ثيقة شرعيّة: T-S 13J37.6
ثيقة شرعيّة T-S 13J37.6What's in the PGP
- صورة
- 1 Transcription
- 1 Translation
Legal document. Partnership agreement. Dated: May 14, 1238. Written in the hand of Solomon b. Elijah (identified by Goitein), teacher and court scribe. Concerning a partnership in a "kitchen" (maṭbakh), likely a facility engaged in food preparation. The mention of a "division" (that is, of assets) and the statement that "only […] remains" suggests that this may be a partnership settlement and release, or at least this release was not accompanied by a final settlement of all accounts, though the document isn't sufficiently well-preserved for certainty. The partners were Abū al-Riḍā Yaḥyā b. Samuel and al-Makīn b. Shela ha-Levi. The exact date is given in the Islamic calendar (28 Ramadan 635), and is also dated in the Jewish calendar (last ten-day period of Iyar) with the Seleucid year (1549). (Information from Lieberman, "A Partnership Culture," 236)
Editor: Ackerman-Lieberman, Phillip
Translator: Ackerman-Lieberman, Phillip (in English)
T-S 13J37.6 1r
- נקול נחן אלשהוד אלואצעין כטוטנא אכר הד[א אלמסטור ..............]
- ונשהד אן למא כאן פי אלעשר אלאכיר [מ]חדש א[ייר דשנת אלפא וחמש מאה]
- וארבעין ותשע שנין לשטרות אלמואפק פי אלתא[מן ואלעשרין מן שהר רמצאן]
- אלמעטם סנה כמס ותלתין וסתמאיה ללהגרה אש[הדנא .........]
- אבי אלרצא מר ור יחיה השר היקר החכם והנבו[ן .......... הדרת]
- יקרת צפירת תפארת מרינו ורבינו שמואל [.......................]
- אדונינו הנגיד זכר קדוש לברכה י[.........................]
- שלה הזקן היקר הלוי הנכבד [נע][.........................]
- אשתרכא כלאהמא פי[..............................]
- תסעין דינאר מצריה ו.[...........................]
- אבי אלרצא //אהליה// [אלמ]דכור [...........................]
- אלתקסים ולם יזאלו כל[.........................]
- הוא אלעשר אלאוסט מן ש[ה][ר .........................]
- ולם נעלם שי כלאף דלך[...........................]
- אן פי טי הדה אלמדה אגת[מ][עא .................. אלשיך]
- אלמכין אלמדכור פי //מא// יתעלק בא[.........................]
- פקאל אלשיך אלמכין לו כאן אלש[רכה ....................]
- פי אלמטבך וידפעה לאכיה[..........................]
- פהו אכיד לה מן אן יאכד[..........................]
- פי בעץ אלסנין יכון תם גרי[........................]
- סאלנא אלשיך אלאגל אלרא[........................]
- בינהם אגבנאה וכתב[נא .............................]
- מהיום ומעלה [[והכ]][ ...............................]
- עלה קלמוסא והכ[ל שריר וקיים]
- שלמה בר[בי][......................]
- We, whose signature appears at the bottom of th[is document] say […]
- and testify that in the last ten-day period of the month of I[yyar of the year one thousand five hundred]
- and forty-nine of the Era of Documents, corresponding to the [twenty-eigh]th [day of]
- the great month [of Ramaḍān] of the year six hundred and thirty-five of the Hijra, we te[stified…]
- Abū al-Riḍā (our) tea(cher) and m(aster) Yaḥyā, the beloved courtier, the Sage and the wise [one … his Excellency,]
- Diadem of Beauty, our teacher and master our lord Samuel […]
- our lord the Nagid, may the memory of the holy be for a blessing, […]
- Shela the beloved Elder, ha-Levi, the honored (who) r(ests in) E(den) […]
- The two of them partnered in […]
- ninety Fusṭāṭ dinars and […]
- the aforementioned Abū al-Riḍā //his family// […]
- the distribution (of partnership assets,) and all […] remains […]
- the middle ten-day period of the mon[th …]
- We did not know of anything other than that […]
- that within this period the two of them collab[orated … the] aforementioned [Elder]
- al-Makīn in //that which// was connected to […]
- The Elder al-Makīn said to him that the part[nership (shirka) …]
- in the kitchen. He paid it to his brother […]
- he was assured that he would take […]
- for some of the years. Then […] proceeded […]
- We asked the glorious Elder … […]
- between them, we responded to him and [we] wrote […]
- from this day forward […]
- upon a pen. Everyth[ing is proper and enduring.]
- Solomon b. master […]