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  1. 1201

    State documentMoss. IXa,2.66

    Recto: Fiscal document, minute fragment thereof, from the left margin. Dated 27 Ramaḍān, "aẓẓāma--llāhu barakatuhā". Verso: possibly second side of the same document; mostly blank …

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  2. 1202

    State documentMoss. IX,202.3

    Petition to a state official. In Arabic. After a taqbīl, the addressee is greeted with many titles ("al-majlis al-ʿādilī al-sayfī al-nāṣirī(?) al-kāmilī al-hādī"). The petitioner …

    1. ] . . . امير المومنين وعلى آبائه الطاهرين
    2. ] يقبل الارض امام المجلس العادلي السيفي
    3. ] الناصري(؟) الكاملي الهادي عضد الله به الدين
    4. ] ادام (وخلد؟) قدر…

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  3. 1203

    State documentENA NS 83.190

    End of an official document (letter? petition?). Likely a date in the penultimate line: 4[..] AH.

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  4. 1204

    State documentT-S AS 150.195

    State document, Fatimid period, 1130–49. Opening lines of a petition with a blessing on al-Hāfiẓ. On verso there is additional Arabic text in a different …


    1. [بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم]
    2. صلوات[الله وبركاته ونوامي زكواته وافضل تحياته على سيدنا ومولانا]
    3. الامام الحافـ[ـظ لدين الله وعلى ابائه الطاهرين وابنا…

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  5. 1205

    State documentT-S NS 306.69

    Petition, probably. In Arabic script. Addressed to a lower official requesting to summon some people. Portions of 5-6 lines are preserved. Refers to agents, a …


    1. ....
    2. ]ـرف بعد يوكل لي شيا عد[
    3. ]... بالله تعالى ومحلها السامي في ان
    4. ]لي وكيلان خروج امرها السامي باحضار هذين الوكلا
    5. عبد الرحمن وبو الحسن وللا[

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  6. 1206

    State documentT-S AS 184.126

    Receipt for the capitation tax of Bū l-ʿAlāʾ b. [...] in Fustat.

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  7. 1207

    State documentT-S NS 139.65

    Ikhshīdid fiscal document. Mentions both Sayyidnā al-Ikhshīd (=Muḥammad b. Ṭughj) and Abū l-Misk (=Kāfūr) by name. Dated: 329 AH = 940/41 CE. Reused for Hebrew …

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  8. 1208

    State documentT-S AS 177.223

    Receipt for the capitation tax of Musāfir b. Yūsuf in Fustat for the year 509. Dated: 2 (or 6?) Dhū l-Ḥijja 509 AH = April …

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  9. 1209

    State documentT-S H5.11

    End of a decree with ḥamdala and ḥasbala in large letters (2 cm alif), recycled into a Jewish prayerbook with five bifolios. At least three …

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  10. 1210

    State documentT-S NS 128.2b

    Two petitions in Arabic script, which have been glued together. Reused for piyyuṭim on verso in a beautiful hand (one has the refrain El Melekh). …

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  11. 1211

    State documentENA 3907.8

    Receipt of some kind for Ibrāhīm b. [...]. A period of one year is specified. There is a word that looks like "halīlaj" (myrobalan), but …

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  12. 1212

    State documentT-S AS 184.101

    A pair of receipts for [...] al-ʿAṭṭār, which were never cut apart, unlike most other receipts. Needs further examination to determine what for (jizya?) and …

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  13. 1213

    State documentT-S AS 124.149

    Fragment from the bottom of an (official?) document in Arabic script. Reused for piyyut on recto. (Information from CUDL)

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  14. 1214

    State documentT-S NS 125.104

    State document, in Arabic script. Probably a decree fragment. Contains one fragmentary line and the top of another. Reused for a Hebrew script document on …


    1. الا على افضل الامـ[

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  15. 1215

    State documentT-S AS 152.27

    Draft of a state document, in Arabic script. Ayyubid era, addressed to Saladin. "الديوان الاجلي الناصري السعيد ادام الله علوا وشرفا في شهر رمضان سنة …

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  16. 1216

    State documentT-S K25.240.3

    Tax receipt of some sort, for the poor Jews of Fustat. Very similar to T-S K25.240.6v. T-S K25.240 ff.3–6 comprise one cluster (ḥikr receipts?) and …

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  17. 1217

    State documentT-S AS 178.248

    State document, in Arabic script. Maybe a letter or petition. Begins with "yunhī", mentions "sulṭān" and something being in the possession of infidels "fī aydī …

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  18. 1218

    State documentT-S AS 134.233

    Part of a state or legal document in Arabic script. Mentions a community or group (al-jamāʿa) and the middle of Shawwāl. Reused on recto for …

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  19. 1219

    State documentT-S K16.75

    Official-looking letter in Arabic script. 6–7 lines are preserved. Reused in the margin and on recto for Hebrew piyyuṭ. Needs examination for content.

