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  1. 4651

    List or tableT-S AS 205.82

    Mercantile accounts in Judaeo-Arabic.

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  2. 4652

    List or tableL-G Misc. 58

    List of receivers of alms containing rare names, women and foreigners. The Hebrew alef evidently stands for ūqiya, ounce. (Information from Mediterranean Society, II, p. …

    1. אם כפא אלמחליה אם ...ז
    2. ג א ג א ג א
    3. א[ל]צוריה תופיק אלדמשקיה זוירה
    4. ג ג ג א ג א
    5. אם בי סעיד אלמכפא [[אלשיך מ]]
    6. ג א ג א
    7. שיכין מגארבה אבראהים אברהם
    8. ג א ג…

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  3. 4653

    List or tableT-S Misc.11.208

    Late accounts in Judaeo-Arabic, very neat, laid out in a grid according to parshiyot, probably donations collected from the people named. Dozens of names appear …

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  4. 4654

    List or tableJRL SERIES C 145

    Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic listing income from "debts and sales" around Ṭanṭa. Dated Dhū l-Qaʿda 1237 AH which is 1822 CE. MCD.

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  5. 4655

    List or tableJRL SERIES B 5779

    Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. There are also two lines in Arabic script.

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  6. 4656

    List or tableT-S NS 305.110

    Business accounts in a mixture of Judaeo-Arabic and Arabic script. Mentions the commodity tartar (ṭarṭar).

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  7. 4657

    List or tableT-S Ar.30.19

    Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. Two bifolia. Referring to Abū Yaḥyā Nahray (b. Nissim), with notes in Nahray's hand on it. Information from Goitein's note card.

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  8. 4658

    List or tableAIU XII.54

    Account in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals. Late. Mentions pearls (luʾluʾ) and gold (dhahab), and the names Isḥāq, Sulaymān, ʿAfīf, and Ibrāhīm.

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  9. 4659

    List or tableBL OR 5561B.17

    Verso: Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. Lists various types of currency (real baṭāqa, maḥābīb of different kinds) together with eastern Arabic numerals. One of the numerical figures …

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  10. 4660

    List or tableT-S AS 188.14

    Accounts in Arabic, medieval-era. Requires further examination.

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  11. 4661

    List or tableT-S Ar.52.247

    Account of expenditures in Dammuh (ca. 1182-3) by Sayyid al-Ahl, consisting of a list of disbursements made at the plantation in Dammuh in the course …

    recto right side: d

    1. תבת מא אמלאה אלשׁיך סיד אלאהל בן אל[....] אנה
    2. אנפקה מן צמאן בסתאן דמוה שׁנת אתצד א[למופ]קה
    3. לסנה תמאן וסבעין וכמסה מאיה לתאריך אל…

    Recto, right side:

    1. Record, as dictated by al-Shaykh Sayyid al-Ahl b. al- .... 

    2. of expenditures made by him on the account of the plantation at Da…

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  12. 4662

    List or tableT-S AS 168.115

    Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic and Greek/Coptic numerals.

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  13. 4663

    List or tableJRL Gaster ar. 290

    Document in Arabic script, probably accounts. Dating: Probably late. Needs examination.

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  14. 4664

    List or tableENA NS I.69

    List of charity recipients, with names and sums, probably distribution rather than collection. The list starts with names of the communal functionaries titled me'ulle, Rav …

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  15. 4665

    List or tableT-S AS 146.400

    Accounts, mentioning quantities of dinars held by certain people. Hand of Abū Zikrī Kohen? (Information in part from CUDL)

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  16. 4666

    List or tableT-S AS 178.2

    Private accounts in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals, mentioning a shop.

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  17. 4667

    List or tableT-S NS 292.8

    Verso: Accounts listing relatively large quantities of medicinal substances. In Judaeo-Arabic, Arabic script, and Greek/Coptic numerals. Items include: pomegranate syrup; two pomegranates; quince oxymel; sorrel; …

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  18. 4668

    List or tableJRL SERIES C 88

    Accounts in Ladino with western Arabic numerals that detail a wide variety of labeled figures and calculations. Based on the paleography the dating may be …

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  19. 4669

    List or tableT-S NS 297.289

    Accounts in Arabic script for the 23rd of a month.

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  20. 4670

    List or tableT-S AS 199.92

    Minute fragment from a list of debts. Late

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  21. 4671

    List or tableDK 36.15

    Notebook, probably belonging to a 15th-century Byzantine merchant, filled with records of various transactions. The language is primarily Hebrew but the months are Julian (אפריל …

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  22. 4672

    List or tableT-S Ar.34.277

    Accounts in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals. Mentions names such as ʿAbdallāh; Bū l-Faraj; Jawhar; Samawʾal; Ibn Naṣrallāh; Mīkhāʾīl; Saʿīd; Wahba(?); Sīmān(?); Muḥammad. Dating: Perhaps …

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  23. 4673

    List or tableBodl. MS heb. c 54/21

    Beautiful calendar for the year 1815/16 CE (5576) with information about each month in a medallion set in a floral pattern.

