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72 total results

  1. 1

    Legal documentT-S 8J9.17

    Bifolio from a court ledger in the hand of Mevorakh b. Natan (compare Yevr.-Arab. I 1700). Dated: Tishrei-Ḥeshvan 1472 Seleucid = 1160 CE. Fol. 2r: …

    2 Transcriptions 1 Discussion


    • 2r
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  2. 2

    LetterT-S 8J9.14 + T-S NS J136

    Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Yemeni hand, according to Goitein. Wide space between the lines. Dealing with various commodities related to the India trade, including ambergris, ʿūd, …

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  3. 3

    Legal documentT-S NS J46

    Court record in the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe. Certifying that Abū l-Faraj al-Jubaylī (Yeshuʿa b. Menashshe ha-Levi) delivered goods from Yemen belonging to a …

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  4. 4

    LetterT-S NS J298

    Letter sent from an unidentified man, in Alexandria, to his brother, in Shayzar (Syria). In Judaeo-Arabic. The sender has recently returned from a long visit …

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  5. 5

    Legal documentCUL Or.1080 J32

    Legal query to Avraham Maimonides regarding a man who takes a 200 dinar loan and appoints his parents as guarantors, providing them with a house …

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  6. 6

    LetterENA NS 48.22

    Letter fragment in Judaeo-Arabic. "1200 Malikī dinars. . . I was distressed by (the state of) those poor children. . . " These were Yemeni …

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  7. 7

    Legal documentENA 2727.15c

    Recto: Quittance given to the carriers of goods sent from Yemen by a husband, Abū Yaʿqūb [...] b. Efrayim to his wife (or rather seems …

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  8. 8

    LetterHalper 384

    Business letter relating to the India trade. In Judaeo-Arabic. The names of the sender and addressee are not preserved. Goitein initially thought the handwriting was …

    1 Transcription


    • p. 2
    • p. 1
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  9. 9

    LetterENA 2739.17

    Letter in Judaeo-Arabic from a father to his sons, from India Book VII, 60 (unpublished). Note that Goitein calls this manuscript ENA 2739.16 in Letters …

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  10. 10

    LetterENA 1822a.8

    Letter, India book VII66 (unpublished). Letter from South Arabia to Egypt giving order on a large gift to Maimonides. On verso an Arabic account of …


    1. ] . . . ונפדתה צחבה אבו
    2. סעד וקד דפע אבו סעד אלגוזה ואלענבר אלי אל
    3. שיך מצמון פבאללה עליך לא תשגל אמה קלבהא
    4. חית לם יצל מנה כתאב וחק אלתורה מא הו…

    3 Transcriptions 2 Discussions


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  11. 11

    LetterENA 2558.2

    Recto: Letter likely sent from Aden to Fustat. (The locations are not specified in the document; this is Goitein's assessment.) In Judaeo-Arabic, written in a …

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  12. 12

    LetterT-S 16.215

    Commercial letter related to the India trade. Dating: 1154–61. Mentions sprinkler bottles (qumqum) for rose water brought by the qāḍī Najm al-Dīn, and ‘pure’ (ṭahor) …

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  13. 13

    Legal documentT-S Misc.24.137.2

    A leaf from the court register, with five different entries, all signed by Yiṣḥaq b. Shemu'el, all explicitly dated between Shevat and Iyyar 1410 Sel. …

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  14. 14

    LetterT-S NS J117

    Letter from an unidentifed merchant, in ʿAydhāb. In Judaeo-Arabic. He complains about the tribulations of getting pepper through customs. The qāḍī in Qūṣ apparently issued …

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  15. 15

    LetterT-S 10J29.3

    Letter, written by a trader before leaving Aden for Nahrawāra, mentioning Abū l-Waḥš, Abū Saʿd, Abū Naṣr, Abū Yaʿqūb and the family of Bayt al-Baḥr …

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  16. 16

    LetterT-S Ar.30.145

    Letter (memo) from an unnamed India trader, probably in Aden, to Mufaḍḍal Ibn Abī Saʿd, in Qūṣ. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: First third of the 13th …

    Fol. 1r

    1. אללה חסבי
    2. אלדי סירה אלממלוך אלא ענד אלמולא //אלסיד מפצל אבן אבו סעד//
    3. אדאם אללה עזה
    4. צחבה אלשיך יחיה בן אבי אלקאסם
    5. אלסכאוי פי מטיה בן אלנפאך

    (To) M. Mufaddal Ibn Abi Sa'd ("Excellent, son of Fortunate"). God is sufficient for me.

