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1614 نتائج
  1. 1501وثيقة رسميّةNLI 577.1/59

    Upper left fragment: Official correspondence in Arabic script. The document is probably written for a recent convert to Islam from Samṭā (on the Nile delta). …


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  2. 1502ثيقة شرعيّةAIU XI.258

    A draft version of the same legal query to a jurist (istiftāʾ) as in T-S Ar.41.105 (edited by Geoffrey Khan, Arabic Legal and Administrative Documents, …

    1. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

    2. ما يقول الشيخ الامام العالم العامل الزاهد الورع الامين عماد الدين

    3. اقضا قضاة المسلمين مفتي دولة امير المؤمنين وفقه الله...


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  3. 1503وثيقة رسميّةBodl. MS heb. b 11/7

    Fiscal document, in Arabic script. Large format with 16 lines preserved, marginal notes, and crossings out. The document is an internal fiscal Fatimid accounting document …


    1 نسخ

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  4. 1504وثيقة رسميّةCUL Or.1080 J80

    Petition to a Fatimid dignitary regarding a theft of money. The archer Manṣūr b. Zakī al-Dawla (or: Rukn al-Dawla, which seems more likely given al-Maqrīzī's …


    1.                     المملوك 
    2.                     منصور بن زكى الدولة
    3.                      احد الرماة تحت ركابها
    4.                      السعيد
    5. ...


    1. The slave
    2. Manṣūr ibn Zakī al-Dawla,
    3. one of the archers under the commander of his
    4. auspicious horse guard.
    5. In the name of God, the merciful a...


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  5. 1505رسالةT-S AS 180.140

    Jewish communal letter in Arabic script. Mostly in Arabic language, with at least one word in Hebrew (اليشوعا, v8). Opens with blessings for the caliph …


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  6. 1506وثيقة رسميّةAIU XII.3

    Receipt for the capitation tax of Musāfir b. Yūsuf in New Cairo for the year 502, beginning 'tadhkira bism.' At the top, registration marks related …


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  7. 1507وثيقة رسميّةBL OR 12312.10 + BL OR 12312.11

    State decree. Three fragmentary lines from the end of a chancery decree, probably addressed to a provincial official, mentions majlis al-naẓar (refer al-Qalqashandī, Ṣubḥ al-Āʿshā …


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  8. 1508وثيقة رسميّةT-S H5.115

    State document in Arabic script. Three lines and the last word of a fourth are preserved. Mentions titles of the judge Abū Isḥaq (al-qāḍī al-rashīd …

    ... new, and trustworthy regarding people and property, a name is required

    that gathers together all these epithets so that he may be distinguished...


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  9. 1509قائمة/جدولENA 3943.13

    Mercantile memorandum or bill of lading (tadhkira) in Arabic script. Listing items that were shipped with a certain captain (al-rayyis... al-Ḥayfī) for Abū Ṭāhir b. …


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  10. 1510وثيقة رسميّةMoss. IXa,2.68

    Tax receipt for the capitation of Ibrāhīm b. Ṣadaqa in Fustat for the year 526 AH. Amount: ½ dīnār (the lowest rate). Jahbadh: Hibat Allāh. …

    Recto, top right

    1. المبلغ نصف
    2. الحمد لله حمد الشاكرين

    Recto, top left

    1. الحمد لله حمد الشاكرين

    Recto, main text

    1. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
    2. ادى ابراهيم ...


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  11. 1511وثيقة رسميّةBL OR 5566B.19

    Petition from al-Ḥasan b. Abū Saʿd probably to a vizier (several of the titles are similar to those of Ṭalāʾiʿ Ibn Ruzzīk). He complains of …

    1. المملوك

    2. الحسن بن ابو سعد

    3. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

    4. خلد الله تعالى ايام المجلس السامي السيدي الاجلي الناصري

    5. الـعادلي ناصر الائمة كاشف ا...

    1. The slave
    2. al-Ḥasan b. Abū Saʿd  
    3. In the name of God, the merciful, the compassionate
    4. May God, may he be exalted, prolong the days of the lofty, lo...


    2 نسخين 2 ترجمتين 1 مناقشة

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  12. 1512وثيقة رسميّةENA 3943.7

    Tax receipt, mentioning the tax was credited towards the treasury. Trigger/subtype: "waṣala li-bayt al-māl."


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  13. 1513وثيقة رسميّةHalper 481

    Fiscal account, probably a tax receipt, beginning with the waṣala ilā bayt al-māl al-maʿmūr, probably a receipt of delivery to the bayt al-māl. Mentions several …


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  14. 1514وثيقة رسميّةENA 3945.8

    Tax receipt, late Fatimid, for the jizya payment of a Jewish person (name difficult to read), with registration mark - 'al-ḥamdu lil-lāh al-wāḥid al-ḥaqq', praise …


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  15. 1515ثيقة شرعيّةENA 4011.1

    Recto: Legal or state document in Arabic script, in what looks like a chancery hand. Fragment from the bottom of the document (4 lines preserved). …


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  16. 1516Credit instrument or private receiptENA NS 71.5

    Financial receipt (waqf related) with a seal. Dated [1]256 AH which is . Issued to Hārūn al-Yahūdī and another name appears with the title Hoca.


