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1167 نتائج

  1. 751

    ثيقة شرعيّةT-S 10J21.11

    ʿAyyāsh, Faraḥ, and Abū Yaʿqūb (Yosef) al-Lebdī, 22 bales of something, and something which either was or was not mentioned in a letter.

    1. . . . . . . . . . ]א[בו אל]פצל מ שלה בר מ עיאש נע ידיע [
    2. . . . . . . . . . . דלך אתבאתה פחצר אלשיך אבו . [
    3. . . . . . [ . . . . ]מ . וקאל לנא אנני ...

    1 نسخ 1 مناقشة


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  2. 752

    نصّ غير أدبيّT-S AS 161.49

    Some related fragments found via the FGP join finder: T-S AS 161.49 C265228 T-S NS 190.51 C373187 T-S NS 190.52 C373189 T-S Ar.30.4 C180851 T-S NS 228.21 C383384 T-S AS 161.169 C264960

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  3. 753

    ثيقة شرعيّةT-S 12.516

    He is 'yellow-skinned' (aṣfar al-lawn). Dated: 515 AH = 1121/22 CE. His job description may appear at the end of l. 3: wa-huwa [...]

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  4. 754

    ثيقة شرعيّةT-S NS 184.49

    (Information in part from Mediterranean Society, IV, 225; also Goitein index cards.)

    1. ] בנא מן מרץ ולא גיר דלך מן גמיע
    2. ] קד והבה מעכשו ארבע אמות קרקע
    3. ] במתנה גמורה גלויה ומפורסמת ואצפנא אלי דלך
    4. ] עלי קבץ אלסבעה עשר דינארא בקיה תמן א...

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  5. 755

    رسالةHalper 415 + Halper 416

    In Hebrew. Dated: Monday, 22 Raḥamim, 5595 AM, which is 1835 CE. There is some ambiguity about the specific day. If Raḥamim is Elul, the 22nd should have been a Wednesday. But perhaps Raḥamim here means Av, when the 22nd did fall on a Monday.

    1 نسخ


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  6. 756

    رسالةMIAC 221

    Announcement written in Yiddish from the committee of Ashkenazi Jewish synagogues of Cairo about the reservation of places in the main synagogue and urging those who have not reserved that it is required without a lease and for the late-comers to reserve their places by noon on Sunday October 2 1921CE – undated, but before October 1921CE – Museum of Islamic Art – (number 221) in Yiddish and French. (information from Ḥassanein Muḥammad Rabīʿa, ed., Dalīl Wathā'iq al-Janīza al-Jadīda / Catalogue of the Documents of the New Geniza, 37).

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  7. 757

    ثيقة شرعيّةT-S A45.10

    For similar texts see e.g. S. Assaf, Shetaroth, 22-4; CUL Or. 1080 5.13 and Or. 1080J.51 given in G.

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  8. 758

    رسالةT-S 10J15.23

    (Information from Mediterranean Society, V, pp. 218-219 and partial translation in Mediterranean Society, III, p. 228.) See also T-S NS 163.86 (PGPID 23740).

    1. יצל הדא אלכתאב אלי ס"ת אלפצלה(!) אטאל אללה בקאהא ואדאם עזהא
    2. ונעמאהא ומן חסן אלתופיק מא אכלאהא ואגמעני ואייאהא עלי
    3. אסר חאל אן שא אללה בפצלה וכרמה ו...

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  9. 759

    رسالةBodl. MS Heb. d 68/105

    (Information in part from Amir Ashur and from Goitein, Med Soc II, pp. 228–29)

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    • 105 recto
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  10. 760

    قائمة/جدولT-S 20.168

    (Information from CUDL and Gil, Documents, pp. 193 #22)

    1. ושמך רח תב[ת מא ג]ב[י]תה א[נא אלחזן בן]
    2. שכניה ממא כאן תבקא ענד אלסוכאן וען אגרה גבא[יה]
    3. רבע כניסה אלשאמיין במצר ען ארבעה שהור אולהא
    4. גמאדי אלאולי ו...

