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Fragment of a late Hebrew document, possibly a letter mentioning Salonika (שלנוקי) in the first line. Needs examination.
لا توجد ثبت المراجع والمصادر
Letter in Ladino sent from Salonica to Yaʿaqov Hanoko (? חאנוקו) possibly in Monastir (?). The name of the location of the addressee is not …
Letter from Yehuda Rozanes(?), unknown location, to Yosef Amarillio, in Salonica. In Hebrew (first two lines) and Ladino (remainder). Dating: Probably prior to 1485 CE. …
Letter fragment in Judaeo-Arabic mentioning Salonica and Constantinople. In the hand of Yefet b. Menashshe ha-Levi.
Letter of appeal for financial assistance by the elders of the community of Corfu (קורפו). In Hebrew. The date does not appear to be preserved, …
Partnership agreement between Moshe and Yiṣḥaq, specifying each party's liabilities. Written in Hebrew. Location: Salonika. Dated: Friday, 19 Av 5330 AM = 21 July 1570 …
1 نسخ
Recto: Excerpts from Ecclesiastes. Verso: A list of books that the writer was asked to prepare (or obtain?) for somebody. The Talmud, printed in Salonica …
Printed title page from a copy of Pirqei Avot in the Sephardi tradition (כמנהג ספרדים is in the title). Printed by "Estamperia Saʿadī ha-Levi, en …
Ketubba with an elaborate floral border (recto). Location: Salonica, the Hebrew/Aramaic names of the nearby rivers (?מגינות ובארוה) are unclear but there are several possibilities: …
Letter from Shemuel Sidi to Moshe ha-Levi. Written on Friday, 1 Heshvan. The letter's origin and destination are unclear. See T-S 12.318 for another letter …
Hebrew letter dated 1687/8 CE (5448 AM), addressed to "the Judges," regarding business transactions. Contains several words in Ladino that are marked with two dots: …
Legal document from Thessaloniki, dated May 1722 CE (20 Iyyar 5482 AM). Shemuel Laros aka Bekhor (בכור) declares that a certain Raḥel does not owe …
Miscellany containing formularies for excommunication (invoking the Shem ha-Meforash) on 74/70v, flowery rhymes for letter openings, etc. On 74/72r a copy of letter of interest …
Letter in Ladino, sent from Salonica (שילאניקי) to Cairo (spelled erratically as מישרייאם). To be delivered to ("en mano de") Yiṣḥaq Qatin[?] (אין מאנו די …
Drafts of court records that were copied into the register of the court in Cairo. Regarding items sent from Salonika to Rashid and various marital …
Ketubba, likely from Cairo given the mention of the Nile (נילוס) in the locational clause in line four and the witness signature of Yeḥezqel Ḥefeṣ. …
Copy of a letter from Menaḥem b. Eliyyahu, in an unspecified location near Salonica and Constantinople. In Hebrew, with occasional phrases in Judaeo-Arabic. Probably composed …
1 نسخ 1 ترجمة 1 مناقشة
Letter from Shemuel Sidi, in Damietta, to his brother-in-law and business partner Gabriel (likely Gabriel Conforte, son of the famous David Conforte). In Ladino. See …
Letter from a blind man in Salonica to his son Ismāʿīl in Egypt. In Judaeo-Arabic. Written on vellum in a scholarly hand. The first page …
1 نسخ 1 مناقشة