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    • 21 recto
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  24. 4674

    List or tableT-S AS 177.31

    List of materia medica and amounts, perhaps a prescription. On verso there is Arabic text in a different hand, but seems to be related.

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  25. 4675

    List or tableCUL Or.1081 1.36

    Account, listing names, commodities, and quantities. Probably 14th century or later (among other reasons, since "son of" is written with a nun sofit).

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  26. 4676

    List or tableT-S NS 306.2

    List of names and commodities - needs examination. (info from FGP)

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  27. 4677

    List or tableT-S NS 225.65


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  28. 4678

    List or tableJRL Gaster heb. ms 2110b/9

    Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic, possibly of a druggist. Mentions kohl/antimony and sugar.

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  29. 4679

    List or tableT-S AS 199.133

    accounting. Late

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  30. 4680

    List or tableJRL SERIES C 107

    Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic dealing with wheat and perhaps other goods. Dated [5]590 AM in the heading (ש׳ תקץ) which is 1829/30 CE. A few names …

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  31. 4681

    List or tableT-S NS 37.114 + T-S NS 37.109

    Very dark and torn list of names followed by numbers, probably written by Solomon b. Elya. Among the names we can find al-Maghrebi al-Nafusi, Baqa …

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  32. 4682

    List or tableJRL SERIES C 110

    Alphabetized list of contributors and their payments toward the communal kosher meat tax (gabela) in the month of Elul (Raḥamīm). The dating is likely 19th-century …

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  33. 4683

    List or tableMoss. IXa,3.19

    Accounts. Late medieval or Ottoman.

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  34. 4684

    List or tableT-S NS 190.86


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  35. 4685

    List or tableT-S 8J13.1

    Verso: list of household expenses in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals, mentioning types of oil, soap, camphor, and green lemon; payments to a laborer; and …

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  36. 4686

    List or tableENA 3362.7

    List in Hebrew and/or Judaeo-Arabic, ca. 14th–16th century. Requires further examination.

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  37. 4687

    List or tableHalper 402

    A list of clothes and household utensils returned by a divorced woman to her ex-husband, Naḥman, after she had taken them to the house of …

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  38. 4688

    List or tableJRL SERIES B 2237

    Small fragment. Probably an account in Judaeo-Arabic.

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  39. 4689

    List or tableT-S K15.117

    List of men's names, possibly recipients of alms. Hand of Yefet b. David b. Shekhanya? Names include: [Sal]āma b. [...]; Muslim b. Ḥarbash; Moshe b. …

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  40. 4690

    List or tableENA NS 58.11

    Business accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. Listing several names and goods.

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  41. 4691

    List or tableT-S AS 177.91


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  42. 4692

    List or tableT-S AS 176.160


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  43. 4693

    List or tableT-S Misc.28.72

    Accounts in Arabic script and Judaeo-Arabic.

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  44. 4694

    List or tableT-S NS 125.16

    List of names in Arabic script, e.g., Abū l-Faraj al-Ṣayrafī. Unclear purpose. Written on verso of a folio of Hebrew poetry.

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  45. 4695

    List or tableT-S 8J11.7

    Account for Nisan and Iyyar 1493 sel. ca. 1182. This account deals with another part of the qodesh estates and the names of the 12 …


    1. תצקיע אלרבע לאבו אלביאן אלפרנס דו אלקעדה ודי אלחגה
    2. מופק לניסן אתצג דאר אלזגאג אלקאעה ואלעלו
    3. די אלחגה עט [[טו]] עא
    4. דאר בן טיבאן כב יוסף אלגזאר יח א…

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  46. 4696

    List or tableT-S NS 83.12

    Account of incomes?

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  47. 4697

    List or tableT-S AS 147.28

    Bill of lading by Nahray b. Nissim specifying goods sent from the Maghreb and Sicily to Egypt, mainly textiles and silk. (Information from Gil)


    1. רב סלם ובלג ברחמתך רזמה ברסם מימון ויהודה בני [              ]
    2. פי וצטהא רזמה פיהא ס'ב' קטעה סוסי מנהא ל' מתלתה [              ]
    3. [             …

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  48. 4698

    List or tableENA 3938.2

    Arabic script (VMR)

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  49. 4699

    List or tableT-S AS 153.287

    Communal accounts, probably from the early 13th century. Mentions the terms 'jibāya' (collection) and "jābī' (collector) several times. Entries include citrons and myrtle (for sukkot), …

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  50. 4700

    List or tableENA 2808.63

    Account of the Qodesh: building expenditures, ca. 1040. List of expenses, beautifully written by Yefet b. David b. Shekhanya. Materials for the construction of a …

    Gil, Documents, pp. 187-188 Doc. #18, ENA 2808, f. 63Building expenditures ca. 1040SH [10-24-86]

    1. דרהם תמן סבעה חזם שועב ארבעה עשר דר תמן חזמ[ה]
    2. חבל …


    1. dirhem. Paid for 7 bundles of twigs, 14 dir. Paid for a bundle 

    2. of ropes, 5 dir. Paid for 6 bundles of palm branches, 3/4 dinar. 

    3. For saw…

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