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1,583 total results

  1. 951

    LetterT-S NS J114

    Letter/petition in Arabic script from Isḥāq al-Qāriʾ. In Arabic script. Reporting that he is engaged in Hebrew studies and asking for material support. (Information in …


    1. العبد المملوك

    2. اسحق القار[ئ]

    3. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

    4. قد جعل الله تعالى ذكره حضرة مولاي الشيخ الاجل اطال الله بقاها وادام تاييدها 

    5. وعلاه…

    1 Transcription 1 Discussion


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  2. 952

    LetterAIU XII.28

    Letter fragment in Arabic script, maybe official. Dating: looks Mamluk-era. Approximately 5 lines are preserved from the middle of a long rotulus. Needs examination.

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  3. 953

    LetterBL Or. 5557K.11

    Letter or official correspondence, in Arabic script. Top few lines and bottom are missing, and some portion of the left side is cut due to …

    1. ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . وعا . . . . . . . . . [
    2. مولاي الشريف الجليل صاحب الديوان ادام الله علاه الى الشيخ [
    3. بان يسلم اليه المو…

    1 Transcription


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  4. 954

    State documentT-S 12.359 + T-S Ar.30.308 + T-S AS 148.96

    State document in Arabic script. Uses the phrase khidmat mālik al-riqq (see Khan, ALAD, 345, 368, 434 for meaning and other examples); and see T-S …


    • 1r
    • 1v
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  5. 955

    Legal documentBodl. MS heb. f 56/13 + Bodl. MS heb. f 56/15

    Original use: Two fragments of a legal document in Arabic script. ~8 partial lines preserved. Tight line spacing, stylized dhālika ذلك in l. 2, stylized …

    1 Discussion


    • 13 recto
    • 15 recto
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  6. 956

    State documentT-S Ar.30.89

    Fiscal document in Arabic script. The upper text block refers to a transfer from "the account of the (governmental) urban properties to the account of …

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  7. 957

    Legal documentT-S 13J8.31

    Verso: A note concerning the legal case on recto written several months later by a Muslim qāḍī, Muḥammad b. Ibrāhīm b. Muḥammad b. Ḥamdūn. Dated: …

    1. حضر عندي يوسف بن سليمان المعروف بالديان وسهل بن موسى
    2. الحزان واعترفا ان العقد الذي كان بين خليف بن يشوعا
    3. بن ناروز وبين ابنة نحيم بن ميمون كان شرطه عل…

    1 Transcription 1 Discussion


    • 1v
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  8. 958

    State documentT-S NS 322.119

    Fiscal document, in Arabic script.

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  9. 959

    Legal documentT-S 12.584

    Bottom of a legal document written and signed by Ḥalfon b. Menashse. The document was also signed by Shemarya b. Natan ha-Kohen and Peraḥya b. …

    1 Transcription 1 Discussion


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  10. 960

    State documentT-S NS 322.118

    Fiscal account, in Arabic script.

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  11. 961

    Literary textT-S NS 321.51

    Literary text, in Arabic script. Recto contains probably a didactic prose or invocations and verso is most likely a poetry.

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  12. 962

    Literary textMoss. IX,32

    Literary text, in Arabic script. A student rebukes his teacher and recounts how he didn't stay true to his words.

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  13. 963

    LetterT-S Ar.40.196

    Copy of the beginning of a letter addressed to a religious authority. In Arabic, written in ornate prose. The layout is literary; it may have …

    1. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
    2. امتثلت ما رسمته حضرة مولاي الشيخ الجليل
    3. حرس الله عزها وكبت حسدتها وحمل الكافة 
    4. ببقايها واعدت اليها ما تطولت بانفاذه من
    5. اجوبة …

    1 Transcription


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  14. 964

    State documentT-S NS 322.131

    Fiscal register, in Arabic script. The right folio on recto contains large script with large line spacings, and the left and entire of verso has …

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  15. 965

    State documentT-S NS 322.129

    Verso (original use): ḥamdala, ṣalwala, and ḥabala from the bottom of a state document in Arabic script.

