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State document in Arabic script. Petition or report? Fragments of 6 lines are preserved, wide space between them. Refers to al-Shaykh al-Muʾayyad fī l-Dīn, a …
]مونة حضوره علي ومائـ[
الـ[ـشيخ المؤيد في الدين واحتشمت
قرات منها ومع هذه الحال فقد صفقت وجهـ[ـي
فــ[ي حال سالت اخراجه من الديوان المعمور بم…
תעתוק אחד
Concluding fragment of a 39 paged bilingual Arabic-Ottoman Turkish language primer entitled "al-Shudhūr al-dhahabīyah wa-al-qiṭaʻ al-Aḥmadīyah fī al-lughah al-Turkīyah".
אין רשומות קשורות
State document, in Arabic script. The document is an official correspondence ending with a raʾy clause. The sender asks the addressee to be sagacious and …
State document, in Arabic script. Pٰrobably the beginning of a decree with a basmala. "mā rāḥ ḥaẓẓuk fī l-ʿūlyā bi-muntaqiṣ", a variant of the poem …
Recto: A passage from an Arabic treatise on love and lovers (ʿishq, ʿāshiq, maʿshūq). Verso: Scattered Arabic text, possibly list or accounts. Needs further examination.
Document in Arabic script, perhaps a trade letter/document. Mentions sending something, probably a letter and milk "ḥalība maḥmūla", in the companionship (suḥba) of someone and …
Order of payment, for Muḥammad al-Raīsī(?), which will be delivered (al-wāṣil) from the kitchen (maṭbakh?), by (ʿalā yadd)....... Needs examination.
Trials of the pen in a fiscal or administrative hand, including the glyph, the basmala and "al-shaykh al-ajall."
State document, probably a decree. The fragmented line reads as "واما ما ذكره من دعا الخاصة". Hebrew liturgical text on recto.
Recto: Document in Arabic script recording the settling of a business account (wafāʾ), perhaps what al-Thiqa owed to Barakāt b. Salāma. Dated: 12 Muḥaram '47 …
State document, in Arabic script. Right-side fragment of an official correspondence.
Letter, probably from a son to father inferred from the expression "وما اعلمك به يا والدي". The name ʿAbd al-Wahhāb appears on verso in what …
Legal document, probably a receipt. Mentions the month of Dhū l-Qaʿda.
Legal document(s) in Arabic script. Dating: Late Mamlūk. The one on recto (the later use) involves Abū ʿAbdallāh Muḥammad al-Damīrī al-Mālikī, Ibrāhīm b. Ḥarūn al-Yahūdī, …
Letter in Arabic script. Dating: Uncertain, maybe late Mamlūk/early Ottoman. The name Abū Ḥamza (?) can be read in the place of the tarjama. Mentions …
List or accounts, with Coptic numerals. Mentions pepper "filfil".
Note or folio from the epistle on animals, from the Rasāʾil Ikhwān al-Ṣafāʾ. "رسالة الحيوان من رسايل اخوان الصفا وخلان الوفا من كلام الحكمة و …
Verso: Fragmentary document, in a chancery hand. Typical closing formula of a state document "في ذلك ان شاالله". The second line could be a date. …
Verso (original use): Fiscal accounting document (or an official order for the release of funds?), complete with ḥamdala and ḥasbala. Dated: 5 Shawwāl 4xx (412?).
One line, in Arabic script, "الحكيم الاجل اسعد ....سعاد". Probably literary.
Recto: Probably letter draft. "الاخ الشيخ.......قدس الله روحه". Verso: Unidentified table. Needs examination.
Fiscal document or accounts, reused for Hebrew script. Mentions transactions in gold (ʿayn) and silver (wariq) and also contains Coptic/Greek numerals. Needs examination.
Bifolio containing multiple documents. Dating: Unknown. Recto, right page: Acknowledgment (iqrār) of a debt of 400 dinars owed by the Jew Naṣr b. Abū Saʿd …
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
وصلت كتابك ايها الامير الموفق السعيد النجيب سعد الدولة وتوفقها
افتخار الدولة وسعدها جمال…
Receipt for wages (?). Mentions Asqalān at the top and labor performed at a guest house. Some of the text reads: عسقلان معما فيه..... مما …
Late Arabic Ottoman-era legal document, in Arabic script. Mentions al-Muʿallim Ibrahīm b. Amīn and Khwājā Yūsūf. Name of the notary at the bottom of the …
Accounts, in Arabic script. Needs examination.
