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  1. 4101

    List or tableENA 2592.6–7

    ENA 2592.6r: Memorial list for Hayya Gaon, the exilach Yeḥizqiyyahu, and his son David. This is followed by another memorial list (Dukran Tav) for Avraham …

    f. 6 verso

    1. בשמ` רחמ`
    2. דכ דוכרן טב לנ` לז` המ` המיו עד
    3. כ` ג` ק` צפ` תפ` מר` ורב` אדוננו
    4. האיי ראש הישיבה שלגולה //מכתבה// וכלל
    5. אבותיו הגאונים והחכמים ר…

    1 Transcription


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  2. 4102

    List or tableCUL Or.1080 4.26

    Late accounts in Arabic.

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  3. 4103

    List or tableT-S AS 145.110

    Document, entitled ‘list of registers’ (ṯabt al-dafātir), followed by names, such as Ibn Ḥātim. (Information from CUDL)

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  4. 4104

    List or tableT-S NS 225.78

    12th century account

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  5. 4105

    List or tableT-S J1.35

    Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic

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  6. 4106

    List or tableJRL SERIES C 107

    Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic dealing with wheat and perhaps other goods. Dated [5]590 AM in the heading (ש׳ תקץ) which is 1829/30 CE. A few names …

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    • 1 / 1 leaf, recto
    • 1 / 1 leaf, verso
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  7. 4107

    List or tableENA 2591.21

    Fragment of a list of recipients of bread (twelve out of 22 receive 2 loaves each). Ca. 1107 (Information from Mediterranean Society, II, p. 465, …

    ....].[....]. ג

    ...]יה טיב ד

    ...]. ועמה ב

    ..]כלה א

    ..]ה ב

    ....]אני ג

    ...........] ב

    ......]ן ד

    אלבעלבכי ג

    אבן אלסקא ב

    חמאה עיאש ג

    אם הלאלה ב

    צריר ב


    1 Transcription 1 Discussion


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  8. 4108

    List or tableT-S AS 209.229

    Small fragment of accounts in Judaeo-Arabic.

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  9. 4109

    List or tableT-S NS 225.8

    List of names, probably for support from the community. Numerous names listed on both recto and verso. On verso several are crossed out, and the …

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  10. 4110

    List or tableMoss. X,107

    A memorial list . Published by Abraham David, “A Memorial List of Sages of the Palestinian Yeshiva,” Shalem, vol. 1 (1974): 75-80 (Hebrew)

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  11. 4111

    List or tableENA NS 68.2

    Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. Expenses for construction and repairs; mentioning a carpenter several times. Hand of Yefet b. David b. Shekhanya (early 11th century).

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  12. 4112

    List or tableENA NS 27.7 + ENA 1822a.83 + ENA NS 39.2 + ENA 1822a.82 + ENA 1822a.83a

    Accounts in Ladino and western Arabic numerals dated as 21 Shvat [54]92 or 17 February 1732CE. The same name Moshe Ḥason "חסון" listed here (l. …

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  13. 4113

    List or tableT-S NS 190.85

    Minute fragment of an account

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  14. 4114

    List or tableT-S NS 142.38

    Accounts in Arabic script. Each entry is headed with a basmala. Abū l-ʿAlā' al-Dajājī owes 1 1/8 dinar; Ibn al-Muṭarriz(?) owes 6 dirhams minus something. …

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  15. 4115

    List or tableENA 3730.10

    Accounts listing a variety of names and Ottoman currency types. Dated: 19 Muharram 1058 AH (1648 CE). The names of those listed include: Mu[ḥammad] Basha, …

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  16. 4116

    List or tableT-S K15.61

    List of 67 contributors to charity, headed by 'our lord, may his glory be enhanced,' namely, the Nagid Avraham Maimonides (d. 1237), giving 3 1/2 …

    סידנא ירום הודו אלרצוי

    ½ 3 ½ 3

    אלחבאר דכאן אלרשיד

    ½ 1 1/3+ ½ 2

    אלרשיד אבו אלפכר אבן אלמכין

    10 1/3+ ½ 2

    אולאד אלהוד אבו נצר אלנקלי

    ½ 3 1/3+ ½ 2


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  17. 4117

    List or tableT-S AS 152.177

    Small fragment of a list of names: [...] al-Laḥḥām, Bū Naṣr, Faraj(?) al-Mashmiaʿ, etc. Maybe a distribution list.

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  18. 4118

    List or tableT-S NS 321.68

    List of commodities and their prices

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  19. 4119

    List or tableCUL Or.1080 15.68

    Private account written by Nahray b. Nissim and one of his partners. Around 1059. Account for shipping wood from Egypt to the Maghreb via Mayadiya. …


    1. חראץ ברשיד ען אלעדל וברקלו 
    2. נצף עדל וברקלו בקס
    3. חראץ רשיר             רבע 
    4. ברטיל                    דרה' ונצ' 
    5. אגרה' כ'יטי             סדם אלא …

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  20. 4120

    List or tableT-S AS 115.293

    Unidentified, possibly a list. (Information from CUDL)

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  21. 4121

    List or tableJRL Gaster heb. ms 1770/8

    Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: 18th or 19th century.

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  22. 4122

    List or tableENA 3925.3

    Ottoman-era accounts.

