מכתב: T-S NS J5 + T-S 13J7.13 + T-S K25.252

מכתב T-S NS J5 + T-S 13J7.13 + T-S K25.252

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  • תמונה
  • 1 Transcription
  • 1 Translation


India Book II, 17, II, 18, and II, 19: Letter from Maḍmūn b. Ḥasan, in Aden, to Avraham Ben Yiju. Dating: 1133–40 CE. This is the original in the hand of Maḍmūn. There is a copy made by Maḍmūn's scribe found in T-S AS 154.116 + T-S 24.66 (IB II, 16; PGPID 5457).



T-S NS J5 1r

S. D. Goitein and Mordechai Akiva Friedman, India Book 2: Madmun, nagid of Yemen, and the India trade: Cairo Geniza documents‎ (in Hebrew) (Jerusalem: Ben-Zvi Institute, 2010).

T-S NS J5 recto (IB II, 17)

  1. וצל כתאב אלשיך אלאגל מולאי אדאם אללה
  2. סלאמתה וחרס מדתה וכבת חסדתה פכאן
  3. אסר כתאב ואבהג כטאב וסרני עלם סלאמתה
  4. וצלאח חאלתה וסאלת אללה אלמזיד לה מן כל כיר
  5. ברחמתה ואנתהית אלי מא דכרה פי כתאבה
  6. אלעזיז מן אנפאדה פי מרכב אלנאכדא
  7. ראמשת מן אלפלפל אתני עשר בהאר באלצגיר
  8. וקד וצל דלך וצאר עבדה אלי קבצה ינחט
S. D. Goitein and Mordechai Akiva Friedman, India traders of the middle ages : documents from the Cairo Geniza : India book (Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2008), vol. 1.

recto (IB II, 17)

  1. The letter of my lord, the most illustrious elder, has arrived—may God make permanent 
  2. your well-being, may He guard your life and humble those who envy you! It was
  3. a most gladdening letter and a most delightful message. I was happy to learn of your well-being
  4. and your prosperous circumstances, and I have entreated God (to grant you) more of every good thing,
  5. in His mercy. I noted that you mentioned in your esteemed letter
  6. that you had sent some pepper in the ship of the nākhudā 
  7. Rāmisht—twelve bahārs of small measure.
  8. This has arrived and (I) your servant went to collect it. From this is to be deducted

T-S 13J7.13 1r


recto (IB II, 18)

  1. —as you mention in your letter—forty
  2. -five pounds, leaving you eleven
  3. bahārs and two hundred and fifty-five pounds, the price being
  4. 34 dinars (per bahār). The (total) value:
  5. 403 dinars, minus one-sixth.
  6. From this (sum) is to be deducted the ‘tithe,’ 82 ¼ 
  7. dinars; the cost for taking delivery of the goods, 4 ⅙ dinars;
  8. the cost of baskets of palm leaves and a porter, one and one-quarter and one-sixth dinars;
  9. a total of 88 dinars minus one-sixth,
  10. leaving 315 dinars (in your favor).
  11. You mentioned that you sent in the ship of the nākhudā
  12. Abu ʾl-Ḥasan b. Abu ʾl-Katāʾib some refurbished
  13. iron—twenty-one bahārs. But
  14. the nākhudā Abū ʿAbd Allah, his son, gave me only
  15. seventeen bahārs of large measure; he stated that
  16. the Bānyān (the Indian merchant), whom you asked to take charge of {alt. tr.: to whom you referred him for collection of} the iron,
  17. had delivered no more than this to him, saying that the rest of
  18. the iron was in the highlands and had not yet arrived. In reply, I held him (Abū ʿAbd Allah) to be under obligation {alt. tr.: I bound him by a stipulation},
  19. if this were not true,
  20. to pay the price (of it), according to the sale value in Aden.
  21. He is to pay this to you, my lord, in India.
  22. The iron I received from you in Aden is twenty
  23. bahārs and one hundred and twenty pounds of small measure.
  24. From this is to be deducted: for the elder Joseph b.
  25. Abraham, three bahārs and one hundred and eighty
  26. pounds; for Khalaf b. Isḥāq, two bahārs
  27. and one-quarter—a total of five bahārs and two hundred
  28. and fifty-five pounds, leaving you four-
  29. teen bahārs and one hundred and sixty-five pounds,
  30. the price

T-S K25.252 1r


recto (IB II, 19)

