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Accounts in Judeo-Arabic that mention a variety of coinage types such as gold maḥbūb (specifically Egyptian mintage "מצרי"), bundūqī (Venetian ducat), fındıklı, and on the …
אין רשומות קשורות
Lists in Judaeo-Arabic and Hebrew of donations collected before various Shabbatot. Individual contributors are mentioned and specific weeks of the liturgical calender are indicated by …
Letter to Rafael Mamon חרוק in Dimyat from Shabbetay Skandarī in Cairo, mentioning Ḥayyim Barukh and Abraham Ḥefeṣ. The dating is likely early nineteenth century …
Accounts that mention the "Karo y Frances Kon[panya]" in the heading and a wide variety of coinage types and quantities. This folder is mostly or …
List of sales "מוביע" and purchases "מושתרא" in Judeo-Arabic that is dated solely as 68/٦٨ or 67/٦٧ with Hijri months (frequently Muḥarram). The document may …
Calendar in Hebrew, 3 folios with many details of holidays. No specific year appears but it may be possible to ascertain its occurrence because many …
List of names and corresponding figures in eastern Arabic numerals. Based on other lists of this structure from the 18th and 19th century these may …
Accounts in Judeo-Arabic related to the finances of Mordechai Bilobos and Yiṣḥaq Bilobos expressed in "פצה/silver". On the right side of the recto the list …
Accounts in Arabic, 18th- or 19th-century based on the usage of the Ottoman kurush. Requires further examination for content.
Accounts in Arabic from the 18th- or 19th-century based on the usage of Ottoman kurush.
Accounts in a scattered format, itemized mostly by different currency types. Dating is 18th- or 19th-century based on the mention of Ottoman kurush. MCD.
Lists in Judaeo-Arabic of various food items and their respective quantity or weight. The accounts feature both Western Arabic and some Coptic-Zimam numerals, the latter …
Accounts in a mixture of Ladino and Hebrew on an immense but badly damaged bifolio. 18th- or 19th-century based on the paleography. Requires further examination.
List in Arabic that offers an inventory and other information for a variety of food and household items such as beans, honey, watermelon, sugar, charcoal, …
List of account calculations in Judeo-Arabic designated on the verso according to months of the Hijri calendar. The paleography helps to estimate the dating of …
Recto: Brief note in Judaeo-Arabic, reassuring the recipient that everyone is well and that conditions in the region are the same as they have been. …
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic and Arabic script. Dating: Based on the mention of the Ottoman kuruş symbol (ق label on columns) this fragment dates back to …
Letter in Ladino or possibly an epistolary writing exercise. Dating is 18th-19th century based on the paleography. Two specific phrases point to the epistolary nature …
List in Judaeo-Arabic of coinage types and monetary calculations. Based on the mintage of its contents the list is 18th/19th-century.The types of coinage include gold …
Approximately 7 lines in Judaeo-Arabic and a couple lines of writing exercises on a large, otherwise blank leaf. Perhaps a filing note or a summary …
Fragment of a late legal document, signed Yaʿaqov ha-Kohen, probably a ketubba for [...] b. Ḥayyim and [...] bt. Moshe. The bride was previously unmarried …
תעתוק אחד
Student notebook fragment, 4 folios. 18th- or 19th-century based on the paleography. There are at least three different scribal hands portrayed in the notebook which …
Letter, late, in Judaeo-Arabic from Yosef Yaʿveṣ to Ya'aqov Yaʿveṣ (or Yuʿbaṣ?). Information from Wagner, Linguistic Variety of Judaeo-Arabic, 24. For a nineteenth-century letter that …
Mathematical calculations with the labels maḥ[būb] and qurush on the verso. The dating is post-1703 CE based on the mention of the gold maḥbūb, so …
Late list of names and numbers on lined paper, probably from a communal list of payments. The Ottoman kuruş symbol (ق) is in use which …
Writing exercises in epistolary Judaeo-Arabic. The dating is 18th- or 19th-century based on the paleography. The instructor provided phrases with model handwriting in the headings …
Writing exercises of the Hebrew alphabet by a student with the surname Mosseri (מוצרי in heading). 18th- or 19th-century based on the paleography. The instructor …
Letter in Ladino (fragment) which the heading addresses Nissim Ḥayyim Rafael Aharon de Segura and opens with the warm phrase: "despues de bezarle las manos" …
Investment partnership from the late 18th- or early 19th century between Meʾīr Ben-Naʿīm and Barūkh Shalom. The document concerns the lending of a sum of …
Engagement deed. Dating: Late, probably 18th or 19th century. A remnant of an illustrated margin is preserved. The prospective groom's name is Mordekhay b. Moshe …
Lists in Judaeo-Arabic of "מצרופ/expenses" on food items organized according to weeks of the liturgical calendar that are indicated by their respective parsha readings (i.e. …
Writing exercise. The instructor wrote out the Hebrew alphabet in model handwriting for a student to practice. The student's surname is listed on the right …
Legal document. Dating: Late 18th century or early 19th century, based on the mention of Me'ir b. Naʿim. Yaʿaqov Ḥasūn attests that he received a …
Receipt issued by Yaʿaqov Raẓon to al-Senyor Merkado Karo for 82 reales.
Letterbook in Judaeo-Arabic (fragment) likely eighteenth- or ninteenth-century that contains drafts and possibly copies of business-related correspondence. The letters frequently use the phrase "יא אכי/ …
Writing exercises in epistolary Judaeo-Arabic in which the student repeated a phrase from the heading that had been offered by an instructor in model handwriting. …
Writing exercises in epistolary Judaeo-Arabic in which the student repeated a phrase in the heading that had been offered by an instructor in model handwriting. …
Letter to Moshe Bunān in Cairo. Exact dating is not possible because the letter's heading is torn and missing from the recto but the name …
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic from the son of Me'ir ben Naʿim (Moshe?), Fustat/Cairo, to his father Me'ir ben Naʿim, Damietta. The date is given but …
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic to Yaʿīsh Ḥarrār in Alexandria from Yaʿaqov ha-Levi.
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic from Yiṣḥaq ben Naʿim, Damietta, to Me'ir ben Naʿim, Cairo/Fustat.
Bilingual writing exercises in Judaeo-Arabic and Ladino. Dating is likely late 18th to 19th-century based on the paleography. There are many early modern writing exercises …
Recto: A faded letter (of three lines only) addressed to Ibrahim al-Yahudi al-Ḥawāyirī (?) from [...] al-ʿAṭṭār, either addressed to or written in Wikālat al-[...]. …
Arabic letter, with the format closely resembling the Judaeo-Arabic letters ca.1800 CE.
Late letter(s) in Judaeo-Arabic to Yaʿaqov Yuʿbaṣ.
A curious late fragment in an uneven scribal hand and imperfect Hebrew. "I heard from the Rav Yeḥiel Adhan, from the inhabitants of Sale, that …
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Probably 18th or 19th century. Mentions Jerusalem. From a certain Mordekhay al-Baḥrī[?] to Merkada and Brahem Diyalo[?] (דייאלו). Possibly a North …
Recto: Large fragment of a late (18th/19th c) business letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Verso: A short note signed by Yisakhar Groso (?) and Yehuda b. (?) …
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic fron Nissim Masos (?) to Shimʿon Frances.
Ketubba (damaged), late, from Cairo ([...] ha-semukhah le-fustat mitzrayim), from at least the 18th century [55__], probably the 19th. ASE.