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    • recto
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  23. 4123

    List or tableT-S Misc.8.102

    Large list of contributors paying 2 dinars (two people), 1 dinar, 1/2 dinar, 1/4 dinar, 1/6 dinar, or 1/8 dinar. Headed by Abū l-Mufaḍḍal, like …

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  24. 4124

    List or tableJRL Gaster ar. 248

    Recto: Grid filled with diagonal Arabic script. Some readable words include - dirham, aswad, aṣfar and kitāb. Could be an inventory or accounts. Verso: Faded …

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    • 1 / 1 leaf, verso
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  25. 4125

    List or tableT-S Ar.35.236

    Accounts in Arabic script and Coptic numerals.

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  26. 4126

    List or tableT-S AS 122.289

    Accounts in Arabic script. Mentioning the profession 'ṭabbākh' (sugar refiner?) several times and 'khayyāṭ' (tailor) once.

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  27. 4127

    List or tableT-S NS 90.26

    Recto: Halakhic discussion of kil'ayim. Verso: Two lines in Judaeo-Arabic: "R. Yūsuf has four volumes, to the end of אלה תולדות יצחק."

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  28. 4128

    List or tableENA NS I.12

    List of goods and prices. Likely a household inventory, but could also be business accounts or a dowry list. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: Ottoman-era. Curencies: gurush …

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  29. 4129

    List or tableENA 2738.8

    List of items in Arabic script together with Greek/Coptic numerals

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  30. 4130

    List or tableBodl. MS heb. c 28/47

    India Book I, 42. List of contributors for bread for the poor. Location: Fustat. Dating: ca. 1230–40 CE. Abū l-Riḍā (Yosef III) Ibn al-Lebdī pledged …

    1 Translation


    • 47 recto
    • 47 verso
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  31. 4131

    List or tableT-S Ar.35.82

    Recto: Pen trials in Hebrew and Judaeo-Arabic, including a draft of letter text to 'the dear brother' mentioning Alexandria. Verso: Grocery list or account in …

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  32. 4132

    List or tableT-S AS 177.551

    Business accounts in Arabic script and a few Greek/Coptic numerals. Listing various textiles/garments and prices in dirhams. Also mentions the ruqʿa of the banker (al-ṣayrafī).

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  33. 4133

    List or tableT-S AS 176.97


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  34. 4134

    List or tableJRL Gaster ar. 65

    Accounts in Arabic script, late.

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  35. 4135

    List or tableT-S K15.80

    Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic and in Arabic script. Customers include al-Qāḍī Yaḥyā and ʿAbd al-Masīḥ

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  36. 4136

    List or tableBL OR 10578Q.1

    Interesting calendrical tables including calculations for mahzor 269, along with "I wrote this for myself, Shelomo."

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  37. 4137

    List or tableT-S NS J440

    List of thirty-two names with Coptic numerals (recipients of loaves of bread), for example, “the son of little Sesame.” A Maghribi scribe is recorded as …


    1. מחאסן אלפר[נ]אס 8 בן סמיסמה [
    2. בית סת גאל[ב]? . בנת אלחמישׁי 3
    3. בית מוסי 5? מערפה [א]כו אלסא.. .
    4. בנת אלסופר 6 (1/6?) {......} 10 4
    5. בית אלמג[..] 6 (1…

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  38. 4138

    List or tableAIU VII.F.97

    Writing exercise in Hebrew. The instructor provided a phrase in model handwriting for the student to repeat. The student's surname appear in the heading of …

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  39. 4139

    List or tableT-S AS 201.92 + T-S K25.39

    Accounts in Ladino. 2 folios. Quite detailed. Currency: levanim; metecales; ducados; and possibly medin (מיד). Commodities include garments, textiles, and items of gold. Also contains …

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  40. 4140

    List or tableT-S K15.103

    Business accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: 11th or 12th century. The hand of the scribe is probably known. Goitein writes, "Accounts, similar to those in nos. …

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  41. 4141

    List or tableT-S K10.16

    Calendrical tables with colorful drawings, mentioning the year 1238 AH = 1822/23 CE.

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  42. 4142

    List or tableT-S AS 207.171

    Accounts in Arabic listing many names. The scribal hand does not appear to be the same as the neighboring interrelated shelfmarks. Dating is 16th-century or …

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  43. 4143

    List or tableENA 4020.57

    Upper fragment: Bifolio of accounts. Listing names (e.g., ʿAlī al-Tinnīsī and the Andalusī cantor), precious items, and amounts. Possibly accounts of an 11th-century Maghrebi trader. …

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  44. 4144

    List or tableT-S J1.30

    Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic

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  45. 4145

    List or tableAIU XII.126

    Account in Arabic script, unclear if private or fiscal. Recto includes the phrase 'in the name of ʿUmar b. [...]' and mentions the number 400 …

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  46. 4146

    List or tableJRL SERIES A 878

    A list of 10 of the books of the Mishneh Torah with a note underneath: [...] min ghayr al-khaṭṭ.

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    • 1 / 1 leaf, recto
    • 1 / 1 leaf, verso
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  47. 4147

    List or tableT-S NS 292.48

    List of names and numerals

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  48. 4148

    List or tableT-S K15.27

    Verso: Account of some sort, unclear if private or official. In Arabic script. It seems to be specifying the amounts owed to Abū l-Faraj. Mentions …

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  49. 4149

    List or tableT-S AS 204.92

    Large account in Judaeo-Arabic, listing many types of garments.

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  50. 4150

    List or tableBodl. MS heb. d 79/35

    List, extensive and valuable but damaged, of donors of wheat to the poor. Most give only 1 wayba (about 4 gallons, weighing about 25 pounds), …

    2 Transcriptions 1 Discussion


    • 35 recto
    • 35 verso
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