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  1. 51

    List or tableX893 M586.3

    Accounts in Ladino.

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  2. 52

    LetterX893 M586.5

    Letter in Ladino dated 1653 CE (6 Tamuz 5413). ASE.

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  3. 53

    Unknown typeYevr. II A 504

    Ledger filled with Ladino. 9 bifolia or 36 pages. Possibly a letterbook? Needs further examination.

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  4. 54

    LetterYevr. II A 538

    There are 4 documents sharing this shelfmark. 538/1: Ownership notes for a copy of the legal code Aderet Eliyyahu by the Qaraite hakham Eliyyahu Bashyazi …

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  5. 55

    List or tableYevr. IV 217

    Account book. In Ladino and at least one other language (Greek? Turkish?). Dating: Catalogued as 16th century, but unclear on what basis. People named include: …

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  6. 56

    List or tableT-S NS 320.98 + T-S NS 320.96

    Accounts in Ladino. Resembles T-S AS 153.80.

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  7. 57

    LetterT-S NS 226.151

    Letter from a certain Yiṣḥaq, in איל שובֿיש(?), to his 'brother' Eliyya b. Ḥayyim, in Egypt. In Ladino. The writer complains about having to be …

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  8. 58

    LetterT-S NS 264.62

    Ladino letter.

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  9. 59

    Unknown typeT-S NS 264.75

    Small fragment in Hebrew characters. Appears to be Ladino.

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  10. 60

    LetterT-S 13J27.13

    Letter in Ladino to Avraham from Shemuel b. [...]. Information from CUDL. See also Goitein's index card.

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  11. 61

    List or tableT-S Ar.30.261

    Accounts in Ladino.

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  12. 62

    LetterMoss. VII,146.2

    Letter in Ladino. Fragment from the end of the letter. Mentions Damietta, and includes well wishes for numerous contacts and family members.

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  13. 63

    LetterT-S 8J14.28

    Letter in Ladino, sent by Isaac Baronito to his father Abraham Baronito, Mitzrayim. (Information from CUDL.) Isaac addresses his father as "the crown of my …

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  14. 64

    LetterMoss. Xa,2.50

    Documentary per FGP - needs examination. Apparently a letter in Ladino, per FGP.

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  15. 65

    List or tableT-S AS 200.252 + T-S Ar.30.185 + AIU VII.F.14 + AIU VII.F.28 + JRL SERIES B 1937 + AIU VII.F.92

    Accounts in Ladino. Needs examination.

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    • 1 / 2 leaves, recto
    • 1 / 2 leaves, verso
    • 2 / 2 leaves, recto
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  16. 66

    LetterT-S AS 202.407

    Small fragment of a letter in Ladino.

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  17. 67

    LetterT-S AS 218.157

    Ladino letter from one woman to another; the writer lives in the Holy Land and asks for the recipient's charity. Information from

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  18. 68

    Paraliterary textAIU XI.263

    Recipes and/or technical instructions in Ladino. Medical? Needs further examination.

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  19. 69

    LetterENA 2711.22

    Letter from Yosef in a mixture of Hebrew and Ladino. Dating: Probably 18th or 19th century. Needs examination.

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    • verso
    • recto
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  20. 70

    LetterJRL SERIES A 385

    Letter fragment in Ladino. Dated: 11 Elul 5501 AM = 23 August 1741 CE.

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    • 1 / 1 leaf, recto
    • 1 / 1 leaf, verso
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  21. 71

    LetterT-S AS 204.87 + T-S AS 204.292

    Letter fragment from Yosef. In Ladino.

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  22. 72

    List or tableAIU VII.F.28 + AIU VII.F.14 + JRL SERIES B 1937 + AIU VII.F.92

    Late accounts in Ladino.

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    • 1 / 2 leaves, recto
    • 1 / 2 leaves, verso
    • 2 / 2 leaves, recto
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  23. 73

    List or tableT-S AS 208.65

    Accounts in Ladino. Mentioning gold and silver and R. Shelomo in the heading on the verso: "kedo en poder de R. Shelomo 600 sidres[?] de …

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  24. 74

    LetterT-S AS 153.216

    Letter in Ladino. Mentions a certain Shabbetay ha-Levi in l.8 on the right bifolium and in line 10 of the left bifolium. Long and well …

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  25. 75

    LetterMoss. Xa,2.25

    Letter addressed to Yom Tov b. Eliyyahu Yisrael, in Ladino, dated 1876 CE. (Information from FGP.)

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  26. 76

    LetterAIU IX.B.20

    Letter from Yosef Mir to Efrayim ʿAda. In Ladino. Dating: Late 18th or early 19th century, based on the names mentioned and the overall appearance. …

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  27. 77

    Paraliterary textAIU IX.B.13

    Ladino magical recipes.