    These items have been sent by your servant to my lord—may Go…

    3 Transcriptions 1 Translation


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  17. 17

    LetterCUL Or.1080 J30

    Letter. Letter concerning a girl who had been regarded as being a Muslim and when she appeared before the Qāḍī, declared she was Jewish, whereupon …

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  18. 18

    Legal documentBL OR 5542.4

    Legal document. Dated: Monday, 2 Iyyar 1398 Seleucid, which is 1087 CE. Location: Fustat. Moshe b. Elḥanan comes before the court and declares that he …

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  19. 19

    LetterT-S NS J426

    Mercantile letter, possibly sent from Aden to India. Reports that Abū Isḥāq Ibrāhīm b. Ḥalābū(?) was in a shipwreck at Dahlak, near ʿAydhāb, and that …


    1. ] . . . . אלבראה אן שא אללה . . . . אקי צחבה . . . .
    2. ] ולא תאכד עלי עבדהא פי תאכרהם פוחק דין ישראל אן
    3. אד וצלני אלכתאב לם אלבת בל תאני יום וצול…

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  20. 20

    LetterT-S 20.173

    Long letter from Yaʿaqov b. Salīm, in al-Juwwa (near Aden, Yemen), to the judge and parnas Natan b. Shelomo ha-Kohen, in Fustat. Quoting Deuteronomy 32:43 …

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  21. 21

    LetterT-S NS J182

    Fragment of a mercantile letter, probably from Aden, concerning shipments of textiles, books, spices, and gems. (Information from Goitein notes linked below.)


    1. אגתהאד אלממלוך פי ביעהם וקד תעוצת מן ק[ימתהם
    2. מא תצמנתה אלתדכרה וצדר פי אלכארם אלמבארך
    3. וכאן חי אלשיך אלמולא אבו אלפצאיל נפד לממלוכהא
    4. עאם אול ת…

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  22. 22

    LetterT-S NS 321.23

    Letter from an India trader, in ʿAydhāb, to his family or colleagues, presumably in Fustat. In Arabic script. There is a transcription in Goitein's attached …


    1. العجوز وتفتقدها في كل وقت وانني وصلت

    2. الى عيذاب ولقيت من الفارسي كل خير في

    3. الدنيا والاسعد فعل معنا خير بلا كتب ولمن

    4. ودينا الكتاب اخذ حقه…

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  23. 23

    LetterT-S NS J180

    Letter fragment from an India trader, in Aden. In Judaeo-Arabic. The sender reports that all is well and that the first ships have arrived India, …

    1. לא עדמתהא ולא כלות מנהא
    2. ואמא אכבאר אלבלאד פאכבאר
    3. סארה ללה אלחמד ואלשכר עלי דלך
    4. כתירא כתירא וסטר אלממלוך הדה
    5. אלכדמה וקד וצל אול מראכב אלהנד
    6. ווצל מרכב…

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  24. 24

    Legal documentT-S 8J5.14

    Court ledger. Fol. 2v: First page of a document concerning pursuing and finding a debtor "beyond Qūṣ," i.e., in ʿAydhāb. Location: Fustat. Dated: Tuesday, 27 …

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  25. 25

    Legal documentT-S 13J14.4

    Will of a merchant. Specifying that his assets be cashed for his infant daughter (who should marry before the completion of the year 500 AH …

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  26. 26

    LetterT-S AS 156.237 + T-S AS 156.238

    Letter from ʿAllān b. Ḥassūn, Aden, after his return from a difficult voyage to the southern coast of India, to ʿArūs b. Yosef. Before its …

    T-S AS 156.237 recto

    1. [Your servant took notice of... and your yearning] for him, a feeling shared by me. [May God ordain that]

    2. prosperity and he…

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  27. 27

    Legal documentT-S NS 292.10

    Document in the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe. Fragment (left side). Concerning business in pepper in Yemen. Involves Seʿadya ha-Kohen, Abū l-Khayr, Yeshuʿa ha-Levi b. …

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  28. 28

    LetterBodl. MS heb. b 3/26

    Letter from Alexandria to a merchant in Fustat. Around 1065. The letter contains a list of different goods’ prices. Mentions collecting debt in Adan, and …

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    • 26 verso
    • 26 recto
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  29. 29

    LetterBodl. MS heb. f 103/39

    Letter of recommendation for charity for the judge Avraham b. Yosef. The addressee is on a boat and about to set out for a voyage. …

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    • 39 recto
    • 39 verso
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  30. 30

    List or tableMoss. VII,55

    Inventory of what was found in the house of a certain Yiṣḥaq. Written in Judaeo-Arabic. Written on textile (cotton?). Scribed by Avraham b. Ismāʿīl al-Maghribī. …

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  31. 31

    Legal documentENA 4020.26

    Legal testimony about the customs of the merchants of Fustat regarding partnerships. The testimony describes how partnerships are established. Dated: middle decade of Iyyar 1452 …

    1. נקול אנן שה[די] דחתמות ידנא לתחתא אלדי נעלמה ונשהד בה

    2. אלשהאדה אלקאטעה במא גראת בה אלעאדה במצר בין אל

    3. תגאר פי אלשרכה ודלך אדא דכלוא מנהם גמאעה…

    1. We, the undersigned witnesses, say what we know and testify to, an

    2. irrefutable testimony about what is the custom in Miṣr between 

    3. merchants (a…

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  32. 32

    LetterT-S 16.255

    Enthusiastic letter by Yaʿaqov b. Yeshaʿyahu ha-Kohen, a leader of the Jews of Yemen, to Mevorakh b. Saʿadya, congratulating him on his appointment as Head …

