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  1. 7901

    Legal documentT-S NS 306.80

    Legal document in Arabic script. Dated: Dhū l-Ḥijja 624(?) AH. Involves Abū l-Faraj b. Fāḍil(?) b. Khalaf al-Tājir and Bū l-ʿIzz b. Bū ʿAlī b. …

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  2. 7902

    Legal documentT-S 13J2.6

    Legal documents in the hand of Hillel b. ʿEli, from the court of Mevorakh b. Saʿadya. Recto: deed concerning the sale of a book that …

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  3. 7903

    Legal documentT-S AS 149.267

    Small fragment from the beginning of a ketubah, 16th century. The groom name is Ishaq. AA

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  4. 7904

    Legal documentFriedberg MSS 9-004/25

    Deed of gift of a female slave (waṣīfa). Fragment, containing the first half of 5 lines. In the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe ha-Levi (1100–38).

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  5. 7905

    Legal documentT-S AS 100.2

    Legal document. Small fragment (upper right corner). Mentions the name Yosef [b. ...] Elʿazar. On verso there are quotations from Zechariah 8:19–23, Obadiah 1:21; Jonah …

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  6. 7906

    Legal documentENA 2176.2

    Legal fragment in Judaeo-Arabic, mentioning Abū l-ʿIzz and 22 dinars (בעד אבאעה . . . דינאר וחואליה . . . וטלבה פעסר עלי . . …

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  7. 7907

    Legal documentT-S Misc.8.87

    Legal query addressed to Shemuel b. ʿEli (active ca. 1164–97; identification based on handwriting of the responsum on verso) concerning a man whose son becomes …

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  8. 7908

    Legal documentBodl. MS heb. c 13/1

    Legal document in the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe. Contract for the sale of flax following the dissolution of the partnership.Tiqva ha-Levi known as Abū …

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    • 1 recto
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  9. 7909

    Legal documentENA NS 6.8 + ENA NS 58.12

    Legal query requesting a ruling in a commercial disagreement between two merchants. The two parties settled and wrote out a power of attorney, but then …

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  10. 7910

    Legal documentT-S 8.190

    Beginning of a legal document. Written on parchment. Location: Damascus. The parties are Sason b. Yeshuʿa ha-Levi and David ha-Kohen. One of them confirms that …

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  11. 7911

    Legal documentMoss. V,256.1–3

    Prototype of a legal document from Tyre, eleventh century, probably in the hand of Yosef Ha-Kohen b. Yaʿaqov.

    1. הוזמנה פל ופל צרתה ונדיינו בדברים וטע[נות]
    2. שאין אנו צריכין עכשו לפרשן ונתחייבו
    3. זו לזו שבועה כחוק האלמנות ונגשה פל ונשב[עה]
    4. כאשר חייבנוה ונטלה מביתו …

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  12. 7912

    Legal documentT-S 24.58

    Bill of release. Dated: Tammuz 1411 Seleucid = June/July 1100 CE. On parchment. Written by Hillel b. ʿEli, who signed the document together with Yiṣḥaq …

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  13. 7913

    Legal documentT-S AS 153.283

    Beginning of a legal document. In the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe? Stating that the two representatives (nuwwāb) of the Gaʾon have fulfilled his order. …

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  14. 7914

    Legal documentENA 2747.12

    Legal document. Three horizontal strips from the same document. Dating: 11th century. A widow appoints her son Yosef b. Aharon to sue Yefet b. [...] …

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  15. 7915

    Legal documentT-S 8.87

    Part of a ketubba, with only a few words preserved. Part of the shemaʿ has been written between the lines in faded ink and a …

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  16. 7916

    Legal documentT-S AS 179.249

    Draft or beginning of a legal document. In Arabic script. "This is a release between me and Umm Abū Manṣūr regarding the dwelling in the …

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  17. 7917

    Legal documentT-S NS 138.91

    Probably a leaf from a court ledger, in the hand of Efrayim b. Shemarya. There are multiple records here. both on recto and verso. Apparently …

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  18. 7918

    Legal documentT-S 8J8.11

    Recto: legal document mainly in Hebrew, detailing the financial arrangements between the woman Sitt al-Bayt b. Aharon al-Tājir (the merchant), her husband Yūsuf/Yosef al-Najjār (the …

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  19. 7919

    Legal documentT-S 6J1.25

    Legal document in the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe. Fragment (lower left corner). Dating: [14]41 Seleucid = 1129/30 CE, under the authority of Maṣliaḥ ha-Kohen …

