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Partnership agreement dated November 1739 CE (Heshvan 5500) between Nissim Kaspi b. Moshe and Moshe Kohen b. Yehudah Kohen. Signed by Avraham Castro and Nissim …
אין רשומות קשורות
A document that has been folded twice. The outer face (pages 1 and 4) contains legal documents relating to business partnerships; a Moshe and a …
Letter in Italian addressed to Seid Barda et Abram Amram, Cairo, 1719 CE. Livorno is mentioned in the first lines. There are also sums and …
Letter in Spanish from Abram Nunez (?) to Sehid Barda, Cairo, dated 1712 CE (4 Nisan 5472 AM). The letter is on Page 1 and …
Legal document. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dated Monday 2 Adar 5497 AM, which is 1737 CE. ʿEzra b. Eliyyahu Rofe Fayrūz acknowledges a debt of 31(?) golden …
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic from Avraham Haman and Gavriel Hefez to Karo y Frances & Company (see tags). Dated 1796/7 CE (5557).
Karaite agreement regarding a partnership in rural cheese production (אלגבן אלריפי). Dated 22 Heshvan 5515 AM (1754 CE). The document was recorded in the home …
תעתוק אחד
Another 28 folios from the ledger of donations collected in the years around 1800 CE. These entries are for the year 5559 (1798/99). ASE.
Birth records. In Italian. Dated: 1721 CE through 1743 CE.
Letter in Ladino. Dated: 10 Nisan 5528 AM = 1768 CE. The writer's name is Yedidya Tariqa and his location (Chania = כאניה) is listed …
Recto: Legal declaration from Fustat, 1737 CE (18 Shevat 5491), in which the witnesses testify that Shelomo b. David divorcd his wife Sarah bt. Mordechai. …
Writing exercises of Atbash Hebrew alphabetical order and the phrase "מנצפ׳׳ך צופים אמרום" that display the surname Mosseri in the heading. Based on the format …
Writing exercises of the Hebrew alphabet. On the verso a partial date is offered in the heading with the day of the week "יום ג" …
Legal document dated 23 August 1797 (1 Elul 5557 AM), in which the brothers Yeshuʿa and Daniel ha-Levi acknowledge an investment by Me'ir ben Naʿim.
Karaite betrothal deed. Date: Sunday 8th Adar II, 5548 AM (1788 CE). Location: Cairo. Avraham b. Nissīm b. Yaʿaqov aka Ḥīna is the groom, Badra …
Legal document dated 1728 CE (Tishrei 5489 AM) involving the heirs and dependents of the deceased Eliezer Mayo/Ḥayo. Shemuel ben Naʿim is mentioned in the …
Legal document from Thessaloniki, dated May 1722 CE (20 Iyyar 5482 AM). Shemuel Laros aka Bekhor (בכור) declares that a certain Raḥel does not owe …
Business letter, perhaps a draft or a copy from a letterbook. Dated: 12 Tammuz 5559 AM, which is 15 July 1799 CE. Dealing mainly with …
Legal document draft of a debt contract ("shtar/שטר," l. 7, 13) recording financial arrangments where Spanish Seville-minted reales "ריאליס שיבילייאנוס" are in use (l.4r). The …
Engagement (shiddukhin) agreeement between Efrayim b. Shemuel and כואנדה bt. Eliyyahu Sūsī, in a beautifully illuminated frame. Currency: medin. Dated 1720 CE (1 Elul 5480 …
תעתוק אחד דיון אחד
Deed of sale for a certain large qāʿa, very complex involving guardianship procedures, inheritance, and the "orphans of Yiṣḥaq Mūrḥīm[?]," among many other names referenced. …
Kashrut certification document in Hebrew. Dated 25 Tammuz 5524 AM (1765 CE). Location: issued in Carpentras, France (קארפינטראץ). The signatures of two kosher butchers appear …
Writing exercises of the Hebrew alphabet that display the surname Meṣlīḥ/מצליח in the heading. Based on AIU IX.A.46 in this series and other writing exercises …
ENA 1822a.83a: Accounts in Ladino and western Arabic numerals dated in one recto entry as 8 Tevet [54]92 or 6 January 1732CE. On the recto …
List of donations received from dozens of men and families and some calculations. Arranged by months and parshiyot, and many names are repeated in different …
