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Rough draft of a question probably sent to a Gaon in Palestine.
1 نسخ
Responsum from Shelomo b. Yehuda Gaon, in the hand of his son Avraham, regarding levirate marriage, Palestine.
Fragments of responsum by a Gaon, dealing with children of female slaves.
Responsum of the Gaon Shelomo b. Yehuda concerning a woman who proselytized for a man.
Responsa. Responsaum of הרא"ש כלל סו, סימן ז. AA
لا توجد ثبت المراجع والمصادر
A Geonic responsum. AA
Middle fragment: Legal query addressed "our master Moshe," possibly Maimonides (d. 1204). "To have traveled widely was a title of pride. No wonder that some …
1 نسخ 1 مناقشة
Jottings in Judaeo-Arabic, at least partially in the hand of Avraham Maimonides, as he signs his name twice. The portion at the top is a …
Leaf from a file of responsum, written in the hand of Shemuel Ha-Levi b. Saadya. Concerning a woman who was married to a man, but …
Responsum by RADBAZ concerning immersion of women in the Nile. Published Glick, Sridei Teshuvot, p. 275-289. See also TS K25.222.
Letter from Yeshuʿa b. Elʿazar Shammāʿ (candle maker or seller) to Abū l-Fakhr b. Abū l-Maʿālī. In Hebrew and Judaeo-Arabic. Only the opening and the …
Letter from a Qaraite religious authority to a pupil containing the answers to a number of queries that the addressee had sent him, chief among …
Copy of an engagement deed dated 1202 in Alexandria, sent to Maimonides with a query over whether the contract was legally binding, and the reply …
Responsum regarding a cantor who mistakenly called to six readers instead of seven in Shabbat Hodesh. Published Glick, Seridei Teshuvot, II, p. 894-888.
On recto (with few lines continued on verso) Halakhic discussion or responsa regarding the law of oaths, probably written by Abraham b. Nathan (beginning of …
Fragment of a legal query mentioning a woman and a daughter, the father having been absent 16 years.
Responsum of a Babylonian Gaon.
Letter from Yeḥiʾel b. Yiṣḥaq ha-̣̣Ṣarfati, in Jerusalem, to an unknown addressee, in Alexandria. The letter consists of a halakhic discussion, mostly in Aramaic, perhaps …
Query about a debtor who had taken an oath before the Jewish court and then had recourse to a Muslim court. (Information from Mediterranean Society, …
Fragment of a learned opinion on different subjects. The last section, preserved here and transcribed by Goitein, is against the 'direct method' in teaching children …
You also mentioned that a teacher in your place instructs the boys with out (first teaching them) the alphabet and the vowel signs. This is b...
2 نسخين 1 ترجمة 1 مناقشة
Responsum (lengthy) by the judge Yeḥiel b. Eliyaqim regarding the invocation of the 'reshut' -- the authority of the Head of the Jews -- in …
Responsum regarding a marriage permission to the "chained wife" (agunah) of a silk dealer, who was on a business trip in the villages of Egypt …
An autograph responsum by Avraham Maimonides (1186-1237) dealing with wine brought by a Karaite and the injunction about preparation of wine by Jews (rabbanite Jews). …
3 نسخ 1 مناقشة
Legal query addressed to Yiṣḥaq b. Sasson ha-Dayyan, with his responsum and signature. Concerning an upstanding man whose only trade is teaching Torah but who …
Two questions addressed to Avraham Maimonides about milking sheep on Shabbat. (Information from Goitein's index card). VMR
שתי שאלות אל רבנו אברהם בן הרמב"ם בענין חליבת צאן בשבת.
Most of a legal query about Reuven who sold to Shimʿon a copy of the Halakhot of a certain Rav Yiṣḥaq but the book was …
Legal query addressed to Avraham Maimonides, with the latter's autograph responsum. NB: There is an extensive bibliography on this fragment, but it is often erroneously …
Responsum in the hand of Maimonides. See Ben Outhwaite, "Two New Responsa of Moses Maimonides." [Genizah Research Unit, Fragment of the Month, April 2007].
Query to Avraham Maimonides.
Responsum of R. Hayya Gaon in the Arabic original.
Autograph responsum by Moses Maimonides. (Information from CUDL)
Copy of a Gaon’s responsum (might be Rav Hayya Gaon) that includes details about the house of Bustenai and an answer regarding the status of …
Responsum penned by the seventeenth-century rabbi David Konforte (c. 1618-c. 1685 CE). For more on this influential scholar see the neighboring shelfmark: T-S 10J16.24 (PGPID …
Responsum in a literary style concerning a dispute between husband and wife, written in the hand of Yeḥiʾel b. Elyaqim (active 1213-1233 CE). (Information from …
Responsum in Judaeo-Arabic in a Karaite scribal hand. Dated on the recto as 19 Adar 1707 Seleucid (1396 CE). The name Yefet b. David b. …
Original use: Letter or petition in Arabic script, mentioning the caliph, witnesses, a document (wathīqa), and a legal or political conflict. The Arabic hand also …
Recto: Letter from Ḥananʾel b. Shemuʾel to a certain Shilo (and/or David he-Ḥaver?). The opening greetings include a complaint about lack of letters and mention …
Legal query. Dating: Early 13th century (per Goitein). Concerning the wife of a Kohen who traveled two or three times without letting her know how …
What does our lord—may his splendour be exalted and his honour increase—say concerning
a woman whose husband, a Kohen, has travelled, on...
1 نسخ 1 ترجمة 1 مناقشة
Letter and a responsum, on either side of the same sheet of paper, detailing the story of a man in distress, particularly because of debt. …
Concerning Reuben against whom there is a bill of debt [...], and he lacks the means to pay and does not have that with which to support hims...
1 نسخ ترجمات 3 1 مناقشة
End of a responsum of Avraham Maimonides (1205-1237) dated 1236.
Four legal queries and one responsum in the handwriting of Daniel. b. Azarya. A part of a collection of questions that were sent to b. …
Query addressed to R. Yosef 'the Rav' concerning a case of inheritance. Headed by the unusual בשמ רחמ וחנינא. Involves several brothers, one minor. Quite …
Responsum by Moshe Maimonides. A copy. The responsum corresponds to #355 in Blau's edition ("I am very troubled by various matters, and my body is …
Autographed responsum by R. Yosef ha-Levi concerning cheese that was produced by non-Jews. 17th- or 18th-century (information from FGP).
Responsum by the court of the Babylonian Gaʾon Shemuel b. ʿEli. Dated: Ḥeshvan 1478 Seleucid, which is 1166 CE. Concerns inheritance issues between Yosef and …
2 نسخين 1 مناقشة
Letter from Ibrahim b. Miṣbāḥ to Eliyyahu the Judge (spelled אליהוא). In Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: early 13th century. The sender had previously sent with the bearer …
ממלוכה אבראהים אבן מצבאח
Letter from Ismaʿīl b. Barhūn al-Tahartī (CUDL), Yosef b. Berekhya or Moshe b. Barhun al-Taharti, Qayrawān (PGP), to (Efrayim b.) Shemarya, Fustat. Discusses responsa of …
2 نسخين
Legal query addressed to Shemuel b. ʿEli (active ca. 1164–97; identification based on handwriting of the responsum on verso) concerning a man whose son becomes …
Responsum of Maimonides addressed to his brother-in-law al-Shaykh al-Thiqa. Answers a legal query about how to deal with the ketubba of a divorcee who had …
2 نسخين 1 ترجمة 2 مناقشتان