    1. الحمد لله وحده وصلى الله على سيدنا محمد واله وسلـ[ـم تسليما 
    2. حـ[ـسبنا الله ونعم الوكـ[ـيل

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  16. 966

    Legal documentJRL Gaster ar. 66

    Legal document, in Arabic script, late. Probably a transaction between Yeshūʿa the Jew and Bilāl Agha Kujrātī (?) recorded at the dīwān anwāl al-ḥarīr in …

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    • 1 / 1 leaf, recto
    • 1 / 1 leaf, verso
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  17. 967

    Legal documentJRL Gaster ar. 198

    Ottoman-era legal document, in Arabic script. Dated Jumādā II 1245 AH which is 1829 CE. Rental receipt for a shop in the Jewish neighborhood (ḥārat …

    1. الوصـ..
    2. نفسه من المعلم اسحاق //بيبس// اجرت المنزل
    3. حانوت بحارت اليهود تعلق الواضع
    4. اسماء وختمه فيه ذلك عن
    5. شهر جماد اخر سنة ١٢٤٥ خمسة واربعين
    6. ٢٤٠
    7. عن ال…

    1 Transcription


    • 1 / 1 leaf, recto
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  18. 968

    State documentT-S NS 324.74

    Recto: Small fragment of a gigantic Fatimid decree.

    1. من الامر واعمل بحسب

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  19. 969

    Legal documentJRL Gaster ar. 89

    Official correspondence in Arabic script. The address lists Muḥammad Effendi as the recipient and the opening line of the document mentions Aḥmad Effendi. Mentions "al-majlis …

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    • 1 / 1 leaf, recto
    • 1 / 1 leaf, verso
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  20. 970

    State documentT-S NS 327.78

    Legal document (iqrār) concerning state finances: if the addendum on verso applies to recto (as it seems to, e.g., "المذكور باطنه"), an official named ʿAfīf …

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  21. 971

    State documentT-S NS 37.44

    Decree, in Arabic script. Only a few words preserved in a bold chancery script.

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  22. 972

    State documentT-S NS 99.52

    Verso (original use): Official correspondence in Arabic script. The ends of 5 lines are preserved. (The text in between lines 1 and 2 is the …

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  23. 973

    State documentT-S NS J592

    State document, in Arabic script. One line in chancery script.

    1. ومنها ابو الحسين بن الحسـ[ـن

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  24. 974

    State documentUU 886

    State document, in Arabic script. Ayyubid-era, probably addressed to al-Malik al-ʿĀdil.

    1. خرجت الاوامر المطاعة بعملها من المتاخرين 

    2. ورجال الاوامر الخـ[ـدمـ]ـة(؟) فقد(؟) عملت(؟)

    3. الى الباب العالي المولوي الملكي العادلي

    4. خلد الله سلطان…

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  25. 975

    List or tableUU 1630

    Account in Arabic script. Probably Mamluk period. Mentions "al-muḥḍar", and "al-ḥiṣṣa".

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  26. 976

    List or tableUU 1814

    Dense daily expenses with the names of people in Arabic. Coptic and Siyāqet numerals. Needs examination.

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  27. 977

    State documentT-S K25.191

    State document, in Arabic script. Mentions "ḥaḍrat amīr al-muʾminīn", and a person named Manṣūr, or perhaps that is the reference to the caliph himself. The …

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    • 1v
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  28. 978

    Legal documentBodl. MS heb. f 56/19

    Bottom of a legal document, in Arabic script, with witness clauses. Probably a document of Iqrār dated to the month of Rabīʿ I, but the …

    1 Discussion


    • 19 verso
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  29. 979

    List or tableUU 1631

    Accounts, in Arabic and Coptic numerals.

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  30. 980

    LetterBL OR 5566B.11

    Recto: Letter in Arabic script. This is a long, dense, and well-preserved family/mercantile letter. Mentions grains and produce in large quantities: 400 irdab wheat, and …

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  31. 981

    Literary textAIU VII.A.18

    Literary text, in Arabic script. Mentions ʿAlī b. Abī Ṭālib and the Prophet Muḥammad. Probably a fragment of a larger Shīʿī text recounting attributes of …

    1 Transcription 1 Discussion


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  32. 982

    LetterT-S AS 183.254

    Petition, or petition-like letter. From a woman ("al-mamlūka"). Very damaged; unclear if any of the substance of the request is preserved. She mentions her occupation …

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  33. 983

    State documentT-S NS 305.88

    Petition or report, probably. In Arabic script. The ends of 6 lines are preserved. Mentions: al-muslimīn... mutawallī al-balad... al-ghulām... ʿalā nafsihi l-ʿādila...lammā kānat hādha l-waqt... …

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  34. 984

    State documentT-S AS 152.63

    Verso (original use): Fragment from the upper left corner of a petition or official letter in Arabic script. ASE