  1. [continued from II,18] the price being 17 dinars (per bahār). The (total) value:
  2. 247 ¼ dinars. From this is to be deducted
  3. the ‘tithe,’ the expenses {alt. tr.: toll}, and the (cost of) the porter,
  4. 27 ¼ dinars, leaving 220
  5. dinars. Therefore, the sum total owed you is (approximately)
  6. 535 dinars. I (your servant) bought you
  7. three bags of copper, weighing
  8. five bahārs, at a cost of 83 (dinars per bahār).
  9. The (total) value: 415 dinars.
  10. The number of pieces in each bag is twenty-three. 
  11. The cost of hides and packing: 1 ½ dinars. Exit tolls
  12. from the Furḍa, 4 ⅛ dinars. I sent you
  13. this in the ship of the nākhudā Rāmisht,
  14. one bag; in the ship of al-Muqaddam, one bag; and in the ship of
  15. Nambiyar (ani?) {Read: Nmby Rwy}, one bag—a total of three bags. Freight charges for 
  16. this (were) 4 ½ dinars. (Also) charged to you, the registration fee from {alt. tr.: of} the 
  17. ship’s captain for the pepper and the iron, two dinars.
  18. Also, there are charged to you copper bars, twenty-five
  19. pounds, twenty-eight pieces in number,
  20. worth eight dinars; a basket of dates,
  21. one hundred and fifteen pounds, worth 2 ¾ dinars;
  22. the cost of an Abyssinian hide, two dinars; the price of ten
  23. Berbera mats, which are in a package
  24. marked in Hebrew and Arabic, one dinar;
  25. a zodiac carpet, worth five dinars, a maqṭaʿ cloth,
  26. and two Manārī kerchiefs {alt. tr.: fūṭas}, worth six dinars—
  27. all this with Abū Ghālib, the ship’s captain.
  28. He also has with him a piece of lead, weighing
  29. two hundred and forty-five pounds, worth
  30. 28 ½ dinars and two qīrāṭs, the price (per bahār) being 35 dinars;
  31. freight charges for the piece of lead, one dinar. Abū
  32. Ghālib, the ship’s captain, has with him also a purse,

T-S K25.252 1v


verso (IB II, 19)

  1. in which there are 20 Egyptian mithqāls, worth 47 dinars (Malikī).
  2. That purse contains (also) seven Malikī dinars.
  3. The total sum: 535 ⅓ dinars.
  4. This settles my lord’s account. There also arrived
  5. the ‘eggs,’ which you sent in the ship of
  6. Ibn Abu ʾl-Katāʾib, and this was received by the elders Joseph
  7. and Khalaf, according to the distribution which you indicated
  8. in your letter. The betel nuts, which
  9. you sent to your servant, also arrived, and this is on {alt. tr.: against} the balance of
  10. my account with your excellency {alt. tr.: which you owed me} from last
  11. year. But the betel nuts were extremely mediocre, both the white
  12. and the red ones. There also arrived what you were kind enough (to send), namely four 
  13. locks and two qaṣʿa-bowls. Your servant has sent to you
  14. with Abū Ghālib, the ship’s captain, two large brazilwood boxes with
  15. sugar, and two brazilwood boxes with raisins, and a package with
  16. three dasts of Egyptian Ṭalḥī paper of the best
  17. obtainable quality. Please accept this, my lord,
  18. and may you think well of me! If you have any
  19. need or service (to be done), I would be happy {lit., ‘give me the pleasure’} to take care of them.
  20. May you have abundant well-being! And peace.

T-S NS J5 1v


T-S NS J5 verso, Hebrew address (IB II, 17)

  1. אלשיך אלאגל מולאי אברהם          עבדה מצמון
  2. בן ישו חרס אללה נעמתה              בן אלחסן בן בנדאר

T-S NS J5 verso, Arabic address (IB II, 17)

  1. الشيخ الأجل مولاى ابراهيم بن          عبده
  2. ايشو الاسرائيلي حرس ﷲ نعمته        مضمون بن الحسن بن بندار

verso, Hebrew address (IB II, 17)

  1. (To) The most illustrious elder, my lord Abraham
  2. Ben Yishū—May God preserve your well-being!
  3. (From) Your servant Maḍmūn
  4. b. al-Ḥasan b. Bundār.

T-S 13J7.13 1v

תנאי היתר שימוש בתצלום
  • T-S 13J7.13: Provided by Cambridge University Library. Zooming image © Cambridge University Library, All rights reserved. This image may be used in accord with fair use and fair dealing provisions, including teaching and research. If you wish to reproduce it within publications or on the public web, please contact genizah@lib.cam.ac.uk.
  • T-S K25.252: Provided by Cambridge University Library. Zooming image © Cambridge University Library, All rights reserved. This image may be used in accord with fair use and fair dealing provisions, including teaching and research. If you wish to reproduce it within publications or on the public web, please contact genizah@lib.cam.ac.uk.
  • T-S NS J5: Provided by Cambridge University Library. Zooming image © Cambridge University Library, All rights reserved. This image may be used in accord with fair use and fair dealing provisions, including teaching and research. If you wish to reproduce it within publications or on the public web, please contact genizah@lib.cam.ac.uk.