وثيقة رسميّة: T-S Ar.39.445
وثيقة رسميّة T-S Ar.39.445What's in the PGP
- 1 Transcription
State document, Fatimid decree, in Arabic script. The decree is addressed to the military general Fāris al-Dawla. The document is a draft as the recto has scribal practice in the same hand and formula. As for the state official Fāris al-Dawla, there are three attestations of the same name so far in the Geniza (T-S Ar.30.308 + T-S 12.359 + T-S AS 148.96 (PGPID 20426), T-S Ar.42.171(PGPID 8293), ENA 1822a.95 (PGPID 12362)). al-Maqrīzī records an official by the title Fāris al-Dawla to be active in the later Fatimid period in the time of al-Fāʾizz (Ittiʿāẓ, III, 227). YU.
Editor: Umrethwala, Yusuf
T-S Ar.39.445 recto

Recto (scribal practice)
رسها سها نصره نصره
نصره الله الله واظفره واحسن حسن عونه
وتوفيقه سلام سلام عليك فان
امير المومنين يحمد اليك الله الذي
لا اله الا هو ويسله ان يصلي يصلي على
جد جد جده []سلم تسليما
T-S Ar.39.445 verso

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دايمة باقية الى [
الامير الموفق المنصور فارس الدولة
نضره الله واظفره واحسن عونه