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  11. 761

    ثيقة شرعيّةMoss. VII,19

    Dated: Wednesday, 6 Tammuz 2210 Seleucid = 14 June 1899 CE. For Sālim b. Hārūn al-ʿUzērī, known as Zuhra, and Ghinā bt.

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  12. 762

    ثيقة شرعيّةT-S Ar.53.73

    Deed of sale in Arabic script. Dated: 22 Rabīʿ II 717 AH = 4 July 1317 CE. Buyer: Isḥāq b.

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  13. 763

    رسالةT-S Misc.24.137.4

    (Information in part from Goitein, Mediterranean Society. II, p. 225.)

    Response to a decree of the ra'is al-yahud Nethanel ha-Levi, regarding the proper conduct of a meat slaughterer. 1471 Sel. (1160). TS Misc. Box 24,...

    2 نسخين 1 مناقشة


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  14. 764

    ثيقة شرعيّةT-S NS 184.97

    known as Ibn Kawjakh (mentioned also in T-S NS 226.107. On this name, from the Persian for 'small' see India Book IV/A, p. 355, note 115), [...] b.

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  15. 765

    ثيقة شرعيّةT-S 13J6.32

    India Book I,22. Draft of an oath to be taken by Yosef Lebdi in which he enumerates his assets.

    I, 22

    1. אלדי יחלף עליה [[פלֹ]] יוסף בר דויד נע לדויד בר שלמה אכיה נע
    2. אנה מא כאן ואלדה שלמה פי מעאמלה ושרכה וכלטה וארת
    3. ואכד ועטא מן וקת אן אנעקדת אלכ...

    1 نسخ 1 ترجمة 1 مناقشة


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  16. 766

    قائمة/جدولJRL SERIES C 84

    On the recto, one of the entries on the left side appears to offer the date 22 Heshvan 5496 (November 1735CE) and the entry below that is 30 Cheshvan.

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    • 1 / 1 leaf, recto
    • 1 / 1 leaf, verso
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  17. 767

    رسالةCUL Or.1080 J25

    (Information from Mediterranean Society, III, pp. 172, 221, and from Goitein's index cards.) Same sender and addressee as L-G Ar.

    1. בש רח עבדהא אברהם
    2. דמאעי אם כמטר יערופון
    3. מעט קט מתשוקתי מגלים
    4. ואלו שערות גופי לשונות
    5. להגיד תאוה עצרו במלים
    6. לחצרה אלמולא אלשיך אבו אלחסן
    7. דאם עזה סבב...

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  18. 768

    رسالةT-S 12.80

    He signs: Shelomo Av ha-Yeshiva birabbi Yehuda, and surrounds his name with tiny letters spelling out ‘And I am a worm and not a man’ (Psalms 22:7). The letter was carried by his son Avraham (לידו מיד חמוד), and he is seeking help for the community of Jerusalem, many of whom have died in a plague (נאספו בדבר אשר נפל בעיר).


    1. ע[ ]ק[
    2. ג[ל]ויותיו [
    3. [ו]ירצה [
    4. לפניו ובית ישראל יעשו כטוב בעיניהם וטורים אלה [יבואו]
    5. לידו מיד חמוד יגיעיהו אל שלום וימציאהו שלום וישימהו
    6. שלום ...

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  19. 769

    ثيقة شرعيّةT-S 10J5.11

    Dated: 1333 Seleucid = 1021/22 CE. Verso: list of contributions in Arabic script.

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  20. 770

    رسالةT-S NS J600

    Mentions that Abū Naṣr al-ʿAfṣī owes nothing to the sender nor to Ibn Nuṣayr; mentions going up to Cairo; passing on information about the price of sugar (it is "22"); the addressee is to retrieve dinars from a female shopowner (ṣāḥibat al-dukkān); also mentions Abū l-Mundhir and Rashīd.

