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Receipt of an amount received by the dīwān of al-majlis al-sāmī al-ajallī al-fakhrī. Probably dated 11 Dhū l-Qaʿda 557 H.
No Scholarship Records
Recto: Petition in Arabic script from "the son of one of the doctors" to two addressees. The petitioner mentions his desire to open a shop …
Fiscal receipt, or receipt of payment. For al-Shaykh..... of 1/8 dīnārs. Contains a registration mark "الحمد لله حمدا...". May mention "الحضرة المجيدية".
Receipt in Arabic script for a payment by Mūsā [ben] Naʿīm, dated 1824/25 CE (the end of Muḥarram 1240H). The receipt was issued by the …
Fatimid state document. Report to al-Malik al-Afḍal from al-thaghr al-maḥrūs (probably Tyre). Ca. 1108 CE. Related fragments are as follows (the clusters are defined based …
Official letter or petition. In Arabic script. Small fragment from the beginning: ...saʿādatahu wa-salāmatahu wa-niʿmatahu ʿalā....
Receipt for the capitation tax of Nissim(?) b. Bū l-Faḍl(?) in New Cairo. Payment: 1 dinar. This receipt is squatter and sloppier than most.
One line of text in Arabic script, from an official document or letter. Reused for a text in Aramaic on verso and another text in …
State document, in Arabic script. Most of the original page is preserved, but the text is damaged and faded. Petition addressed to a Fatimid caliph …
Tax receipt? Needs examination.
Bifolio from a fiscal accounting ledger. In Arabic script. About 10 distinct entries, each apparently with its own ʿalāma / registration mark. Cf. T-S NS …
Receipt (for tax payment?) for a banker (al-ṣayrafī). Dated: 2 Rabīʿ I 507 AH, which is June 1113 CE (if read correctly). Needs further examination.
Verso (original use): Undeciphered document in Arabic script, likely state-related. Appears to be dated 427 AH = 1035/36 CE, which is consistent with the Hebrew …
Unidentified document(s) in Arabic script. Probably state-related. Verso: Headed by the basmala, followed by an elongated "ʿaml," followed by "the petition (? ruqʿa) of Fuḍayl …
Fragment from the top of a petition, or petition-like letter, from Farajallāh.
State account of some kind, headed "72 ghulāms(?)... for each of them in a day...," and underneath entries such as "1/6 + 1/8 irdabb." On …
Receipt of some kind for Ibrāhīm b. [...]. A period of one year is specified. There is a word that looks like "halīlaj" (myrobalan), but …
Small fragment from the top of an official-looking document, headed by basmala and ṣalwala, then al-mamlūk [...]. Potentially a petition.
Official-looking small receipt. ENA 3968.21 and ENA 3968.23 appear to be in the name of the same person (Ḥusayn b. [...]). Needs examination.
Formulary or draft of the opening of a petition to a vizier and qāḍī. Cuts off right after the "wa-yunhī."
1 Transcription
State document, in Arabic script. Probably official correspondence. The document presumably describes a conflict resolution between two state officials, where both parties will respect each …
Blessings for the caliph or sultan in Judaeo-Arabic. Presumably practice for a petition (cf. Moss. IV,56.1 and T-S NS 110.26).
Tax receipt, or possibly credit instrument? Contains an ʿalāma at the upper right, maybe, and a jahbadh signature at the bottom. Also contains the glyph, …
Official-looking accounts in Arabic script.
Petition from Naṣir b. Bū l-Faraj, who converted to Islam (ihtadā) under (ʿalā yad) Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn(?) (but perhaps different from the actual Saladin?) in the …
State document, in Arabic script, wide spacing, maybe a petition. Mentions a wazīr but the portion of his name is cut off in the lacunae. …
Recto: Letter/petition in Arabic script to a qāḍī (al-majlis al-sāmī al-ajallī al-qaḍāʾī al-shamsī). The sender's name is given at the top but is tricky to …
Small fragment of a state document or letter in Arabic script. Mentions the Mutawallī al-Ṭirāz. Reused on recto for piyyuṭ. (Information in part from CUDL)
Recto: very damaged text of a makhzuma (ledger of receipts). Verso: makhzūma (ledger of receipts) submitted in Rajab 495 AH (= April-May 1102 CE) by …
1 Transcription 1 Translation
Receipt of some kind. The sum named is 1/2 dinar. Dated: Possibly 13 Ramaḍān 490 AH, but this should be checked. The payment seems to …
Verso: Fragment from the end of a state document, probably a decree. In a very large chancery hand: على آله الطاهرين وسلم تسليما. There are …
Report on fiscal matters, draft.
