ثيقة شرعيّة: CUL Or.1080 J117
ثيقة شرعيّة CUL Or.1080 J117العلامات
Bill of sale dated December 481/1088 (original document), in which Khulayf b. ʿUbayd b. ʿAlī sells a house to Hārūn b. Khulayf b. Hārūn, the perfumer, a Jew. There are two addenda on verso written a century after the original. Above, Abū Sahl b. Ibrāhīm makes a gift of the house to his son Abū l-Ḥasan the physician; below, Mūsā b. Abū Sahl rents part of it from his brother Abu l-Ḥasan. (Goitein, Med Soc, III:479).
Edition: Khan, Geoffrey
Translation: Khan, Geoffrey (in English)
CUL Or.1080 J117 1r
النصوص المفرّغة
Geoffrey Khan, Arabic Legal and Administrative Documents in the Cambridge Genizah Collections (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993).Recto
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- ولهذه الدار المنعوتة الموصوفة حدود اربعة يجمعهـ[ـا وتشتـ]ـمل عليها فحدها القبلى ينتـ[ـهي الى
- بينها الجاري من الشرق الى الغرب شركة لكل واحد من هـ[ذ]ين المتبايعين الانتفاع به و....[ ] ولا. [ ]
- لا اعترض اواحد منها على صاحبه في ذلك وحدها البحري ينتهي الى دار محمد البرقي وحدها الشرقي مما يلي القبلة منها. [ ]
- عبد العزيز ومما يلي البحر ينتهي الى الجدار الذي ورا في صدر البيت المقدم ذكره وهو الجدار الفاصل بين هذه الدار وبين د[ار
- وحدها الغربي ينتهي الى الزقاق المذكر وفيه يشرع [بابه] اشترى هرون بن خليف بن هرون اليهودي العطار [من خليف] بن عبيد [بن علي بن خلـ]ـليف [ا]لامشاطي
- جميع هذه الدار الموصوفة المحدودة في هذا الكتاب بجميع حقوقها كلها وحدودها وارضها وبنائها و[سـ]ـفلها وعلـ[ـوها] هو علو منها
- وبئرها وبستانها وبراحها وبيوتها وقبوها اللطيف الذي سفل البيت المذكور ومرافقها ومسايلها في حقوقها وكل قليل وكثير
- هو لها فيها ومنها من حقوقها الواجبة لها ومرتفقها ومطبخها اللذين في دهليز وكل حق هو لها خارج منها
- ما خلا علو دهليز وعلو بيت التبن وعلو القبو الذي في الجانب الغربي من البيت البحري من قاعتها فان جميع هذا العلو خارج عن البيع
- المذكور وجميع ما وقع عليه هذا البيع المذكور فيه بستين دينارا ذهبا عينـ[ـا جيـ]ـا[د]ا وازنة مسلمة من دينار جعالة
- شرا لا شرط فيه ولا عدة ودفع هذا المشتري الى بائعه حضرة هذا الشرى [ ]
- وابراه من وزنها ونقدها ومن اليمين عليها براة قبض واستيفا وبقية الثمن المذكور فيه وهو ثلثون دينارا محلها [ سنة]
- اثنتين وثمانين واربع مائة وعلى ذلك انعقد البيع بينهما وسلم البائع الى هذا المشتري جميع ما وقع عليه هذا البيع المذكور فيه [وتسلمه]
- منه وحازه وصار في يده وقبضه ملكا له بحق هذا الابتياع المذكور فيه وذلك بعد ان اقر هاذان الـ[ـمتبـ]ـايعان انهما قد رايا جميع
- هذه الدار المبيعة وقلبها داخلها وخارجها ووقفا على نهاياتها وعلى ما فيها من جدران متصـ[ـل لها] ومنفصل عنها ومشترك
- وعلى سقوف بيوتها الحضر الاخصاص والجوائز النخل وعلما ان من حقوق دار يحيى النصراني تقدمة حائط داره الغربي الذي [فـ]ـي البيت
- المذكور ذي الجدران الثلثة الى الرباطين اللذين غربي الطوقة التي من حقوق داره متى اراد ذلك يتجوز به الطوقة والساحة التي قبالتها
