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  1. 301

    LetterDK 230.1 (alt: 22)

    Letter from Maymūn b. Khalfa, Palermo, to Nahray b. Nissim, Fustat. 18 August 1056 (Gil). Describes the movement of goods and ships to and from …


    1. כתאבי יאסידי ומולאי אטאל אללה בקאך ואדאם סלאמתך וסעאדתך וצרף ענך [אל]אסוא ברחמתה מן אל

    2. מדינה לה כלון מן אלול כתמה אללה עליך ועלינא באחסן כא…

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  2. 302

    LetterT-S NS 325.22

    Verso: Top part of a letter in Hebrew and Judaeo-Arabic. Probably a letter of condolence based on the opening verses. In the margin the sender …

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  3. 303

    LetterT-S NS 264.22

    Letter in Judaeo-Arabic (recto) and Hebrew (verso). From the well-known scribe Abū l-Mufaḍḍal Shelomo b. Shemuel b. Seʿadya ha-Levi (titled al-Dayyān al-Maskil); Shelomo was active …

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  4. 304

    State documentT-S Ar.35.22

    Receipt for the capitation tax of Ibrāhīm b. Yūsuf the Jew, a silk worker (qazzāz) and craftsman (ṣāniʿ). Same payer: T-S Ar.34.224, T-S Ar.34.282 (where …

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  5. 305

    LetterT-S AS 149.22

    Fragment from the end of an 11th-century mercantile letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Either the sender or the scribe is named Abū l-Surūr, and he greets [...] …

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  6. 306

    List or tableT-S Misc.22.297

    Mercantile accounts in Arabic script. Mentions cinnamon, pepper, coriander, dates. Written in the blank space remaining on a bifolio of Hebrew poetry.

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  7. 307

    Legal documentT-S AS 146.22

    Recto: Legal document in Arabic script. Some legible bits: ḥaḍrat sayyidnā al-sharīf(?) al-[...] al-mukhliṣ [...] al-mulk; someone renting something from someone; New Cairo; trade (tijāra); …

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  8. 308

    State documentT-S Misc.22.252

    State document(s). In Arabic script. One column is probably a petition and the other the rescript (identical format to T-S NS 96.66, which was edited …

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  9. 309

    List or tableT-S Misc.22.306

    Large account in Arabic script. Unclear for what. Sums of money are listed together with months of the year. The year 497 is mentioned = …

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  10. 310

    State documentT-S Misc.22.300

    State or legal document in Arabic script. 6 lines are preserved, with moderately wide space in between. Mentions "wa-khaṭṭ al-shaykh Abū l-Faraj" and "[...] al-madhkūr." …

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  11. 311

    State documentT-S Misc.22.263

    State document, in Arabic script. Maybe a decree issued in response to a petition. Wide space between the lines. Mentions a masjid in al-aʿmāl al-gharbiyya …


    1. ما انتهى الينا من ان بالاعمال الغربية مسجدا يعرف
    2. بمسجد الدعوة معروف بالبركة واجابة الدعا

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  12. 312

    State documentT-S Misc.22.288

    Document in Arabic script. Unusual format, with text mostly in one column on the right side of the page. Moderately wide spice between the lines. …

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  13. 313

    State documentT-S Misc.22.282

    Probably a document, but could be a religious text such as a prayer. In Arabic script, in a very large (chancery?) hand. Full of fancy …

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  14. 314

    Legal documentT-S Misc.22.296

    Witness statement(s) in Arabic script, originally at the bottom of a deed of acknowledgment made by a woman. Dated: Shawwāl 427 AH = July/August 1036 …

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  15. 315

    LetterT-S Misc.22.245

    Letter in Arabic script. Fragment (right side only). Asking the addressee for a favor concerning Abū l-Fakhr b. Wahb. The blank verso was reused for …

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  16. 316

    List or tableT-S Misc.22.231

    Accounts in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals. Large.

