רשימה או טבלה: CUL Or.1080 J126
רשימה או טבלה CUL Or.1080 J126What's in the PGP
- תמונה
- 1 Transcription
- 1 Translation
Account. Computation of sums handled by a Parnas, ca. 1151. An anonymous parnas apparently farmed out the revenue of a certain section of the estates of the qodesh, for a period of 16 months. He had to pay the qodesh 16 dir. a month. He is credited with various sums which he has paid in the meantime and which are to be deducted from the sum owed by him. Mention is also made of his father, who also took part in the operations. Written in the hand of Judge Hiyya b. Yitzhak. (Information from Gil, Documents, pp. 267 #53)
Editor: גיל, משה
Translator: גיל, משה (in English)
CUL Or.1080 J126 1v
משה גיל, Documents of the Jewish Pious Foundations from the Cairo Geniza (Leiden: Brill, 1976).
- [ ] ובעד [ ]ק[ ]מגי [
- [ ] אביה עלי מא שהד עלי כט[
- [ ] ועליה מן בעד ⟦חסוב⟧ //חסאב\\ אביה פי כט אלדי
- [ ]מנה אבוסעד בן חאתם 16 שהר אולה[א
- די [אלח]גה סנה מד ואכרהא רביע אלאול סנה מו בק
- פי כל שהר 1600 לה מן דלך בכט מולאי אלנזר
- פי ורקה אחצרהא בידה 1004 ולה ביד בוסעד
- בן חאתם חואלה עלי אלסכאן 510 ולה גבאיה ביד נצף
- מן דאר סוק ברבר 42 וקבצהא אלשיך מן ידי
- ולה מן דאר אלמצאצה ענד אולאד אלמקדסי ¾ 521
- דפעו אולאד אלמקדסי מן דלך 56 וקבצהא אלשיך מן [
- ובקי אלבאקי ענדהם חצלת אלגמלה אלדי לה מן ידה
- 1277 ¾
- ואלפאיץ לה ען אביה 276 ¾
- 1554 ½
- 1600 אלבאקי ענדה [
- 45 ½ [
- לה מנהא מא יטהר מן חסאב אלשיך
משה גיל, Documents of the Jewish Pious Foundations from the Cairo Geniza (Leiden: Brill, 1976).
- …. and after ….
- …. his father, according to the deposition, to the section (?) ….
- …. and to his debit, after the account with his father, according to the record
- …. from him (by) Abū Saʿd b. Ḥātim, 16 months, beginning
- on Dhūʾl-ḥijja of the year [5]44, ending Rabīʿ al-awwal of the year [5]46, 100
- every month, 1600. Of this, to his credit, as recorded by my Master al-Nēzer,
- in a note which he presented with his own hand, 1004. To his credit, paid to (A)bū Saʿd
- b. Ḥātim, a letter of conveyance to the debit of the tenants, 510. To his credit, to be paid for the collection from half
- of Dār Sūq Barbar, 42. This sum was paid by me to al-Shaykh.
- To his credit, from Dār al-Maṣāṣa, held by the sons of al-Muqaddasī, 521¾.
- Of this sum, the sons of al-Muqaddasī have paid 56, which, al-Shaykh collected from ….
- the balance remaining with them. The total sum paid by him is
- 1277¾.
- Deposited with him by his father, 276¾,
- 1554½,
- 1600. There remains with him
- 45½,
- of it, to his credit, resulting from the account of al-Shaykh ….