- وان لهذا المشتري غرن خشنة في الجدار القبلى من علو بيت البئر والانتفاع به كيف شا وعرفا ذلك كله معرفة صحيحة وتبين لهما ذلك عند عقدة
- هذا البيع بينهما وقبل ذلك وتبايعا على ذلك وتفرقا بابدانهما بعد العقادة بينهما عن تراض منهما به وانفاذ منهما له والدرك
- في ذلك وشي منه ومن حقوقه للمشتري على بائعه على ما يوجبه هذا البيع المذكور فيه حكم الاسلام وعهدته [ شهد على اقرار]
- البائع خليف بن عبيد بن علي بن خليف الاسكندري والمشتري هرون بن خليف بن هرون اليهودي العطار بجميع ما في هذا الكتاب بعد ان قرى عليهـ[ـما]
- واقرا بفهمه طوعا في صحة منهما وجوز امر وعلى معرفتهما جميعا وذلك لثمان وعشرين ليلة خلت من شعبان سنة احدى وثمانين واربع مائة وفيه اكتتاب
- على كشط مثاله هرون شهد بذلك في تاريخه وقد وقف المتبايعان على عيوب هذه الدار المبيعة وتشقيق جدرا[نـ]ـها وقدم بنائها وتكسير اخشابها
- وفساد سقوفها ووقع البيع بينهما على ذلك كله ولم يبق لهذا المشتري على هذا البائع رجوع بسبب عيب في هذه الدار المذكورة بوجه ولاسبب شهد بذلك
Witness Clauses
- شهد علي بن عبد الله بن ابرهيم بن عبد القادر صح
- على اقرا البائع والمشتري بما فيه في تاريخه
- شهد الحسن بن عبد الله بن جعفر بن الحسين بن خليل صح
- على اقرار البائع والمشتري بما فيه في تاريخه
- واشهدني البائع المسمى على نفسه بقبضه من المشتري من بقية
- الثمن المذكور تسعة عشر دينار وكتب لليلتين خليا من صفر سنة اثنتين وثمنين
- واربعمائة صح
- شهد محمد بن صدقة بن ابرهيم بن علي صح
- على اقرا البائع والمشتري بما فيه في تاريخه صح
- شهد علي بن عبد الملك بن فتوح بن مروان صح
- على اقرا البائع والمشتري المسمين فيه
- بما فيه في تاريخه صح
- واشهدني البائع على نفسه المسمى فيه انه قبض من هارون صح
- المسمى معه تسعة عشر دينار من بقية الثمن المذكور واقرارهما
- وكتب علي بن عبد الملك بن فتوح بن مروان في اليوم الثاني من صفر
- من سنة اثنتين وثمنين واربعمائة
- شهد عبد المجيد بن احمد بن الحسين بن خليل صح
- على اقرار البائع والمشتري بما فيه في تاريخه
- ......................
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- قبض دينار
Geoffrey Khan, Arabic Legal and Administrative Documents in the Cambridge Genizah Collections (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993).Recto
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- This house, which has been delineated and described, has four boundaries that delimit and surround it. Its southern boundary extends [to ]
- between them, running from the east to the west, the use of which is a common right for each of these two transactors ... [ ] and not [ ].
- Neither of them has an objection against the other regarding this. Its southern boundary extends to the house of Muḥammad al-Barqī. Its eastern boundary, at the southern end [ ]
- 'Abd al-'Azīz. The northern end extends to the wall that is in the ṣadr of the aforementioned residence. It is the wall that divides between this house and the house [of ].
