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2,021 total results

  1. 1251

    State documentENA 2818.46

    Letter/petition in Arabic script. Dating: likely mid- to late 12th century, based on paleographic grounds, the mention of Abū l-Fakhr Ibn al-Rav who may be …

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  2. 1252

    State documentT-S Ar.34.302

    State document, possibly. There are two lines in a chancery hand and the end of a third line, with huge spaces between them, and an …

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  3. 1253

    State documentT-S NS 104.24

    State document, in Arabic script. Right-side fragment of an official correspondence.

    1. لدعـ[
    2. مع عشـ[
    3. الى خمسـ[

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  4. 1254

    State documentCUL Or.1080 J85

    Fiscal document (account? in table form) with very wide line spacing, in a chancery/fiscal hand. Appears to list at least 12 towns in the upper …

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  5. 1255

    State documentENA 684.1

    Official letter. After the basmala one reads :ʾaṭāla llāh baqāhā wa-ʾadāma taʾyīdahā wa-ʿalāhā (l. 2), ʿārafahu bi-mā li-l-ḥadra al-sāmiyya al-ʾaǧalliyya al-raʾīsiyya (l. 3), ʿalā al-ḥadrat …

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  6. 1256

    State documentMoss. VIII,350.3-4

    State document, extremely fragmented, only a few words readable. Mentions the amir Asad al-Dawla.

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  7. 1257

    State documentENA 3979.8 + ENA 3979.7

    Fiscal account dated 8 Dhū l-Qaʿda 404 AH = 11 May 1014 CE if read correctly. Apparently for military spending (nafaqāt), mentioning the Baḥrī and …

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    • recto
    • verso
    • verso
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  8. 1258

    State documentBodl. MS heb. e 98/69

    Verso: Fiscal document, 3 fragmentary lines with lacunae, in Arabic script. Mentions an amīr with the laqab Nabīh al-Dawla (though this title appears to be …

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    • 69 recto
    • 69 verso
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  9. 1259

    State documentT-S AS 184.84

    Small fragment with various kinds of Arabic text on it. Recto may be poetry or prayers (...اذا ما رمت ادراك...), written with diacritics and vowels. …

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  10. 1260

    State documentT-S AS 179.55

    Receipt for the capitation tax of Maḥfūẓ b. Eliyya(?), a Jewish silk trader (qazzāz), in Fustat.

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  11. 1261

    State documentT-S AS 176.294

    Lower left corner of a petition.

    1.                  من محابة والشكر(؟)

    2. واحواله ومهماته منعما ان شا الله

    3. الحمد لله وحده وصلى الله على سيدنا]محمد نبيه واله الطاهرين وسلام

    4. وحسبنا …

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  12. 1262

    State documentBodl. MS heb. d 78/38

    Fiscal account or receipt dated Muḥarram 437H (July–August 1045). Closing five lines. (MR)

    1 Transcription 1 Translation


    • 38 verso
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  13. 1263

    State documentENA 3262.4

    The end of one line from a state document in Arabic script (decree vs. petition vs. report). Quite faded. Reused for Hebrew piyyuṭ.

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    • recto
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  14. 1264

    State documentT-S AS 185.257

    Receipt for the capitation tax of [...] b. Yūsuf in Fustat. Needs further examination.

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  15. 1265

    State documentT-S Ar.35.38 + T-S Ar.34.212

    Tax receipt. From the archive of Abū l-Ḥasan b. Wahb. Join: Alan Elbaum.

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  16. 1266

    State documentT-S NS 300.71

    Petition, Fatimid, in Arabic script. Three and a half lines are preserved. The petitioner is one of the traders entering (or importing goods into?) Egypt …


    1. انه من جملة التجار الموردين الى الديار المصرية خلد الله[
    2. وهو من اهل الستر والسلامة لازم للطرائق الحميدة[
    3. الا جزا وهو [يجدد] تقبيل الارض ويسئل …
    1. He is among the merchants that come to Egypt, may god perpetuate [
    2. and he is a genuine person, following a virtuous path [
    3. except reward. He [renews…

    1 Transcription 2 Discussions


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  17. 1267

    State documentT-S AS 183.202

    Official-looking receipt, maybe for someone's capitation tax. Very messy.

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  18. 1268

    State documentT-S AS 176.289

    Tax receipt for Yūsuf b. Ṣadaqa, probably for his jizya.

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  19. 1269

    State documentMoss. VII,169

    Verso (original use): Fragment of a state document, a decree. Only the ends of three lines are preserved. One of the few legible words is …

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  20. 1270

    State documentT-S AS 113.210

    Recto: Official letter/report, probably. In Arabic script. The ends of ~5 lines are preserved. Verso: piyyuṭ and phrases praising a dignitary. (Information in part from …

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  21. 1271

    State documentENA NS 58.1

    Bottom of an official letter (petition?) in Arabic script. The last line is a ḥamdala and ṣalwala. Unclear how much of the text above this …

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  22. 1272

    State documentENA NS 83.178

    Document in a calligraphic but barely legible hand. Genre unclear. Dated 510 AH. Needs examination.

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  23. 1273

    State documentJRL Gaster ar. 348

    Tax receipt(s). There are distinct documents on recto and verso. Needs examination.

