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Official receipt issued by a state diwan/bureau. Dated: Jumādā II 1239 AH, which is February 1824 CE (but this reading should be checked). Mentions ʿUmar …
אין רשומות קשורות
State document(s) in Arabic script. On recto there are administrative/secretarial notes at the top: yuqābal.... qūbila.... (cf. T-S Ar.35.139, T-S AS 177.472, ENA 3918.11). Needs …
State document, draft of a report, in Arabic script. Addressed to a lower official whose titles are "al-Rayyis al-Muḥrim al-Amīr ʿImād al-Mulk". Reports an event …
الريس علم الرياسة الـ[
يجدد نعمته وينهي ان ا[
بالمولا على شاطي الـ[ـبحر]...
وصول وصول بتاريخ بتاريخ بتاريخ علي الـ...
المملوك يجدد خ…
תעתוק אחד
Small fragment of an official report or petition in Arabic script (cf. PGPID 29220). Not a lot of the substance is clearly preserved.
Official letter of correspondence or report, in Arabic script. The letter begins with a basmala and ṣalwala (blessings on the prophet) followed by a taqbīl …
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم صلى الله سيدنا محمد وسلم تسليما
[المملوك] يقبل الارض وينهي بعد وصف ما هو عليه من الاشتياق
]..الى كريم مامنه ورؤية طلعته…
Remnants of two lines of an Arabic-script chancery document, or possibly a mercantile letter (وما عليه من قماش(؟) يخصه ويخص سيدنا(؟)). In between, at ninety …
Accounts of some sort in official-looking Arabic script.
State document, in Arabic script. Ayyubid-era, probably addressed to al-Malik al-ʿĀdil.
خرجت الاوامر المطاعة بعملها من المتاخرين
ورجال الاوامر الخـ[ـدمـ]ـة(؟) فقد(؟) عملت(؟)
الى الباب العالي المولوي الملكي العادلي
خلد الله سلطا…
Verso (original use): Fragment of a petition in Arabic script. The petitioner complains that the ىىن (= the fig trees? the straw?) have been moved …
Possibly a fiscal document. Faded and damaged. Reused for Hebrew literary text on recto.
Petition from Naṣir b. Bū l-Faraj, who converted to Islam (ihtadā) under (ʿalā yad) Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn(?) (but perhaps different from the actual Saladin?) in the …
Recto: Small fragment of a gigantic Fatimid decree.
Possibly a receipt for the ḥikr (ground rent). Dated: 568 AH (=1172/73 CE). Mentions "one dirham" and "Dīwān al-Aḥbās." On verso there is a note …
Very tiny note in Arabic script, in the same type of hand as many of the early 5th/11th century tax receipts. Some contain the mystery …
Document in Arabic script. Unclear what it is. Perhaps a fiscal account: the word al-mablagh appears on recto, and al-ʿāmil on verso.
Original use: Probably a small fragment of a state document in Arabic script, with one phrase preserved beginning وليعمل بموجبه.
Decree (copy in Hebrew script) from the Fatimid caliph al-Ẓāhir to a governor of Palestine (probably Anushtekin al-Dizbirī) informing him of another decree that had …
2 תעתוקים 2 תרגומים 2 דיונים
State document, probably a petition. Contains a taqbīl clause and closing lines starting with a ḥamdala and ending with a ṣalwala. Verso has jottings in …
Accounts in Arabic script, unclear if state/fiscal or private. Needs examination.
Official (tax?) receipt. Dated: 5[..] AH (~12th century CE). Needs examination.
Petition or report. Bottom ~10 lines are preserved. Difficult handwriting. The first line may begin with the words "umūr al-thaghr." Mentions a paper trail and …
Receipt ("tadhkira bism...") for the capitation tax of Maʿrūf b. Yahūdhā al-Yahūdī, an indigo merchant (nīlī) and perfumer (ʿattār), in Fustat. See T-S AS 177.105 …
A pair of receipts for [...] al-ʿAṭṭār, which were never cut apart, unlike most other receipts. Needs further examination to determine what for (jizya?) and …
Mamlūk-era fiscal document. Perhaps a makhzūma. Mentions a dīwān in the first line. An archival note with an ʿalāma "alḥamdu li-llah rabb al-ʿālamīn" on verso. …
State document, in Arabic script, calligraphic, with diacritics and vowels. Late. "We have looked into these matters. . ." Needs examination.
