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عوامل التصفية

1583 نتائج

  1. 1101

    وثيقة رسميّةT-S AS 177.187

    Fragment of state document(s). There is one hand on recto, and two different hands (different documents) on verso. Recto mentions "hādhihi al-ruqʿa." Verso mentions a …

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  2. 1102

    نصوص أدبيّةT-S Ar.42.155

    Love poetry, in Arabic script. The name of the beloved is Buthayna and the lover is Jamīl. The poem is written in verse form on …

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  3. 1103

    وثيقة رسميّةT-S Misc.5.148 + T-S Ar.30.316 + T-S Ar.42.196 + HUC 1133

    Writing exercise in a chancery hand, two different hands alternating. Encomium to an official. Alternatively, the original document may be a genuine document rather than …

    1 نسخ


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  4. 1104

    Credit instrument or private receiptDK 398

    Order of payment (or bill?) in Arabic script. Abū l-Khayr al-ʿAṭṭār is to pay 80 dirhams out of the price of the drugs/perfume. The scribe …

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  5. 1105

    Credit instrument or private receiptT-S Ar.35.325

    Commercial receipt. Dated: 27 Muḥarram 498 H. For Abū l-Faḍl Jaʿfar b. ʿAlī al-Dimashqī. The commodity is mentioned is lac and the quantity is 300 …

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  6. 1106

    Credit instrument or private receiptAIU XII.31

    Receipt for the price of sugar collected from a certain ʿAbdūn by the messenger Aḥmad al-Ḥawlī. The document is dated Tuesday, 13th RabīʿII 859 H. …

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  7. 1107

    Credit instrument or private receiptAIU XII.77

    Receipt of payment for the rent of three stores (ḥawānīt) from a man called Khiḍr Zaytūn in ḥarat al-yahūd, near the waqf of Muḥammad al-Raḥlāwī …

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  8. 1108

    Credit instrument or private receiptJRL Gaster ar. 68

    Receipt of payment, in the name of Dāʾūd al-Yahūdī al-Quḍāʿī for renting two floors in a caravanserai (wikāla). Dated: Shaʿbān 1163 AH = July/August 1750 …

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    • 1 / 1 leaf, recto
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  9. 1109

    رسالةJRL Gaster ar. 134

    Letter, probably, or official correspondence, in Arabic script. Mentions the ground tax "al-ḥikr" and "siwā l-mablagh al-taṣarruf". Needs examination. [Or rather likely a legal document …

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    • 1 / 1 leaf, recto
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  10. 1110

    وثيقة رسميّةT-S Ar.41.34

    State document, probably a report to a higher official (not a petition). This is a long strip cut from the right side of the document. …

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  11. 1111

    رسالةT-S 13J28.21

    Letter in Arabic script. May be addressed to a jurisconsult regarding a legal opinion, ending "wa-huwa wa-raʾyuhū abṣar." The sender and addressee are Jewish, based …

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  12. 1112

    ثيقة شرعيّةT-S Ar.38.132

    Document of sale of a house (intaqala...), dated 28 Muḥarram 587 AH, which is 25 February 1191 CE. (Though note that Khan at one time …

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  13. 1113

    وثيقة رسميّةAIU XII.29

    State document, probably a decree, last three lines, written on the joyous occasion of ʿĪd al-Naḥr. Preserved lines read as "فاعلم هذا واعمل..وكتب في يوم …


    1. واعلم هذا واعمل بـ[ـه وليقرّ بأيديهم بعد ثبوته في ... بحيث يثبت مثله ان شاء الله تعالى]

    2. كتب في يوم عيد النحر السعيد [سنة …. ]

    3. [الحمد لل...

    1 نسخ


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  14. 1114

    وثيقة رسميّةT-S K25.32

    Petition or report concerning a government official (Mutawallī al-Sayyāra) named Samyūn (سميون), likely a Christian.The document was cut into two or more pieces and rearranged …

    1. ]بابن عتيق الفكاة انه اتا في اليل الى دار

    2. سميون العبد متولي السيارة وهو على حاله وسميون غائب فشتمه

    3. وشتم غيره لمن ذكر[]لقدر صاحب عنده انه ذكر[...