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  28. 78

    LetterAIU IX.B.16

    Ladino letters or copies of letters from 1788 CE (Shevat 5548). One is addresed to a Martinelli.

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  29. 79

    List or tableAIU VI.B.12

    Recto: Accounts in Ladino and Hebrew and sums of large numbers, giving the names Ibrahim, Yizhaq, and Yaʿaqov, who seem to be contemporary business associates, …

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  30. 80

    List or tableAIU VI.B.174

    Recto: Accounts in Ladino in muayyadis, naming Shelomo, Hakham Moshe, Yizhaq M[...?], Shemuel Ḥarran, Reuven, and amounts owed to and received from different parties. On …

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  31. 81

    LetterAIU VII.E.181

    Letter in Ladino sent from Salonica to Yaʿaqov Hanoko (? חאנוקו) possibly in Monastir (?). The name of the location of the addressee is not …

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  32. 82

    List or tableBL OR 10578A.58

    Accounts in Ladino and western Arabic numerals. Dated: 14 Tishrei 556[.], which is the first decade of the 19th century. Small fragment. Mentions a consul.

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  33. 83

    List or tableBL OR 10590.16

    Account (cuento) in Ladino and western Arabic numerals. Mentions Eliyya Palombo.

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  34. 84

    List or tableAIU XI.73

    Accounts fragment in Ladino and Judaeo-Arabic relying on alphanumerical figures and on the verso the term "soldi / שולדי" is in use likely indicating a …

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  35. 85

    LetterENA NS 61.28

    Multifragment. Fragment 1: Document in Judaeo-Arabic. Probably medieval. Only one line, very faded, is preserved. Fragment 2: Business letter, fragment. In Ladino.

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  36. 86

    LetterENA NS 43.2 + ENA NS 37.20

    Business letter in Ladino. Join by Idan Perez.

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  37. 87

    LetterENA NS 43.2 + ENA NS 37.20

    Recto: Business letter. In Ladino. Currency: muayyadi/medin. Verso: Table filled in with numbers, presumably for lots.

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  38. 88

    LetterHalper 408

    Letter from Yehuda Rozanes(?), unknown location, to Yosef Amarillio, in Salonica. In Hebrew (first two lines) and Ladino (remainder). Dating: Probably prior to 1485 CE. …

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    • p. 3
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  39. 89

    LetterMoss. V,258.4

    Recto: letter in Ladino. Verso: accounts. (Information from CUDL)

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  40. 90

    LetterJRL SERIES B 4277

    Recto: Letter from Yiṣḥaq de Curiel. In Ladino. Verso: sums.

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    • 1 / 1 leaf, recto
    • 1 / 1 leaf, verso
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  41. 91

    Literary textJRL SERIES B 5625

    Recipes in Hebrew with some Ladino mixed in.

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    • 1 / 1 leaf, recto
    • 1 / 1 leaf, verso
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  42. 92

    LetterJRL SERIES A 695

    Recto: bottom half of a letter in Ladino from Shemuel Sidi (same as T-S 12.318 and T-S 12.381). Verso: unclear, needs examination. Long list of …

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    • 1 / 1 leaf, recto
    • 1 / 1 leaf, verso
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  43. 93

    LetterT-S 10J19.23

    Letter in Ladino to Joseph from Isaac in Cairo, mentioning ʿAbd ar-Raḥmān and Marseille (?). Dated: 15 Shevaṭ 5488 AM = 26 January 1728 CE. …

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  44. 94

    LetterT-S 10J20.22

    Letter in Ladino to Efrayim ʿAdda (עדה) from David, mentioning Livorno, Ragusa and Senor Vidal. Dated 563 (5563 of the Era of Creation = 1802 …

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  45. 95

    LetterT-S 12.398

    Letter fragment in Ladino from an old man who has arrived in Jerusalem and is having a hard time there. "La paz y salud. . …

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  46. 96

    LetterT-S 13J24.12

    Letter in Ladino. (Information from CUDL). Line 25 on Verso mentions Jerusalem.

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  47. 97

    LetterAIU VII.E.179

    Letter in Ladino and Hebrew addressed to Moshe Ruben dated 6 August 1754 (28 Av 5514). The sender's calligraphic signature is damaged and mostly illegible. …

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  48. 98

    List or tableENA 1822a.97

    List of accounts in Ladino and western Arabic numerals dated at the opening of each entry, for example, 15 Shevat 5450 or 25 January 1690CE. …

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  49. 99

    LetterAIU IX.B.21

    Letter in Ladino. Lines 14-15 mention one Shelomo Azulay as the recipient of another letter: "que venga un [sic] carta que mando al aḥīnu Shelomo …

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  50. 100

    LetterAIU VII.E.229

    Letter or letters. In Ladino. Dated: 29 Tishrei 5548 AM, which is 11 October 1787 CE. There are two blocks of text in two different …

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