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  1. 11051

    LetterT-S NS 292.11

    Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. On parchment. Written in a beautiful hand, in a somewhat elevated register. Unusual format, with overflow text in both the left and …


    1. ] . . ך סלמה אללה
    2. ]לך אבקאך אללה פאגתהדת
    3. פי ביעהא מ[. . . . . .] ר נתן חתי עקדנהא
    4. בי דנאניר גיר רבע [בע]ד כל גהאד ואללה יעלם
    5. ] ל[א]ני סאר במא …

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  2. 11052

    LetterMoss. II,137.2

    Personal letter in Hebrew. Fragment. Recto consists of blessings. Verso mentions ha-Sar ʿOvadya, "your relative," and that he should be told something to do with …

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  3. 11053

    LetterT-S Ar.47.146

    Letter. In Judaeo-Arabic. Rudimentary hand. The spellings are closer to classical Arabic than usual (e.g. שיא for شيء). The two folios were originally two folios …

    Folio 1, recto:

    1. ואלסלגב וזית אלבאן וגמיע אלאדהאן
    2. ומן אלאכבאר אלעטרייה מתל כמון
    3. וכרויה וקצח וחולבי ואלראזיאן ואל
    4. חנא . . אץ פי אלמאא ומן אגר ענדה
    5. דול…

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  4. 11054

    LetterJRL SERIES B 5791

    Letter fragment in Arabic script. Mentions al-Shaykh Bū l-Faḍl.

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    • 1 / 1 leaf, recto
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  5. 11055

    Letterp. Heid. Hebr. 23

    Note from Barakāt (=Shelomo b. Eliyyahu) to Abū l-Najā. In Arabic script. Reminding him of his promise of a loan of 20 dirhams. On recto …

    1 Transcription 1 Translation

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  6. 11056

    LetterT-S K25.230

    Letter from an anonymous agent to Dāwūd ibn ʿImrān, Fustat. In which the writer asks the recipient, a well-known merchant, for further details concerning a …


    1. رسمته من خطاب الشيخ ابي الفرج فرقان بن اسد الامر [     ]
    2. لاجل النسخ المعول فيه على اىتمامه فسلم الى جزاين من الكلام في
    3. العرووث برسم حضرته وذكر…

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  7. 11057

    LetterT-S 6J7.1 + T-S Ar.13.16

    Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: ca. 13th century. From an unidentified sender in Damīra to a Jewish notable in Fustat (perhaps even the Nagid). Two fragments; …


    1. וכאנו קד עולו . . [
    2. יסירו ויטלעו קאצד[ין
    3. תע ולחצרה אדונינו באן [
    4. להם תוקיע עלי צאחב אלסיארה
    5. מקר בידיהם באן יגרו עלי
    6. מא קד גרת בה עאדתהם ולא
    7. יג…

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  8. 11058

    LetterJRL Gaster ar. 459

    Letter in Arabic script, likely mercantile. Needs examination.

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    • 1 / 1 leaf, recto
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  9. 11059

    LetterT-S 8J19.18

    Letter in which the writer complains about his financial state. The sender gives advice to the addressee about leaving some place and taking his childrens' …

    1. אלקלוב ואלדי אשיר בה עליך אן תגעל לך טריק תכרג [
    2. מע רחל צביאנך ותכון מראעי לה פי אלטריק ואנ [
    3. ויזול שגל אלקלב ומא תחתאג לא וכאלה ולא גיר דלך [
    4. כנת מ…

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  10. 11060

    LetterT-S AS 125.251

    Recto: liturgical text in Hebrew. Verso: unidentified text in Arabic, possibly a letter, but almost nothing preserved. (Information from CUDL)

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  11. 11061

    LetterT-S AS 10.25

    Possibly part of a letter. In Arabic script. The first words of about a dozen lines are preserved. (Information in part from CUDL)

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  12. 11062

    LetterT-S 8J15.22

    Letter to the mother of Abū Zikrī, Umm Abū Zikrī (אם אבו זכרי), who is also mother of the referenced Abū al-Barakat and wife of …

