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Cheat sheet:

  • If you're looking for a word with one missing letter, use a period. Two missing letters, use two periods or {2}. Increase the number in the curly brackets to increase the number of characters, or insert a range with a comma in between, ex. {0,5}.
  • If you don't know how many characters are missing, use .*.
  • If you know which characters you want, use square brackets to find multiple spellings, ex. [יו] for yud or vav.


333 תוצאות
  1. 51מכתבT-S 13J20.4

    Calligraphic letter requesting help for a man who is out of work and has a large family which would be satisfied with getting a mere …

    1. בש רח
    2. והיה מעשה הצדקה שלום ועבודת הצ וג
    3. אשרי משכיל אל דל ביום רעה ימלטהו ייי ג
    4. אללה תעאלי דכרה יסתגיב פי מולאי אלשיך אלאגל
    5. צאלח אלאדעיה ויאריך ימיו‮…


    In (your) n(ame, O) Me(rciful) 

    "For the work of charity shall be peace, and the effect of ch(arity, calm and confidence forever)" (Isaiah 32:‮…


    תעתוק אחד תרגום אחד דיון אחד

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  2. 52מכתבT-S Ar.38.128 + T-S Ar.42.195 + T-S K11.57

    (Bottom) Charity letter from a woman, in Arabic script. addressed to a dignitary (al-rayyis al-jalīl). After a long, rhymed introduction, the sender complains of poverty …


    1. ليس لمن قلت حيلته وعظمت فاقته وعميت بصيرته اطال الله بقا مولاي الريس الجليل وادام تاييده وعلوه وتمكينه

    2. وكبت عدوه ملجا يلجا اليه ولا سندا ي‮…


    תעתוק אחד

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  3. 53מכתבT-S 8J16.30

    Letter requesting charity in which the petitioner describes that he is unemployed, starving, from a distant land (al-Raḥba), and has ‘uncovered his face’ to the …

    1. אשרי משכיל אל דל ביום רעה ימל{טהו} ייי
    2. אשרי שומרי משפט עושה צדקה ב{כל} ע{ת}
    3. אשרי איש ירא את ייי במצותיו חפץ מ{אד}
    4. כתבת הדה אלאחרף לחצרה מולאי אלשיך‮…


    תעתוק אחד

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  4. 54מסמך שלטוניT-S NS 306.159

    Fragment of a petition in Arabic script. Difficult hand. Portions of 5 lines are preserved. It could be a draft or was later reused for …


    1. [بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم]

    2. [المملوك يقبل] الارض امام المقام الطاهر النبوي ضاعف الله 

    3. [واعلى]ابدا مناره    ويسل الانعام عليه والاحسان اليه

    1. ]In the name of God the merciful and compassionate]
    2. ]The slave kisses] the ground in the pure Prophetic presence, may God multiply
    3. ]and elevate] it‮…


    תעתוק אחד תרגום אחד

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  5. 55מכתבT-S 8J21.12

    Letter from the Alexandrian community to Shemuel ha-Levi, "the prince of Levites, the glory of doctors" b. Shelomo, requesting his help in countering a decree …


    צד ימין

    1. וללוי אמר [ ]ב' שומ[ר הבטחתו ] כי אורך ימים

    צד שמאל

    1. [ ]אלי יסתגיב פי אלחצרה אלסאמיה [אל]כרימה הדרת כג'ק מ'ר' ור' שמואל השר היקר שר ‮…


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  6. 56מסמך שלטוניT-S NS 261.128

    Petition. Small fragment. Contains a taqbīl clause (and not much else). The beginning formula following the taqbīl resembles petition openings during the time of the …


    1. [بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم]
    2. المملوك يقبل الارض امام[الموقف النبوي الطاهر ضاعف الله انواره]
    3. [و]اعلا مناره               وينهي


    תעתוק אחד

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  7. 57מסמך שלטוניT-S Ar.39.418

    State document, in Arabic script. Fragmentary but from what is preserved, it is indicative that the petition is addressed to a caliph due to the …

    1. قيوله ويتلو خدمته مـ[

    2. من الرقعة والتوقيع والجواب على[

    3. في ارجـ[..؟] الثمن عنه على العادة كونه لم يبلغ

    4. الحكم فسبوني عليه وطالع بذلك

    5. امتثالا ‮…


    תעתוק אחד

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  8. 58מכתבT-S 8J28.4

    Letter in Hebrew, complete but letters smudged on right side and crossed out in line 7. Apparently an appeal for charitable assistance.

