قائمة/جدول: ENA 2898.9
قائمة/جدول ENA 2898.9العلامات
List in Hebrew, primarily in the first-person preterite of what someone has given "נתתי" to someone else (perhaps paid). A few of the entries also mention that some of these transfers are outgoing "from Miṣrayīm"– Cairo, Fustat, or Egypt. Other entries mention what has been transfer "by ship" and "בשקדריי" (a location? Shkodër in Albania). For another instance of this cryptic term "שקדריי" see T-S AS 210.78 (PGPID 38144). This list in Hebrew is likely from a broader booklet ENA 2898.7-14 where accounts also mention payments in sherifi (שרפי= produced post-1425 CE). This numismatic information in combination with the paleography helps to date this fragment as 15th- or 16th-century. MCD.