    1. נז[. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    2. מרע אדונינו ומ[. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . …

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  33. 33

    Legal documentT-S Ar.30.258

    Text of the oath that Bū ʿImrān must swear to his brother Abū l-Maʿānī concerning his mercantile activities, the price of a house, and the …

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  34. 34

    LetterT-S Ar.30.178

    Business letter. Introduction in Hebrew, body in Judaeo-Arabic. Mentions the arrival of the Yemeni merchants (v3). Also mentions R. Shemuel Ismāʿīl b. Yūsuf and someone …

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  35. 35

    Legal documentMoss. VII,77

    Legal document in the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe. Involving Abū l-Baqā' and the late Abū l-Riḍā, who had business dealings in Yemen. Needs further …

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  36. 36

    LetterT-S 8J13.6

    Letter from a certain Maḥāsin, in ʿAydhāb, to his "brother" the cantor Abū Isḥāq b. al-Mumḥe, in Fustat. Sent to the shop of Abū l-Munajjā …

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  37. 37

    Legal documentENA 4020.14

    Bifolium from a court notebook. Dating: One entry is dated Shevat 1411 Seleucid, which is January 1100 CE. The four pages have four different cases …

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  38. 38

    Legal documentT-S 24.20

    Legal document. Record of release. Written in the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe. Location: Fustat. Dated: Adar I, 1426 Seleucid. One of two copies of …


    1. Testimony which took place before us—we, the undersigned. Thus: the Elder Abū al-Karam (our) tea(cher) and m(aster) Nadiv ha-Levi b. (our) tea(…

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  39. 39

    Legal documentBodl. MS heb. b 12/17

    Legal document in the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe. David b. Yiṣḥaq Ibn al-Ṣafaṭ (? אלצפט) acknowledges receipt of a sum of money from Abū …

    1 Transcription


    • 17 recto
    • 17 verso
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  40. 40

    List or tableT-S 10J30.12

    Accounts in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals. Payment for customs in the Red Sea ports of ʿAydhāb, Bāḍiʿ, and Sawākin. Commodities include: lac; boxthorn; myrobalan; …

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  41. 41

    LetterT-S NS J23

    Letter from an India trader, probably in Yemen. In Judaeo-Arabic. He recently came from India (Kullam, recto margin l. 15) and intends to return to …

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  42. 42

    Legal documentT-S NS 224.40 + T-S NS 184.67

    Legal document in the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe. Ṣāfī b. Yakhin appoints [Yaʿ]aqov(?) b. Yiṣḥaq(?) al-Sijilmāsī as his agent to collect aloe from another …

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  43. 43

    Legal documentL-G Misc. 48

    Legal deed. On parchment. In the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe. In which Abū ʿAlī Ḥasan al-Tinnīsī (aka Yefet b. Shemarya) appoints Makārim b. Shelomo …

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  44. 44

    Legal documentT-S NS 321.12

    Court register, fragment. Upper left corner of a legal record. In the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe. Dating: 1127–39, under the reshut of Maṣliaḥ Gaon. …

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  45. 45

    LetterBodl. MS heb. d 66/21

    Letter from a mother in Aden to her son in Egypt.

    1. בעד
    2. מן אלואלדה אלעזיזה תכץ חצרה אלולד אלעזיז אלמופק ופקה אלל : תע
    3. ואנא בטול בקאה וסהל סרעה לקאה עלי אסר חאל ואנעם
    4. באל במנה וכרמה ותנהי וצול כטך אלכר…

    2 Transcriptions 1 Discussion


    • 21 recto
    • 21 verso
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  46. 46

    LetterENA NS 22.14

    Letter addressed to Abū l-Ṭāhir al-ʿAṭṭār (the druggist). In Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: Probably 12th century. Concerning the India trade. Giving details about 15 or so spices …

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  47. 47

    Legal documentT-S Misc.28.44

    Legal document. On parchment. Cairo. In the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe. Involves [...] b. Ṣadaqa ha-Zaqen who was "killed for the sake of God's …

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  48. 48

    Legal documentT-S NS 321.50

    Legal document. Partnership agreement (copy). Written in the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe. Dating: 1112 CE (based on T-S Misc.28.263). Goitein records that this fragment …


    1. […] good … […]
    2. […] that, and those of us who wrote our names together. Likewise …[…]
    3. […] his fellow enacted, agreeing with all of us, our intenti…

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  49. 49

    LetterT-S 10J18.10

    Letter from a trader in India to his cousin, who was also his brother-in-law, in Egypt. The writer had apparently been in India and for …

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  50. 50

    Legal documentPER H 21 + Moss. VII,39

    Legal document. Location: Fustat. In the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe ha-Levi (active 1100–38 CE). Dating: 1120–38 CE, based on the involvement of Yakhin b. …

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