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  1. 1

    Legal documentJRL SERIES A 607

    Investment agreement (ʿisqa). Dated: Adar I 5562 AM, which is 1802 CE. In which Joya bt. Yehuda Ashio invests 100 riyāls with Meir ben Naʿim …

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  2. 2

    Legal documentAIU VII.D.100

    Legal document from Fustat/Cairo, dated September 1829 (end of Elul 5589). Missing a large chunk from the upper left. It seems to be a record …

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  3. 3

    Legal documentAIU VII.D.96

    Late legal document in which Avraham Munīr b. Saʿd declares that he has received 25000 מ״ך as an investment from Moshe Kondiote (? קנדיוטי).

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  4. 4

    Legal documentJRL SERIES A 374

    Legal document. In Hebrew. Location: Fustat/Cairo. Dated: 1 Elul 5579 AM, which is 1819 CE. The widow of Avraham Yerid(?) invests 9000 medins with Yeḥezqel …

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  5. 5

    Legal documentJRL SERIES A 925

    Late legal document in which Yosef acknowledges an investment from [...] Kohen of 20,000 silver muayyadis.

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  6. 6

    Legal documentAIU VII.D.59

    Legal document. In Hebrew. Location: Fustat/Cairo. Dated: End of Iyyar 5555 AM, which is 1795 CE. (The signing of the document was deferred until Kislev …

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  7. 7

    Legal documentAIU VII.D.67

    Incomplete late legal document in which Yaʿaqov Maṣliaḥ acknowledges that Me'ir b. ʿAnīs (?) has invested 2000 medins with him.

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  8. 8

    Legal documentAIU VII.D.70

    Legal document dated 1819 CE (Shevat 5579) in which Yosef Yuʿbaṣ makes a declaration about 400 gurush that had been invested with him.

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  9. 9

    Legal documentCUL Or.1081 2.32

    Legal document dated 20 March 1798 (3 Nisan 5558), Fustat, in which Me'ir ben Naʿim acknowledges an investment of 2000 muayyadis from Ṣevi Ḥayyūn.

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  10. 10

    Legal documentCUL Or.1081 2.56

    Legal document from Fustat/Cairo, dated either February or March of 1810 (Adar I or II of 5570), in which Moshe Shtiwi acknowledges an investment of …

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  11. 11

    Legal documentJRL SERIES A 726

    Legal document dated 20 October 1800 (1 Heshvan 5561), Fustat, in which Me'ir ben Naʿim acknowledges an investment of 60 reales, equivalent (?) to 90 …

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  12. 12

    Legal documentCUL Or.1081 2.47

    Legal document from Fustat/Cairo, from the first decade of the 19th century (Heshvan 556[.]=1799-1808 CE), in which Me'ir Ṣabiṣo (?) and his partner Raḥamim Ḥamīs …

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  13. 13

    Legal documentAIU VII.D.56

    Recto: Legal document from Fustat/Cairo, dated March 1819 (last third of Adar 5579), in which Yiṣḥaq Zamiro acknowledges receipt of an investment of 9000 muayyadis …

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  14. 14

    Legal documentJRL SERIES A 791

    Legal document dated 23 August 1797 (1 Elul 5557), in which the brothers Yeshuʿa and Daniel ha-Levi acknowledge an investment by Me'ir ben Naʿim.

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  15. 15

    Legal documentAIU VII.D.104

    4 pages from a ledger of copies of 17 different legal documents (witness names appear in the hand of the scribe). All are from the …

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  16. 16

    Legal documentJRL SERIES B 3126

    Legal document from Fustat dated 24 April 1798 (8 Iyar 5558), stating that Me'ir ben Naʿim has invested 5500 muayyadis with the Karaites ("bnei mikra") …

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