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  17. 1517وثيقة رسميّةT-S 20.80

    Fatimid decree. The decree is from the period of al-Hafiz (1131–49) and mentions the congregational mosques of al-Ḥākim (in Cairo) and al-Ḥāfiẓ (it is not …

    1. في المسجدين الجامعين الحافظي والحاكمي 

    2. فيضورك من تاخر جائهم فقد خرج

    3. الامر الى الديوان بذكر ما عنده في ذلك

    4. فاعلم هذا امر أمير المومنين ورسمه

    1. In the two congregational mosques, the mosque of al-Ḥāfiẓ and the mosque of al-Ḥākim.

    2. You will suffer if their arrival is delayed. For the orde...


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  18. 1518وثيقة رسميّةT-S Ar.34.253

    Tax receipt. Fatimid-era. In Arabic script. Granted to Bū Saʿd Ibrāhīm. The sum is 7.5 (written at lower left), and half of that is 3.75 …


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  19. 1519وثيقة رسميّةMoss. IXa,2.73

    Jizya receipt, in Arabic script. Faḍāʾil b. Bū l-Faraj the Jew pays one dirham towards his capitation tax in Fusṭāṭ for the year 584 H.


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  20. 1520وثيقة رسميّةDK 246.2

    Tax receipt from the archive of Abū l-Ḥasan b. Wahb (see Khan, ALAD, pp. 140–59). He pays a half dinar for the year 404 AH.


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  21. 1521وثيقة رسميّةT-S Misc.6.5

    Tax receipt for jawālī with registration marks.


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  22. 1522وثيقة رسميّةT-S Misc.6.5

    State document that begins "waṣala ilā bayt al-māl al-maʿmūr."


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  23. 1523وثيقة رسميّةT-S NS J103 + T-S 10J17.6

    Recto: Decree, fragment, to two local officials stating that a certain Abū l-Faraj b. Bū l-Waḥsh should be exempted from paying taxes (or from standing …


    1. الدين الذكر والناهض نصر ادام الله
    2. سلامتهما وحراستهما ونعمتهما

    3. على هذا المثال يعفوا ابو الفرج

    4. بن بو الوحش اليهودي من ضمان

    5. الحانوت ولا ...


    1. (titulature) Naṣr, may God prolong

    2. their (dual) well-being, protection and benefaction, 

    3. about this (case): they have exempted Abū l-Fa...


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  24. 1524وثيقة رسميّةT-S Ar.42.51

    State document: On verso, titulature in calligraphic script, including al-khilāfa al-fāṭimiyya, which is rare (maybe hapax) in documentary texts.


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  25. 1525وثيقة رسميّةENA 3951.7

    Tax receipt, Ayyubid. Dated: 7 Muḥarram 607 AH = 1 July 1210 CE. The payment is made (min jihat) by a government employee (al-mustakhdam); the …


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  26. 1526وثيقة رسميّةT-S Ar.35.48

    State document: End of a Fatimid petition or report from the period of al-Ḥākim (996–1021) or earlier.

    1. [صلوات الله عليه وعلى اباىه الطاهرين وابناىه الـ] 

    2. منتظرين والاجابة عن ذلك له في غيرها ذلك و[رايـ]ـها [العالـ]ـي 

    3. فيما سله بثقته ان شا الله تع...


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  27. 1527Credit instrument or private receiptJRL Gaster ar. 53

    Ottoman-era rental receipt, in Arabic script written on a bifolio. The object of rent might be a mill (Ṭāḥūn) in the Ḥārat al-Yahūd, the payer …


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  28. 1528نصوص أدبيّةNLI 577.1/29

    Literary text, in Arabic script. Part of the text contains an epistolary exchange written in verses, full of expressions of heartsickness and longing. The extract …


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  29. 1529وثيقة رسميّةENA 3971.14

    Very tiny note in Arabic script, in the same type of hand as many of the early 5th/11th century tax receipts. Some contain the mystery …


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  30. 1530وثيقة رسميّةENA 3971.15

    Very tiny note in Arabic script, in the same type of hand as many of the early 5th/11th century tax receipts. Some contain the mystery …


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  31. 1531وثيقة رسميّةENA 3971.16

    Very tiny note in Arabic script, in the same type of hand as many of the early 5th/11th century tax receipts. Some contain the mystery …


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  32. 1532وثيقة رسميّةENA 3971.17

    Very tiny note in Arabic script, in the same type of hand as many of the early 5th/11th century tax receipts. Some contain the mystery …


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  33. 1533وثيقة رسميّةENA 3971.18

    Very tiny note in Arabic script, in the same type of hand as many of the early 5th/11th century tax receipts. Some contain the mystery …


