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Arabic poetry on longing and estrangement from loved ones with the rhyme (ravī) of ʿaīn.
אין רשומות קשורות
Arabic poetry.
Recto: excerpts of Arabic poetry, transcribed into Judaeo-Arabic. The poem beginning in line 6 is credited to Qays b. al-Mulawwah (Majnun Layla) in some anthologies. …
Verso: Arabic poetry, including a verse beginning "yā qalb." Recto: Hebrew poetry.
Poems, probably. In Arabic script. There are also a couple lines of sums in Greek/Coptic numerals.
Four pages from an Arabic literary treatise on prosody (ʿilm al-ʿarūḍ).
Arabic poetry, calligraphic.
Arabic poetry, probably.
An Arabic poem transcribed into Judaeo-Arabic and prefaced as al-Baghīḍī's deathbed advice/testament for his son. See these articles for more information about the poet (also …
Two poems in Arabic script.
Arabic poetry: a close variant of this poem, praising the tongue/speech over other forms of beautyرأيت العز في أدب وعقل وفي الجهل المذلة والهوانوماحسن الرجال …
Both sides consist of Arabic poetry transcribed into Judaeo-Arabic. There is an interesting albeit damaged postscript in a different handwriting (but conceivably the same scribe) …
Recto: several lines of Arabic poetry transcribed into Judaeo-Arabic. A few words from the same poems are also written out in Arabic on the page …
Recto: The same love poem in both Judaeo-Arabic (above) and Arabic (below). Verso: More Arabic love poetry that has been transcribed into Judaeo-Arabic. ASE.
Recto: Arabic poetry transcribed into Judaeo-Arabic (helpfully headed "this is poetry"). Verso: An obscure incantation (?) in Judaeo-Arabic. Needs further examination. ASE.
Recto: Arabic love poetry transcribed into Judaeo-Arabic. Verso: One very faded line in Arabic, then in Hebrew characters, "Abu Sa'id b. Muslim." ASE.
Several stanzas of Judaeo-Arabic poetry, at least partly about wine; late.
Poem in Arabic and an unidentified text in Judaeo-Arabic. (Information from CUDL)
Love poetry. In Arabic script. To the effect that passion is a terrible disease whose only cure is union. On verso there are 6 unidentified …
Bifolio containing poetry in both Arabic script and Hebrew.
Remnant of an Arabic poem attested in literary sources (رمى الحدثان نسوة آل حرب بمقدار سمدن له سمودا فرد شعورهن السود بيضا ورد وجوههن البيض …
Several pages of Judaeo-Arabic poetry on religious themes.
Account ledger filled with Arabic script and Judaeo-Arabic entries. Several pages. Merits examination. Includes on one page an Arabic poem transcribed into Hebrew characters (the …
Piyyutim with four lines in Arabic script afterward. Possibly poetry (anā l-gharīb alladhī. . .)
Panygeric prasing the leaders (negidim) of the Jewish community. Mentioned are Elʿazar, Yefet, and ʿUziel and later also ʿOvadya. There is also a single line …
Hebrew poetry. In a familiar hand. There is one line of Arabic script at the bottom of each page; one of them is clearly Arabic …
From a diwan of Arabic poetry dating from 1847/48 CE.
Poem in elegant Arabic script followed by a curious note: (the poet and/or scribe?) "Mukhliṣ al-Raḥmān b. ʿAlī b. Muḥammad Hādī l-Islām Iyādi (?) was …
A damaged page from a diwan, probably, of Arabic poetry
Literary text, poetry, in Arabic script. Mentions forbearance during harsh times and seekers of knowledge. Needs examination.
Arabic poetry. Needs examination.
Verso: Amorous poetry in Arabic script and accounts in Judaeo-Arabic, mentioning "white" and "red" commodities weighed in ounces, a kind of stone, mercury, and the …
One side: A muwashshaḥ by al-Aʿmā al-Tuṭīlī (d. 1126). The other side: More difficult to read, but also contains poetic phrases (ḥumrat al-ward...). ASE.
Arabic poems transcribed into Judaeo-Arabic. A version of the second of them is still circulating in online forums, attribution unclearتغيرت الايام وانقلب الدهرو ~ وصار …
Writing/calligraphic exercises in Hebrew, Judeo-Arabic and Arabic. Recto, upper right quadrant: Formulae beginning with אדאם אללה and ادام الله in Judeo-Arabic and Arabic. Upper left …
Love poetry, in Arabic script. The name of the beloved is Buthayna and the lover is Jamīl. The poem is written in verse form on …
A version of the muwashshaḥ known as "al-ʿArūs" ("The Bride") attributed to the poet Ibn Ghazala al-Maghribī, a contemporary (and vizier?) of the Almohad caliph …
תעתוק אחד
Legal document in Arabic script. Only the witness signatures are preserved, e.g., ʿAlī b. ʿAbdallāh and Bū Bakr [...] b. ʿAbdallāh. Verso: love poetry also …
A narrative poem in Arabic script. Seems to be a humorous dialogue (including phrases such as "fa-qāma yaḍḥak...").
Verso: Hebrew and Judaeo-Arabic book list, consisting of names of tractates and other titles. On recto there is classical Arabic poetry (not a letter). Dating: …
תעתוק אחד תרגום אחד דיון אחד
Literary text, compilation of poetry (dīwān). A portion from the long didactic poem (originally of around 90 verses) stretching through five pages from the dīwān …
Poetry. Extract from Abu l-ʿAlāʾ Aḥmad b. ʿAbd Allāh b. Sulaymān al-Maʿarrī’s (d. 449/1058) al-Luzūmiyyāt.
Poetry in Arabic script. Recto is all one poem rhymed on -bī. There is an intriguing verse in which a speaker "swears by the Torah.... …
Letter from Yaʿaqov b. Aharon ha-Kohen to the parnas ʿEli b. Ḥayyim ha-Kohen (Abū l-Ḥasan ʿAllūn b. Yaʿīsh). Opens with a verse of Arabic poetry …
On recto, the bottom of a letter (official letter? formulary?) in Arabic script. The writer thanks the addressee in the concluding lines quoting two verses …