    1. יבא דבר אדוננו אם יצלח לי
    2. . . . . . . . . . . המתוק בעת אשר
    3. . . . . . . . עומד אל עם רמון
    4. ואמוץ מימיו אם //אכל// לחמו בתוך
    5. . . . עמים עדיין אני עומ‮…


    תעתוק אחד

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  9. 59סוג לא ידועPUL Islamic Manuscripts, Third Series no. 584e.22b (Michaelides 23)

    Petiton from some students at al-Azhar against a landowner. [Described on the paper wrapper as: "Complainte des etudiants d'El Azhar au Waliʹ" ; on a …


    אין רשומות קשורות

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  10. 60מכתבPUL Islamic Manuscripts, Third Series no. 584e.18 (Michaelides 19)

    Petition from the Mamluk period. [Described on the paper wrapper as: "Un esclave mamelouk demandant à son ancienne maitresse de retourner dans sa première maison" …


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  11. 61מסמך שלטוניPUL Islamic Manuscripts, Third Series no. 584e.31 (Michaelides 31)

    Petition to ʻUthmān ibn ʻUmar to Jawhar al-Ṣafawī, asking him for money. [Described on a separate small piece of paper: "Important"; [next line] "A letter …


    אין רשומות קשורות

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  12. 62מכתבMoss. II,163.3

    The beginning of what is probably a petition, written by a boy who was abandoned by his father before he was born. (CUDL description: Letter …

    1. כל מפקוד כאן מוגודא קבל פקדה פמפקודי לם יכן לה מוגודא
    2. יומא קט לאנה תרכני פי טלמה אלאחשא ותרך אלואלדה אלמנות חיות
    3. ולם יכן מן סו אלחאל הדא [[פטק]] פק‮…


    תעתוק אחד

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  13. 63מכתבJRL Series B 3727

    End of a petition from someone identifying himself as a certified hazzan to two people in Cairo requesting their assistance. The writer refers to someone, …

    1. .....]..[
    2. רף אלס[.....] כאן תג
    3. ......]... אלצ[...] .ב
    4. ..]באל[.]. פי דאר אלמלך
    5. ..]...[..]לדא ... ...ם ל
    6. תעלם[..] אלחסן אבו סהל ת.
    7. ינדר לי פי כניסה א‮…


    תעתוק אחד

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  14. 64מכתבMoss. IV,57

    Petition of a widow to a communal leader. She asks him to help her with her late husband's orphans, as he helped her husband in …

    1. י?עשה צדקה ומ[ש]פט נבח[ר] ל[י"י] מז[בח :]
    2. מלוה י"י חונן דל וגמלו ישלם לו :
    3. ביראת י"י מבטח [עז] ולבניו יהיה מחסה :
    4. קד עלם אללה תבארך ותעאלא מא קד תכ‮…


    תעתוק אחד

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  15. 65מכתבMoss. IV,88

    Petition, probably to Avraham Maimonides, of a widow who lives in a small upper apartment of a ruin belonging to the pious foundation. Recently the …

    1. אלממלוכה
    2. תנהי אלי סיידנא אבקאה אללה תעאלי אנהא קד
    3. אסתכרת אלי אלכאלק ואלי בית י"י ודלך אנהא סאכנה
    4. פי טביקה כראב שעתה דהרה לא כזאנה ולא כ/ו/ם
    5. ולא חוט‮…


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  16. 66מכתבJRL Series A 527

    This is a fragment of a letter asking for assistance, possibly on behalf of a man and his dependents. The author mentions that the subjects …

    1. ......]א[...............
    2. ....א]לדי יפ[..............
    3. ]רגל מעיל פי כמסה מן אלעילה
    4. ]ת עשרה .... עריאנה ומא לעבדך
    5. ...] מולאי אל[ש]יך אלאגל באן ינעם
    6. ..‮…