    1 نسخ


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  15. 1115

    ثيقة شرعيّةENA 3902.5

    Deed of acknowledgment (iqrār) with many lacunae. Concerns default in debt payment; involves [...] b. Abū Ṭāʿa(?) al-Ḥāmī and Manṣūr b. Faraḥ al-Ḥāmī in Cairo. …

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  16. 1116

    رسالةENA NS 18.31

    Letter from Yiṣḥaq b. Barhūn to Ismāʿīl b. Faraḥ. (Information from Mediterranean Society, V, p. 518 and from Goitein's index cards). The writer mentions several …


    1. כתאבי יא שיכי וסידי אטאל אללה בקאך ואדאם סלאמתך
    2. וסעאדתך ואצרף אלאסוא ענך ברחמתה יום אלכמיס
    3. ליב בקין מן מרחשון ען חאל כמא קד שאה אללה תבא[רך...

    1 نسخ 1 مناقشة


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  17. 1117

    ثيقة شرعيّةJRL Gaster ar. 48

    Late Arabic legal document. Needs examination.

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    • 1 / 1 leaf, recto
    • 1 / 1 leaf, verso
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  18. 1118

    ثيقة شرعيّةJRL Gaster ar. 61

    Legal document, late, in Arabic script. Probably a record of payment to the bureau of silk looms "dīwān anwāl l-ḥarīr". Needs examination.

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    • 1 / 1 leaf, recto
    • 1 / 1 leaf, verso
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  19. 1119

    وثيقة رسميّةT-S NS 110.14 + T-S K6.33 + T-S NS 277.168

    State/fiscal document, one of several state documents recycled by ʿEli b. Yeḥezqel ha-Kohen, active in Jerusalem, d. ca. 1055, social services officer (parnas) of the …

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  20. 1120

    وثيقة رسميّةT-S 10J19.17

    State document, in Arabic script. Decree.

    المملوك مقدم الجيوش

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  21. 1121

    وثيقة رسميّةT-S 16.102

    Petition from an Alexandrian coppersmith. Dating: Fatimid-era based on structure and paleography but could be Ayyubid. The titles of the addressee match that of an …

    1 مناقشة


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  22. 1122

    ثيقة شرعيّةHalper 472

    Legal document in Arabic script. The last four lines are preserved as well as the witness statements. Needs examination. Dated: 22 Rabīʿ I 548 AH …

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    • p. 2
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  23. 1123

    وثيقة رسميّةT-S AS 117.319

    Petition, or official-looking letter. In Arabic script. Fragments of four lines are preserved. Mentions "the place... the slave has been there for several years... the …


    1. بان هذه الموضع ايامـ[
    2. مضى للعبد وله فيه عدة سنين وكان فيه متفـ[
    3. ]...الطريق ممن زال فيهم يد..[
    4. ]....المذكور...

    1 نسخ


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  24. 1124

    وثيقة رسميّةT-S Ar.34.328

    Decree of investiture(?); two lines widely spaced. Contains rhymed prose in praise of someone: "the stars in the their rotation like the order of …

    1. ]الى النجابة وعلى ىىد[
    2. ]الجواهر في الافلاك [     ] في مواكبه ترتيب النجوم في الافلاك

    1 نسخ


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  25. 1125

    وثيقة رسميّةT-S Ar.35.126

    Verso (original use): Fragment of a petition or other formal state correspondence. The beginnings of 8 lines are preserved, mostly consisting of honorifics for the …

    1. شعبان بن عبد الله        ابو بكر الكرمي 

    2. محمد بن محمد التركماني

    3. بسم الله الـ[ـرحمن الرحيم]

    4. صلوات الله وبركاته ونو[امي زكواته وافضل سلامته و...

