רשימה או טבלה: JRL SERIES C 90
רשימה או טבלה JRL SERIES C 90תגים
Accounts in Judeo-Arabic that mention a variety of coinage types such as gold maḥbūb (specifically Egyptian mintage "מצרי"), bundūqī (Venetian ducat), fındıklı, and on the far left column the "ق" symbol for silver kuruş appears. Each of the Ottoman forms of coinage are helpful for dating the fragment to the eighteenth or early nineteenth century (for example the kuruş was minted perhaps as early as 1690 but did not begin to appear in wide circulation until 1703CE: Pamuk, A Monetary history of the Ottoman Empire, 167). After all of the calculations have been completed there is reference to what remains, specifically "אל באקי / the remainder", which is a common term through early modern Judaeo-Arabic bookkeeping. MCD.