    1. אלדי אעלם בה אם אבו זכרי דאם עזהא
    2. ונעמאהא ובקאהא ואלדי תריד עלמה
    3. אללה תעאלי יטמן קלבך עלי אולאדך [כמא
    4. טמנתי קלבי עלי אלצגאר אלדי הם [. . . . .
    5. וולא …

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  13. 11063

    LetterT-S 16.262

    Letter from Moshe b. Labrāṭ, in al-Mahdiyya, to the Head of the Jews of Egypt (Moshe b. Mevorakh) asking him to assist the son of …

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  14. 11064

    LetterT-S AS 21.295

    Letter in Arabic script. Fragment (vertical strip from the middle). Dating: Likely 11th century. The sender is in Jerusalem ([min al-musta]qarr bi-l-Quds ʿamarahu Allāh). Mentions …

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  15. 11065

    LetterYevr.-Arab. II 1468

    Letter from Shemuel to his cousin (ibn khāl) ʿAbd al-Raḥīm, in Jerusalem. In Judaeo-Arabic. Consists almost entirely of greetings and updates on the health of …

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  16. 11066

    LetterT-S NS 306.178

    Small fragment of a letter to a brother in Arabic script. Fragment (upper left corner). Only the formulaic opening blessings are preserved. On verso there …

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  17. 11067

    LetterENA NS 16.31

    Letter/petition concerning a legal affair involving the allocation of the estate of the late Bayān. (Same hand as Moss. VII,131 (PGPID 6955)?) Repeatedly mentions a …

    1. ] [[תאל]] פתטלב אלחאצרין אכראג הדה אלארבעין דינאר אלמדכור[ין
    2. ] תחת יד אלוצי פאדעא אלוצי אן ליס תחת ידה שי לאן אולראת אקתסמ[ו
    3. ] ד עלי מא אוצאלהם בה ו…

    1 Transcription

    • recto
    • verso
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  18. 11068

    LetterT-S 18J4.2

    Letter from Shelomo b. Ḥayyim b. Shelomo to Avraham ha-Sar b. Natan ‘the Seventh’. Dating: Ca. 1100 CE. Information from CUDL. There is a rhymed …

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  19. 11069

    LetterT-S 13J14.17

    Letter from Mūsā b. Yaʿqūb, Ṣūr (Tyre), to Abū l-Aʿlāʾ Yūsuf b. Dāwūd b. Shaʿyā, Fustat.


    1. כתאבי אטאל אללה בקא מולי אלשיך ואדאם עזה
    2. מן צור ען סלאמה ואלחמד ללה והדה
    3. וצל כתאבה פי יומי הדא ווקפת עליה
    4. ושכרת אללה תעאלא עלי סלאמתה אדאמהא
    5. א…

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  20. 11070

    LetterT-S 13J9.16

    Fragment of a 16th-century letter from David Badūssī in Būlāq, who was a teacher in Jerusalem, to Abraham סורג, philanthropist in Egypt, seeking financial assistance. …

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  21. 11071

    LetterCUL Or.1081 1.41

    Formulary for a letter to an important person, probably late.

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  22. 11072

    LetterT-S 20.139

    Letter in Hebrew. Dating: Late—Mamluk or early Ottoman era. From [...] b. Moshe to Yeshuʿa b. Nathan and his father, concerning a number of events …

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  23. 11073

    LetterT-S 8.22 + NLI 577.10/1

    Description from NLI 577.10/1: Letter fragment in Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: Probably late 12th or early 13th century; this range can probably be narrowed based on the …


    1. לאנה כאן פי אלאתנין ובאע(?) נקץ(?) פטן(?) אל[שי]ך אבו אלכיר א . . .  פי אלא . . ואלאשראף(?)
    2. פיתפק ראיך וראי רבינו פי ביעהם אמא גמלה ואנא מפרק…

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  24. 11074

    LetterENA 2730.7

    Letter of a merchant in Egypt to the Maghreb containing information on Yosef Lebdi's arrival in Aydhab, after a successful trip to India. The writer …