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  21. 771

    قائمة/جدولT-S Misc.25.84

    Here, 100 pounds of bread and its transportation cost 22 1/2 [1/4 MR Cohen] dirhams. The salaries recorded are typical.

    1. אל..אל ביד בו אלעלא ותעטת?
    2. כי תשא ע' 1/3? ½ ¼ י ואגרה
    3. כבז קנטאר וחמאל אלחזן ר' יפתח מנקי שמש
    4. כב' ורבע ו ו ½ ד ד
    5. שמש בו אלפצל בית אלמבי בית ר' ישוע...

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  22. 772

    ثيقة شرعيّةT-S 16.178 + T-S NS 320.72

    An adaptation of the biblical verse Proverbs 18:22 is used, known to be a favored and distinctive choice of the scribe Yefet b.

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  23. 773

    قائمة/جدولT-S Misc.8.76

    (Information from Gil, Documents, pp. 224 #37)


    1. בשמ
    2. מבתדיאלעמארה
    3. יום אלאתנין אלחאדי
    4. עשר מן אלול
    5. אשתרי קכ חמל
    6. טין אלתמן ול דרהם
    7. אגרה מן אדכל בהא
    8. אלכניסה ג דר`
    9. תמן כמסה אלאף
    10. טובה תמנהא כ ד`
    11. אגרה...


    1.  In Thy Name, 

    2.  the beginning of the reconstruction: 

    3.  Monday, the 11th 

    4.  of Elul: 

    5.  bought 120 ḥimls 

    6.  of clay, paid 36 dir.

    7.  The ...

    2 نسخين 1 مناقشة


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  24. 774

    ثيقة شرعيّةT-S Ar.38.115

    Yūsuf Zayn al-Tujjār (see T-S NS 225.25j), and a third whose name is not preserved.

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  25. 775

    وثيقة رسميّةT-S AS 178.111

    At the bottom of verso it appears to refer to the year 412 AH, which would be 1021/22 CE. Underneath that, mentions the amīr ʿAbdallāh the son of the amīr Ṣārim al-Dawla.

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  26. 776

    وثيقة رسميّةT-S Ar.48.92

    Looks like the same Hebrew scribe as T-S NS 222.9 and T-S Ar.46.89 (which are likewise reused decrees).


    1. ]ـها خدماته لم تمسك بها واعتمد عليها
    2. ]ـا الامير المختار سن الملك علم[الدولة؟

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  27. 777

    ثيقة شرعيّةT-S Ar.30.202

    Possibly a partnership agreement. A sum of 22 dinars is mentioned; a period of two years; and the dower (mahr) of "his daughter" Sitt al-ʿIzz.

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  28. 778

    نصوص أدبيّةENA 2396.1–8

    (Fragment discovered by Prof. Eve Krakowski 08/18/22). MCD.

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  29. 779

    نصوص أدبيّةT-S 12.182 + T-S 12.184

    Lower text: Origen’s Hexapla on Psalms 22 (21 in the Greek tradition), written in majuscule and preserving columns 2 (Hebrew transliterated into Greek; only a few letters remain); 3 (Aquila); 4 (Symmachus); and 5 (Septuagint).

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  30. 780

    ثيقة شرعيّةHalper 374

    Dated: Friday, 19 Adar 2203 Seleucid = 18 March 1892 CE. Location: Al-Maḥābisha in northwest Yemen, also known as Quzayyiz, near the lake or well al-Qaṭf.

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  31. 781

    رسالةT-S 6J4.9

    The letter was written on the 22nd of Tammuz. He repeats a request that the addressee intervene (yuqīm jāhah) with Ḥananel concerning the Muslim (al-Yishmaʿel) who loaned something to the sender....

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  32. 782

    رسالةENA 4020.30

    (Information from Marina Rustow and from Mediterranean Society, III, p. 22, from Goitein's index cards; Goitein also has an English translation of this, to be uploaded soon.)