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    • 1 / 1 leaf, recto
    • 1 / 1 leaf, verso
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  24. 1274

    State documentT-S AS 181.31

    Tax receipt for Khalaf b. Yaʿqūb. See ENA 3945.9 (PGPID 10485) for a list of related documents.

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  25. 1275

    State documentT-S AS 177.408

    Fiscal account or receipt. Mentions a name at the top and mentions wheat further down. Needs examination.

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  26. 1276

    State documentUU 1395

    State document, Mamlūk-era, in Arabic script. An ʿalāma in an outsized script at the top. Needs examination.

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  27. 1277

    State documentJRL Gaster ar. 142

    Fiscal document, with two holes. Needs examination.

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    • 1 / 1 leaf, verso
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  28. 1278

    State documentENA 3971.17

    Very tiny note in Arabic script, in the same type of hand as many of the early 5th/11th century tax receipts. Some contain the mystery …

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    • recto
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  29. 1279

    State documentENA NS 12.26

    Tax receipt. Verso: Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic.

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  30. 1280

    State documentT-S K2.1

    State document, probably a report. The beginnings of 9 lines are preserved. Concerning the opening of the canal (Fatḥ al-Khalīj, a major festival in Fatimid …

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  31. 1281

    State documentT-S Ar.44.103

    State document of some kind. Fiscal account? Wide line spacing, small letters. Discrete text blocks arranged in columns. At least one of the text blocks …

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  32. 1282

    State documentT-S 16.102

    Petition from an Alexandrian coppersmith. Dating: Fatimid-era based on structure and paleography but could be Ayyubid. The titles of the addressee match that of an …

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  33. 1283

    State documentT-S NS 297.55

    Accounts of some sort in official-looking Arabic script.

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  34. 1284

    State documentT-S AS 183.168

    Receipt for the capitation tax of [...] in Fustat for the year 525 AH = 1130/31 CE. Needs further examination.

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  35. 1285

    State documentT-S AS 178.194

    A single phrase in Arabic script, likely from a state document: min injāz(?) al-ḥujja fī dhālika ʿalā al-[...]

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  36. 1286

    State documentT-S Ar.42.18

    Fiscal document(s) in Arabic script. Bifolio. One entry on each page of recto. Might have to do with sugar. Apart from format and handwriting, we …

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  37. 1287

    State documentT-S AS 177.340

    Receipt for Bū l-Majd b. [...].

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  38. 1288

    State documentT-S AS 182.207

    Fiscal account? Mentions a dīwān and possibly the terms muqṭaʿ and/or maṭbakh. Needs examination.

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  39. 1289

    State documentT-S AS 179.48

    Tax receipt.

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  40. 1290

    State documentT-S AS 177.89

    Receipt for the capitation tax of Maʿālī b. Bū l-Karam. Needs further examination. See T-S AS 177.85 (PGPID 37036) for all the related documents.

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  41. 1291

    State documentT-S NS 315.203

    The beginnings of the lines of an official document in Arabic script. Reused for Hebrew piyyut (same scribe as T-S NS 111.63 and others?). Might …

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  42. 1292

    State documentT-S NS 327.25

    Official receipt, likely for capitation tax ("min jizyatihī") for Yaʿqūb b. Yūsuf the Jew. Mentions "bi-mushārafat al-qāḍī . . . Yūsuf b. [...]." In the …

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  43. 1293

    State documentT-S AS 182.51

    Bottom of a formal letter or petition in Arabic script. On verso, torn and reused for a miniature receipt. Needs examination.

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  44. 1294

    State documentT-S NS 153.127

    A few words from the end of a decree: واعـ[ـلم هذا] واعمل عليه وبحسبه وو . . . . Reused for Hebrew liturgy.

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  45. 1295

    State documentENA NS 48.23

    Copious jottings in Arabic script. It is not clear if there is any original document here or if they are all exercises of a chancery …

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  46. 1296

    State documentT-S Ar.47.200

    Letter addressed to the chief justice (Qāḍī l-Quḍāt). Only the first 4 lines are preserved.

    1. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
    2. لا زالت سيرة قاضي القضاة اطال الله بقاه
    3. وادام تاييده وعلاه وكبت حسدته واعداه
    4. بالعدالة[     ] احكامه بالجـ[    ] ومصادرته

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  47. 1297

    State documentENA NS 8.46

    Recto: Accounts in Arabic script. Perhaps a state/fiscal document, since it's written in a chancery hand with wide space between the lines. There are date …

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  48. 1298

    State documentT-S Ar.35.133

    Capitation tax receipt for Khalaf b. Yaʿqūb. See ENA 3945.9 (PGPID 10485) for a list of related documents.

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  49. 1299

    State documentT-S AS 131.125

    Fragment of a state document. Ayyubid? Interesting layout. One text block begins "uḥḍira ilā al-dīwān fī . . ."; the next mentions al-Shām. Needs further …

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  50. 1300

    State documentENA 3939.2

    Fragment of a state correspondence, probably a decree, 5 lines, bottom-left corner of the document with traces of paper decay. Mentions the day of movement …

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    • recto
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