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Receipt, but needs identification for typology. Contains a basmala, and an ʿalāma (الحمد لله حمدا يرضيه). Mentions "al-dīwān" and beginning of a date "bi-tārikh al-khāmis.......arbaʿ …
אין רשומות קשורות
Receipt, in Arabic script and Coptic numerals. Contains several ʿalāma, one reads as "alḥamdu li-llāhi waḥdahu". Mentions "al-mablagh". Reused for a literary text on recto. …
Receipt of payment, in Arabic script. Contains the glyph which could mean "addā" here. "yadfaʿu al-Shaykh Hibat Allah..........". Needs examination.
Receipt of payment or tax receipt, in Arabic script. There is a registration mark "الحمد] لله وبه استعين]". Name of the payee is not readable …
Receipt, with an ʿalāma at the top. The name of the payer isn't very readable but the word 'muʿallim' suggests a late-Mamlūk/Ottoman-era dating. Needs examination.
Legal document, maybe a release. In Arabic script. Two fragments from the middle and bottom of the document, listing dozens of "wa-lā X wa-lā Y …
State document, in Arabic script. Probably a part of a report or official correspondence. Reads in part: "as the elders of the Bedouins are aware..." …
State document, in Arabic script. Original use: Decree, of which only the phrase "amīr al-muʾminīn is preserved." The document is reused for a internal state …
State-related report on unrest all over Egypt, from the Delta (Ṭalkha and Suwayd on recto) to Upper Egypt (al-Ṣaʿīd on verso). Mentions Bedouins (al-ʿurbān and …
] على مخالطته ولا الذين منه ……… تقدم ذكره
]حوى بينه وبينهم خطاب يكرر ويذكر لما مضى
] واستقر الصلح وشروطه {{عا}} وشرطوا عليه نقل
] العر…
תעתוק אחד
Order of payment, or accounts, extremely fragmentary. Mentions "yatafaḍḍal".
Literary text, in Arabic script. Fragment from a work of logic (manṭiq), specifically a translation or adapted version of Aristotle's analytics. Verso of the fragment …
There are multiple fragments under this shelfmark; some of them are joins. B, fol.2 - Bill or receipt of sale, in Arabic script. Dated: Shaʿbān …
Ottoman-era legal document, in Arabic script. Probably a receipt of payment for Binyāmīn al-Ukūrand(?) in Alexandria. Needs examination.
Legal documents, in Arabic script. Looks like three distinct documents, one large one on recto and two smaller ones on verso. Bunch of names of …
Literary text, in Judaeo-Arabic. Discusses the Hebrew language and the language of the Bible. Could be theology or Bible exegesis. Needs examination.
Fiscal document, in Arabic script.
Small fragment from the lower right corner of a legal document in Arabic script. Probably the same scribe as ENA 3924.7 (ID 10272). Needs further …
State document, in Arabic script. A Fatimid decree, reused for a long liturgical text in Hebrew.
State document, in Arabic script. 11 lines of official correspondence in a chancery hand, probably a report of some kind. The preserved document was chopped …
One side: four fragments of a letter, in an official looking hand, in Arabic script. Mentions 300 dīnārs. Needs examination.
Bottom of a legal document, in Arabic script. One witness clause preserved and a technical terminology "al-mutakkhir bi-mā fī tārikhih".Reused for Hebrew piyyuṭ.
State document, probably a decree. In Arabic script, in a chancery hand. Huge letters and wide space between the lines. Reused for a Judaeo-Arabic literary …
Legal document, in Arabic script. Barakāt b. Ishāq the Jew has paid his dues of 252 Kuruş Rūmī to the loom of textile weavers (anwāl …
Letter, in Arabic script. Mentions business dealings and sale of wax.Regards to a bunch of people towards the end. Two sides, top missing but fully …
Few preserved words in Hebrew script with a humanoid figure, presumably magical text. Needs examination.
List or accounts, in Arabic script. Mentions prices in dirhams. Needs examination.
Verso: Petition, in Arabic script. Large Arabic script on the top.
Extremely fragmentary document, in Arabic script, probably a letter. A fragmented basmala can be read. Needs examination.
Document in Arabic script with traces of burning. Probably literary. Different hands on recto and verso.
Maybe a palimpsest with Arabic chancery script reused to form quires (1r, 7v). Needs examination.
Verso could be the bottom part of accounts, in Arabic script. The part of date is preserved and the day Wednesday is readable. Needs examination. …
One fragmented line in an Arabic chancery hand, probably of a decree, later cut and reused to form quires of Hebrew script. A suggestive reading …
Petition, probably. In Arabic script. Addressed to a lower official requesting to summon some people. Portions of 5-6 lines are preserved. Refers to agents, a …
Numerous drafts of the opening of a petition or an otherwise formal letter to the Fatimid Caliph al-ʾĀmir. In Arabic script. It is not clear …
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
صلوات الله وبركاته ونوامي زكواته وافضل
تحياته وسلامه على مولانا وسيدنا الامام
بسم الل…
Trade letter, in Arabic script. The sender instructs the addressee to acquire a Dustarī (=Tustarī) fabric of blue color as soon as he reads his …
Legal document in Arabic script. "min al-wariq" and "wa l-mablagh min l-wariq" can be readable. Needs examination.
State document, bottom fragment, in Arabic script. "الذي لا يقدر فيهم على غيره... ومحاسبته على استقبال سنة خمسـ[...على ما استخرجه واحضر ما". The phrase "wa-muḥāsabatuhu …
Legal document, in Arabic script. A very long but fragmentary waqf document, probably Ottoman era. Also contains a bold monumental script in the middle, probably …
Draft/jottings of another document on a Hebrew literary text. "مولاي الشيخ الاجل ابو منصور".
Letter fragment, probably, in Arabic script. Mentions a couple of names, including Musā al-Yahūdī. Needs examination.
Recto: State document, in Arabic script. Probably late. An internal report of some kind in a very formal tone. The beginning of the document mentions …
One fragmented line, probably from a state document, in Arabic script. "عه دعواه على ا".
Verso: Probably the beginning of a legal or state document, possibly a draft as the basmala is in the middle of the page and first …
Three fragmented lines, in Arabic script. "...بن عبد اللطيف". Needs examination.
Literary text, in Arabic script. "اربعة مقدمات". Needs examination.
Unidentified text, in Arabic script. Needs examination.
Legal document, in Arabic script. Late, Ottoman era. Probably a waqf document with five signatures at the bottom in swirls. A marginal note says two …
Official correspondence or state document, in Arabic script, late. Two big fragmentary lines with faded text. The first line begins as "يذكر السيد المذكور". Needs …
Literary text, probably, in Arabic script. Mentions naṣārā and ʿĪsā. Needs examination.
Unidentified text in Arabic script. Part or all of it looks like poetry. Ruling regarding bathing according to Islamic jurisprudence on verso.