] الله تعالى لما ارتضا]ه
الشريفة بشمول اليمن شملا ويميـ[
بسطة وتمكينا
الينا نظرنا في احوال اهـ[
ووفائهم بما عليهم …
Petition, probably. In Arabic script. Addressed to a lower official requesting to summon some people. Portions of 5-6 lines are preserved. Refers to agents, a …
Unidentified document in Arabic script, possibly a Fatimid or Ayyubid fiscal document (mentions words like "māl... al-dīwān... wa-kataba..."). On verso there's a curious drawing along …
Official-looking receipt, perhaps for the jizya of Mūsā b. [...]. Needs examination.
Tax receipt for Abū l-Surūr. Trigger: addā.
Petition from a group of Sufis written in the style of a testimony with a dozen witness statements, addressed to someone referred to as "mawlānā …
Fatimid decree (sijill) of investiture, Judaeo-Arabic copy. Renews the appointment of a Jewish physician "to the headship of all the Israelite denominations: the Rabbanites, Qaraites, …
תעתוק אחד תרגום אחד
Petition from Shelomo b. Yehuda to the caliph al-Ẓāhir (matn only) defending his position against Yūsuf al-Sijilmasi, the Iraqi leader in Palestine. Dating: original document …
And as far as the argument in favor of the two synagogues and the two authorities is concerned, (it has already been refuted by) Ibn
4 תעתוקים תרגום אחד
Petition draft, or most like pen trials, in Arabic script. Contains the yunhī formula. Writing exercise on recto.
Fragment of a draft (?) of a petition opening with the taqbīl clause repeated twice (once in isolation) and followed by the caliphal honorific titles: …
المملوك يقبل الارض اما
….المملوك يقبل الارض امام المقام النبوي الطاهري(الظاهري؟) المعظم الشريف
ضعف الله انواره واعلى لندامته/…اميره(؟) وبال…
Official correspondence in Arabic script. Petition? Fragment (lower part). The sender's name is likely Bū Bakr b. ʿAntar (right margin). The main request seems to …
State document in Arabic script, the ends of three lines are well-preserved. Medieval-era. Requires further examination.
State document or commercial dār receipt. Dated: probably [5]49 AH = 1154/55 CE.
State document, it seems an order from a higher-up or a response/rescript (tawqiʿ) for a petition. (There is in fact a draft petition on verso …
Verso (original use): Small fragment of an official-looking Arabic letter. Parts of four lines are preserved. May mention Barqa (unless this is something like "bi-riqqihī"), …
]علي بربـ[
]لى برقة ويقطع البلاد
]اث الله عليه محابة(؟)
ـ]ـن فاعلمهم ان العذر (الغدر=alt) بين
Tax receipt, or possibly credit instrument? Contains an ʿalāma at the upper right, maybe, and a jahbadh signature at the bottom. Also contains the glyph.
Copy of fiscal accounts for the kharāj tax collected in Khorasan and the annexed territories. A Fatimid copy of an Abbasid tax register? Apparently only …
Fragment from the lower left corner of a state document, or possibly a legal document concerning state affairs. Mentions 'government crops' (al-ghallāt al-sulṭāniyya) and the …
Fragment of a letter about government business. In Arabic script. ". . . if he has it done by the jahbadh of the arsenal (al-ṣināʿa), …
فلو قام بذلك على يد جهبذ الصناعة لكان اصلح له ورايها الموفق
وبن بو الغنائم فقد سالته احضار التحرير المختص بالديوان المفرد
وحضوره ايضا ات…
One line from a decree. May read: من غلات البحرية صحبة من يصل ليسلم ذلك
Accounts in Arabic script, likely fiscal.
Tax receipt or private receipt, in Arabic script. Mentions bayt al-māl and contains the cipher which may denote "addā" at the top. Faded.
Fragment of an official document, probably. (Tax receipt?) Little is preserved beyond the date: 12 Ramaḍān 634 AH = 9 May 1237 CE.
State document, probably a letter of official correspondence, in Arabic script. Sent by an official with the title ʿĀzim al-Dawla. An order from al-Ḥaḍra al-Majīdiyya …
al-Amīr ʿĀzim al-Dawla and his slave Saʿīd b……
In the name of God the most merciful
I do not doubt the love of al-Shaykh al-Sayyid, may …
תעתוק אחד 2 תרגומים
Receipt. Miniature (cf. ENA NS 83.413). Includes the glyph, payer's name, date, and the sum written in words and in Greek/Coptic numerals. Possibly a registration …
Small fragment of a state document in Arabic script. Reused for Hebrew literary text.