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عرض تفاصيل المستندنصّ غير أدبيّT-S NS 292.80
Magic recipe.
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قائمة/جدولENA NS 43.9
Multifragment. (a) Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. Late. (b) Probably too faded to read. Looks like Judaeo-Arabic, and looks older.
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رسالةL-G Ar. I.63
Letter fragment. In Arabic script. Mentions sending something with someone. Needs examination.
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عرض تفاصيل المستندنصّ غير أدبيّT-S NS 327.34
Magical spell for separating people. In Arabic script.
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ثيقة شرعيّةENA 3082.2 + ENA 3082.3
Legal query written by Halfon b. Netanʾel ha-Levi sent to Elʿazar al-Qasabi. Addendum to India Book IV. AA
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ثيقة شرعيّةMoss. VII,9.2
Court record, referring to […] b. Nissim ha-Kohen, someone named Sh[...], and a sum of 4 dinars + 2/3 + 1/8. (Information in part from …
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عرض تفاصيل المستندرسالةCUL Or.1081 J21
Letter from Benaya b. Mūsā to Abū l-Afrāḥ ʿArūs b. Yūsuf. In Judaeo-Arabic. The purpose of the letter is to explain why the writer never …
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عرض تفاصيل المستندثيقة شرعيّةMoss. VII,117.2
Formularies for marriage documents in Hebrew. Including one related to levirate marriage.
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عرض تفاصيل المستندوثيقة رسميّةT-S AS 177.323
Tax receipt for Nuṣayr b. Saʿīd. Dated: 5[..] AH (~12th century CE).
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قائمة/جدولT-S AS 149.228
Accounts with Hebrew numerals. (Information from CUDL)
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عرض تفاصيل المستندنصوص أدبيّةMoss. VIII,38.2
List having to do with seliḥot.
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عرض تفاصيل المستندقائمة/جدولT-S NS 83.12
Account of incomes?
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Credit instrument or private receiptT-S Ar.30.184.20
Order of payment issued by Abū Zikrī Kohen to his banker, Abū l-Khayr Khiyyār, instructing him to pay Abū l-Faḍl 7 dinars. Dated Av 1451 …
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عرض تفاصيل المستندنصّ غير أدبيّHUC 1008
First page of a prayer book (contains the beginning of Sabbath's eve prayer), copied by Obadiah, the Norman proselyte. Contains a colophon with his name …
1. עׂבַדְיָה הַגֵּר הַנָרְמַנְדֻּס אֲשֶׁר בָּא בִּבְרִי//ת// אֱלׂהֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל
2. בְּיֵרַח אֵילול שְנת אתיג לשְטָרוֹת היא ד'תתסב
3. ...
1 نسخ
قائمة/جدولENA 1196.1
Table of contents for a responsa collection
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عرض تفاصيل المستندثيقة شرعيّةT-S AS 152.412
Fragment from the bottom part of a ketubah. Damaged and faded, but traces of the immersion clause enable us to date it to 1176 onwards-probably …
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عرض تفاصيل المستندثيقة شرعيّةT-S NS 321.9
Very damaged betrothal deed, probably between Rabbinate bride and Karaite groom (See Ashur, Engagement and Betrothals, p, 69). It is the bride's second marriage and …
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عرض تفاصيل المستندقائمة/جدولT-S AS 224.169
Badly faded and damaged minute fragment contains list of items such as cloves.
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رسالةT-S NS J120 + T-S Misc.28.11
Letter from Alexandria by a man to his friend, reporting that he had settled the dispute between Shabbat (the recipient's son-in-law) and his wife (the …
- אללה ואדסהם עליה וכאן מן איאם גרא בין שבת ובין
- אלצביה כלאם ואשרף עלי אלטלאק מא זלת אלטף בה
- ובאכותה אחיאהם אללה מא קצרו ויגב עליך חרסך אללה
- מכאתב...
may God protect them for you. It has been some days now that Shabbat
and the girl (al-ṣabīya) quarreled, and he was on the verge of divo...
1 نسخ 1 مناقشة
نصّ غير أدبيّT-S 12.320
India Book III, 26: Calendar written by Ibn Yiju for the year September 1149–September 1150, when he was in Yemen. The document seems to indicate …
- סנה אתסא תאמנא ללמחזור חסירין ומעוברת ראש השנה
- אלבג צום גדליה יום אל ארבעה כיפור אלארבעה סוכה אלב
- שמיני עצרת אלכאתנין [[תשרי אלב שמיני עצרת ...
1 نسخ 2 ترجمتين
عرض تفاصيل المستندقائمة/جدولT-S NS 190.124
List in Arabic script. Unclear significance.