- Its western boundary extends to the aforementioned lane and with this [its door] communicates. Hārūn ibn Khulayf ibn Hārūn, the Jewish druggist, bought [from Khulayf] ibn 'Ubayd [ibn 'Ali ibn Khulayf], the dealer in combs,
- all this house, which is described and defined in this document, with all its rights, its boundaries, its land, its building, its lower floor and upper floor, this being an upper floor belonging to it (i.e. the main house),
- its well, its garden and uncultivated area, its residences, its narrow vault, which is below the aforementioned residence, its amenities and water conduits, (these) are among its rights, and all things, few or many,
- that belong to it or form part of it by way of its rights with legal force, its washroom and kitchen, which are in its corridor, and every right belonging to it within and without,
- except the upper section of the corridor, the upper section of the hay-storeroom, the upper section of the vault that is in the western side of the residence on the north of its courtyard, for all this upper section is excluded from the aforementioned sale. Everything that is entailed by this aforementioned sale
- was (sold) for sixty dinars, gold, in minted coin [ ] of good alloy, full weight, clear of one dinar commission,
- a sale without a condition or a promise. This buyer paid to his seller in the venue of this sale [ ]
- and he released him from weighing them out and counting them out and from an oath upon it, with a quittance of receiving and fulfilling. The remainder of the aforementioned price, that is thirty dinars, is due [ in the year]
- four-hundred and eighty-two. On these terms the sale was contracted between them and the seller handed over to this buyer everything that the aforementioned sale entails [and he received it]
- from him and acquired it and it passed into his possession and his holding as his property, by right of this aforementioned purchase. This was after these two transactors had acknowledged that they had seen all
- the house that has been sold, had examined it, within and without, and had become acquainted with its extremities, its walls, those that are connected to it, those that are separated from it and those that are shared,
- and the roofs of their houses, which are settled with huts, and the palm-beams. They recognized that (the occupant of) the house of Yaḥyā, the Christian, had the right to move the western wall of the house, which is in the aforementioned apartment
- with three walls, up to the two horse tethers that are west of the window, which is one of the rights of his house. Whenever he wishes to do so he may move it beyond the window and the courtyard that is in front of it.
- (They also recognized) that this buyer had rough troughs in the southern wall of the upper floor of the well-house and enjoyed the right to use it as he wished. They recognized all that with a valid recognition and that was clear to them when contracting
- this sale between them and beforehand They transacted the sale on these terms and separated physically after making the contract between them to their mutual satisfaction and with the intention of carrying it out. Any claim
- made against the buyer's title to this or to any part of it or to its rights is the responsibility of the seller, according to the obligation that is imposed upon him by this aforementioned sale and the law of Islam and its contract. The acknowledgement by
- the seller Khulayf ibn 'Ubayd ibn 'Ali ibn Khulayf, the Alexandrian, and by the buyer Hārūn ibn Khulayf ibn Hārūn, the Jewish druggist, of all that is in this document was witnessed after it had been read to them
- and they had acknowledged that they had understood it, acting willingly in sound health, legally capable of conducting their affairs and both being cognizant of it. This took place when twenty-eight nights of Shaʿbān had passed in the year four-hundred and eighty-one. It contains writing
- on an erasure, namely: Hārūn. This was witnessed on its date. The two parties to the sale took nbte of the faults of the house that was sold, the cracks in its walls, the old age of its structure, the breaks in its timber
- and the damaged state of its roofs. The sale took place between them on all these terms. There did not remain for the buyer any right of return on account of a fault in this aforementioned house in any way whatsoever. This was witnessed.
Witness clauses
- ʿAlī ibn ʿAbdaIlāh ibn Ibrāhīm ibn ʿAbd al-Qādir - valid - testified
- to the acknowledgement by the seller and the buyer of what is herein on its date.
- Al-Ḥasan ibn ʿAbdaIlāh ibn Jaʿfar ibn al-Ḥasan ibn Khalīl - valid - testified
- to the acknowledgement by the seller and the buyer of what is herein on its date.
- The aforementioned seller called me to witness that he had received from the buyer
- nineteen dinars of the remainder of the price. This was written when two nights of Ṣafar had passed in the year four-hundred and eighty-two. Valid.
- Muḥammad ibn Ṣadaqa ibn Ibrāhīm ibn ʿAlī - valid - testified
- to the acknowledgement by the seller and the buyer of what is herein on its date. Valid.
