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  1. 4201

    List or tableT-S Ar.39.450

    Accounts of a druggist. A complete order in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals of sixty-seven commodities of drugs/perfumes/materia medica (ʿiṭr).

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  2. 4202

    List or tableT-S Ar.39.454

    Bifolio of business accounts in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals, listing several names and itemized expenses or revenues.

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  3. 4203

    State documentT-S AS 178.40

    Subsequently reused for private accounts in Arabic script, Judaeo-Arabic, and Greek/Coptic numerals, maybe by Shelomo himself.

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  4. 4204

    List or tableT-S AS 177.39

    Accounts in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals.

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  5. 4205

    List or tableMoss. X,108.2

    Folio from a ledger of communal accounts. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: Probably 12th century.

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  6. 4206

    Legal documentCUL Or.1080 4.32

    Signed by Yaʿaqov ha-Kohen. Verso: Accounts for 19 Elul 5589.

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  7. 4207

    LetterENA 2160.50

    The sender is sorting through accounts (e.g., "I checked my ledger (daftarī) and did not find anything.").

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    • verso
    • recto
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  8. 4208

    List or tableT-S K2.81

    Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic and Greek/Coptic numerals concerning "Dīwān Maṭābikh al-Mulk," which sounds like the government office in charge of royal sugar refineries.

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  9. 4209

    LetterENA NS 45.30

    Reused for business accounts on verso. On the writer, see India Book II, 6 (DK 230.3 (alt: XIX) (PGPID 5422)), India Book II, 9 (Moss.

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  10. 4210

    List or tableT-S Ar.4.8

    Accounts for house rents and repairs. Dating: mentions various months of the year טפתק, which is 589 AH = 1193/94 CE.

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  11. 4211

    List or tableT-S 12.42 + T-S 12.109 + T-S 12.157

    Accounts in Arabic script. Unclear if private or state.

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  12. 4212

    LetterT-S AS 152.8

    He asks what travelers have been saying about conditions on the return journey to Jerusalem, and also how things are in Jerusalem. Verso: accounts in different handwriting, in Judaeo-Arabic and Greek/Coptic numerals.

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  13. 4213

    LetterT-S Ar.39.76

    T-S Ar.41.108); the Judaeo-Arabic accounts on verso should be checked against ʿArūs's handwriting.

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  14. 4214

    Unknown typeENA 3244.4

    The document type is unclear, yet it appears the scribe used a straight-edge to partition the text's internal sections (a common feature of lists/tables and accounts). The scribal hand on the verso is attested in a variety of twelfth-century fragments reused for Hebrew/Aramaic seliḥa and piyyut: T-S H5.119 (PGPID 38711), T-S Misc.22.69 (PGPID 29232).

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    • recto
    • verso
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  15. 4215

    LetterF 1908.44i

    The family has taken great pains to conceal the news of the uncle's death until they receive a detailed account of his will. This long letter repeatedly describes everyone's anxiety waiting for news of the addressee's health and the will.


    1. בש רח
    2. כתאבי אליך יא אכי ואלעזיז עלי וענדי אטאל אללה בקאך ואדאם
    3. עזך ועלאך ומן חסן אלתופיק לא אכלאך גמע אללה ביננא
    4. עלי אסר חאל במנה וכפי לטפה א…

    3 Transcriptions


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  16. 4216

    LetterT-S 10J12.16

    She urges him not to drink wine "on account of your illness. . . May God protect us from illness while separated (al-maraḍ fī l-ghurba). . .


    1. שלום רב לאוהבי תורתך ואין למו מכשול
    2. שלום שלום לרחוק ולקרוב אמר ייי ורפאתיו
    3. אלדי אעלם בה ולדי ואלעזיז עלי וענדי גמע אללה שמלי בה קריב עלי מא י…

    1 Transcription 1 Discussion


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  17. 4217

    LetterT-S NS 225.94

    Consisting almost entirely of business accounts. The sender acknowledges receipt of a letter discussing a foreigner (?

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  18. 4218

    Legal documentAIU VII.D.56

    Verso: In the same (or very similar) hand, a eulogy for a deceased woman and some neat accounts partially in Judaeo-Arabic. Diamonds and Yaʿaqov al-Marankātī (?)