    תעתוק אחד

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  17. 67מכתבT-S 8J20.24

    Letter from a certain Efrayim concerning consignments of wheat and sums of money, written in a very polite form with many Hebrew phrases, among them …

    1. וכתאב לחצרתך [
    2. אשתכית מן תפצלך ותבעת לעבדך ד אראדב קמח מנהא ארדבין ונצף מן תמנהם

    // מקארב מן סער סו דרהם אלארדב // וארדב ונצף

    1. תתצרף בהא עלי עבדך ‮…


    I wrote to your excellen[cy …]. I entreat[ed] you to kindly send your slave 4 irdabbs of wheat // above the line: their price is about 15 dirh‮…


    תעתוק אחד תרגום אחד דיון אחד

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  18. 68מסמך שלטוניT-S Ar.42.200

    State document, in Arabic script. Petition, Mamlūk era.


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  19. 69מסמך שלטוניENA 2762.8

    State accounts (makhzūma) in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals. Two names, Bū l-ʿAlā (..) and ʿAbd al-Raḥmān, can be read in the third line. Written …


    אין רשומות קשורות

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  20. 70מכתבT-S Ar.6.26

    Business or official letter in Arabic script, top only; continues on verso. Likely from Ḥamīd b. Qāsim to a qāḍī; mentions Abū l-Ḥasan b. Salīm. …


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  21. 71מסמך שלטוניT-S AS 150.195

    State document, Fatimid period, 1130–49. Opening lines of a petition with a blessing on al-Hāfiẓ. On verso there is additional Arabic text in a different …


    1. [بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم]
    2. صلوات[الله وبركاته ونوامي زكواته وافضل تحياته على سيدنا ومولانا]
    3. الامام الحافـ[ـظ لدين الله وعلى ابائه الطاهرين وابن‮…


    תעתוק אחד

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  22. 72מסמך משפטיT-S NS 134.126

    Legal document in Arabic script. The beginnings of 6 lines are preserved. Mentions a qāḍī, a Christian, and possibly 16 dinars. Quite damaged. Reused for …


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  23. 73מסמך שלטוניT-S Ar.35.368

    Draft of a petition or note, in Arabic script, asking for charity on account of the sender's poverty. At lower left the name(s) of the …


    1. يقبل الارض وينهي ان المملوك رجل صعلوك
    2. وله عائلة وما هو عادة يرميه ولوجه الله تعالى
    3. النظر في حاله لوجه الله تعالى
    4. المملوك
    5. ابراهيم ابن محسن(؟)
    6. ‮…
    1. Kisses the ground and reports that the slave is a pauper
    2. and he has a family, and this [his state of poverty] is not usual, for the sake of God the‮…


    תעתוק אחד תרגום אחד

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  24. 74מסמך שלטוניENA NS 2.33

    Verso: Draft (probably) of a petition. In Arabic script. "The slave... wishes to maintain the traditions... we wish to maintain our traditions and the traditions …

    1. بسـ[ـم الله الرحمن الرحيم]
    2. العبد المملـ[ـوك
    3. ونشتهي ان نبقى عل رسمنا[
    4. ونشتهي ان نبقى على رسمنا وعلى رسم ابونا
    5. قبلنا وهـ[ ] ونحن في مكان وهو كنيستنا
    1. In the name [of God the merciful and compassionate]
    2. The slave [
    3. and wishes to maintain the traditions
    4. and wishes to maintain our traditions and the‮…


    תעתוק אחד תרגום אחד

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  25. 75מכתבT-S 16.252

    Letter/petition from Moshe b. ʿAmram b. Ḥalfon he-Ḥaver to a highly placed courtier in Fustat titled Zaʿīm al-Mulk, in Fustat. The addressee may in fact …

    1. . . . . . . .]. . .ברים והשרים בכל שרי ה. . .
    2. . . . .]. ונשפלים ונבזים . .יש עפר פני הדר בא. .
    3. כב. .צי הנודע איש .גזרות וברבותו . .קרא תראב. . . . ‮…


