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53 total results

  1. 1

    State documentT-S NS 305.195

    Decree? In Arabic script, chancery hand, large letters and huge space between the lines. One and a half lines are preserved. It is difficult to …

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  2. 2

    State documentT-S NS 297.59

    Fatimid decree, probably. Only a single phrase is preserved: ʿAlī b. Abī Ṭālib. A piece of another letter from the line above is also preserved. …

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  3. 3

    State documentT-S Misc.9.18

    Decree. In Arabic script. Only a few words are preserved here (...ʿalā ikhtilāf...). Reused for a dirge by Yosef Ibn Avitor. (Information in part from …

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  4. 4

    State documentT-S AS 177.207

    Small fragment from a Fatimid decree, containing only the phrase "[some verb from the root kharaja/'issue'] the decree/rescript to the Dīwān of [...]."

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  5. 5

    State documentENA NS 50.18

    Decree. The ends of two lines are preserved. Mentions the cities of [...]nūf and Ṣahrasht (=Ṣahrajt). Reused for a separate document in Arabic script (also …

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  6. 6

    State documentAIU II.B.312

    A fragmentary line of a widely spaced Arabic text (probably a decree) visible in the left margin; the document was recycled to copy a biblical …

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  7. 7

    State documentT-S NS 34.157

    Decree, probably. Only a few enormous words are preserved, including ʿalayhi. Reused for poetry in Judaeo-Arabic.

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  8. 8

    State documentT-S NS 209.44

    A few enormous words in Arabic script, likely from a decree. It is a title and a name, perhaps Thiqat al-Dawla Ḥammād b. ʿAlī. Above …

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  9. 9

    LetterT-S Ar.41.98

    Letter from ʿAlī b. [...] addressed to Sharaf al-Dīn of apparently requesting clarification of a decree. Full address (unclear where Baker/Polliack got this from): al-malik …

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  10. 10

    State documentT-S 10J19.17

    State document, in Arabic script. Decree.

    المملوك مقدم الجيوش

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  11. 11

    State documentT-S Ar.34.328

    Decree of investiture(?); two lines widely spaced. Contains rhymed prose in praise of someone: "the stars in the their rotation like the order of …

    1. ]الى النجابة وعلى ىىد[
    2. ]الجواهر في الافلاك [     ] في مواكبه ترتيب النجوم في الافلاك

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  12. 12

    State documentENA 2481.17 + ENA 2481.18

    Decree, fragment, reused for Hebrew piyyut/poetry. The preserved text reads 'and on his brother' - wa ʿalā akhīhi.

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  13. 13

    State documentAIU IX.A.3

    Likely a decree to a lower official, to judge by the sloppy hand. The section toward the end contains inshallāh, then kutiba, with the date …

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  14. 14

    State documentAIU IV.C.302

    Decree, probably a public copy with gigantic line spacing. Mentions the signature/ʿalāma (khaṭṭ, khuṭūṭ) of two just witnesses (al-shuhūd al-ʿadlayn) and overseers (al-mushārifīn). Also mentions …

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  15. 15

    State documentENA 979.1

    Decree fragment: one line on verso. wa-ri'āyan li-kum[ ]. Cut, reused, and bound in a Hebrew script literary text: 15 lines plus notes on recto, …

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  16. 16

    State documentENA 979.2

    Decree fragment: one line on recto. 'adal(a) followed by tooth+loop (fragmentary word). Cut, reused, and bound in a Hebrew script literary text: 12 lines on …

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  17. 17

    LetterBodl. MS heb. a 3/2

    Very long letter dated ca. 1100, issued by the two judges of the capital in the name of the Nagid Mevorakh, in which a circuit …

    1. نسخة كتاب الرئيس الاجل
    2. بخط רבנו אלדאיב الی عند الشوفاط
    3. בשמך רח
    4. כתאבנא אנו שני הדיינים הקבועים בפסטאט מצרים הממנים
    5. מפי כגק מו מבורך אלוף הבינות חכם ה…

    1 Transcription 1 Discussion


    • 2 recto
    • 2 verso
    • 2(a) recto
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  18. 18