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  20. 1220

    State documentENA 3941.4

    Official receipt issued by a state diwan/bureau. Dated: Jumādā II 1239 AH, which is February 1824 CE (but this reading should be checked). Mentions ʿUmar …

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    • recto
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  21. 1221

    State documentT-S AS 182.225

    Registration, probably from the top of a capitation tax receipt, as it refers to Dīwān al-Jawālī.

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  22. 1222

    State documentENA 3925.5

    Recto: State document, huge line spacing, ends with ṣalwala in a calligraphic hand, probably a decree. On verso there is a letter (see separate record). …

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  23. 1223

    State documentNLI 577.1/75

    State document, fragmentary, in chancery hand. Mentions the province of Damietta (thagr dimyāṭ) and someone's arrival/appointment to it. Also has an ʿalama in the middle. …

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  24. 1224

    State documentBodl. MS Heb. e 115/9

    Bottom of a state document. 4 lines preserved. The first line refers to the execution of an order and the sender's deference to the decision …

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  25. 1225

    State documentT-S K25.263

    State document, fragment, in Arabic script. Six lines are preserved, wide space between the lines. Might be a draft, since there are words crossed out …

    1. عبد عبيدها ويبدو والقسم وجزيل العطا والنعم

    2. فما ينفك عن عبد خلص ولاوه وحسن تلاوة وانعقدت على

    3. المسابغة عقايده واراوه وتقلب في الطاعة بين سلف

    4. مش…

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  26. 1226

    State documentT-S AS 118.190

    Small fragment of a state document in Arabic script. Mentions an amīr Nāhiḍ al-Dawla Abū ʿAlī (this is a rare laqab, likely identical with the …

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  27. 1227

    State documentENA NS 71.22

    Report (or petition?). Line 3: الراي العالي باطلاقه لك على. Line 4: ان شا الله عليه الراي. On verso there are accounts in Judaeo-Arabic, in …


    1. مما يطلق عن الديوان الابواب…بمصر

    2. مائة وخمسة وخمسون دينارا

    3. ومما يطلق من الديوان الاموال (الابواب؟) بالقاهرة

    4. سبعة وسبعون دينارا

    5. ويخرج  …

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  28. 1228

    State documentT-S NS 306.31a + T-S NS 306.31b + T-S NS 306.31c + T-S NS 306.31d

    Small fragments from an Arabic state document, containing the grand titles of the addressee ([...] al-mulūk [...] al-dawla [...] al-mujāhidīn sayf amīr al-muʾminīn) and blessings …

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  29. 1229

    State documentENA 3969.3

    Tax receipt, Fatimid.

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    • recto
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  30. 1230

    State documentT-S Ar.35.132

    Capitation tax receipt for Musāfir b. Yūsuf, a Jewish man whose profession is "dīwānī." Same man: T-S Ar.35.132, T-S Ar.35.174, and T-S Ar.35.217.

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  31. 1231

    State documentT-S NS 306.150

    Two partial lines from a large petition in Arabic script. Some phrases: "... bi-waqt al-jibāyāt fī zamānihā(?) mujtahid... wa-yasal wa-yaḍraʿ...." There are also a few …

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  32. 1232

    State documentT-S Ar.35.187

    Petition or report or draft of one, in Arabic script. Strings of titles. There are alternating lines of light ink (bigger letters) and dark ink …

    1. بسم الله الرحمن الرحـ[ـيم
    2. حضر الى المجلس العالي العدلي ا[
    3. المولوي الافضلي الـ[ـجيوشي
    4. الاحمالي الاجمالي الاعزي الاميني ا[
    5. الامير العدل خاصة الما[