Drafts of court records that were copied into the register of the court in Cairo. Regarding items sent from Salonika to Rashid and various marital …
Accounts in Ladino including for March 1722 CE (mentions Rosh Hodesh Nisan 5482). Currencies used are ducados and muayyadis. The handwriting is very close to …
Letter in Ladino, sent from Salonica (שילאניקי) to Cairo (spelled erratically as מישרייאם). To be delivered to ("en mano de") Yiṣḥaq Qatin[?] (אין מאנו די …
Letter in Ladino from Reʾuven Miris or Mires and addressed to Avraham Krispin (Crespin) who on the address section is listed as being in "Mitzraim" …
Karaite betrothal deed between Esther bt. Moshe Fūlādī and Avraham b. David Feyrūz aka Revaḥ. Dated on Purim 24 Adar 5509 AM (1749 CE). The …
The first page is a letter in Italian from Venice, dated 4 May 1755 CE, mentioning Cairo and several names. The subsequent 8 pages are …
Power of attorney (שטר הרשאה) in which the community of Safed appoints Yisrael Benveniste and Ḥayyīm Mordechai Būnan as their sheliḥim. See previous shelfmark. There …
Engagement document (shidukkhin) and dowry list: "The clothes and the nedunya and the contante [Italian for cash] of the widow Ms. Dona bt. Moshe Ptso/Ftso"). …
Legal deed. In Hebrew. Location: Cairo. Dated: first decade of Ḥeshvan, 5488 AM = October 1727 CE. Involving three gabbayim and property in the qodesh …
Receipt issued by a waqf overseer (ناظر وقف) for "ground rent" (حكر) of properties in the "the Jewish quarter" of Cairo (حكر القاعات بحارت اليهود). …
Ladino letter reclaiming a debt signed Ḥayyim Abraham Boṭon s[iman] ṭ[ov]; Boṭon had lent the money in Argel (Algiers/Algeria); he owes money which he borrowed …
Legal document from Fustat dated 24 April 1798 (8 Iyar 5558), stating that Me'ir ben Naʿim has invested 5500 muayyadis with the Karaites ("bnei mikra") …
Letter in Ladino dated Kislev 1719 CE (5480). The address is in both Hebrew and Latin characters: "Al Se[nyor] Alpalas y Sahalon, Cairro." See "Alpalas …
Accounts in Ladino and western Arabic numerals that can be dated as c.1732CE through the joins ENA NS 39.2 and ENA NS 27.7. Some of …
Legal testimony, Qaraite. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dated: Sunday, 17 Heshvan 5472 AM, which is 1711 CE. It has to do with the floor (ṭabaqa) that is …
Recto: Letter in Judaeo-Arabic addressed to the author's sister Sabaqīya (סבקייא). The writer also mentions his sister's contact with Ṣafanya b. ____[?] al-Qarāʾ (the Qaraite) …
Letter in Spanish from Jacob Nuñes de Paz to Los S[eñore]s Alpalas & Costa Aires in Alexandria (see tag for others in the group), probably …
Ketubba dated 13 December 1799 CE (15 Kislev 5560 AM) from Cairo, for Yiṣḥaq b. Avraham Muḥibb and Palomba bt. Shalom ha-Levi. The me'ukhar is …
Accounts in Ladino and western Arabic numerals dated as 21 Shvat [54]92 or 17 February 1732CE. The same name Moshe Ḥason "חסון" listed here (l. …
Accounts related to the Must'arabi community of Cairo in the year 5556 which is 1795/1796CE. The bifolium is very damaged along the edges but the …
Bifolium from a late Hebrew register of monetary transactions. Every time the date appears it contains a tricky ligature, Kislev 5496 AM = 1735 CE. …
4 pages from a ledger of copies of 17 different legal documents (witness names appear in the hand of the scribe). All are from the …
Commercial accounts in Ladino dated July 1734 CE (15 Tammuz 5494 AM). The heading names Shabbetay Alpalas in connection with "telas ke mande/mando Alessandri[a?]..." (cloth …
Letter in Hebrew and Ladino from Nehoray (?) b. Moshe Ṭoron[.]ah (?) to Shabbetay ʿAdda regarding a new business partnership between them. The date is …
A letter in Ladino, possibly to Ya'aqov b. Habib, however, not the same person as the famous author of 'Ayn Ya'aqov. A Ya'aqov b. Habib …