    State documentT-S Ar.39.304

    Bifolio containing a copy of a decree (sijill muʿaẓẓam) of appointment issued by the caliph al-Āmir (r. 1101–30) at the behest of the vizier al-Afḍal …

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  19. 19

    State documentT-S NS J470 + T-S 12.774

    Recto: Decree from the 1130s. Only the closing boilerplate and a date (without the year) have survived. Reused by the India trader Abū ʿAlī Yeḥezqel …

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  20. 20

    Legal documentT-S 18J1.6

    A religious slaughterer who was careless in the exercise of his duties is flogged and forced to make a public confession. Dated 9 Iyyar 1339/ …

    1. מעשה שהיה בפנינו בבית דין מושב שלושה בעיר אלקאהרה הסמוכה
    2. לפסטאט מצרים דעל נילוס //הנה[ר]// מושבה בשלישי בשבת בתשעה ימים
    3. לחודש אייר שנת אלף ושלוש מאו…

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  21. 21

    State documentENA 2148.95

    Fragment of a decree. There is a single full word: "al-mustaḥabbīn."

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    • recto
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  22. 22

    State documentENA 2461.42

    Recto: Fragment of an official document in Arabic script. The preserved text contains a string of official titles: "Jamāl al-Dīn... ʿUmdat al-Dawla, Fakhr al-Umarāʾ, Majd …

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    • recto
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  23. 23

    State documentBodl. MS Heb. g 2/60–67

    Decree, in Arabic script. Approximately twelve lines, later cut and reused to form quires. It is difficult to piece the decree fragments in the order …


    1. والاستقامة وا…


    1. واولى المساعي الله[
    2. تصل الله بها حبل الـ[


    1. الى فارط القضا فيه 
    2. حقهم وجرت بينهم وبين


    1. مشاجرة ادت
    2. فتجمعوا لطلب


    1 Transcription


    • 60 verso
    • 61 verso
    • 62 verso
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  24. 24

    State documentT-S NS J40

    Original use: State report or petition. In Arabic script. Nearly four lines are preserved, wide space between the lines. Refers to the arrival of a …

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  25. 25

    State documentENA 2808.45

    Small fragment of a Fatimid decree containing a truncated closing formula and the beginning of the date (day of the week only — Thursday). Interesting …

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  26. 26

    LetterT-S Misc.24.137.4

    Leaf from a court ledger. On recto: Testimony of compliance with an order issued by the head of the Jews, Netanʾel ha-Levi. Dated: First third …

    Response to a decree of the ra'is al-yahud Nethanel ha-Levi, regarding the proper conduct of a meat slaughterer. 1471 Sel. (1160). TS Misc. Box 24, f…

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  27. 27

    State documentENA NS I.31

    Recto: Fragment of a state document, possibly a decree. 2 lines preserved. In Arabic script. Some phrases read as "yanālu aṣḥābuhu mimman yaḍumm... wa-akhdh...", "wa-l-muṭālaba …

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  28. 28

    State documentBodl. MS heb. d 81/21 + Bodl. MS heb. d 81/20 + Bodl. MS heb. d 81/19 + Bodl. MS heb. d 81/22

    Decree, in Arabic script. 6 lines of a chancery document chopped into pieces and then reused to form quires. The line on fol. 19a has …

    Fol. 21r

    1. ونجاز علقهم وتسهيل مطالبهم والمبالغة في

    Fol. 20v

    1. اجمل معاملهم مع إشعارهم انهم يجرون 
    2. على عادتهم في بسط العدل عليهم والنظر بعين 

    Fol. 19r…

    2 Transcriptions 1 Translation


    • 21 recto
    • 20 verso
    • 19 recto
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  29. 29

    LetterT-S 16.196 + T-S 12.9

    Rescript of the judges of the court appointed by the Nagid Mevorakh to the community of al-Mahalla, advising the community in strongest terms to take …

    T-S 12.9 recto

    1. (1-2) Proceedings that took place in our presence, etc. Whereas there came to our attention the state of affairs in our beloved and …

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  30. 30

    State documentENA 2209.12

    State document: fragment of a decree: [hādha a]l-sijill al-manshūr fī l-aʿmā[l]. . . . Reused for piyyutim.