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  17. 317

    State documentT-S NS 223.22

    Original use: Brief fiscal document in Arabic, mentioning a dīwān, a person's name, and several numbers. Reuse: Prognostications in Judaeo-Arabic. Appears to be the same …

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  18. 318

    LetterT-S AS 150.22

    Fragment of a short letter to Yosef b. Ya’aqov b. Awkal, Fustat. It could be that a person from a Yeshiva in Iraq wrote the …


    1.              ] סלאמתך וסעאדתך ואלרגבה
    2.              ] אלשכר גזיל לי' איאם כלון
    3.              ] אסעדהא וצל כתאבך
    4.                ] ווקפת עליהא וכ…

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  19. 319

    LetterT-S AS 151.22

    Letter in Judaeo-Arabic and Hebrew, with an elaborate introduction and quotations such as Isaiah 40:31 and Psalms 103:17. Dating: Likely 13th century. Handwriting of Berakhot …

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  20. 320

    State documentT-S Misc.22.233

    Fiscal account recording the revenue of wheat, barley and broadbeans produced in five villages of the Gharbiyya province (Basūṭ Nahīsah, Maḥallat Bū l-Haytam, Nawāj, Damshīt, …

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  21. 321

    State documentT-S Misc.22.293

    State document, probably an internal state memorandum regarding a payment. Portions of three lines are preserved, wide space between the lines. Mentions a sum of …

    1. الى ان قطع على نفسه ماية دينار وان الذي حصىـ

    2. له من هذه الجملة خمسون دينار ويسال في الانعام عليه 

    3. [والاحسان إليه] ….ليقبل به

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  22. 322

    State documentT-S NS 125.22

    State document in Arabic script. The beginnings of 7 lines are preserved. Mentions a ship, probably docking of a ship (mursā), and is likely dated …

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  23. 323

    LetterT-S NS 321.22

    Letter from Seʿadya ha-Talmid ve-ha-Sofer b. Yisra'el ha-Hazzan to Shemul b. Shela. Dating: Ca. 1040, based on the assessment of Gil. It is known from …

    TS NS Box 321, f. 22, ed. Gil, Palestine, pp.415-416 (Doc. #226), C.B. 01-18-88 (p)Letter from Saadya b. Israel to Samuel b. Shela, approximately 104…

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  24. 324

    Legal documentT-S NS 323.22

    Court record in Hebrew. Location: Damietta (אי כפתור). (Or at least about Damietta.) Dated: Nisan 1360 Seleucid, which is 1049 CE. Concerns a debt of …

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  25. 325

    LetterT-S Misc.22.208.3 + T-S Misc.22.208.4

    Letter from Daniel Cafsuto (aka Cassuto) and Shemuel Cafsuto (aka Cassuto) to a certain Saʿīd (or the son of Saʿīd), possibly Saʿīd Bardaʿ, in Fustat/Cairo. …

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  26. 326

    List or tableBodl. MS heb. f 22/35

    See also the description for the whole notebook Bodl. MS heb. f 22/19–52 (PGPID 33686).

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    • 35 recto
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  27. 327

    List or tableBodl. MS heb. f 22/36

    See also the description for the whole notebook Bodl. MS heb. f 22/19–52 (PGPID 33686).

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  28. 328

    Legal documentBodl. MS heb. b 12/22

    Fragment of a ketubba (marriage contract). Bride: Fādila bt. Sahl. Little else is preserved, except for part of the dowry list. (Information from Goitein’s index …

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    • 22 recto
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  29. 329

    List or tableBodl. MS heb. f 22/25

    See also the description for the whole notebook Bodl. MS heb. f 22/19–52 (PGPID 33686).

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    • 25 verso
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  30. 330

    List or tableBodl. MS heb. f 22/29

    See also the description for the whole notebook Bodl. MS heb. f 22/19–52 (PGPID 33686).

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    • 29 recto
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  31. 331

    List or tableBodl. MS heb. f 22/19

    See also the description for the whole notebook Bodl. MS heb. f 22/19–52 (PGPID 33686).