    1. بسم]الله الرحمن الرحيم
    2. المملوك يقبل الا]رض امام المجلس
    3. ]الاجلي المولوي
    4. ]الدين

    1 Transcription


    • 1v
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  35. 985

    State documentENA NS 50.5

    Report or petition fragment, addressed to a higher state official regarding the matters in southern Upper Egypt, contains the taqbīl clause towards the end. The …


    1. للحضور صحبة النايب مقتفي؟ الرجال…. ريب؟ 

    2. وعبد الغني وان رفعت الرخصة لهم وكثر طمعهم وقل بذاك عدالتهم؟

    3. والمملوك يشكر الانعام عليه بخروج الا…

    1 Transcription


    • 2
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  36. 986

    Literary textJRL Gaster ar. 58

    Title verso and first page of an astronomical treatise entitled "Risāla kura dhāt l-kursī mukhtaṣara" in a beautiful book hand. Needs examination for identifying the …

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    • 1 / 1 leaf, recto
    • 1 / 1 leaf, verso
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  37. 987

    State documentT-S Ar.39.387

    Part of a preliminary draft of a chancery document addressed to a government official. ". . . bi-l-shadd minka fī istikhrāj al-māl ʿalā l-kamāl ʿalā …


    1. المشارفات المشارفات ويقضيك

    2. بالشد منك في استخراج المال على الكمال 

    3. على الكمال والتمام وقصر يد من يدوم  الاحتما

    4. عليك والمنع من احداث رسم …

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  38. 988

    List or tableENA 3944.1

    Document, in a very faded Arabic script. Mentions a few commercial accounts, probably a receipt or just pen trails. Needs examination.

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    • verso
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  39. 989

    List or tableENA 3944.18

    List or table listing a bunch of names on both sides. Needs examination.

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    • recto
    • verso
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  40. 990

    Legal documentENA 3940.3

    Legal document. In Arabic script in a nice hand. Yehuda b. Ibrāhīm the Jew attests that he has received 15 rounds (aqrāṣ) of Levantine cheese …

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    • verso
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  41. 991

    State documentENA 3926.5

    Receipt (fiscal?) for Abū l-Mūnā b. Ibrāhīm al-Malījī (?) Bū l-Ḥusayn b. Sulaymān [tawliya al-shadd??]. Ends with ḥamdala and ṣalwala, with no registration requests or …

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    • verso
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  42. 992

    Literary textJRL Gaster ar. 7

    Quran fragment, in a beautiful and elegant Maghribī script with diacritical marks in red. The verses are from Sura al-Insān (76:7-14, 27-31).

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    • 1 / 1 leaf, recto
    • 1 / 1 leaf, verso
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  43. 993

    State documentENA 3926.8

    Fatimid document, probably fiscal, more than one hand, one large in shā allāh, and one registration mark: al-ḥamdū lil-lāh ʿalā niʿamih. Damaged and not easy …

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    • recto
    • verso
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  44. 994

    List or tableENA 3729.6

    Receipt, with a bunch of names of the contributors, dates, and days of the week on both sides. A few Hebrew characters also appear in …

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    • 1
    • 2
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  45. 995

    Legal documentENA 3913.4

    Legal document (iqrār). Acknowledgment made by al-muʿallim Yaʿqūb b. Ismāʿīl. In Arabic script. Needs examination for content and dating.

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    • 1
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  46. 996

    Literary textJRL Gaster ar. 446

    Literary text, poetry, in Arabic script. Mentions forbearance during harsh times and seekers of knowledge. Needs examination.

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    • 1 / 1 leaf, recto
    • 1 / 1 leaf, verso
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  47. 997

    State documentBL Or. 5557R.105

    Fiscal register, dated 3 Dhū l-Ḥijja of an unmentioned year, mentions several sums of money (Compare AIU IV.C.453, T-S NS 243.75a, T-S NS 198.61, ENA …

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  48. 998

    State documentBL Or. 5563F.7 + BL Or. 5563F.8

    Fiscal document, few lines of text, something to do with the release of funds. Probably dating to the Ayyubid period. Reused for Hebrew script. Needs …

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  49. 999

    State documentENA 3925.4

    Account, fiscal record or tax receipt, Fatimid. Binding pinholes.

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    • recto
    • verso
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  50. 1000

    State documentENA 3969.2

    Fragment of an official document, probably. (Tax receipt?) Little is preserved beyond the date: 12 Ramaḍān 634 AH = 9 May 1237 CE.

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    • verso
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