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    • recto
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  31. 31

    State documentT-S NS J103 + T-S 10J17.6

    Recto: Decree, fragment, to two local officials stating that a certain Abū l-Faraj b. Bū l-Waḥsh should be exempted from paying taxes (or from standing …


    1. الدين الذكر والناهض نصر ادام الله
    2. سلامتهما وحراستهما ونعمتهما

    3. على هذا المثال يعفوا ابو الفرج

    4. بن بو الوحش اليهودي من ضمان

    5. الحانوت ولا يح…


    1. (titulature) Naṣr, may God prolong

    2. their (dual) well-being, protection and benefaction, 

    3. about this (case): they have exempted Abū l-Fara…

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  32. 32

    Legal documentT-S 13J30.5

    Fragment of an ordinance (taqqana) concerning the Jerusalem community in Fustat. The community decides to choose ten men who will manage the community with Efrayim …

    1. תבת מא תקנתה אלגמאעה מן אלריבונין אלמקימין במצר עלי
    2. אנפסהם כתרהם אללה מע מאפרים ב שמ פי שהר תמוז משנת
    3. ממא יאתי שרחה פי אכר הדא אלכתאב רגדה מנהם גמיע…

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  33. 33

    LetterPUL Islamic Manuscripts, Third Series no. 584e.21 (Michaelides 21)

    Decree of a Coptic official, dated 25 Baʾūnah (?) of the Coptic year 1392 (?).

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  34. 34

    State documentDK 284.1

    Rotulus. 4 Arabic-script fragments were pasted together to form a long rotulus for a Hebrew literary text on verso. Text 1 is a decree (wide …

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  35. 35

    State documentBL OR 12312.10 + BL OR 12312.11

    State decree. Three fragmentary lines from the end of a chancery decree, probably addressed to a provincial official, mentions majlis al-naẓar (refer al-Qalqashandī, Ṣubḥ al-Āʿshā …

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  36. 36

    LetterT-S AS 147.37

    Order sent to the community of Fustat from the office of Yehoshuaʿ Nagid (d. 1355) recommending the elder Shemuel for charity, followed by requests and …

    1. ה[נ]ה אל [י]שועתי [וכו]ל
    2. אלגמאעה אלכרימה אלמקימין במצר
    3. יברכם צורם אנס יעלמו אן מצות
    4. צדקה אגרהא עטים בין יד[י]ה [תע וכ]צ[וצא
    5. למן הוא עני ודי עאילה וה…

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  37. 37

    State documentENA 3844.14

    State document, possibly a decree. Suggests orders conferred upon an authority: hayʾat (?) l-muṭālaʿa wa-l-āʿmāl bihā. There is Arabic script in another not-so-elegant hand and …

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  38. 38

    State documentMoss. VII,10.1

    Verso (original use): Fragment from a Fatimid decree of investiture for Abū l-Bayān Mūsā and another person, appointed rightfully (بما يقتضيه العدل ويوجبه الحق) to …

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  39. 39

    State documentENA 2591.3

    Fragment of a decree mentioning the funds of a dīwān in exchange for something. Late Fatimid (paleographic dating), same chancery hand as some of the …

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  40. 40

    State documentENA 3412.7

    Fragment of a larger document in Arabic on verso, most likely a medieval-era decree. The only visible line reads: "... الصناعة المحروسة ليعمله" (perhaps referring …

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    • verso
    • recto
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  41. 41

    State documentENA 1177.76

    State document, fragment of a longer text, dismembered at the collesis. What has remained is wa-mā tawfīqī illā bi-l-lāh. Possibly Ayyubid (tawfīqī billāh was an …

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  42. 42

    Legal documentT-S 13J25.16 + T-S 16.135

    A communal enactment (taqqana) passed by the Jewish community of al-Maḥalla, in which they pledge their loyalty to their judge Peraḥya [b. Yosef], to retain …

