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Torn and damaged fragment of a kettubah, night be written by Yosef b. Shmuel Halevi, but the script is too damage to ascertain. AA
אין רשומות קשורות
Small fragment from a ketubah with few items from the dowry list. AA
Ketubbah formulary, mostly complete, Babylonian style. AA and RR
Fragment from the bottom part of a ketubah with partial signatures and a qiyyum - approval of the signatures. The groom name is Natan. Signed …
Late. Minute fragment from a top of a legal deed, mentioning אדוננו הנגיד Our Master the Nagid. AA
Medical text concerning diseases of the joints, with list of simples (cudl)
Medical prescription
Recto: Betrothal contract, Qaraite. Dated: Sunday, 4 Heshvan 5488 AM = 2039 Seleucid, which is 1727 CE. Location: Cairo. Groom: Naḥum ha-Levi b. Yosef b. …
Medical. Materia medica. List of medical substances and quantities (see Isaacs, Catalogue) Judeo-Arabic. AA
Medical. From a work on materia medica, listing simple medicaments, their function and use (from CUDL).
Medical. Medical prescription (from CUDL).
Probably from a letter in late Hebrew. AA
A very damaged bill of divorce. On verso very faded document, hardly legible. AA
list of items belongs to Abu Ali: Oil, Saffron etc. AA
Business letter from Alexandria to Fustat. Only the top right preserved. Late. (FGP)
Document of sale of a house (intaqala...), dated 28 Muḥarram 587 AH, which is 25 February 1191 CE. (Though note that Khan at one time …
Legal documents in Judaeo-Arabic related to real estate transactions that are dated 1784/85CE according to FGP (although it is unclear where exactly this year corresponds …
Small and damaged fragment from a bill of divorce of Sut[ay]t d. Ulla. Seems to join with T-S AS 152.408. AA
Minute fragment from a ketubba. Only few words have preserved, among them part from the monogamy clause. AA
Minute fragment, from a draft of a bill of divorce of Semah b. […]. The year is only partially preserved: Tishrei […]93. Probably 11th century, …
End of damaged legal document, from 11th century Fustat, signed by Yeshu’a b. Yosef. Below the document remains of an approval (qiyyum) of the document …
Un-conserved, so no numbers allocated to each fragment yet. Among the five minute frgaments in this folder there is one legal document written by Efrayim …
A damaged bill of divorce (get). The woman’s name is Sitt al-Sada. Only the last two digits of the year is preserved: [..]82. AA
The main document is a liturgy. On the margin a strip from another document- a ketuba written by Mevorakh b. Natan (1150-1181 CE) was bound …
Marriage document? Minute fragment, on velum, probably from a ketubah . the words נדוניה ובליות can be read. Verso is blank. AA
Modern accounts with a wide variety of names mentioned. Dating: 19th-century based on paleography and lined paper.
Fragment from a decorated Ketubbah of Menaḥem b. [...] (groom) and Rayna b. [...] (bride). Dated 21st Iyyar 5372 (= 1612 CE). AA
Ketubba in the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe. The bridegroom is possibly Is[aac b. ...]. The name of the bride and further details are not …
Siddur, on verso a colophon with the names Bu al-Faraj b. Ibrahim, in two different hands, and some pen trials. AA
Letter in Arabic. Dated 5 Shawwal 1214 AH (March 1800 CE). Verso is blank apart from a jotting which may be an acknowledgement of receipt. …
Legal document, dated A.H. 569 (= 1173-74 C.E.). - needs examination.
Medical Medical text on medicine for the stomach and indigestion (from CUDL).
Legal document; Literary text. Recto: paraphrase of sections of Esther with biblical phrases in Hebrew (including Esther 8:8; 3:13); Coptic numerals. Verso: further paraphrase of …
Responsa. Responsaum of הרא"ש כלל סו, סימן ז. AA
Calendar for years 4756–4757 of the Era of Creation (= 995-996 to 996-997 CE) and 4760-4761 of the Era of Creation (= 999-1000 to 1000-1001 …
Recto: calendrical text discussing the months of Marḥešvan and Kislev. Verso: jottings.
Possibly a medical text, mentioning illnesses. Very dark and damaged
Magic Recipes (fgp)
Medical text dealing with lincti and ointments. CUDL
Legal document. Minute fragment, from the bottom part of a legal document, might be a ketubah. Only partial names: Yefet, […] Halevi b. Bashar , …
Recto: unidentified text, mentions miqra neviʾin. Verso: list of books. The hand of Yosef Rosh Haseder? AA
Image not available. According to Schwarb Catalogue: Appeal from the prisoners in Tiberias, to R. Yeshuʿa and R. Shelomo. AA
Commentary entitled פירוש מכתב לרבנות, in the hand of Yosef b. Yaʿaqov ha-Bavli.
Image not available. According to Schwarb Catalogue: Business letter from Abu Nasr b. Ibrahim to Abu Zekharia Judah b. Yosef Hakohen. AA
Ketubbah for [...] b. Eleazar (bride). Dated 28th Elul 15[.. Sel.], in the time of R. Abraham (possibly Maimonides?). Might be by the hand of …
Deed of gift, signed by Breakhot b. Elazar. The other signatures are not preserved. The parties Abu al-Muna, and Tamim ha-Parnas. This Tamim is known …
Ketubbah of Meshullam ha-Kohen (groom). Few words from the beginning of travel stipulation survived. No further details are preserved. AA
On recto (with few lines continued on verso) Halakhic discussion or responsa regarding the law of oaths, probably written by Abraham b. Nathan (beginning of …
Fragment from the end of a ketuba. Signed by Moshe b. Sai'd, Yeshua b. Mevur[akh], Aharon b. [...]. AA