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عرض تفاصيل المستندرسالةHUC 1111
There are at least three distinct documents on this fragment. The main document on recto is a letter conveying a report about a dispute between …
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عرض تفاصيل المستندثيقة شرعيّةT-S AS 180.193
Small fragment of a legal document, involving [...] al-Ḥāmī and his wife Sutayt bt. ʿAbdallāh al-Khashshāb, and possibly conditions about what happens if he travels …
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نصوص أدبيّةENA NS 18.4
Literary text having to do with the restoration of Jerusalem, in the hand of the secretary of Shelomo b. Yehuda Gaon. (Information from Goitein's index …
1 مناقشة
ثيقة شرعيّةT-S 13J6.11
Verso: Addendum to the legal deed on recto. Location: Fustat. Dated: 22 Shevaṭ 1576 Seleucid = 9 February 1265 CE. Written and signed by ʿImmanuel …
- נקול נחן אלשהוד אלואצעין כטוטנא אכר הדה אלשהאדא אן למא
- כאן פי אליום אלתאני ואלעשרין מנ שהר שבט אלפא וחמש מאה
- ושבעין ושיתא שנין לשטרות חצר אלינא אל...
1 نسخ 1 مناقشة
ثيقة شرعيّةT-S 10J26.7
Draft of a resolution to appoint the cantor Abū Sahl Levi b. al-Ahuv after he distinguished himself during a period of trial. (Information from Goitein's …
1 مناقشة
رسالةT-S AS 150.110
Recto: Hebrew letter. Verso: unidentified Arabic. Very faded. Mentions numbers. (Information from CUDL)
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قائمة/جدولENA 3949.3
Private accounts in Arabic script. Dating: Possibly Mamluk or early Ottoman-era. Mentions several names: Mūsa al-Karakī (كرك in modern-day Jordan), someone with the military title …
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ثيقة شرعيّةJRL SERIES B 2784
Recto: Likely a fragment of a legal document in Hebrew, mentioning merchandise and the years 1700/1 and 1701/2 CE (5461 and 5462). Verso: Likely accounts.
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رسالةENA 2808.29
Letter from Mūsā, in Ṣandafā, to his brother, in Fustat. In Judaeo-Arabic, with the address in both Judaeo-Arabic and Arabic script. Written in a lovely …
1 مناقشة
رسالةENA NS 32.18
Letter from חצרייה(?) and her mother to פוצילא. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: Probably no earlier than 14th century. The writers report on the condition of the …
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ثيقة شرعيّةT-S AS 148.118
Small fragment of a legal document. Probably containing marriage conditions: "...rather he will live there... unless she consents..."
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عرض تفاصيل المستندثيقة شرعيّةT-S AS 173.356
Possibly legal formularies, or else a literary text ("... al-fulāniyya...").
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نوع غير معروفCUL Or.1080 14.13 + CUL Or.1080 14.25
Eight lines of mysterious strings of Arabic letters and numbers. Likely but not definitively a join with CUL Or.1080 14.25.
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رسالةT-S Ar.25.133
Recto: Shemuʾel b. Ḥofni’s Judaeo-Arabic commentary on Deuteronomy 11:26f. Verso: Arabic jottings, possibly a maxim or poetry; the lower text block is a copy of …
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رسالةT-S 6J9.3
Recto: short letter or note to Yosef ha-Sar the doctor. The writer had tried to visit Yosef several times but didn’t find him in and …
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عرض تفاصيل المستندنصوص أدبيّةT-S 8K15.17
Recto: Poem in Hebrew by Shemuel ha-Nagid. Verso: Love poem in Arabic script.
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رسالةENA NS 10.19
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Mentions Abū Ṭālib, a qāḍī with many concerns, and Manṣūr. Possibly the early handwriting of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe, but this is not …
- וקלת לי אן סיידנא אדאם אללה [עזה
- אבו טאלב פי מענאנא אלל[ה
- וקע אלכלאם פי הדא אחרא[
- קאצי כתיר אלאשגאל פיכון מע [
- לם ואלא אנה עלי עין מא ת[רא
- מ...
1 نسخ
رسالةT-S AS 152.195
Letter fragment in Judaeo-Arabic. Mentions Abū Sahl; a house; that something (אלחלקה?) of silk sold for [...] dinars for 10, because it is scarce; also …
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عرض تفاصيل المستندثيقة شرعيّةYevr. II A 1811
Non-Geniza. Two men had arrived to Troki from Brisk to settle ther, without asking the permission of the community pf Troki. They now taking upon …
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قائمة/جدولT-S AS 149.18
Accounts, mentioning Cairo and names such as Ibn Miska, Ibn Abū l-Surūr, Abū l-Khayr and Abū l-Ṭāhir, and quantities of currency. Hebrew numerals. (Information from …
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عرض تفاصيل المستندرسالةT-S AS 146.282
Minute fragment from a letter in Hebrew. AA
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عرض تفاصيل المستندقائمة/جدولT-S AS 202.467
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic and Greek/Coptic numerals.
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رسالةENA NS 7.75
Small fragment of a mercantile letter dealing with book binding and production. On verso what looks like a remain from a list of a book …
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نصّ غير أدبيّT-S K5.27
T-S K5, 16-40. Exercises of children, representing leters in various combinations and copies of the beginnings of the third and the first books of Moses. …
1 مناقشة
عرض تفاصيل المستندثيقة شرعيّةT-S AS 153.378
Bottom part of a legal deed containing the approval (qiyyum). The signatures are written by the same hand, so it might be a copy that …
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قائمة/جدولENA 4013.8
Accounts in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals. Reused for Hebrew literary text. Needs examination.
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