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  1. 1

    Literary textCUL Or.1080 15.79

    Instructions for the halakha/etiquette of comporting oneself during the ʿamida, including for eventualities such as needing to cough or urinate or developing a nosebleed. In …

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  2. 2

    Literary textMIAC 233

    Prayers and religious commentaries – undated – Museum of Islamic Art – (number 233) – in Hebrew. (information from Ḥassanein Muḥammad Rabīʿa, ed., Dalīl Wathā'iq …

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  3. 3

    Literary textMIAC 234

    Prayer – undated – Bassatine Cemetery – Museum of Islamic Art – (number 234) – in Hebrew. (information from Ḥassanein Muḥammad Rabīʿa, ed., Dalīl Wathā'iq …

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  4. 4

    Literary textMIAC 188

    Pleas and prayers to God for the sake of the people of Israel – undated – Museum of Islamic Art – (number 188) – in …

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  5. 5

    Literary textMIAC 28

    Prayers and blessings that God protect the people of Israel – undated – Museum of Islamic Art – (number 28) – in Hebrew. (information from …

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  6. 6

    Literary textMIAC 125

    Statement on a prayer designated for "prayers of the rabbi in Arabic" – undated – Bassatine Cemetery – Museum of Islamic Art – (number 125) …

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  7. 7

    Literary textMIAC 123

    Religious prayers and pardons – undated – Bassatine Cemetery – Museum of Islamic Art – (number 123) – in Hebrew. (information from Ḥassanein Muḥammad Rabīʿa, …

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  8. 8

    Literary textMIAC 237

    Religious prayers and pardons – undated – Bassatine Cemetery – Museum of Islamic Art – (number 237) – in Hebrew. (information from Ḥassanein Muḥammad Rabīʿa, …

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  9. 9

    Literary textT-S NS 188.34

    Bifolio of Hebrew literary text; there is an Arabic prayer written on the left page on verso.

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  10. 10

    Paraliterary textT-S 8K22.3

    Memorial prayer for Karaite Nesi'im, the descendants of Anan.

    (fol. 1, verso, last line)

    ויחמול על פליטת עמו . . . . . . . . . . [וירחם]

    (fol. 2 recto)

    1. אלהינו על כגק מ' ור' נז' וכ' וע' רא' וצ' תפ'
    2. הו' וה' אד' ה…

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  11. 11

    Paraliterary textT-S 12.594

    Lamentations recited on the anniversary of the death of a relative (ʿEli ha-Kohen the father of ʿAmram). Possibly in the handwriting of Zakkay b. Moshe. …

    1. אבכה במר ואנינה . //ואעשה מספד וקינה למרעילי ה// על חסיד בכהונה: אשר עבר למיתתו //למר עיני [[ . . . . ]]//
    2. //למיתתו// זה היום כמו שנה אנו שכחציר ימי…

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  12. 12

    Paraliterary textCUL Or.1080 J148

    Prayer for the current incumbent of a distinguished family of Kohanim, Moshe ha-Kohen (lived around 1200), opening with a prayer for his ancestors and other …

    1. נסכת אלתרחים
    2. דט]ול נ לזכר המשפחות המיוח[סות
    3. משפח הכ. .ק בישראל כגק מ[ור
    4. יוסף //הכהן// הרב הגדול המובהק וחמ[ודו
    5. כגקמור אדונינו יהודה הכ הרב הג
    6. המובהק…

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  13. 13

    LetterT-S AS 153.308

    Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Fragment (horizontal piece from the middle). Dating: Possibly 12th century based on hand, but that is a guess. The sender reports on …

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  14. 14

    Literary textMIAC 74

    Prayers and blessings on the occasion of Rosh ha-Shanah – undated – Museum of Islamic Art – (number 74) – in Hebrew. (information from Ḥassanein …

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  15. 15

    Literary textMIAC 111

    Prayers, blessing, and an illustration for the prophet Moses, peace be upon him, in the holiday of Hanukkah – undated – Museum of Islamic Art …

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  16. 16

    Literary textMIAC 56

    Prayer text for the absent and killed of Israel on Yom Kippur – undated – Bassatine Cemetery – Museum of Islamic Art – (number 56) …

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  17. 17

    Paraliterary textT-S 8J7.9

    Document containing a list of blessings for a benefactor, to be publicly recited during service at the synagogue. The noble patron, a representative of merchants …

    1. ]ושים בישראל כגק מרינו
    2. ]דול בישראל זצל וחמודו כגק
    3. ] הרב הגדול המבהק ראש הס[ד]ר
    4. ] וכגק מרינו ורבינו סעדיה הכהן החבר בסנהדרין
    5. ג[דול]ה וחמודו כגק מ ור …

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  18. 18

    List or tableT-S K15.105

    Prayer for the community at the time of a plague, and memorial list of persons who had died in it, including an unmarried girl. (Information …

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  19. 19

    Paraliterary textNLI 577.1/28

    Prayer/invocation in Arabic script. This piece begins with Sūrat al-Nās and ends with Sūrat al-Fātiḥa (with some errors), then yā Allāh yā Muḥammad. In between …

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  20. 20

    Paraliterary textT-S 20.26

    Prayer written by Ibn Yiju on fabric in India.

    1. גבהו[...]
    2. מיוצר התבל וממעל לשמים ממלאכים ומ[...]
    3. ומאופנים ומרוחות ומברקים ומרעמים ומעננים ומאש וממים [...]
    4. ומשלג ומקיטור ומ[ר]ק/י/עים ומשמש ומירח ומ…

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  21. 21

    LetterMS 8308, fol. 9

    Fragment from the bottom of a letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Quite faded. The addressee is a notable and has a son named Moshe (ושלום רבינו משה …

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  22. 22

    LetterMIAC 200

    Announcement for the Day of Geniza on which old prayerbooks unfit for repair will be transferred to the cave in the Bassatine and the process …

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  23. 23

    LetterMIAC 281

    Appeal to the Karaite Jewish community for the establishment of a special prayer for keeping away the spirit of the war from Egypt as requested …

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  24. 24

    LetterT-S 6J6.18

    Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. In a rudimentary hand. This is the second or final page of what was originally a longer letter. There is an unusual …


    1. מא ילזמהא אן תדכלי להא ולא ⟦ה⟧לה ולא
    2. תבצריה ולא תריה ולא תדכלי לה
    3. בית ירבט הדא פי אלשרע אן תרבי
    4. ואחדה ולד כבדהא ומא יכון
    5. להא אחד פי אלדניא אלא…


    1. …is it not obligatory for her that you (f. sg.) enter to her, and not to him, and
    2. you (f. sg.) do not look at him or see him or enter his
    3. Hous…

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  25. 25

    LetterCUL Or.1080 J27

    Letter of appeal from a cantor to a certain Moshe ha-Sar who is in government service. The letter also addresses Ṣedaqa ha-Sar. He asks for …

    1. בש רח
    2. ומצא חן ושכל טוב וג
    3. כי ארך ימים ושנות חיים וג
    4. ותגזר אמר ויקם לך וג
    5. לכבוד גד קד מר ור משה השר הנכבד העשה
    6. כמה חסדים וכמה טובות יעזרהו אלהינו ויש…

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