    1. בשמ רחמ
    2. רקעתי אלי מולאי אלשיך אלגליל אטאל אללה בקאה ואדאם חראסתה ונעמאה
    3. וכבת באלדל חסדתה ואעדאה מן תופיקה אלחסן לא אכלאה וכאן לה
    4. . . . ] וחאפטא פי...


    1. In your name, merciful one.
    2. I am writing to you — my lord, the lofty elder, may God perpetuate your existence and make your protection and b...

    1 نسخ 1 مناقشة


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  33. 783

    ثيقة شرعيّةT-S AS 152.367

    There are at least three people who could fit this description. See: T-S NS 226.107 (Abū l-Surūr Peraḥya b. Yeshuʿa); ENA 2712.10 + T-S NS 320.111, T-S NS 320.54, and T-S 8J11.12 (Abū l-Surūr Peraḥya b.

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  34. 784

    نصوص أدبيّةAIU VI.B.3

    44 pages, some of which are instructions for kabbalistic kavanot, some of which are a Sabbatean tract (see especially pp.15–16, 19–22, and 25–27 = 8r–8v, 10r–11v, and 13r–14r), with an exegesis of the vision of a certain R.

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  35. 785

    رسالةT-S AS 160.406 + T-S AS 160.240

    (Information in part from CUDL) Join: Marina Rustow, 9/29/22

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  36. 786

    رسالةT-S A41.13

    This fragment also contains a Judaeo-Arabic tafsīr of Ezekiel 23:22–25, writing exercises of Psalms 119:195, and repetitions and variations of the name Yeshuʿa ha-Talmid b.

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  37. 787

    رسالةT-S 20.100 + T-S 10G5.8

    In No. 1, T-S 20.100 begins at end of verso line 22. No. 2 begins with T-S 20.100 and continues on T-S 10G5.8 on line 53.


    1. [                                        ] אשר שבחו גדול מלמנות וחכמתו 
    2. [                                       ] שלומם והטורים האלה אלי...

    3 نسخ


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  38. 788

    ثيقة شرعيّةYevr.-Arab. II 1752

    Dated: Friday, 12 Tishrei 5350 AM (1901 Seleucid) = 22 September 1589 CE. There are five parties: (1) ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz b.

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  39. 789

    Credit instrument or private receiptT-S K25.240.53

    B 39b [dated 1210-1225]; Cohen, Poverty and Charity in the Jewish Community of Medieval Egypt, pp. 218-220)

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  40. 790

    ثيقة شرعيّةT-S Misc.28.79.7 + T-S Misc.28.79.11

    Yaʿaqov ha-Kohen who appears in T-S AS 211.81 (PGPID 22837) and who is already dead in T-S 6J12.9 (PGPID 16164), T-S AS 149.84 (PGPID 18611), and PER H 21 + Moss.

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  41. 791

    وثيقة رسميّةENA 3965.9

    On verso, references to sums of money, including the total of the 'jārī' (salary of a government employee, see Halper 395v, Bodl. MS heb. f 22/39v, and Med Soc II, p. 358 notes 14 and 15) in this case for Muḥammad b.

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    • recto
    • verso
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  42. 792

    وثيقة رسميّةBL OR 5557K.10 + T-S NS 162.34 + T-S NS 70.10

    Other Arabic documents reused by the same Hebrew scribe: T-S Ar.38.140 (PGPID 16798), T-S NS 223.22 (PGPID 38255), ENA 3700.1 (PGPID 32749), ENA 3974.6 (PGPID 11251).

    1. [ ] my most glorious lord

    2. When the slave [[established]] learnt of the good intention, the kind view and the noble patronage,

    3. he desired to s...