    תעתוק אחד דיון אחד

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  26. 76מכתבT-S 10J20.2 + T-S 13J25.17

    Two eloquent drafts of complaint addressed to the Nagid Avraham and two of the chief justices in Fustat, against against Zikrī b. Musallam Ibn al-Naʿja …

    1. באן נכשל לפ[. .] ונכבש [[מ]] לאן [. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    2. קד צחח אללה בור כרה ויחפריהו ויפול בש[חת יפעל
    3. חמסו בפניו ורעתו תשוב ברושו [[ואלמא‮…


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  27. 77מסמך שלטוניT-S AS 158.30

    Verso (original use): Petition. In Arabic script. Dating: Probably Mamluk-era. Concerning the synagogue at Dammūh and asking for orders/guidance (waṣāh). Perhaps having to do with …


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  28. 78מסמך שלטוניENA NS 71.12

    Fatimid petition, fragment of the top left-hand margin, tarjama is preserved. Dates to the period of al-Ḥākim based on the reuse on verso which makes …


    1. روائح(؟) بن جوشن (جريس؟) واصحابه

    2. العبقلين(؟) 

    3. بسم الله الرحمن الـ]ـرحيم

    4. مماليك الحضرة السامـ]ـية العلية ال . . . ية والسعيدة السيدية ا‮…

    1. Rawāʾiḥ b. Jawshan and his colleagues
    2. al-ʿAbqalayn(?)
    3. In the name of God, the merciful and [compassionate]
    4. The slaves of the lofty presence, …. the‮…


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  29. 79מסמך שלטוניT-S 8J34.1

    Verso (original use): Fragment from the lower left corner of a petition in Arabic script. Refers to the amīr Rifʿat? al-Dawla; a dīwān; and includes …

    1. وعبده يسل انعامه[

    2. ثبوته على يد الامير رفعة الدولة ادام الله عزه

    3. ا]ستخراج رافعها في سورة الديوان

    4. ]بيده الراي //الاعلى// في الانعام علي فيما س‮…

    1. His slave asks for his benefactions [
    2. Registering it at the hands of the amīr Rifʿat al-Dawla, may God perpetuate his glory.
    3. ]extraction of its con‮…


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  30. 80מכתבT-S NS J343

    Petition to Avraham al-Nafis from Bu al-Faraj. (F. Niessen and A. Shivtiel, ed., Arabic and Judaeo-Arabic Manuscripts in the Cambridge Genizah Collections, 602) EMS

    1. אלממלוך בו אלפרג יכדם מגלס אלמולי אלשיך אלאגל אלתלמיד ר אברהם אלנפיס שצ
    2. וינהי בעץ אלשוק למשא [ . . . . אל]בארי יקרב אלפרג ויעין עלי דלך במנה ולטפה
    3. ‮…


    תעתוק אחד

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  31. 81מכתבT-S Ar.42.13

    Letter/petition in Arabic script. The tarjama containing the name of the sender at upper left seems to have been deliberately torn away; the remainder of …


    1. يخدم مجلس المولى السيد الاجل الحكيم الفاضل ادام الله ايامه

    2. وينهي لكريم عالم(؟) ان المانع له عن الحضور بخدمة المولا الان

    3. ما يعلمه المولا ‮…


    תעתוק אחד

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  32. 82מסמך שלטוניENA 2959.1

    Fragment of a petition, two wide lines. The first line reads 'wa-ʿabd mawlānā,' then '[...] al-shāmil.'


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  33. 83מסמך שלטוניENA 3754.2

    Mamluk or early Ottoman petition.


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  34. 84מסמך שלטוניT-S NS 324.117

    Verso (original use): Petition in Arabic script. Four lines from near the top are preserved. Late Fatimid period.


