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Letter fragment, in Arabic script. Possibly a letter of appeal or a divorce document narrating the writer's circumstances. He was married for 14 years until …
No Scholarship Records
Fragment of a petition in Arabic script. Difficult hand. Portions of 5 lines are preserved. It could be a draft or was later reused for …
[بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم]
[المملوك يقبل] الارض امام المقام الطاهر النبوي ضاعف الله
[واعلى]ابدا مناره ويسل الانعام عليه والاحسان اليه
1 Transcription 1 Translation
Petition. Small fragment. Contains a taqbīl clause (and not much else). The beginning formula following the taqbīl resembles petition openings during the time of the …
1 Transcription
Business letter in Arabic script. Dated: 1119 AH, which is 1708 CE. Concerning a property dispute in Damietta. On verso there is a seal as …
Petition in Arabic script. The sender bemoans his poverty (ṣaʿlaka) and expresses his trouble with paying a tax, probably his capitation tax. He is a …
]في يومه(؟) رضوان مع نزول[
]المملوك يهتدي مسالك الطرق وقد علت حياته
وضعفت قدرته وبقي المملوك من ارباب الصدقة وعنده
عائلة واطفال وليس …
State document, in Arabic script. Fragmentary but from what is preserved, it is indicative that the petition is addressed to a caliph due to the …
قيوله ويتلو خدمته مـ[
من الرقعة والتوقيع والجواب على[
في ارجـ[..؟] الثمن عنه على العادة كونه لم يبلغ
الحكم فسبوني عليه وطالع بذلك
امتثالا ل…
Secondary use: Efrayim b. Shemarya (11th c) uses and reworks passages from the Sheʾiltot of Aḥay of Shabḥa (8th c) for a sermon. Written on …
2 Transcriptions 1 Translation 2 Discussions
Decree fragment, probably Ghaznavid, containing the order clause and the beginning of the date clause; date cut off. From an 11th-century archive or Geniza of …
Quran. Bifolium from a codex. Containing part of Sūrat al-Maʿārij (70) and Sūrat al-Nūḥ (71).
Beginning of a Muslim marriage contract. There may be a partial name in the second line after the basmala: [ʿAf]īf(?) al-ʿAṣṣār. (Information from Yusuf Umrethwala, …
Legal document, probably, in Arabic and Hebrew script. Mentions "fī manʿ shahāda". Needs examination.
Writing/calligraphic exercises in Hebrew, Judeo-Arabic and Arabic. Recto, upper right quadrant: Formulae beginning with אדאם אללה and ادام الله in Judeo-Arabic and Arabic. Upper left …
Private accounts, likely of a moneychanger. In Arabic script, but consisting mainly of sums in Greek/Coptic numerals. Mentions monetary terms such as nuqra, ʿayn, wariq, …
Verso: Probably a fragmentary state document, mentions al-Majlis and beginning of a date "bi-tārikh". Recto: Regarding selling of a slave girl. (AA)
Legal query in Arabic script. Dating: Late? A completely-preserved query with regard to a jointly owned house including a qāʿa and riwāq (شركة في دار …
1 Discussion
Medical recipes for the treatment of liver diseases and stroke.
Letter in Arabic script, previously catalogued as a memorandum from one Fatimid official to another. Needs examination. Tax receipt on verso.
State document, in Arabic script. Petition, Mamlūk era.
Legal document, in Arabic script. Rental agreement for a small house (duwayra; diminutive of dār). The renter is Badr. b. ʿAlī al-Tinnisī(?) and the rentee …
State accounts (makhzūma) in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals. Two names, Bū l-ʿAlā (..) and ʿAbd al-Raḥmān, can be read in the third line. Written …
Fragment from near the top of an official report or petition, mentioning the storehouses of the sugar refineries: ". . . ṣalawāt Allāh ʿalā mālikih …
Legal document in Arabic script. The beginnings of 6 lines are preserved. Mentions a qāḍī, a Christian, and possibly 16 dinars. Quite damaged. Reused for …
Draft of a petition or note, in Arabic script, asking for charity on account of the sender's poverty. At lower left the name(s) of the …
State document in Arabic script. Reused for Hebrew literary text. In the hand of ʿEli b. Yeḥezqel?
Small fragment from an official document, most probably a petition. The second line of the fragment is in a thicker script than the first, and …
Legal document in Arabic script, iqrār (acknowledgment) of a debt. "Aqarra Yūsuf b. Yaḥyā b. Yūsuf al-Yahūdī al-rabbān al-ṣāniʿ ʿurifa bi-l-Qudsī iqrāran sharʿīyan" Later in …
Legal document, in Arabic script. The two Christians Barzūq b. Mufriḥ and Zurayn b. Makhlūf jointly lease (=shares) a vegetable garden (arḍ al-baqla) on the …
Verso: Draft (probably) of a petition. In Arabic script. "The slave... wishes to maintain the traditions... we wish to maintain our traditions and the traditions …
Fiscal account, probably Fatimid.
