Yosef, a wealthy cloth merchant, many of whose accounts and letters are preserved in the Geniza. The sale is for a Christian woman named Qiwām, who has smallpox scars on her back (though Khan read this as "she has a son," ابن جاري rather than اثر جدري ).
Ḥanūn ibn ʿAlūn, the Christian clerk in the Dār al-Dībāj, states that: I have sold to the elder ʿArūs ibn Yūsuf, the Jew
from Fusṭāṭ, a Christian slave girl and her son Qiwām and I have guaranteed to him that whenever any claim is made against him on account of the price, and nothing else,
it will be incumbent on me to free him from this or to pay it for him from my money, she being a carob coloured slave girl with a dependent son, who is a slave boy;
and (also states) that he has no complaint about her to me on account of a defect or anything else except his dispute with regard to the price.