    1. المملوك يقبل الارض [امام المجلس العالي...]
    2. الجيوشي السيفي الناصري العادلي الصافي الهادي
    3. عضد الله به الدين وامتع بطول بقاه امير المؤمنين
    4. وادام‮…


    תעתוק אחד

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  35. 85מסמך שלטוניT-S AS 178.192

    Petition in Arabic script to "the master of the viziers" (sayyid al-wuzarāʾ). The sender swears by Muḥammad and his family but is himself a Jew …

    1. . . . . . . . . . . . وسيدنا سيد الوزرا وكهف الفقرا
    2. وملـ]ـجا الغربا والمنقطعين عمدة الملوك والسـ[ـلاطيـ]ـن [. . . . .] امير المومنين
    3. . . .]ـه واعلا‮…


    תעתוק אחד

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  36. 86מסמך שלטוניT-S AS 177.268

    Verso (original use): Petition in an elegant Arabic hand. The sender's name probably appears at the end of the tarjama, but it difficult to read. …


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  37. 87מסמך שלטוניT-S Misc.22.252

    State document(s). In Arabic script. One column is probably a petition and the other the rescript (identical format to T-S NS 96.66, which was edited …


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  38. 88מכתבJRL Series A 546 + BL OR 10599.30

    Recto: Beginning of a letter of appeal for charity by an individual named Makīn who addresses his plea to an elder. Mentions the topoi of …

    1. אלממלוך מכין
    2. יכדם כבוד גדולת | מרינו ורבינו [
    3. אלהי ישראל יבר|כו וישמרו ויחי[
    4. שני חמודיו ויאר|יך ימיו בטוב וש[נותיו
    5. בנעימים אלדי | צדקתה עלי כל עו[ב‮…


    תעתוק אחד

    • 1 / 1 leaf, recto
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    הצגת פרטי מסמך
  39. 89מסמך שלטוניENA NS 24.11

    Petition, probably. In Arabic script. Only one line and a couple words from the line below are preserved. "irtifāʿ mā. . . lā yadillu ʿalayhi. …


    1. ارتفاع ما يتولاه ولايدل عليه حسابه ولا[
    2.                                                  ]عبده


    תעתוק אחד

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    הצגת פרטי מסמך
  40. 90מכתבT-S 12.258

    Letter addressed to Sar Shalom, written by a man whose wife and son had been in captivity by Edom (Christians) and who had lost all …

    1. שפא [ . . . . . ] . . . . . [ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    2. ראש לו . לי לתפא[רת . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    3. ורבנא‮…


    2 תעתוקים דיון אחד

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  41. 91מכתבT-S 12.591 + Moss. IV,81

    Letter sent from Alexandria to Fustat regarding an inheritance of a widow and her orphans. Dating: ca. 1080 CE. The local Jewish judge (Heb. dayyan) …

    T-S 12.591 + Moss. IV,81, recto:

    1. אנא אקול אן אלחואיג תנקצי במעולה [
    2. סידנא לנא אן מצאת אלאלמנה ולם . . . [
    3. אל . . . . ואל אלמנה יחזקאל . . . . אלקאצ‮…


    2 תעתוקים דיון אחד

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  42. 92מסמך שלטוניT-S NS 300.71

    Petition, Fatimid, in Arabic script. Three and a half lines are preserved. The petitioner is one of the traders entering (or importing goods into?) Egypt …


    1. انه من جملة التجار الموردين الى الديار المصرية خلد الله[
    2. وهو من اهل الستر والسلامة لازم للطرائق الحميدة[
    3. الا جزا وهو [يجدد] تقبيل الارض ويسئل‮…
    1. He is among the merchants that come to Egypt, may god perpetuate [
    2. and he is a genuine person, following a virtuous path [
    3. except reward. He [renew‮…


    תעתוק אחד תרגום אחד 2 דיונים

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  43. 93מסמך שלטוניENA 3947.3

    Fragment of a petition in Arabic script. Asking for "the lofty rescript" (التوقيع العالي زاده الله شرفا وعلوا) apparently concerning a certain Abū Saʿd, "sitting …


    1. التوقيع العالي زاده الله شرفا وعلوا الى الشيخ ابو سعد
    2. باسشفاف حاله وتمكينه من الجلوس في بعض الحوانيت
    3. لتحيي هو وعائلته رحمة عليهم واحسانا اليه‮…


    1. Abū Saʿd, the elder, to investigate in his affair [
    2. the stores, so that he and his family can live, [by extending] mercy upon them and kindne‮…