    1 نسخ 1 ترجمة

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  43. 793

    رسالةT-S 6J7.11

    [and tell me what is] in demand, and I will send it to you"; a group of people called אלכתלאניה (the Catalans??); 2200 dinars and maghribī dirhams; half of the silver is for Ibrāhīm; a Qaraite man; Bū l-Thanāʾ or Bū l-Munā; a funduq and silk; the ṣināʿa (either the main port / customs house in Fustat or the arsenal); the guard; the Franks; Ismāʿīl; the ḥujra (barracks?)


    1. ] . . . [
    2. ]ר כמסמ[איה
    3. ] אלף דרהם ואן כתבה סירהם
    4. ] להם אלחדר אן תגו חתי תתגיר
    5. ]א גמיע מא תרידוה סירוה אביעה
    6. ] . . אנה מטלוב ערפוני אסיירה לכם...

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  44. 794

    رسالةT-S 13J29.1

    (Information from Gil, Kingdom, Vol. 2, #228) VMR. Mentions a ship "al-markab al-mubārak", probably referring to a state owned ship or owned privately by the ruler.


    1. אטאל אללה בקא אכי וסידי וריסי וגלילי ומן סלמה אללה
    2. ואבקאה וזאד מן פצלה ואחסאנה ומואהבה אלגמילה
    3. לדיה וענדה כתאבי אליך יאכי וסידי יום ער'ב ס'כ...

    2 نسخين 1 مناقشة


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  45. 795

    رسالةT-S Ar.18(1).50

    F. 1v: catena of biblical verses, such as Proverbs 9:10, 22:29 and 24:5, probably for epistolary purposes.

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  46. 796

    وثيقة رسميّةT-S Ar.39.445

    As for the state official Fāris al-Dawla, there are three attestations of the same name so far in the Geniza (T-S Ar.30.308 + T-S 12.359 + T-S AS 148.96 (PGPID 20426), T-S Ar.42.171(PGPID 8293), ENA 1822a.95 (PGPID 12362)). al-Maqrīzī records an official by the title Fāris al-Dawla to be active in the later Fatimid period in the time of al-Fāʾizz (Ittiʿāẓ, III, 227). YU.


    1. [...........]
    2. دايمة باقية الى [

    3. الامير الموفق المنصور فارس الدولة

    4. نضره الله واظفره واحسن عونه

    Recto (scribal practice)

    1. ]ضو[

    2. رسها ...

    1 نسخ


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  47. 797

    ثيقة شرعيّةBodl. MS heb. d 66/109

    Dated: 29 Sivan 1456 Seleucid = 22 June 1145 CE. Signed by Nathan b. Shelomo ha-Kohen and Ḥiyyā b.


    1. אלמקבוץ גיר[
    2. עש[
    3. דינ.[
    4. כמסה עשר[
    5. וסבעה רואי אללה[
    6. וסתא אלדנא וק.[.].ין . . . .[. .
    7. צארת אלי [[.]] אבו סעד בן אבו אלחסין


    1 نسخ 1 مناقشة


    • 109 recto
    • 109 verso
    عرض تفاصيل المستند
  48. 798

    ثيقة شرعيّةBodl. MS heb. d 66/83

    Bareket, Shafrir misrayim, pp. 53, 225; Yehudei misrayim, p. 178)


    1. חצר פי בית דין הקבוע במצרי[ם] פי יום אלכמיס כא יום
    2. מן טבת סנה אלף ותלת מאיה כמסין וסבעה סנין למנין שטרות
    3. מנצור בן מכתאר ומעה ולדה אלחלל אלדי לם ...

    3 نسخ 1 مناقشة


    • 83 recto
    عرض تفاصيل المستند
  49. 799

    رسالةT-S 12.230

    Cohen, Jewish Self-Government, p. 221. ASE.

    1 نسخ


    • 1r
    • 1v
    عرض تفاصيل المستند
  50. 800

    نصّ غير أدبيّT-S Ar.30.87

    Moshe ha-Levi and dated 22 Iyar 1565 Seleucid, which is 1254 CE. ASE

    لا توجد ثبت المراجع والمصادر


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