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  34. 1534وثيقة رسميّةENA 3971.19

    Very tiny note in Arabic script, in the same type of hand as many of the early 5th/11th century tax receipts. Some contain the mystery …


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  35. 1535وثيقة رسميّةENA 3971.20

    Very tiny note in Arabic script, in the same type of hand as many of the early 5th/11th century tax receipts. Some contain the mystery …


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  36. 1536وثيقة رسميّةENA 3971.21

    Very tiny note in Arabic script, in the same type of hand as many of the early 5th/11th century tax receipts. Some contain the mystery …


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  37. 1537وثيقة رسميّةENA 3971.22

    Very tiny note in Arabic script, in the same type of hand as many of the early 5th/11th century tax receipts. Some contain the mystery …


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  38. 1538وثيقة رسميّةENA 3971.24

    Very tiny note in Arabic script, in the same type of hand as many of the early 5th/11th century tax receipts. Some contain the mystery …


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  39. 1539وثيقة رسميّةENA 3971.31

    Very tiny note in Arabic script, in the same type of hand as many of the early 5th/11th century tax receipts. Some contain the mystery …


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  40. 1540وثيقة رسميّةENA 3971.34

    Very tiny note in Arabic script, in the same type of hand as many of the early 5th/11th century tax receipts. Some contain the mystery …


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  41. 1541وثيقة رسميّةPUL Garrett Additional 20.12

    State document or a legal document beginning with invocations and blessings upon Fatimid caliph al-Mustanṣir. The layout of the document in different from typical Fatimid …


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  42. 1542وثيقة رسميّةT-S Ar.41.83

    Long letter from one government official to another. In Arabic script. The name Abū l-Ṭāhir appears in the address (likely the addressee). It seems that …


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  43. 1543وثيقة رسميّةJRL Gaster ar. 157

    State-issued order of payment from the Treasury of Silk Looms in Alexandria. Date: 14 Jumāda II 1237 AH (1820 CE). A total of 150 kuruş …

    1. باسم
    2. مذكورين والفتالين من أجل أجرة فتل الحرير الوارد منهم في شهر جماد
    3. اخر سنة ١٢٣٧ بيع وثلاثون .....(?) عما دفع قدر على مرتبهم
    4. محمد حجر بدوي حجر ع...
    1. In the name of
    2. the spinners mentioned below, receipt of compensation for spinning the silk, the income from them in the month of Jumād[a]
    3. Ākhr 123...


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  44. 1544وثيقة رسميّةT-S Ar.40.55

    Fiscal account. Contains multiple entries, each marked with nuqila, “it has been copied.” Khan dates this document to the same period as T-S Ar.40.37, which …


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  45. 1545وثيقة رسميّةENA 3982.2

    Fiscal account, Fatimid, for the sum of 2 dīnārs. Opens: waṣala ilā bayt al-māl. Two registration marks: al-ḥamdu lil-lāh wa-bihi nastaʿīn, al-ḥamdu lil-lāh ʿalā niʿamih.


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  46. 1546ثيقة شرعيّةCUL Or.1080 J117

    Bill of sale dated December 481/1088 (original document), in which Khulayf b. ʿUbayd b. ʿAlī sells a house to Hārūn b. Khulayf b. Hārūn, the …


    1. .....[       ]...[                                                               ]
    2. ولهذه الدار المنعوتة الموصوفة حدود اربعة يجمعهـ[ـا وتشتـ]...


    1. .....[       ]...[                                                               ]
    2. This house, which has been delineated and described, has ...


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  47. 1547وثيقة رسميّةENA 1177.76

    State document, fragment of a longer text, dismembered at the collesis. What has remained is wa-mā tawfīqī illā bi-l-lāh. Possibly Ayyubid (tawfīqī billāh was an …


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  48. 1548قائمة/جدولHalper 472

    List of Ibn Yiju's deposits and expenditures after arriving in the Egyptian capital.

    III, 42 List A, in the margins:

    1. ולי ענדה //ודיעה// אלפצה ואללולו ואלדהב אל מסאג ואל נחאס אלדי פלצתהא מן אלצנאעה
    2. וג מכאחל בלואר ופישתין דהב אל וזן ...


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  49. 1549وثيقة رسميّةT-S NS 321.47

    Fatimid-era petition. From Muʿammar [...] al-Tūnisī, in trouble on account of the capitation tax. He says he does not have enough money to buy food …


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  50. 1550وثيقة رسميّةENA 3700.1

    Petition or report to the Fatimid chief qāḍī and chief dāʿī (القاضي الاجل المكين سيد الوزرا وتاج الاصفيـ[ـا قاضي القضـ]ـاة وداعي الدعاة علم المجد عمدة …

    1. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم توكلت على الله

    2. كتب مملوك سيدنا القاضي الاجل المكين سيد الوزرا وتاج الاصفياء

    3. قاضي القضـ]ـاة وداعي الدعاة علم المجد عمدة...


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