    I, 25

    1. […] כדלך […]
    2. […]ד קניך יב דינ אשתרא בה[א ...]
    3. והי סחבה דאוד בן סגמאר ישתרא [בהא]
    4. ביע מרגאן יכון גיד גאיה פצ[...]
    5. אלגאת אל צרורה אלי אלספר אלבע…

    1 Transcription 1 Translation 1 Discussion


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  25. 11075

    LetterCUL Or.1080 J34

    Letter from the office of Avraham Maimonides, in Fustat, to the community of Alexandria. Dating: ca. 1220 CE. He instructs them to help a woman …

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  26. 11076

    LetterT-S 8J25.7 + T-S 8J16.15

    Letter concerning business affairs in which the writer describes ships that are about to leave port and references ‘al-ṭārma,’ a small cabin on Nile boats, …

    1. . . . . . . .] אמתחאן ואלתעויץ כי את אשר יאהב
    2. ייי יוכיח פתמאם אגרך אלצבר אללה תעאל(!) ישפיך
    3. באלעאיפה(!) ואן לא יורינא פיך מכרוה דכר מולאי
    4. מא תפצל בה…

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  27. 11077

    LetterT-S 6J7.24

    Letter mentioning Alexandria, ca. 15th-16th century. (Information from CUDL)

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  28. 11078

    LetterJRL Gaster heb. ms 1860/13a

    Informal note. Mercantile. Dating: Probably 11th or 12th century. Asking the addressee to arrange for one of the writer's representatives or colleagues in Alexandria or …

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  29. 11079

    LetterT-S 12.317

    Draft of a letter from Ḥalfon b. Netanel ha-Levi, apparently in Damascus, to R. Ḥiyya. Dating: Ca. 1145–46 CE. India Book 4 (Hebrew description below; …

    TS 12.317

    1. הקיצותי וִלא נִ...[...]וִתי אל יקיִרתיִ פעם / כי מה מתוק מדבש נופת
    2. צוף אמרי נועם / ואבליגה בשיחי / ותתעלף רוחי / באמור
    3. נפשי מה תשתוחחי / ו…

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  30. 11080

    LetterT-S Ar.7.8

    Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Approximately 20 lines are preserved across two fragments. reused on verso for literary text (including the first Hebrew phrases from verses of …

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  31. 11081

    LetterT-S 6J3.17

    Letter likely from Yedutun ha-Levi. In Judaeo-Arabic. Containing advice concerning the domestic affairs of the recipient. "This small piece of paper contains a short letter …

    1. אלדי אערפך בעד אלתהני [באלסל?]אם [.]
    2. ותקביל ידיך אננא קד סירנא לך צחבה
    3. צאפי אלרד[ה אלמ?]עמולה וקד אגתמענא בר
    4. שלמה וקאל אן טרא בינה ובין עמך מקאמאת
    5. ו…


    (1-5) I inform you, after the blessings [of greeti]ngs and kissing your hand, that I sent you with Ṣāfī the completed [...]. I met with Mr. Sol…

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  32. 11082

    LetterENA NS 38.4

    Verso, with the address on recto: Top of a letter in Arabic script. Mercantile? Dated: 439 AH = 1047/48 CE. Reused for Judaeo-Arabic accounts (see …

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  33. 11083

    LetterT-S NS 225.91

    Fragment of a private letter, sending regards to a certain man and his son Yosef.

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  34. 11084

    LetterT-S Ar.7.22

    Recto (secondary use): Note probably in the hand of Shelomo b. Eliyyahu. Trying to pawn some books for 20 dirhams so that he can buy …


    1. יעלם אלמולא אלאגל אלמוופק
    2. אלגליל אלאציל אלנפיס שצ
    3. אנני מן אלמחסובין עליה
    4. ואלמנסובין אליה אן הדא
    5. אלרכא פהו מא יעלם
    6. איש אכרה וכאן אלממלוך
    7. קד . …

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  35. 11085

    LetterENA NS 71.6

    Mercantile letter, in Arabic script. From Efrayim b. Ismāʿīl to Abī ʿAbd Allāh b. Khodādād at the Dār al-Wakāla. The writer mentions sending several commodities …


    1. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

    2. كتبت اطال الله بقا حضرة مولاي الشيخ الاجل وادام

    3. تاييدها وعلاها ورفعتها وسناها وسموها

    4. وارتقاها وكبت بالذل حسدته…

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  36. 11086

    LetterENA NS 77.107

    List recording distribution or, equally if not more likely, contributions of wheat (as in T-S AS 145.21, 'thabat qamḥ al-[ʿaniyyim]'). See also ENA NS 77.94.