    1. ...אלתקנה אל]די כתבוהא אהל אלמחלה אלבעץ מנהם פי מא יכץ ר פרחיה בן
    2. ר יוסף ?...] בקהל אלמחלה ש"צ ומא אפתי פיהא רבנו משה ש"צ מלה במלה:
    3. מא יקול כבוד גדו…

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  43. 43

    LetterT-S 20.104

    Statute (‘taqqana’) about the conduct of two slaughterhouses, one at the Great Bazaar and one at the Bath of the Mice, issued by a committee …


    1. [ ]ב[ אגת]מעו [מעהם פי כני]סה
    2. [אלשאמיין במצר] אלמערופין בפרנסתהא ובאפ[וטרופסי] אחואלהא
    3. אלמהתמין בעמארתהא פי גמיע אמורהא [אל]די {מנהם}
    4. פי גמלתה…

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  44. 44

    State documentT-S 13J7.29

    Decree (copy in Hebrew script) from the Fatimid caliph al-Ẓāhir to a governor of Palestine (probably Anushtekin al-Dizbirī) informing him of another decree that had …

    1. על שמך
    2. ערצת בחצרת אמיר אלמומנין רקעה מתרגמה
    3. בגמאעת אליהוד אלרבאנין יסאלון פיהא
    4. חמלהם עלי מקתצא אלסגל אלמכרם
    5. אלמכתתב להם באן ימכן אחבארהם
    6. מן אקאמה פר…
    1. In Your name.
    2. There was submitted to the Presence, the commander of the faithful, a petition in the name (ruqʿa mutarjama)
    3. of the community of Rabba…

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  45. 45

    State documentT-S C2.209 + ENA 4045.2 + JRL SERIES B 5446 + T-S F13.1 + T-S 13.20 + ENA 3751.5

    Original use: State decree from the Fatimid chancery, written under al-Ḥākim, al-Ẓāhir or al-Mustanṣir to an official in Egypt regarding a dispute over irrigation canals …

    Combined reading from all fragments. Lost Archive, p. 397

    their signatures validated it... fifty dīnārs... except for the amount of the officials ...…

    1 Transcription 1 Translation


    • 2
    • 1 / 1 leaf, verso
    • 1
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  46. 46

    LetterCUL Or.1080 J39 + BL OR 5566B.5

    Letter in Judaeo-Arabic from Ṣedaqa b. Khalaf b. Fuhayd, in Tyre, to al-Shaykh al-jalīl Abū Isḥaq Ibrāhīm Ibn al-Sheviʿi. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: Late 11th century …

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  47. 47

    LetterENA 1822a.46

    Letter in Arabic script concerning a governor, a bishop and monasteries. In the formal third-person address, the writer apologizes for sending the request in writing …

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  48. 48

    State documentT-S Ar.40.37

    Decree (manshūr) issued by the caliph al-Hafiz on 21 Rajab 528/1133 to stop two cases of malpractice which were adversely affecting the Delta province of …

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  49. 49

    State documentCUL Add.3336

    Bottom part of a decree of a Fatimid Amīr titled Surūr al-Malikī to a provincial governor or fiscal official, dated 2 Jumāda II, no year. …


    1. ذخر الملك كوكب الدولة وسديدها  ابو منصور بختيار الجيوشي ادام الله تا[يـ]ـيد[ـه]

    2. مكاتبتك بإزالة الاعتراض عن قنده الذي في المعصرة

    3. بجوجر وان…

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  50. 50

    LetterT-S 13J26.22

    Letter from Abū l-Manṣūr b. Ṭāhir al-Kohen, in Alexandria, to Abū ʿAlī Manṣūr b. Yiṣḥaq al-Dimashqī, in Fustat. Dating: 1170s CE. The addressee was just …


    1. בשמ' רחמ'
    2. אלדי נעלם בה חצרה מולאי וסידי אלשיך אלאגל אבן אלמנצור
    3. אטאל אללה בקאה ואדאם עזה ונעמאה ומן חסן תופיקה לא
    4. אכלאה געלני אללה מן גמיע אלא…

    3 Transcriptions 1 Discussion


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