מסמך משפטי: JRL SERIES A 47 + JRL SERIES A 49
מסמך משפטי JRL SERIES A 47 + JRL SERIES A 49תגים
Legal documents in Judaeo-Arabic related to real estate transactions that are dated 1784/85CE according to FGP (although it is unclear where exactly this year corresponds to an AM or AH equivalent in the fragment). The list format of these documents suggests that the page may have once been bound as part of a broader court register. There is much damage to the fragment but on occasion the closing line of each document is clear enough that the Aramaic word "established / קיים" appears– which is a common term that seals a legal document. The first document on the verso is signed with a difficult calligraphic hand yet within the document's first line, the name Yehuda b. Mauza[?] is legible. In the following line the name Masʿūd "מסעוד" appears. MCD.