    1. ]תזמת באלדרך
    2. מן] גיר קהר ולא גבר ולא אכראה
    3. ולא גיר דלך מן גמיע מפ]סדאת אלשהאדה על כל שפר ארג
    4. ]ממקרקעי וממטלטלי ואפילו
    5. ]א כחומר וכחוזק כל שטרי מחזקי

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  20. 7920

    Legal documentT-S AS 150.220

    Fragment from the top of a legal document. Dated: Tammuz 1464 Seleucid = June/July 1153 CE, under the authority of the Nagid Shemuel b. Ḥananya. …

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  21. 7921

    Legal documentT-S 8.176

    Bill of release. Fragment (upper right corner). In the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe ha-Levi (1100–38 CE). Mentions Sitt al-Kull and her mother Sirwa, one …

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  22. 7922

    Legal documentT-S AS 145.38

    Fragment from the bottom of a ketubba. The bride's name is Sitt al-Thanāʾ ben(!) Elʿazar. Part of the monogamy clause is preserved. One of the …

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  23. 7923

    Legal documentT-S AS 151.175

    Fragment of a legal document. Dated: 1557 Seleucid = 1245/46 CE. Involves Bayān b. [...]. (Information in part from CUDL)

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  24. 7924

    Legal documentENA NS 17.12

    Marriage contract (ketubba) of a divorcee. The grand total of the marriage gift and dowry is 39 dinars. Dated ca. 1000. (Information from Mediterranean Society, …

    1. ]. . . . . . . .[. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    2. ]ות ליה לאינתו ויהב לה עשרין וחמשה זוזי [. . .
    3. ] לה על כתובתה חמש עשר דינרין דדהבא
    4. על] והי עשרה דינ…

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  25. 7925

    Legal documentENA NS 7.93

    Legal fragment. In the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe ha-Levi (1100–38 CE). Consists entirely of release formulae; no names or details preserved.

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  26. 7926

    Legal documentT-S 16.222

    Lease of a date plantation owned by the Qodesh, ca. 1150 CE. A deed of lease is drawn up by the court, by which a …

    1. [לקנית מעכשיו ברצונו ]קנין גנור חמור בכלי הכשר לקנות בו
    2. בלי אונס כלל בביטול כל מודעין ותנאין אנה קד אסתאגר אלבסתאן אלמדכור מדה תמאניה סנין כואמל אל


    (We acquire from Hiba) 

    1.  . . . . as a complete and solemn acquisition, with an instrument that is proper to acquire with, 

    2.  (from now on, w…

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  27. 7927

    Legal documentT-S K16.61

    State document, Ayyubid period. Petition to an Ayyubid ruler regarding the appointment of military personnel: ʿUmar b. Masʿūd, leader of the archers in Alexandria of …


    1. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

    2.                المملوك عمر بن مسعود مقدم الرماة

    3.               القوسية ثغر الاسكندرية المحروسـ[ـة]

    4. يقبل الارض وين…

    1. In the name of God, the merciful and compassionate. 

    2. The slave ʿUmar ibn Masʿūd, the leader of the archers 

    3. in the frontier city of Alexandria,…

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  28. 7928

    Legal documentMS R1892

    6 leaves containing Geonic responsa on Sukka followed by a long responsum about giving a herd of sheeps to a shepherd on Shabbat. The first …

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  29. 7929

    Legal documentENA NS 3.3

    Marriage document. In the hand of Hillel b. ʿEli (active 1066–1108). Fragment from a left side of ketubba de-irkesa (כתובה דארכסא), a ketubba written as …

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  30. 7930

    Legal documentT-S AS 25.46

    Small fragment from a power of attorney written by Ḥalfon b. Menashshe ha-Levi (1100–38 CE). No details preserved. (Information in part from CUDL)

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  31. 7931

    Legal documentT-S 16.1

    Bill of release in the hand of Hillel b. ʿEli. Location: Fustat. Dated: Tuesday, 19 Elul 1400 Seleucid = 28 August 1089 CE. Release given …

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  32. 7932

    Legal documentT-S AS 152.249

    Legal document mentioning an elder, Abū Yaʿqūb the parnas and Ibn al-Qaḥṭ[ānī?]. (Information from CUDL)

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  33. 7933

    Legal documentT-S AS 158.342

    Fragment of a legal deed in the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe ha-Levi (active 1100–38 CE). Concerning a partnership (sharika) and mentioning a shop (dukkān), …

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  34. 7934

    Legal documentT-S AS 151.37

    Legal document mentioning recurring payments of 12 dirhams for teaching or apprenticeship. In the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe. (Information in part from CUDL)

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  35. 7935

    Legal documentT-S AS 215.247

    Much damaged and faded, barely legible, but probably from a legal document.