    1 نسخ


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  26. 1126

    ثيقة شرعيّةT-S Ar.38.10

    Possibly a record of a birth. In Arabic script. "In the name of God the most gracious, the most merciful: the blessed ________ was on …

    1. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

    2. كانت الوالدة المباركة ليلة الخميس

    3. لنصف من شهر رمضان سنة 

    4. اربع وثمان واربع مائة

    5. الله يعرفنا بركتها

    6. [و]يجعل العا[ق...

    1 نسخ


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  27. 1127

    وثيقة رسميّةT-S AS 153.213

    Recto: State document. One line from a petition in Arabic script addressed to an amīr. (Information from CUDL)

    1. ذلك على ماثوره وسيدي الامير ادام الله تاييده

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  28. 1128

    رسالةT-S 16.150

    Verso: Drafts of at least half a dozen letters and other texts in Arabic script. One letter (written between the lines of another one) is …

    Bottom of the page

    1. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
    2. كتب عبد سيدنا الناصر للدين عماد المسلمين
    3. للاجل الاوحدالمكين سيد الوزراء وتاج الاصفيا
    4. قاضي القضاة وداعي ا...

    1 نسخ 1 مناقشة


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  29. 1129

    وثيقة رسميّةBL OR 5561A.2

    State document. Dating: Refers to payments for the year 415 kharājī; 415 AH is 1024/25 CE, so 415 kharājī is 1024/25 CE plus or minus …

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  30. 1130

    وثيقة رسميّةMoss. VII,163.1

    Draft of a beginning of a report to an official, possibly a vizier, from a lower official. Beginning formula and opening honorifics are preserved. Addressed …

    1. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
    2.  مملوك الحضرة السامية الاجلية الشيخية الديوانية ثبت الله ايام عزها واعلا شانها وذكا(؟) قدرتها
    3. واهلك عدوها وضدها        ينهي...


    1. In the name of God, the merciful, the compassionate.
    2. The slave of the lofty, most exalted, lordly, official Presence, may God firmly establi...

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  31. 1131

    نصوص أدبيّةBL Or. 5565G.32 + BL Or. 5565G.33 + BL Or. 5565G.34

    Literary text, compilation of poetry (dīwān). A portion from the long didactic poem (originally of around 90 verses) stretching through five pages from the dīwān …

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  32. 1132

    رسالةBL OR 5566B.16

    On recto, the bottom of a letter (official letter? formulary?) in Arabic script. The writer thanks the addressee in the concluding lines quoting two verses …

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  33. 1133

    وثيقة رسميّةT-S NS 207.57

    Letter or report. In Arabic script. Mentions a man from Tiberias by the name of Baysān, wicked people (fa-kathura fasāduhum), people who mentioned that they …

    1. ………………………………………..ام………….

    2. ىعـ[]...الله تعالى واستناد الله……….

    3. الـ]ـدعا الصالح و[الـ]ـصلوة والطلبه قبل….بما ارجو من الله

    4. غير خاف عن حضرته كيف...

    1 نسخ


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  34. 1134

    وثيقة رسميّةMoss. III,207

    Verso: State document, Fatimid, in Arabic script. Mentions the death of one of the policemen of the vizier's ship (al-mutawaffī min al-raqqāṣīn al-mustakhdama bi-rasm markab …

    1. عبده

    2. امتثل ما امر به ووجد المتوفي من الرقاصين

    3. المستخدمة برسم مركب الوزارة المحروس 

    4. واحد قصر مشاهرته على هذه الخدمة ما وجب

    5. لذي الحجة سنة ا...

    1 نسخ


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  35. 1135

    Credit instrument or private receiptENA 3966.3

    Rent receipt (? اجرته end of line 1) for al-shaykh Abū al-Ḥasan Saʿīd al-Yahūdī al-Ḥarīrī for a dār in the al-Mamṣūṣa neighborhood of Fusṭāṭ. Dated: …

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    • verso
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  36. 1136

    رسالةENA NS 17.32 + ENA NS 16.24

    Verso: Letter fragment from Aḥmad b. Muḥammad al-Ḥasanī(?) addressed to a certain Amir. Only the first few lines are preserved.