Receipt ("tadhkira bism...") for the capitation tax of Maʿrūf b. Yahūdhā al-Yahūdī, an indigo merchant (nīlī) and perfumer (ʿattār), in Fustat. The registration mark / …
State document. Dating: early 13th century (Ayyubid period). Petition from Khuyalāʾ b. Ḥasan and Abū l-Jaysh to the caliph al-ʿĀdil regarding an iqṭāʿ in the …
خيلا بن حسن وابو الجيش
بن احمد
بسم الله ال…
Khuyalāʾ ibn Ḥasan and Abū al-Jaysh
In the name of God, the merciful and compassionate.
The slave kisses the ground before the…
Capitation tax receipt for Musāfir b. Yūsuf, a Jewish man whose profession is "dīwānī." Same man: T-S Ar.35.132, T-S Ar.35.174, and T-S Ar.35.217. Dated: Muḥarram …
Formulaic phrases from petitions and letter to dignitaries.
Capitation tax receipt for Sulaymān al-yahūdī b. Mūsā al-yahūdī al-Mutaṭabbib (?). Dated 24 Dhū l-Ḥijja 524 AH (1130 CE). Not authenticated at the top by …
Mamluk-era state document in Arabic script. Dated: 675 AH = 1276/77 CE. Contains various annotations by clerks and is endorsed by both thin and thick …
Bifolio from a small fiscal register in codex form. Three of the four pages each contain a distinct document/entry, beginning with the trigger "balagha." Presumably …
Decree fragment, one line, in Arabic script. "سعد من وحولها".
Decree. The ends of two lines are preserved. Mentions the cities of [...]nūf and Ṣahrasht (=Ṣahrajt). Reused for a separate document in Arabic script (also …
Part of a preliminary draft of a chancery document addressed to a government official. ". . . bi-l-shadd minka fī istikhrāj al-māl ʿalā l-kamāl ʿalā …
المشارفات المشارفات ويقضيك
بالشد منك في استخراج المال على الكمال
على الكمال والتمام وقصر يد من يدوم الاحتما
عليك والمنع من احداث رسم …
Official letter/report in Arabic script. 6 lines preserved from near the beginning. (There are also a few lines legible as mirror-image imprints only, including the …
Official correspondence. The beginnings of 9 lines are preserved. There are two fragments here which were glued together out of order. The top fragment mentions …
Recto: State document, huge line spacing, ends with ṣalwala in a calligraphic hand, probably a decree. On verso there is a letter (see separate record). …
Receipt for the capitation tax in Fustat of Maḥfūz b. Eliyya. Dated: 52[.] AH.
State document, fragment, in Arabic script. Six lines are preserved, wide space between the lines. Might be a draft, since there are words crossed out …
عبد عبيدها ويبدو والقسم وجزيل العطا والنعم
فما ينفك عن عبد خلص ولاوه وحسن تلاوة وانعقدت على
المسابغة عقايده واراوه وتقلب في الطاعة بين سلف
Tax receipt relating to the tax farm of Abū l-Ḥasan b. Wahb. Written by the jahbadh Mīkhāʾil b. ʿAbd al-Masīḥ.
State document, probably a fragmentary petition, in Arabic script. Contains a partial taqbīl clause and a name which may read as "al-Ṣāli[ḥī al-Najmī", the penultimate …
Receipt for 1/3 dinar for the capitation tax of Yaʿqūb b. Isḥāq al-Yahūdī in al-Maḥalla for the year 520 AH = 1126/27 CE. Begins "tadhkira …