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  33. 1233

    State documentENA 3844.14

    State document, possibly a decree. Suggests orders conferred upon an authority: hayʾat (?) l-muṭālaʿa wa-l-āʿmāl bihā. There is Arabic script in another not-so-elegant hand and …

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  34. 1234

    State documentCUL Or.1081 J66 + ENA 2738.1

    Recto: State document in Arabic script. Reused for Hebrew literary text (recto) as well as a draft of a document of the qodesh (verso, see …

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  35. 1235

    State documentT-S Ar.41.49

    Petition from a group of people to a chief vizier (Sayyid al-Wuzarāʾ) titled "al-Kāmilī." In Arabic script. Fragment (upper half only). The petitioners complain that …

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  36. 1236

    State documentT-S NS 274.170

    On verso two lines are preserved from an official Arabic document: yatajaddad fīmā yataʿallaq bi...

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  37. 1237

    State documentT-S AS 183.172

    Recto (secondary use): Receipt relating to the tax farm of Abū l-Ḥasan b. Wahb written by Mīkhāʾīl b. ʿAbd al-Masīḥ, the cashier, and registered by …

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  38. 1238

    State documentT-S AS 135.87

    Unidentified document in Arabic script, probably official. Reused on recto for piyyuṭ with Judaeo-Arabic headings פזמאן and גירה (pizmān, ḡayruhu). (Information in part from CUDL)

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  39. 1239

    State documentT-S NS 306.76

    Official letter in Arabic script. Fragment (upper left piece). The addressee is an amīr with various titles including [...] al-salāṭīn. Refers to a district (nāḥiya) …

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  40. 1240

    State documentT-S Ar.30.40

    Tax receipt from the dossier of Abū l-Ḥasan b. Wahb. Written by the jahbadh Yūḥannā b. Mīkhāʾīl. The is issued by a government office to …

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  41. 1241

    State documentT-S NS 146.58

    Remnants from an Arabic official document. Official letter(s) or petition(s) to the caliph al-Mustanṣir. There is a version both on recto and verso. None of …


    1. عبد سيدنا ومولانا الامام المستنصر بالله امير المؤمنين
    2. صلوات الله عليه وعلى ابائه الطاهرين وابنائه الاكرمين


    1. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
    2. صلوا…


    1. The slave of our master and leader, the imām al-Mustanṣir Billah, commander of the faithful
    2. Blessings of God be upon him and upon his pure an…

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  42. 1242

    State documentT-S 10J31.3

    Original use: A few words from a decree: في ديواني الخاصة والخاص وينبغي ان.

    في ديواني الخاصة والخاص وينبغي ان

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  43. 1243

    State documentBL OR 5557B.18

    Decree. Portions of two lines are preserved: l-ʾamri... qabla l-tadbīri(?).... Reused for Hebrew poetry/liturgy.

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  44. 1244

    State documentT-S NS 226.137

    Small fragment of an official-looking document in Arabic script. Damaged. Some numbers are mentioned (e.g., 700).

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  45. 1245

    State documentT-S Ar.39.260

    Verso: Document in Arabic script, possibly a petition or report. Refers to government property (amwāl al-sultān) and contains a request to investigate something (bi-an yakshif …

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  46. 1246

    State documentENA 3969.8

    Tax receipt, Fatimid.

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  47. 1247

    State documentT-S NS 205.145

    Fiscal document. There is an ʿalāma at the top and underneath registration of various sums of money. Needs examination. Reused for piyyut on verso.

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  48. 1248

    State documentENA 3375.10

    Capitation tax receipt for Bū l-Faḍl b. Manṣūr, a Jewish trader, in Fustat. Dated: 17 Muḥarram 525 AH.

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  49. 1249

    State documentT-S AS 183.168

    Receipt for the capitation tax of [...] in Fustat for the year 525 AH = 1130/31 CE. Needs further examination.

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  50. 1250

    State documentT-S NS 137.29

    State document in Arabic script. Petition or report? Fragments of 6 lines are preserved, wide space between them. Refers to al-Shaykh al-Muʾayyad fī l-Dīn, a …

    1. ]مونة حضوره علي ومائـ[

    2. الـ[ـشيخ المؤيد في الدين واحتشمت

    3. قرات منها ومع هذه الحال فقد صفقت وجهـ[ـي

    4. فــ[ي حال سالت اخراجه من الديوان المعمور بمب…

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