    1. .................ויב]את
    2. .......אל]צאיג ג' ואבאת
    3. ...ב]ן אלקאבלה ויבאת
    4. ..ב]ן מבארק ויבה
    5. ....] ויבתי[ן]

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  37. 11087

    LetterT-S AS 172.321

    Small fragment of a letter, probably. In Judaeo-Arabic. Mentions Abū Saʿīd. May mention the messiah (אלמושיח).

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  38. 11088

    LetterCUL Or.1080 3.3

    Fragment from the end of a letter. With elaborate blessings in both Judaeo-Arabic (ואללה תעלי יעלי קדר מולאי ויטיל עמרה ויצחבה אלסלאמה וילחפה אלכראמה בעזתה) …

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  39. 11089

    LetterCUL Or.1080 J233

    Letter fragment in Judaeo-Arabic. With a prolonged respectful/flattering introduction. Most of the substance is preserved in the five lines in the margin. Dealing with business …

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  40. 11090

    LetterAIU VIII.B.32

    Letter (fragment) of which only the bottom section of the body and marginal portion of the text remains. In l. 15r one S[eñor] Curiel is …

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  41. 11091

    LetterT-S AS 147.47

    Letter fragment in Judaeo-Arabic. The sender is complaining about legal rivals and losing money. Mentions "sayyidnā," "the elders," and Yosef b. Bū l-[...].

    1. ] אמר ומא צעב מנה ידפעה אלי סיידנא פליס יגיבו
    2. כצומי אלי דלך אלא באמר אלולאיה ובעד אן כצר אלממלוך
    3. גמלה פלמא אגתמעו אלשיוך ואל[
    4. חק והבו לשיך יוסף אבן …

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  42. 11092

    LetterT-S AS 152.355

    Small fragment from an Hebrew letter written in a beautiful square hand in ruled lines.AA

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  43. 11093

    LetterT-S NS 224.214

    Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Very damaged; the content is unclear. There are greetings to 'the sisters' (al-khawāt al-sādāt) and expressions of longing due to separation.

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  44. 11094

    LetterT-S Ar.54.54

    Earlier text: Letter from a man to his father. In Judaeo-Arabic. Contains mostly regards to family members and extensive urgings to come visit for the …

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  45. 11095

    LetterT-S NS 297.199

    Letter to Abū ʿAlī. In Arabic script, in a crude hand. Only the beginning is preserved.

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  46. 11096

    LetterT-S NS 321.36

    Letter in Judaeo-Arabic, with some Hebrew. Dating: Probably not long after 1470 CE, and certainly no later than 1570 CE; in the course of reprimanding …

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  47. 11097

    LetterJRL Gaster heb. ms 1772/17

    Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. The writer is recovering from illnesses and is in difficult financial straits. He asks for a loan of 62 dirhams. Dating: likely …

    1. ירום] הודו ויגדל
    2. כבודו . . . . . . . . . . .] . מולנא אן אלשיך . . . . . אכד
    3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .] ען שהרין מן [אלשיך] אלסדיד
    4. . . . . . .…

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  48. 11098

    LetterENA 3504.4

    Letter addressed to Yūsuf al-Surrī. The name Saʿīd Maḍmūn the Blind appears at the bottom of verso; unclear if this is the name of the …

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  49. 11099

    LetterT-S AS 215.284

    Letter in Hebrew. Fairly large fragment. Late. Needs examination.

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  50. 11100

    LetterAIU XII.86

    Letter in Arabic addressed to Ibrahim ʿAdda al-Marajini in Fustat/Cairo, from a certain Yusuf [...]. Dated 14 December 1802 (18 Sha'ban 1217). See AIU XII.82, …

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