    תעתוק אחד תרגום אחד

    • recto
    • verso
    הצגת פרטי מסמך
  44. 94מסמך שלטוניT-S Ar.42.173

    Recto (secondary use): Petition draft in Arabic script. The sender thanks the addressee for employing him in government service (khidma). Mentions "al-dawāwīn al-maʿmūra." The variants …


    1. المملوك يقبل الارض وينهي انه كان انعم عليه بالخدمة في [
    2. طـ[                              ]....للديوان المعمور
    3. من الجاري[                     ‮…


    1. The slave kisses the ground and reports that he [the addressee] showed kindness to him by appointing him in [
    2. [                       ]in the‮…


    תעתוק אחד תרגום אחד

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  45. 95מכתבT-S Ar.41.124

    Letter/petition to Najīb(?) al-Dawla. In Arabic script. The sender reports that he came to the addressee's house but was not able to do something. He …


    אין רשומות קשורות

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    הצגת פרטי מסמך
  46. 96מסמך שלטוניT-S 8J5.21

    Verso: Draft of a petition in Arabic script, addressed to a lower official. The petitioners raise a dispute regarding a synagogue (kanīsa). They are barred …

      1. المماليك يقبلو الارض {وهو} ينهوا ان لهم بالمحلة كنيسة خرابة وهي تجمع شملهم

      2. بالصلاة فيها والمماليك [[يمنعون]] //خائفين// من الدخول اليها لكونها‮…

    1. The slaves kiss the ground and report that they have a dilapidated synagogue in al-Maḥalla which unites them
    2. in prayer. However, the slaves are [‮…


    תעתוק אחד תרגום אחד

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    הצגת פרטי מסמך
  47. 97מכתבENA 3907.9

    Letter from Abū Manṣūr to [al-Shaykh] al-Makīn al-Ṣayrafī, in Qūṣ (here called "thaghr Qūṣ"). In Arabic script, elegantly written. The sender opens with respectful greetings …


    אין רשומות קשורות

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    הצגת פרטי מסמך
  48. 98מסמך שלטוניT-S Ar.7.38

    Fatimid petition. Dating: 422–23/1031–32. Second half of a petition to the caliph al-Ẓāhir requesting the return of a church that had been confiscated by decree …


    1. [جميـ]ـع ما فيها من فضة ونحاس والات خشب

    2. ورخام يساوى ذلك جملة كبيرة فنقضها

    3. وبنا بقبضها دارا فبعضها معصرة وحوانيت 

    4. يستغلها جميع ذلك ويحص‮…


    1. All the silver, copper, wooden vessels

    2. and marble that are in it. All of this amounts to a large quantity. He broke them down

    3. and with ‮…


    תעתוק אחד תרגום אחד

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    הצגת פרטי מסמך
  49. 99מסמך שלטוניT-S Ar.29.186

    Petition to a Fatimid vizier regarding the repayment of a debt. The petitioner asks for help in dealing with the head of the arsenal, Abū …


    1. يعرف با[ـبـ]ـي [ا]لاعسر ريس الصناعة و[   ]

    2. بين المملوك وبينه معاملة ولا عليه حسـ[ـا]ـب ولا جبة ضمان ولا كفالة 

    3. وأن الريس المذكور ضيق على‮…


    1. ... known as 'Abū al-'A'sār, the head of the arsenal and [ there have been no] dealings
    2. between him and the slave, he is not in debt, nor doe‮…


    תעתוק אחד תרגום אחד

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  50. 100מסמך שלטוניT-S 10J9.4

    State document. Response to an endorsement on a petition. A multi-handed internal memorandum. Contains endorsements or minutes (or clerks' notes) that haven't yet been deciphered; …


    1. والحمد لله وحده وصلواته على [سيدنا محمد نبيه وسلم تسليما]
    2.          العبد المملوك
    3.               …… بن فتح
    4. امتثل المرسوم فى التوقيع العالى زاده‮…
    1. Praise be to God alone and his blessings be upon [our lord Muḥammad, his prophet, and save him]

    2. The servant and slave

    3. . . . ibn Fatḥ

    4. The ins‮…


    תעתוק אחד תרגום אחד

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