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  19. 4219

    LetterBL OR 5561B.8

    In the left margin at 90 degrees there are the remnants of accounts in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals.

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  20. 4220

    LetterENA 2558.30b

    On verso, there are pen trials and jottings (or messy accounts?) in Arabic script.

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  21. 4221

    List or tableT-S Ar.39.63

    Bifolio from a ledger of business accounts. In Arabic script. Dating: Several years are specified, but they are difficult to read; perhaps 493–95 AH, which would be 1099–1102 CE.

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  22. 4222

    List or tableCUL Or.1081 J47

    Accounts in Hebrew and Judaeo-Arabic. Late. One side: "What I received from Yaʿaqov b.

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  23. 4223

    List or tableENA 2738.8

    On verso there are jottings of accounts in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals.

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  24. 4224

    List or tableBL OR 13153.7

    Containing only the opening blessings. Verso: Accounts in Arabic script (with one word in Judaeo-Arabic).

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  25. 4225

    LetterT-S 6J7.2

    On verso there are jottings of accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. (Information in part from CUDL.)

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  26. 4226

    List or tableT-S NS J200

    Private accounts written by Nahray b. Nissim. Dating: ca. 1058 (Gil).

    Recto, right side

    1. [  ]נה בידי מן [. . . .] דינ

    2. בוציר ⳽ דינ

    3. אבנה ⳽ דינ              בידי יעקוב [     ]

    4. ספר ק ק דינ            מרדוך ה וסדס וחב…

    Recto, right side

    1. [    ] ... in my possession from ... dīnārs
    2. Būṣīr: ½ dīnār
    3. His son: ½ dīnār                 in my possession. Yaʿqūb
    4. traveled. 200…

    1 Transcription 1 Translation


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  27. 4227

    LetterT-S 8.20

    In the empty space on verso accounts are written in a different hand, some with Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals.

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  28. 4228

    List or tableT-S NS J188

    Mercantile accounts from the circle of Nahray b. Nissim. The list comprises the recipients of a total sum of 5,000 dirhams, of which Zakariyyā and Ibrahīm (as one), Abū Yaḥya Nahray (b.

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  29. 4229

    Legal documentT-S NS 320.86

    On verso, there are a few lines of what look like accounts in Arabic script.

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  30. 4230

    List or tableT-S NS 113.37

    Underneath the piyyuṭ on the righthand page of fol. 1r, there are two columns of private accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. The right column lists sums of 17 dirhams + 14 dirhams owed by Bū l-Manṣūr, 1 dirham by Abū ʿAlī, and 10 owed to Abū l-Faraj Ibn al-Kallām (cf.

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  31. 4231

    LetterT-S AS 162.14

    On verso there appears to be a line of accounting in Arabic script: "the cantor (al-ḥazzān): 7 dirhams."

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  32. 4232

    Legal documentT-S J1.42

    ʿArūs claims that he has fully settled all accounts. If ʿArūs proves to be lying, then he will be considered accursed and will not earn merit (?

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  33. 4233

    List or tableBL OR 5566C.20 + BL OR 5566C.19

    Accounts in the hand of Nissim b. Ḥalfon, presented to Nahray b.

    recto - left side

    1. לר נהראי [            ] מן גמלה אלורק

    2. אלדי קבל האדי קאי ותלת ותמן

    3. > קיר

    4. לה בחק אלברקלו(?) מן אלצרה אלתי

    5. וצלת מן אטראבלס א…

    1 Transcription 1 Discussion


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  34. 4234

    List or tableT-S AS 177.98

    Mercantile accounts in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals.

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  35. 4235

    Literary textT-S AS 177.209

    تنفخ في رمادي Written on a reused piece of accounts in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals.

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  36. 4236

    Legal documentT-S AS 86.287

    The numbers 1592 and 1593 appear, possibly dates (if so would correspond to ca. 1281 CE, which is consistent with the paleography and typical names). Verso: accounts in Judaeo-Arabic and Greek/Coptic numerals, mentioning people such as a shipowner (nākhūda), Rashīd, Makīn, Sadīd, Mukhallaṣ, Mūsā, and ʿAmīd.