Literary text, in Arabic script. Quotes several statements from Hippocrates starting with "qāla Buqrāṭ" pertaining to pregnancy and child birth.
State document, in Arabic script. Petition addressed to the Fatimid caliph based on the beginning invocations and blessings. The name of the petitioner is Ṣandal …
Letter in Arabic script. Probably commercial. Needs examination. Reused on verso for Megillat Esther-related text in Hebrew.
Fragment of a mercantile letter in Arabic script. Relatively large (the bottom 22 lines are preserved + 4 lines in the margin + remnants of …
Mercantile letter, complete, in Arabic script from Bundar b. Eliya al-ʿAṭṭār to Abū ʿAlī Ismaʿīl b Ḥananya al-Baṣrī (in Fusṭāṭ). Sent with ʿAlī b. Ṭalḥa …
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
وصل كتابك يا سيدي ومولاي وكبيري اطال الله بقاك وادلم عزك وتائيدك وسعادتك ونعمتك وعدتك
لاربع عشر ليلة خلت من ربيع ا…
2 Transcriptions 1 Translation
Fiscal accounting. Dated (on T-S Ar.38.120): 436 kharājī = 1044/45 CE plus or minus a couple years. There are three or four distinct documents present: …
Receipt, of ground tax (ḥikr) for a flour mill owned by ʿAbd al-Qādir al-Sammāk in the Jewish neighborhood of Fusṭāṭ. The payee is ʿĀbid(?) Ḥamza(?) …
Accounts or fiscal register, in Arabic script. Mentions 'al-madīna al-sharīfa' at least once. The heading on the verso mentions al-waqf in line 5.
Rent receipt (? اجرته end of line 1) for al-shaykh Abū al-Ḥasan Saʿīd al-Yahūdī al-Ḥarīrī for a dār in the al-Mamṣūṣa neighborhood of Fusṭāṭ. Dated: …
Verso: Letter fragment from Aḥmad b. Muḥammad al-Ḥasanī(?) addressed to a certain Amir. Only the first few lines are preserved.
Fatimid petition, fragment of the top left-hand margin, tarjama is preserved. Dates to the period of al-Ḥākim based on the reuse on verso which makes …
روائح(؟) بن جوشن (جريس؟) واصحابه
بسم الله الرحمن الـ]ـرحيم
مماليك الحضرة السامـ]ـية العلية ال . . . ية والسعيدة السيدية ال…
Recto: State document. One line from a petition in Arabic script addressed to an amīr. (Information from CUDL)
Accounts in Arabic script on a reused literary fragment. Late. Some of the mentioned commodities are medical ingredients. Needs examination.
Deed of acknowledgment (iqrār), complete. In Arabic script. Dated: 525 AH = 1130/31 CE. The muqirr is Sayyid al-Ahl b. ʿAlī. The contract was drafted …
Bottom of a petition. In Arabic script. "ʾy al-sāmī... bi-l-wuqūf ʿalā mā anhāhu... wa-yaqif ʿinda... in shāʾa llāh...." On verso there is piyyut.
Probably a petition in Arabic script. The addressee is a dignitary (referred to with the honorific 'khāliṣat amīr al-muʾminīn'). The petition has something to do …
Letter/petition in Arabic script. The tarjama containing the name of the sender at upper left seems to have been deliberately torn away; the remainder of …
يخدم مجلس المولى السيد الاجل الحكيم الفاضل ادام الله ايامه
وينهي لكريم عالم(؟) ان المانع له عن الحضور بخدمة المولا الان
ما يعلمه المولا م…
Legal documents (one on recto and remnants of two on verso) in Arabic script. Might be a deed of sale on recto and deeds of …
Documentary/administrative record? One page (verso is blank) with a Hebrew-script header and 8 lines of Arabic in a jagged/coarse hand--maybe from a badly cut nib? …
State document, in Arabic script. Most of the original page is preserved, but the text is damaged and faded. Petition addressed to a Fatimid caliph …
Fragment of a legal document. The terms sāiʾba (endowment/waqf property more generally ) and mūwāqafa (safeguarding waqf/endowment properties) are suggestive that the document could be …
و حفظ سائبة ولا زالت
وموافقة ولا مواقفة
من الادعية الصالحة له والشا……
الفاضل الاجل الاسعد