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  36. 7936

    Legal documentT-S 10J2.38

    Legal document. Bill of divorce, Fusṭāṭ. Dated: 10 Adar II 1537 (10 March 1226). This bill of divorce is one of forty under the T-S …

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  37. 7937

    Legal documentT-S NS 321.100

    Recto (secondary use): Court record written and signed by Natan b. Shelomo ha-Kohen (1125–50). Wherein it is stipulated that a husband who travels to the …

    1. חצר פלאן בן פלאן מע זוג]תה הל[אלה] בנת אבו אלמנא אלי בית דין
    2. ]ה ען אסבועין ויסאפר לריף
    3. ] בעד דלך פי כל אסבוע בג(מיע)
    4. ] שהר פי אלריף אלי מן עוק
    5. ] עלי…

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  38. 7938

    Legal documentMoss. VII,42.1

    Legal document. Hand of Natan b. Shemuel? Location: Fustat. Involves [Abū l-]Karam(?) known as Ibn al-Shavuy and [...] b. ʿAdiyya ha-Zaqen and a debt of …

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  39. 7939

    Legal documentENA 1267.2

    Query and responsum of Yosef b. Yaʿaqov Rosh ha-Seder.

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  40. 7940

    Legal documentT-S K25.183

    Fragment of a beautifully written ketubba. Groom: Netanʾel. Bride: Mubāraka. The trousseau list appears to be written in rhymed Hebrew. The sum 250 dinars is …

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  41. 7941

    Legal documentT-S NS J340

    Court record mentioning Yehuda ha-zaqen, Ḥalfon ha-zaqen, Avraham ha-zaqen, Meshullam, and Abu Yaqub. (F. Niessen and A. Shivtiel, ed., Arabic and Judaeo-Arabic Manuscripts in the …

    1. מעשה שהיה וג למא וצל מ יהוד[ה
    2. הזקן בר מר אל[.]ל. נע ובידה וכאל[ת]אן
    3. אחדתהמא מן קבל אלשיך אבו אסחק כתבתא לה בטראבלס אלשאם
    4. מר ור אברהם השר הנכבד ראש ה…

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  42. 7942

    Legal documentYevr. II K 8

    Karaite ketuba from Cairo. The groom is Ya'aqov b. Moshe. The name of the bride is not preserved.

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  43. 7943

    Legal documentYevr.-Arab. I 1700.10

    Legal record (#17a). Alimony owed. Pertaining to the first record on the facing page (Yevr.-Arab. I 1700.11, recto, a). "The maintenance (mezonot) incumbent on Bū …

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  44. 7944

    Legal documentBL OR 5554A.49

    Legal document, or letter with legal content. Reporting to a group of people (ישמרכם צור ישראל) that the will of Shela b. Yefet Ibn al-Sukkarī …

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  45. 7945

    Legal documentMoss. VII,122.4

    Small fragment of a legal document in the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe. Involves a certain Khalaf.

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  46. 7946

    Legal documentT-S AS 150.70

    Document (draft) mentioning several sums of money in dinars and the Nasi, the teacher Abū l-Faraj, Sitt al-Ahl the mother of Abū l-Ḥasan and Ṣedaqa. …

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  47. 7947

    Legal documentT-S AS 201.173

    Legal document, probably. In Arabic script. Fragment: lower left corner. A person attests that he has received 12 dinars from another person. The name of …

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  48. 7948

    Legal documentT-S Ar.41.50

    Legal document in Arabic script. Dating: Late Mamluk or early Ottoman-era. Seems to be a deathbed declaration of a Jewish man. Mentions the Jews of …

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  49. 7949

    Legal documentT-S NS 224.119

    Minute fragment- opening words of a legal deed written by Halfon b. Menashshe Halevi

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  50. 7950

    Legal documentBodl. MS heb. f 22/39

    Recto: Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic, including a book list, including al-Faṣīḥ fī l-Lugha, Masāʾīl Ṭibbiyya, and Leviticus in Arabic. Verso: Draft or copy of a legal …

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    • 39 recto
    • 39 verso
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