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    • verso
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  37. 1137

    وثيقة رسميّةENA 3695.6 + T-S Ar.38.120

    Fiscal accounting. Dated (on T-S Ar.38.120): 436 kharājī = 1044/45 CE plus or minus a couple years. There are three or four distinct documents present: …

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  38. 1138

    Credit instrument or private receiptENA 3967.9

    One side: Receipt for rent. Bū Yaʿqūb Yūsuf paid Maḥfūẓ 6 dirhams. The other side: Fragmentary note mentioning sugarcane and silk (yaḥtāj ilā firqat?... fī …

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    • recto
    • verso
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  39. 1139

    ثيقة شرعيّةJRL Gaster ar. 67

    Legal document in Arabic script, with a Judaeo-Arabic filing note on verso. The name of the notary is al-Ḥāj ʿUmar Agha who was the overseer …

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    • 1 / 1 leaf, recto
    • 1 / 1 leaf, verso
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  40. 1140

    رسالةENA 3926.5

    Part of a letter in Arabic script, probably regarding a commercial account. Mentions "al-dīwān". Needs examination. Reused for a tax receipt (PGPID 10292).

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    • recto
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  41. 1141

    وثيقة رسميّةAIU XII.69

    Possibly an official document in Arabic script, but the hand is crude. Could also be an IOU with a layout reminiscent of state documents. Concerns …

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  42. 1142

    نصوص أدبيّةJRL Gaster ar. 6

    Arabic literary text, in a beautiful and elegant Maghribī script. Probably regarding theology or isagoge. Needs examination.

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    • 1 / 1 leaf, recto
    • 1 / 1 leaf, verso
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  43. 1143

    قائمة/جدولBL OR 5566B.11

    Verso: Four (?) interesting accounts in Arabic script, one mentioning "wāṣil al-ḍamān". Dated: Jumādā II 513 AH, which is September 1119 CE. (Information from Goitein's …

    2 نسخين 1 مناقشة


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  44. 1144

    رسالةBodl. MS Heb. c 56/3

    Letter in Arabic from a father to a son that consists almost entirely of greetings and well-wishes. The family rejoiced to receive his letters from …

    1. . . . . . [اطال الله بقاك وادام عزك]
    2. وسلامتك ونعمتك وعن شوق اليك شديد
    3. اسل الله قرب الاجتماع على اسر حال بمنه وكرمه
    4. انه ولي ذلك والقادر عليه ان شا ...

    1 نسخ


    • 3 verso
    عرض تفاصيل المستند
  45. 1145

    وثيقة رسميّةAIU VII.E.117

    Decree (?) to a lower official or letter to a dignitary, 5 fragmentary lines from the mid-section. Arabic script, wide line spacing, chancery hand. Very …

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  46. 1146

    وثيقة رسميّةJRL Gaster ar. 202

    Original text: State/fiscal document. The years 534 and 535 AH are specified in multiple places, paired with sums of money at the top. Refers to …

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    • 1 / 1 leaf, recto
    • 1 / 1 leaf, verso
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  47. 1147

    قائمة/جدولJRL Gaster ar. 334

    Accounts, late in Arabic script. Long list of commodities and prices, mostly foodstuff like almonds, plums, and apples. Needs examination.

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    • 1 / 1 leaf, verso
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  48. 1148

    نصّ غير أدبيّENA 3982.14

    A leaf of the astronomical tables devised for the years 900-1500 CE. Only two dates come into question for the year 631/1234 (Ayyubid period). Date …

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    • recto
    • verso
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  49. 1149

    ثيقة شرعيّةT-S AS 177.218

    Legal document involving several amīrs, including ʿIzz al-Mulk Bahāʾ al-Dawla wa-Sadīduhā Dhū al-[...]. Also concerning Jaʿfar b. ʿAlī, the ʿArīf ʿAbdallāh b. Muḥammmad, and another …

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  50. 1150

    وثيقة رسميّةENA NS 83.352

    Petition to a state official. In Arabic script. Fragment (upper right corner). All that is preserved is some of the titles of the addressee. "al-majlis …

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