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  32. 332

    List or tableBodl. MS heb. f 22/33

    See also the description for the whole notebook Bodl. MS heb. f 22/19–52 (PGPID 33686).

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  33. 333

    List or tableBodl. MS heb. f 22/34

    See also the description for the whole notebook Bodl. MS heb. f 22/19–52 (PGPID 33686).

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  34. 334

    List or tableENA 2592.23 + ENA 2592.22

    Lists of names according to different households/families: The household/family of al-masmu', Umm Nasar b. al-Silsali? Baqa, Rsabi and so forth. On the back the list …

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  35. 335

    LetterBodl. MS heb. d 75/22

    Commercial letter from Mūsā b. Shahriyār to the three Tustarī brothers, Abū al-Faḍl Sahl, Abū Yaʿqūb Yūsuf and Abū Sahl Saʿīd, in Fusṭāt. The letter …

    1 Transcription 1 Translation 1 Discussion


    • 22 recto
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  36. 336

    List or tableENA 2592.22 + ENA 2592.23

    Lists of names according to different households/families: The household/family of Umm Baqa, her husband, Bayt Abu Imran, Bayt Musa, Bayt Khalaf

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  37. 337

    Legal documentBodl. MS heb. c 13/22

    Witness statement given on 25 April 1028. Mubārak b. Hiba, a beadle of the Babylonian community in Fustat, declares that he had caught a man …

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    • 22 verso
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  38. 338

    LetterBodl. MS heb. c 50/22

    Short note in dreadful handwriting in which the writer orders some wine, because he has just had blood let (wa-qad ukhrijtu l-dam). The name Avraham …

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  39. 339

    List or tableBodl. MS heb. f 22/30

    See also the description for the whole notebook Bodl. MS heb. f 22/19–52 (PGPID 33686).

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  40. 340

    List or tableBodl. MS heb. f 22/37

    See also the description for the whole notebook Bodl. MS heb. f 22/19–52 (PGPID 33686).

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  41. 341

    List or tableBodl. MS heb. e 94/22

    Collection made at a circumcision feast. The ba'al ha-mila, or father of the boy, gave 1 (presumably: dirham), a few others did the same, most …

    1. ..................]נצף
    2. ...............].


    1. ...........]בן זעבור ... נצף


    1. בן צדקה אלעטאר נצף אבו נצר אלעטאר


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    • 22 recto
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  42. 342

    List or tableBodl. MS heb. f 22/32

    See also the description for the whole notebook Bodl. MS heb. f 22/19–52 (PGPID 33686).

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  43. 343

    List or tableBodl. MS heb. f 22/26

    See also the description for the whole notebook Bodl. MS heb. f 22/19–52 (PGPID 33686).

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  44. 344

    List or tableBodl. MS heb. f 22/28

    See also the description for the whole notebook Bodl. MS heb. f 22/19–52 (PGPID 33686).

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  45. 345

    List or tableBodl. MS heb. f 22/27

    See also the description for the whole notebook Bodl. MS heb. f 22/19–52 (PGPID 33686).

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  46. 346

    List or tableBodl. MS heb. f 22/31

    See also the description for the whole notebook Bodl. MS heb. f 22/19–52 (PGPID 33686).

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  47. 347

    Unknown typeBodl. MS heb. f 22/38

    Awaiting description (but see description for the whole notebook, Bodl. MS heb. f 22/19–52, PGPID 33686).

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  48. 348

    Unknown typeBodl. MS heb. f 22/41

    Awaiting description (but see description for the whole notebook, Bodl. MS heb. f 22/19–52, PGPID 33686).

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  49. 349

    Unknown typeBodl. MS heb. f 22/42

    Awaiting description (but see description for the whole notebook, Bodl. MS heb. f 22/19–52, PGPID 33686).

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  50. 350

    Unknown typeBodl. MS heb. f 22/44

    Awaiting description (but see description for the whole notebook, Bodl. MS heb. f 22/19–52, PGPID 33686).

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