State document, fragmentary, in Arabic script. Mentions 20,000 irdab of wheat. A tentative reading of the first line could be "al-Malik Muʿizz al-Dawla". If the …
Letter (draft?), or official correspondence, in Arabic script. Contains the taqbīl clause and mentions "al-mamlūk" twice. The text on verso reads as "min ahl hādihi …
Recto: Letter in Arabic script. Fragment (upper right corner). With text in the margins. Begins with a basmala and the phrase 'mamlūk al-ḥadra al-sāmīya' (the …
Legal document in Arabic script. Dated: 14 Jumādā II 634 AH (=1236/37 CE). Certifying that Yaʿqūb al-Yahūdī b. [...] al-Māwardī and possibly one other person …
Letter, official-looking, in Arabic script. Dating: Probably Mamluk-era. Mentions al-Muẓaffarī in the tarjama and begins with a taqbīl clause and yunhī formula. Central part of …
المملوك المظفري
يقبل الارض وينهي بعد استمرارة على الادعية الصالحة
فلـ[..]عىه [ ]
Fol. 2v is the closing formula of a state document with a ḥamdala and ṣalwala.
Literary text, mentions some astrological references like "ṭāliʿ". Or rather a sermon mentioning an obedient/pious person (ṭāʾiʿ). Needs examination.
Receipt? - needs examination. Probably begins with "ṣaḥḥ ibn al-wazīr".
State document, in Arabic script. Wide spacing, two fragmentary lines. Some of the words read as "من مساعدته....من ذلك في امره".
Recto: Letter in Arabic script. Fragment (upper left corner). Addressed to a certain Fakhr al-Dawla (al-shaykh al-ajall, 'the esteemed elder'). The sender met with Muḥyī …
Single phrase of Arabic on verso "في ادوم غبطة". Reused for Hebrew script.
Legal document in Arabic script. Perhaps a deed of sale of a property. On parchment. Fragment: the beginnings of ~10 lines are preserved in additional …
Presumably a draft of a letter of appointment for a scribe to the central chancery. ʿAbd al-Ghanī b. Muḥammad al-Kātib is appointed as a scribe …
Tax receipt, with some less common features. Two of the endorsements at the top mention the dīwān al-iqṭāʿāt al-murtajaʿa (office of reclaimed fiefs), cf. T-S …
Receipt of payment, in Arabic script, not very legible. Different document on verso.
Letter address, in Arabic script. From the head of the Yeshiva (رأس المثيبة) to Ramla. "الرملة يصل ان شا الله". Name of the addressee to …
State correspondence, probably a petition but any petition-related formula is missing. Five lines are preserved, and possibly a copy of a sixth line. Almost all …
الشامل وعدلها وجودها العامر وطولها منه وقدرته
ولم يزل عند مولانا صلوات الله عليه متقلبا في نعمة الدولة
النبوية الضافية عليه ومنحتها المتصلة ال…
…encompassing, and its justice and perpetual generosities, and benevolence from it and its might.
[The slave] steadfastly remained near our mast…
תעתוק אחד תרגום אחד
State document, administrative accounts. The right halves of 14 lines are preserved. Mentions someone's servants (wa-ghilmānuhū), half of something, and installments (aqsāṭ). The months Ramaḍān, …
Letter fragment. In Arabic script. The first two lines and part of the marginal text are preserved, including the basmala and opening formulae, and acknowledging …
State document, in Arabic script. 11 lines of official correspondence in a chancery hand, probably a report of some kind. The preserved document was chopped …
One side: four fragments of a letter, in an official looking hand, in Arabic script. Mentions 300 dīnārs. Needs examination.
Bottom of a legal document, in Arabic script. One witness clause preserved and a technical terminology "al-mutakkhir bi-mā fī tārikhih".Reused for Hebrew piyyuṭ.
State document, probably a decree. In Arabic script, in a chancery hand. Huge letters and wide space between the lines. Reused for a Judaeo-Arabic literary …
State document, bottom fragment, in Arabic script. "الذي لا يقدر فيهم على غيره... ومحاسبته على استقبال سنة خمسـ[...على ما استخرجه واحضر ما". The phrase "wa-muḥāsabatuhu …