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  1. 1

    LetterT-S Misc.28.133

    Letter in Judaeo-Arabic calligraphy presenting a Hebrew poem in honor of the addressee's wedding.

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  2. 2

    LetterT-S AS 145.92

    Letter of congratulations to Sar Shalom ha-Zaqen (perhaps Sar Shalom ha-Levi, r. 1173–95) and to the groom and the bride and the whole congregation. In …

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  3. 3

    Legal documentT-S 6J8.6

    Three leaves, all of which belong together. One side of each fragment contains an elaborate trousseau list, with values given in both Hebrew numerals and …

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  4. 4

    LetterBodl. MS heb. c 28/19

    Fragment of a letter from Nāshī b. Thābit ha-Kohen to the ḥaver Yosef b. Ḥalfon ha-Levi (Fustat). Dating: ca. 1084-1090 CE. Nāshī b. Thābit sends …

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    • 19 recto
    • 19 verso
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  5. 5

    LetterT-S NS J384 + T-S AS 151.33

    Letter from Netanel b. Ḥalfon to Zakkay ha-Dayyan ha-Maskil Nezer ha-Maskilim. In Judaeo-Arabic. Probably the same sender as AIU V.B.48 (dated 1174 CE); this letter …


    1. בשמ רחמ
    2. אעלם מולאי ומן געלת פדאה מן גמיע אלאסוא תאג ראסי
    3. וגמאלי ועדתי ודכרתי אננא עלי גמלה אלסלאמה ואל
    4. עאפיה מא נעדם גיר נטר טלעתך אלשריפה פאל…

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  6. 6

    LetterT-S 10J13.5

    Letter from Zikri b. Abu al-Rida, the perfume seller, to Abu al-Mahasin, a tailor and weaver, dealing with financial business and referring to several textiles. …

    1. בר עבדהא זכרי
    2. כתאבי אלי אלשיך בו אלמחאסן //דאם(!) אללה//
    3. עזה אני כתיר אלשוק אליך וכאן בשר קד
    4. אוקפני עלא כתאבך קאלי (!) אן א . אסרו
    5. אבן עמך אבו אסחק …

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  7. 7

    LetterT-S 13J34.9

    Letter from Umm Dāʾūd to her nephew (brother's son) Abū Zikrī b. Eliyyahu. Dating: first half of the 13th century. Describing the wedding of her …

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  8. 8

    LetterT-S NS 269.170

    Wedding Invitation in French. Dated February 9, 1888 CE. The fathers of the bride (Bienvenue Eliakim) and groom (Raphaël) invite an unnamed guest to the …

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  9. 9

    Legal documentT-S 12.464 + T-S NS 325.11 + T-S 16.168

    Legal document. Partnership agreement. Written in the hand of Avraham b. Natan. Moshe ha-Levi and his father (identified as Ṣedaqa ha-Levi b. Moshe in T-S …

    T-S 12.464 Recto

    1. שהדותא דה]ות באנפנא אנחנא שהדי דחתמות ידנא לתחתא בש[טרא] דנן [ב...] ב[ש]בה דהוא 
    2. [.....] בירח [.....]ר דשנת אלפא וארבע מאה ותלאת שנ…

    2 Transcriptions 3 Discussions


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