- ʿAlī ibn 'Abd al-Malik ibn Futūḥ ibn Marwān - valid - testified
- to the acknowledgement by the seller and the buyer that are named herein
- of what is herein on its date. Valid.
- The seller named herein called me to witness that he had received from Harūn - valid -,
- who has been named together with him, nineteen dinars out of the remainder of the aforementioned price and (to witness) their acknowledgement.
- Written by ʿAlī ibn 'Abd al-Malik ibn Futūḥ ibn Marwān on the second day of Ṣafar of the year four-hundred and eighty-two.
- 'Abd al-Majīd ibn 'Aḥmad ibn aI-Ḥasan ibn Khalīl - valid - testified
- to the acknowledgement by the seller and the buyer of what is herein on its date.
- ...........
- ...[ ]......
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- He reiceved one dinar.
CUL Or.1080 J117 1v
- [اقر خليف بن عبيد بن علي] بن خليف واشهد على نفسـ[ـه في صـ]ـحة منه وجواز امر انه قبض من هرون بن خليف
- الـ[ـيهودي ا]لعطار جـ[ـميـ]ـع الثلثين دينارا الذهب العيـ[ـن] الوازنة الباقية كانت له عليه من الثمن المذكور في باطنـ[ـه]
- واسـ[ـتوفا]ها منه في دفـ[ـعـ]ـات عدة واراه بذلك من جميع الثمن المذكور فيخ وهو ستون دينارا
- برااة صحيحة ولم يبق له عليه من جميع المبلـ[ـغ] حق ولا قليل ولا كثير ولا دعوى ولا طلبة ولا علقة ولا تبعة ولا يمين ولا
- حجة بوجه ولا سبب ومتى ...[ ] هرون بن خليف اقراره هذا كانت زورا وباطلا وقد كان
- اشـ[ـهد] هذا المقر على نفسه بقبضه. [ ] هذه الثلين المذكورة والمسماة في باطن هذا
- الكتاب بشهادته وقبل منه هرون بن خليف بن هرون اقراره هذا المذكور على ما ذكر فيه واشهد بذلك
- على انفسهما طائعين بسبع خلون من شعبان سنة اثنتين وثمانين واربع مائة
Witness Clauses
- شهد محمد بن خليل بن ابرهيم بن علي صح
- على اقرار المقر بما فيه في تاريخه
- شهد يحيى بن حميد بن الحسن صح
- على اقرار المقر بما فيه في العشر الاوسط
- من جمادى الاخرى سنة اثنتين وثمنين واربع مائة
- [Khulayf ibn ʿUbayd ibn ʿAlī] ibn Khulayf [acknowledged] and called witnesses to testify, while being in sound health and legally capable of conducting his affairs, that he received from Hārūn ibn Khulayf,
- the Jewish druggist, all the thirty dinars, gold, in minted coin of full weight, that he had stilI owed out of the price mentioned on the recto.
- He received it from him fully in a number of payments. He thereby released him from all the price mentioned herein, that is sixty dinars,
- with a valid quittance. He has no longer any right against him with respect to any of this sum, small or large, nor a claim, nor a demand, nor an attachment, nor a due, nor an oath, nor
- a proof, in any way whatsoever. Whenever [ ] Hārūn ibn Khulayf this acknowledgement of his, it would be false and void, given that
- this acknowledger had called witnesses to testify to his receiving [ ] these thirty dinars mentioned and named in the recto of this
- document by his testimony. Hārūn ibn Khulayf ibn Hārūn accepted this acknowledgement from him on the terms that are mentioned in it. They called witnesses to witness
- them, while acting willingly, when seven (nights) of Shaʿbān had passed in the year four-hundred and eighty-two.
Witness clauses
- Muḥammad ibn Khalīl ibn Ibrāhīm ibn ʿAlī - valid - testified
- to the acknowledgement by the acknowledger of what is herein on its date.
- Yaḥyā ibn Ḥamīd ibn al-Ḥasan - valid - testified
- to the acknowledgement by the acknowledger of what is herein in the middle decade
- of Jumādā II of the year four-hundred and eighty-two.