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  37. 4237

    LetterT-S NS 102.104

    On verso there are various jottings, including some accounts in Arabic script.

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  38. 4238

    LetterT-S 6J5.3

    Apart from simply wanting to know, he is on the hook for paying his brother's capitation tax—maybe he will be exempted if he can prove his brother's death. Verso: accounts in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals.

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  39. 4239

    State documentENA 684.5

    The last line mentions their accountability to the task assigned; masʾūlān ʿanhā muṭālibīn.

    1. عاد بنجابتهما وحسن

    2. عاد بنجابتها وحسن

    3. وله منتصبين وفيه مجدين وليتحققا

    4. …… مسوولان عنها مطالبيـ[ن

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  40. 4240

    List or tableT-S Misc.24.39

    Private accounts of Abu Zikri Tabib in the hand of Nahray b.


    1. למולאי אלשיך אבי זכרי אלטביב אדאם אללה עזה 
    2. ספתגה סלמאן               מ' די'נ' 
    3. ספתגה אבן אלאסכנדראני   כ'ה' די'נ' 
    4.           וען ר' נתן      …

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  41. 4241

    List or tableT-S NS 320.31

    NB: This is not the correct shelfmark. Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. "Obtained [i.e., sums cashed from tenants] during the [Muslim] month Dhū l-Qaʿda corresponding to Nisan 1554 [Seleucid; both months began on March 24, 1243]."

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  42. 4242

    List or tableBL OR 10126(1).15

    Accounts in Ladino and Judaeo-Arabic that express figures in western Arabic numerals.

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  43. 4243

    List or tableJRL SERIES C 60 + JRL SERIES C 6

    Accounts in an orderly scribal hand on a bifolium whose folding and size is suggestive of the existence of a broader ledger (from which there is at least one other join: JRL SERIES C 6).

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    • 1 / 1 leaf, recto
    • 1 / 1 leaf, verso
    • 1 / 1 leaf, recto
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  44. 4244

    List or tableT-S NS J53

    Bifolio containing an inventory of books in Judaeo-Arabic (3 pages) and a page of accounts for foods and materia medica in Arabic script (1 page).

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  45. 4245

    LetterMoss. II,131.2

    Ṣedaqa wrote some draft accounts in the free space left on the verso of the letter.


    1.                                 בסם אללה אלעצים
    2. תקדם כתאבי אליך אטאל אללה בקאך ואדאם סלאמתך וסעאדתך ונעמתך
    3. ארגו וצולה ווקפך עלי מצמונה פבעד דל…

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  46. 4246

    List or tableJRL SERIES C 168

    Lists in Judaeo-Arabic of various food items and their respective quantity or weight. The accounts feature both Western Arabic and some Coptic-Zimam numerals, the latter are less common after the sixteenth century.

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  47. 4247

    List or tableENA NS 57.17 + JRL SERIES A 686 + JRL SERIES C 25

    Accounts. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dated: 4 Jumāda al-Awwal '54.

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  48. 4248

    LetterJRL SERIES A 276

    To the right of this text block, there is a letter or draft of a letter in Judaeo-Arabic. On verso there are accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. Needs further examination.

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    • 1+2 / 2 leaves conjoined, recto
    • 1+2 / 2 leaves conjoined, verso
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  49. 4249

    Legal documentT-S 12.684

    Draft of deed of attorney written in Tyre, which includes an accounting between partners after the death of one of them, Menashshe b.


    1. [ ]בם אל המערב ומכר
    2. [ ]ם ונטלתי ממנו רובה
    3. [ רו]בה והאמנתיו בכללו והותיר על
    4. [ ]הם בחשבונו וכן היה עליו למנשה
    5. [ננ בר יצחק] הזה לטלם לו ועוד אמר מ…

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  50. 4250

    List or tableJRL SERIES A 586

    Accounts related to commerce in silk on a bifolium that is undated yet can be estimated as late-18th to early-19th-century given the presence of Meʾīr ben Naʾīm's name and the general paleography of the document.

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    • 1 / 1 leaf, recto
    • 1 / 1 leaf, verso
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